FASS Staff Profile



Brief Introduction

I am an Associate Professor of Geography at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore.  I received my B.A. (Hons., First Class) and M.A. in Geography from the National University of Singapore, and my Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Toronto.  I was previously Head, Department of Geography (2004-2010) and Vice-Dean (Graduate Studies, FASS) (2011-2016).

My research focuses mainly on issues at the intersection of migration, gender and families (with a particular focus on care labour migration and transnational families within the Asia-Pacific region) as well as urbanisation and heritage conservation (particularly in Singapore).  I am currently a Steering Committee member of the Migration Cluster, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.  I sit on several editorial boards of journals including Gender, Place and Culture; Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography andSojourn as well as the book series Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches (by Rowman & Littlefield) and The Intimate and the Public in Asian and Global Perspectives (by Brill).  I was Chair (2012-2016) of the Geography and Gender Commission of the International Geographical Union.

I have done consultation work for various ministries and organisations in Singapore, including the Ministry of Education, the Singapore Tourism Board, the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, the National Heritage Board and the Lien Foundation.  I have also served as a member of the Focus Group on Sustainability and Identity of URA’s Concept Plan Review 2011 and URA's Conservation Advisory Panel of URA (2011-2014).

Teaching Areas

For 2018/19
Sem 1

GE3237 Geographies of Migration
GEK2001/SSA2202/GES1003 Changing Landscapes of Singapore

Sem 2
GE3206 Gender Space and Place

Graduate Supervision

Graduate Students Supervised since 2005


  • Julian Chang - Changing the Subject: Negotiating the divides between school and academic geography; graduated 2017.
  • Qi Yunting (Tina) – A Sense of Place among Female Chinese Immigrants in Singapore; graduated 2017.
  • Tan Qian Hui - Smoking Sensibilities: Unraveling the Spatialities, Socialities and Subjectivities of Young Adult Smokers in Singapore; graduated 2012.
  • Menusha K. de Silva – Migration, The Elderly and Care Networks: A Study of Eldercare among Sri Lankan-Australian Transnational Families; graduated 2012.


  • Tan Qian Hui - Examining Solitaire: The Spatio-temporalities of Young Single Adults in Singapore; in progress
  • Menusha K. de Silva – Emotional Geographies of Citizenship: Experiences of Returning Retirement Migrants from UK to Sri Lanka; graduated 2018
  • Anil O. Krishnan – Global Demographic Trends and Transnational Nurse Migration from India; graduated 2017.
  • Evangeline O. Katigbak – The Emotional Economic Geographies of Translocalities: The Philippines’ “Little Italy”; graduated 2014.
  • Kanchan Gandhi – Identity Politics, Power and Resistance in Disaster Response: A Case Study of the 2004 Tsunami Relief, Rehabilitation and Recovery in Tamil Nadu; graduated 2011.

Current Research

Research projects since 2000:

  • Collaborator, "Transnational Relations, Ageing and Care Ethics (TRACE)" (in progress).
  • Principal Investigator, “What Does It Mean to be Singaporean?” (completed 2016).
  • Principal Investigator, “Religion, Social Capital and the Internet in World Cities: A Comparative Study of Singapore and Los Angeles” (completed 2012).
  • Principal Investigator, "Migration, Transnational Families and National Identities across Two Generations: American and Chinese Families in Singapore” (completed 2011).
  • Collaborator, “Transnational Care Workers, State Policies and Gender Dynamics in Ageing Societies: A Comparative Study of Singapore and Japan” (completed 2008).
  • Principal Investigator, “Sex and the Global(ising) City in Asia” (completed 2007).
  • Principal Investigator, “Education and the Transnational Family: A Study of China’s ‘Study Mothers’ in Singapore” (completed 2005).
  • Collaborator, “Globalising Landscapes: The Singapore River Development Zone” (completed 2004).
  • Principal Investigator, “Transnational Labour Migration and the Family in Southeast Asia” (completed 2002).

Research Interests

Geography of gender (especially of issues related to work and family)
Urban redevelopment and heritage conservation
Labour migration with particular reference to the Asia-Pacific region
Migration and education




  • Since 2005

    Lam, T., Huang, S., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Celero, J.O. (2018), “Growing up in transnational families: Children’s experiences and perspectives”, in G. Liu-Farrer and B.S.A. Yeoh (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Asian Migrations, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 250-263.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2018), “Family, migration, and the gender politics of care”, in A. McGregor, L. Law and F. Miller (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Development, Abingdon: Routledge, pp.173-185.

    Yeoh, B.S.A., Huang, S. and Lam, T. (2018), “Transnational family dynamics in Asia”, in A. Triandafyllidou (ed.) Handbook on Migration and Globalisation, Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, pp.413-430.

    Huang, S. (2017), “Care work", in Richardson, D. (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Washington: Wiley-Blackwell and the Association of American Geographers.

    Chang, T.C. and Huang, S. (2014), “Urban tourism and the experience economy”, in A.A. Lew, A., C.M. Hall, and A.M. Williams (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Tourism, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 220-229.

    Huang, S. (2013) “The heart of a global city: The remaking of Singapore’s city centre”, in E.L.E. Ho, C.Y. Woon and K. Ramdas (eds.), Changing Landscapes of Singapore: Old Tensions, New Discoveries, Singapore: NUS Press, pp.81-105.

    Huang, S., Hayes, M. and Lee, S.K (2012) “Introduction: Managing transnational flows in East Asia”, in S. Huang, M. Hayes and S.K. Lee (eds.) Managing Transnational Flows in East Asia, Seoul: Jimoondang, pp. 3-22.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2010), “Mothers on the move: Children’s education and transnational mobility in global-city Singapore” in W. Chavkin and J.M. Maher (eds.) The Globalization of Motherhood: Deconstructions and Reconstructions of Biology and Care, Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge, pp.31-54.

    Huang S. (2009), “Transnationality” in R. Kitchin and N. Thrift (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 11: Social and Cultural Geography, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 404-409.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2008), “Strengthening the nations roots? Heritage policies in Singapore” in K.F. Lian and C.K. Tong (eds.) Social Policy in Post‑industrial Singapore: Options for a Post-industrial State, Leiden and Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, pp.201‑224.

    Huang, S., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Abdul Rahman, N. (2006), “Economics: Paid domestic labour, Southeast Asia”, in J. Suad (ed.) Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures, Vol. 4: Economics, Education, Mobility and Space, Leiden: Brill, pp.226-229.

    Chang, T.C. and Huang, S. (2005), “‘New Asia-Singapore’: A concoction of tourism, place and image”, in C. Cartier and A.A. Lew (eds.), Seductions of Place: Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 260-275.

    Abdul Rahman, N. Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2005), “‘Dignity overdue’: Transnational domestic workers in Singapore”, in S. Huang, B.S.A. Yeoh and N. Abdul Rahman (eds.) Asian Women as Transnational Domestic Workers, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, pp.231–259.

    Yeoh, B.S.A., Huang, S. and Abdul Rahman, N. (2005), “Introduction: Asian women as transnational domestic workers”, in S. Huang, B.S.A. Yeoh and N. Abdul Rahman (eds.) Asian Women as Transnational Domestic Workers, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, 1-17.



    Since 2005

    Huang, S., Hayes, M. and Lee, S.K (eds.) (2012) Managing Transnational Flows in East Asia, Seoul: Jimoondang. 213 pp.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (eds.) (2012) The Cultural Politics of Talent Migration in East Asia, Milton Park: Routledge. 192 pp.

    Huang, S., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Abdul Rahman, N. (eds.) (2005) Asian Women as Transnational Domestic Workers, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish. 429 pp.

    Yeoh, B., Teo, P. and Huang, S. (eds.) (2002) Gender Politics in the Asia-Pacific Region, London: Routledge. 232 pp.


  • Since 2005

    Huang, S., Monk, J., Droogleever Fortuijn, J., Garcia-Ramon, M.D. and Momsen, J.H. (2017), ‘A continuing agenda for gender: The role of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography’, Gender, Place & Culture, 24(7), 919-938.

    Huang, S. (2017), “Talent migration and citizenship in Asia”, Migration and Citizenship, 5(1), 14-21.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2014), “Cosmopolitan beginnings? Transnational healthcare workers and the politics of carework in Singapore”, The Geographical Journal, doi: 10.1111/geoj.12084 (early view).

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2014), “Singapore’s changing demography, the eldercare predicament and transnational ‘care’ migration”, TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, 2, 247-269.

    Huang, S. (2014), “Developing a view from within: Researching women’s mobilities in/out of Asia”, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 20(1), 8-31.

    Daquila, T.C. and Huang, S. (2013), “Introductory editorial for a Special Theme of the Journal of Studies in International Education: Internationalizing higher education in Southeast Asia – government and institutional responses”, Journal of Studies in International Education, 17 (5), 624-628.

    Poon, J.P.H., Huang, S. and Cheong, P.H. (2012), “Media, religion and the marketplace in the information economy: Evidence from Singapore”, Environment and Planning A, 44(8), 1969-1985.

    Collins, F. and Huang, S. (2012), “Migration methodologies: Emerging subjects, registers and spatialities of migration in Asia”, Area, 44(3), 270-273.

    Huang, S., Lee, S.K. and Hayes, M. (2012), “The politics, subjectivities and connectivities of transnational migration in East Asia”, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 21(2), 135-147.

    Huang, S., Thang, L.L. and Toyota, M. (2012), “Transnational care mobilities: Rethinking the dynamics of care in Asia”, Global Networks, 12(2), 129-134.

    Huang, S., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Toyota, M. (2012), “Caring for the elderly: The embodied labour of migrant care workers in Singapore”, Global Networks, 12(2), 195-215.

    Cheong, P., Huang, S. and Poon, J.P.H. (2011), “Religious communication and epistemic authority of leaders in wired faith organizations”, Journal of Communication, 61(5), 938-958.

    Cheong, P., Huang, S. and Poon, J.P.H. (2011), “Cultivating online and offline pathways to enlightenment”, Information, Communication & Society, 14(8), 1160-1180.

    Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2011), “Navigating the terrains of transnational education: Children of Chinese ‘study mothers’ in Singapore”, Geoforum, 42(3), 394-403.

    Chang, T.C. and Huang, S. (2011), “Reclaiming the city: waterfront development in Singapore”, Urban Studies, 48 (10), 2085-2100.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2011), “Introduction: Fluidity and friction in talent migration”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(5), 681-690.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2010), “Sexualised politics of proximities among female migrants in Singapore”, Population, Space and Place, 16, 37-49.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2010), “Foreign domestic workers and home-based care for the elderly in Singapore”, Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 22(1), 69-88.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang (2010), “Transnational domestic workers and the negotiation of mobility and work practices in Singapore’s home-spaces”, Mobilities, 5(2), 219-236.

    Cheong, P., Poon, J.P.H., Huang, S. and Casas, I. (2009), “The Internet highway and religious communities: Mapping and contesting spaces in religion-online”, The Information Society, 25(5), 291-302.

    Huang, S., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Lam, T., (2008), “Asian transnational families in transition: The liminality of simultaneity”, International Migration, 46(4), 3-13.

    Chang, T.C. and Huang, S. (2008), “Geographies of everywhere and nowhere: Place-(un)making in a world city”, International Development and Planning Review, 30(3), 227-247.

    Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2008), “Heterosexualities and the global(ising) city in Asia: Introduction”, Asian Studies Review,  32, 1‑6.

    Huang, S., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Straughan, P.T. (2007), “Sustaining the household in a globalising world: The gendered dynamics of business travel in Singapore households”, Philippine Studies, 55(2), 243‑274.

    Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2007), “Emotional labour and transnational domestic work: The moving geographies of ‘maid abuse’ in Singapore”, Mobilities, 2(2), 95‑217.

    Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2007), “Placing ’gender’ in ‘geography’ across Southeast Asia”, Belgeo: Revue Belge de Geographie (Belgian Journal of Geography), 3, 383‑398.

    Lam, T., Yeoh B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2006), “‘Global Householding’ in a city‑state: Emerging trends from Singapore”, International Development Planning Review, 28(4), 475‑497.

    Chang, T.C. and Huang, S. (2005), “Recreating place, replacing memory: Creative destruction at the Singapore River”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 46(3), 267-280.

    Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A., (2005), ‘Transnational families and their children’s education: China’s “study mothers” in Singapore’, Global Networks, 5(4), 379-400.

    Yeoh, B.S.A., Huang, S. and Lam, T. (2005), ‘Transnationalizing the “Asian” family: Imaginaries, intimacies and strategic intents’, Global Networks, 5(4), 307-316.

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