FASS Staff Profile



As a scholar of literature and thought, Hang Tu (Ch. 涂航)'s  primary research interests center on public intellectual debate in contemporary China. His forthcoming book, Sentimental Republic: Chinese Intellectuals and the Maoist Past (under contract with Harvard University Asia Center), analyzes how the four major intellectual clusters in reform China—liberals, the left, cultural conservatives, and nationalists—debated Mao’s revolutionary legacy in light of its postsocialist transition. His Chinese monograph, An Emotional State: Public Intellectual Debate and the Politics of Affect in Contemporary China (Taipei: Linking Press, 2023), devotes attention to six key writers and scholars from contemporary Chinese and Sinophone world: Li Zehou, Liu Zaifu, Yu Ying-shih, Chen Yingzhen, Wang Anyi, and Liu Xiaofeng.

Tu's recent publications in journals have appeared in Critical Inquiry, The Journal of Asian Studies, Modern Intellectual History, MCLC, and Prism, including: "Between Conformity and Dissent: Two Chinese Thinkers in Search of Esotericism" (Critical Inquiry, Summer 2024); "From Christian Transcendence to the Maoist Sublime: Liu Xiaofeng, the Chinese Straussians, and the Conservative Revolt against Modernity" (MIH, March 2023); "Long Live Chairman Mao! Death, Resurrection, and the (Un) Making of a Revolutionary Relic" (JAS, August 2022); "Left Melancholy: Chen Yingzhen, Wang Anyi, and the Desire for Utopia in the Post- revolutionary Era" (MCLC, Spring 2021); "Pleasure and Sin: Li Zehou, Liu Zaifu, and the Political-Theological Motif in Post-Mao Cultural Reflections" (Prism, 2020).

Tu earned his BA in English from Sun Yat-Sen University, and MA in English literature at the University of Washington. He received his Ph.D. in Modern Chinese Literature at Harvard University. At NUS, he teaches courses on PRC history, Modern Chinese literature, culture and media, and Chinese political thought. 



  • GEC1045 Forbidden Romance in Modern Times: East and West 东西之间的浪漫主义文学思潮
  • CH3248 Contemporary China: 1949 to the Present 当代中国研究(1949年至今)
  • CH4227 Contemporary Chinese Literature in Twelve Key Words  十二个词汇里的当代中国文学
  • CH5248 Intellectual Debate in Contemporary China 当代中国思想争鸣
  • CHC5335 Literature, Politics, and Media in Contemporary China 当代中国文学、文化与媒体政治

  • Cynicism, Satire, and Modern Chinese Literature 犬儒主义与讽刺文学
  • Intellectual Debate in Contemporary China 中国当代思想争鸣
  • PRC Political Culture 中国政治文化
  • Affect theory 情动理论



  • "Between Conformity and Dissent: Two Chinese Thinkers in Search of Esotericism," Critical Inquiry, vol. 51, no. 4 (Summer 2024).
  • "From Christian Transcendence to the Maoist Sublime: Liu Xiaofeng, the Chinese Straussians, and the Conservative Revolt against Modernity," Modern Intellectual History, Volume 20, Issue 1 (March 2023): 323-344
  • "Long Live Chairman Mao! Death, Resurrection, and the (Un) Making of a Revolutionary Relic," The Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 81, Issue 3 (August 2022): 507 - 522.
  • “Left Melancholy: Chen Yingzhen, Wang Anyi, and the Desire for Utopia in the Post- revolutionary Era,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, vol. 33, no. 1 (Summer 2021): 122-160.
  • “Pleasure and Sin, Li Zehou, Liu Zaifu, and the Political-Theological Motif in Post-Mao Cultural Reflections,” Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature (March 2020): 157- 171.


  • “Anticipatory Utopia and Redemptive Utopia in Postrevolutionary China,” in Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces, ed. David Der- wei Wang, Angel Ki Che Leung, and Zhang Yinde (Hong Kong University Press, 2020): 99-114.
  • “Cultural Imperialism Redux? Reassessing the Christian Colleges of Republican China,” co-authored with Elizabeth J. Perry, in China and the World—The World and China: A Transcultural Perspective, Vol. 3, ed. Barbara Mittler, Joachim & Natascha Gentz and Catherine Vance Yeh (Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag, 2019): 69-87.


  • 〈陳映真與左翼知識分子的憂鬱症〉,《小說評論》 ,2023年第2期: 79-88.
  • 〈司徒雷登與燕京大學〉,《明報月刊》,2022年9月號.
  • 〈世間再無李澤厚〉,《明報月刊》,2021年12月號.
  •  (與裴宜理合著)〈文化帝國主義的回潮?重估民國教會大學的歷史遺產〉, 《清華大學教育研究》, 2020年4月: 30-40.
  • 〈蔡元培與中國現代美學的起源〉,王德威、宋明偉主編,《五四@100:文化,思想,歷史》(台北:聯經出版社,2019)): 253-258.
  • 〈樂與罪:李澤厚, 劉再復, 與文化反思的兩種路徑〉,《華文文學》 2019年2月: 22-32.
  • 〈美育代宗教:后五四時代的美學思潮〉,《南方文壇》 ,2019年1月: 74-79.
  • 〈回到康德:李澤厚與八十年代的啟蒙思潮〉,《思想雜誌》,2017年12月: 35-59.


  • Review of Zachary M. Howlett, Meritocracy and Its Discontents: Anxiety and the National College Entrance Exam in China, Critical Inquiry, vol. 49, no. 1 (Autumn 2022): 140-141.
  • Review of Laikwan Pang, The Art of Cloning: Creative Production during China’s Cultural Revolution, The China Review, vol. 20, no. 3 (August 2020): 288-293.
  • Review of Wang Hui, China’s Twentieth Century: Revolution, Retreat, and the Road to Equality, The China Review, vol. 16, no. 3 (October 2016): 243-247.
  • Review of David Der-wei Wang, The Lyrical in Epic Time: Modern Chinese Intellectuals and Artists through the 1949 Crisis, The China Review, vol. 16, no. 1 (Spring 2016): 187-191.

Last Modified: 2023-10-25         Total Visits: 7120