FASS Staff Profile



Teaching Areas

SW2101 Working with Individuals and Families

SW2105 Interpersonal Relationships and Social Work

SW2106 Social Group Work Practice

SW3103A/SW3104 Social Work Field Practice/ Advanced Field Practice

SW3216 Urban Youth Work

SWD5120 Social Work Practicum 

SWD5269 Working With Children & Youth

SW5209 Theory & Practice of Social Work Supervision

Research Interests

Children & Youth Issues
Youth-at-risk & Juvenile Delinquents
School Social Work
Supervision & Support for Social Workers



  • 论文与著作 Theses and Publications 

    Wong, P.Y.J., O’ Donoghue, K. (2023). A Critical Glance at the Use of Reflective Processes and Teams in the Practice of Supervision. In Svensson, C.F., Ringø, Nissen, M.A. (Eds), Critical Reflection: Conceptualising practices and potentials for social change. Routledge.

    Tsui, MS., Pai, R.C.J., Wong, P.Y.J., Chu, C.H. (2022). Emerging Ethical Voices in Social Work. In Hölscher, D., Hugman, R., McAuliffe, D. (Eds) Social Work Theory and Ethics. Singapore: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3059-0_24-1

    Wong, P.Y.J. (Ed.) (2022). Proceedings of the Seminar on Social Work Supervision: Riding the waves and rethinking Social Work Supervision, 8-9 July 2021. Singapore: Social Work Accreditation and Advisory Board. https://sasw.org.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/SWSS-2021-Proceedings-Final-210222.pdf

    Wong, P. Y. J., Wong, K. L., Ghoh, C., & Chiu, M. Y. L. (2022). Supervision of supervisory practice: From idea to practice. International Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020872821107364

    Wong, P.Y.J. (2021a). Social Work Supervision in Singapore: Historical Development and The Way Forward. K. O'Donoghue, & L. Engelbrecht. (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Supervision. (pp.64-75). London: Routledge.

    Wong, P.Y.J. (2021b). PEACE-Process-In-Context Supervisory Model for maintaining balance as dual role supervisor. In O’Donoghue, K. & Engelbrecht, L. (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Supervision. (pp.240-261). London: Routledge.

    Mo, K.Y., O’ Donoghue, K., Wong, P.Y.J., Tsui, M.S. (2021). The historical development of knowledge in social work supervision: Finding new directions from the past, International Social Work, 64(2) 187–200, DOI: 10.1177/0020872819884995

    Chung, G. & Lanier, P. & Peace, Y.J.W (2020). Mediating Effects of Parental Stress on Harsh Parenting and Parent-Child Relationship during Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Singapore, Journal of Family Violence, p.1-12. doi:10.1007/s10896-020-00200-1

    Wong, P.Y.J. & Chua, J. (2019). The state of social work supervision in Singapore. Singapore: National Council of Social Service.

    Xing Hui Charlotte Lim & Peace Y.J. Wong (2018): Interprofessional collaboration between social workers and school counsellors in tackling youth at-risk behaviour, Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, DOI: 10.1080/02185385.2018.1506357

    O’ Donoghue, K., Peace,Y.J.W., Tsui, M.S. (2017). Constructing an evidence-informed social work supervision model. European Journal of Social Work, 21, 1-11.

    Peace Y.J. W. & Alexander E.Y. L. (2015). Dual roles of social work supervisors: strain and strengths as managers and clinical supervisors, China Journal of Social Work, 8(2), p.164-181.

    Wong Y. J. (2014). A grounded understanding of social work supervisors with managerial and clinical roles. (PhD thesis). National University of Singapore, Singapore.

    Peace Y.J. Wong & S.M. Lee (2009) Research practice: CHOICE program. A group work intervention with youth and their parents. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, Vol. 2, Issue 4-Special Issue, p.408-418.

    Wong Yuh Ju (2007). "Identity Crisis" in Apart or A Part: The Social Worker's Journey Multiple Journeys. Singapore: Students Care Service.

    Wong Yuh Ju. (2004). Risk & Coping: A Follow-up Study on Youths under the Guidance Programme. Thesis for submission for M. Soc. Sc (Social Work). Department of Social Work & Psychology, National University of Singapore.

    Wong Yuh Ju (2001). "The Social Worker-Teacher Relationship" in Systemic Practice in School Social Work. Singapore: Students Care Service.

    Koh Esther & Wong Yuh Ju Peace (2000). The Juvenile Shoplifting Phenomenon. Singapore: Students Care Service.

    Wong Yuh Ju (1996). Understanding Chinese At-risk Boys. Thesis for submission for B. Soc. Sc (Social Work), Department of Social Work & Psychology, National University of Singapore.

    Wong Yuh Ju. (2004). Risk & Coping: A Follow-up Study on Youths under the Guidance Programme. Thesis for submission for M. Soc. Sc (Social Work). Department of Social Work & Psychology, National University of Singapore

    Jacqueline Au-Yong & Peace Wong Yuh Ju. (2006). An Exploratory Study on Stress and Coping Strategies of Secondary One and Two Students. Singapore: Students Care Service.

    Wong Yuh Ju (2007). "Identity Crisis" in Apart or A Part: The Social Worker's Journey Multiple Journeys. Singapore: Students Care Service.

    Jacqueline Au-Yong & Peace Koh-Wong. (2007). An Exploratory Study on Stress and Coping Strategies Amongst Secondary School Students. YouthScope, Issue 2, 107-116. Singapore: National Youth Council. 

  • NA

Other Information

Professional Sharing Invitations to speak/moderate at Conference

Nov 2016          Moderator for panel session “Battle of the practice approach: which is the best?”, International conference on children and youth work practice: Discovering what children and youth need to succeed, Singapore.

July 2017        Welcome speech on “What is SUPER-Vision?”  Social work Supervision: Innovative Ways to chart the bare essentials. https://sasw.org.sg/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Social-Work-Supervision-Proceedings-Innovative-Ways-to-Chart-the-Bare-Essentials.pdf

August 2018     Moderator for panel session for “Sustainable Development & Family Well-Being: Agenda for action in Asia”, Hong Kong.

Nov 2018         Workshop on the Builder’s Project, Lutheran Community Care Services (LCCS) Restorative Practice (RP) Conference

July 2019         Keynote sharing of “The Current Landscape of Social Work Supervision”; Conducted a  workshop on “The use of reflecting team in supervision”, Intentional Supervision – Impacting Singapore Social Work Supervision, Singapore.

Jan 2021          Moderator for panel session, Symposium on Advancing Groupwork Approaches: The intersection of theory, practice and efficacy, online symposium.

April 2021        Speaker, DiscoverFASS@CHS Masterclass Session: Making Sense of Self-Awareness and What That May Mean

May 2021         Panel Speaker for Past to Present: The development of youthwork sector in Singapore for the Inaugural Youth Work Day Seminar.

July 2021         Closing Speech - Idea of ‘FIT’ in the development of social work supervision in Singapore for “Riding the Waves and Rethinking Social Work Supervision”.

July 2023         Closing Speech - Idea of ‘MISS-ION’ in social work supervision for “Dilemmas and Harmony: Social Work Practice and Social Work Supervision Seminar”.

Professional Involvement


(i) 2014 - 2015            Specialist Volunteer, Singapore International Foundation (SIF)

(ii) 2015    Clinical Supervisor – Trained and supervised a team of Student Welfare Officers (SWOs), in collaboration with Students Care Service and Ministry of Education (MOE).

(iii) 2014 – 2021          Member, Social Work Accreditation & Advisory Board (SWAAB).

(iv) 2018 – 2022       Panel Member for Project Bridge, YMCA.


(i) 2014 – to date    Member (2014-15)/Vice-Chairman (2016-18)/Chairman (2019- to date), Advisory Board & Discharge Committee, Ministry of Social & Family Development (MSF).

(ii) 2017 – to date    Member, Child Protection Service (CPS) Independent Review Panel, MSF.

(iii) 2020 – to date    Board Member, SHINE Children and Youth Services https://www.shine.org.sg/our-patron-board

(iv) 2020 – to date    Chairperson, Targeted Intervention Services Advisory Committee, SHINE Children & Youth Services.

(v) 2019 – to date    Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Member, New Town Primary School, Ministry of Education (MOE).

(vi) 2019 – to date  Member, Advisory Committee for Research (ACR), Feiyue Community Services.

(vii) 1999 – to date   Ex-Co, School Social Work Chapter, Singapore Association of Social Workers (SASW)

(viii) 2018 – to date  Scientific Member & Research and Training Committee Member, Asian Family Summit (AFS).

(ix) 2022 – to date Member, Programme and Services Sub-committee, Counselling & Care Centre

Other Appointments in NUS/Editorial Boards/University

Other Appointments in NUS

June 2016 to 2019               Member, Faculty Curriculum Review Committee (FCRC)

July 2022 to June 2023        Member, Graduate Students’ Teaching Award Selection

2020 – to date                      Steering Committee Member, FASS Social Service Research Centre

July 2021- to date                Fellow & Executive Council, NUS Teaching Academy  https://www.nus.edu.sg/teachingacademy/people/peace-wong-yuh-ju/

January 2022 - to date         Residential Fellow, Ridge View Residential College  https://rvrc.nus.edu.sg/rvrc-family/fellows/

Other Appointments at Editorial Board/University

2022 – to date          Research Fellow, Department of Social Work, Stellenbosch University

2019 – to date          Associate Editor, International Social Work, Impact Factor 2.071


Teaching Achievement

Sem 1 & 2, 2010-11 Graduate Student Teaching Award

Sem 1, 2011-12        Graduate Student Teaching Award

2012                         Graduate Student Teaching Award (Honour Roll)

2014-2022                Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

2018                         Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (Community Outreach Award)

2019                         Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (Industry Engagement Award)

2019, 2020, 2022     Annual Teaching Excellence Award

2023-2027                Annual Teaching Excellence Award (Honour Roll) 

Other Achievement 

2023                         Awarded Outstanding Social Worker Award (OSWA) - This is the highest award to Social Workers conferred by the President of the Republic of Singapore. It aims to recognise the outstanding contributions made by dedicated Social Workers in Singapore. The award acknowledges their passion and professional contributions to the improvement of the social service and healthcare sectors. Outstanding Social Worker Award - SASW 

2019                         Awarded Friend of MSF, which is presented to individual volunteers or organisations which have made significant contributions to committees or projects under the purview of MSF. 

Consultancy Projects

Consultancy projects 2014-2017

(i) Co-Principal Investigator for the Family Service Centre Baseline Study – This is a baseline study of a recent program implementation in Family Service Centres in Singapore, and the validation of a measurement tool (FAST). [Funded by MSF]

(ii) Principal Investigator for A Study to Evaluate the Effective Implementation of the Community Resources and Opportunities for Students (CROPS) universal program – The consultation work evaluates the effectiveness of CROPS (Community Resources and Opportunities for Students) model for Student Care Centres. [Funded by Social Service Research Centre (SSR)]

(iii) Co-Principal Investigator for The Builders’ Project: Evaluation of a Whole-School Implementation of Restorative Practice - The consultation work is an evaluation of BP (Builders’ Project), which is a preventive school-based programme run in primary schools. [Funded by National Council of Social Service]

(iv) Behavioural Rehabilitation (BR) Group Work – The consultation work seeks to support students to learn appropriate social and life skills to manage life challenges. [Funded by PVO]

(v) Course developer for the Peer Leadership Course (PLC) The consultation involves creating a curriculum to train peer leaders to develop leadership skills in managing different challenges. [Funded by PVO] 


(i) Principal Consultant for Programme Development of a Mandatory Marriage Programme for Young Couples – The consultation work seeks to develop a mandatory programme for young couples who intend to get married in Singapore. Currently, this marriage programme – ‘Loves Works!’ is a mandatory marriage programme for all young couples under 21 years old [up to 24 years old for male] before they can register for marriage with Registry of Marriage (ROM). The project involves developing the marriage curriculum, with a handbook and 6 videos to help couples in understanding the curriculum. In addition, we have conducted 2 rounds of Train-the-Trainers sessions for 25 practitioners from Feiyue Community Service and Touch Community Services and 2 rounds of coaching sessions for the Trainers.

(ii) Principal Investigator for The State of Social Work Supervision in the Social Service Sector – The commissioned consultation work is a research project to study the state of social work supervision in the social service sector in Singapore using a mixed method. I was also involved in an action research that developed and evaluated the effectiveness of a supervision of supervisory practice programme in enhancing the supervisory skills of social work supervisors in the youth/mental health settings.

(iii) Principal Investigator for Curriculum Development and Training Services For A Programme Supporting Early Marriages for Malay young couples – Following the success of Love Works for the civil marriages, this commissioned consultation work has developed the marriage programme for the Malay young couples. Working with social workers/counsellors from 2 Malay-Muslim organisations, AMP and PPIS, together with a Ustaz, we have developed the curriculum for both the young couples and their parents. All Malay-Muslim young couples have to attend this mandatory programme – SMART Marriage Preparation before they can register for marriage at Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM). [Funded by INSPIRASI@AMP]

(iv) Principal Consultant for the Provision of Training Services for Early Marriages Support Programme– Having trained the Trainers for Loves Works! Marriage Programme, this is a commissioned Train-the-Trainers consultancy with the 3rd organisation, Care Corner FSC. We also trained a group of Masters Trainers, who would be coaches for the Trainers of the Love Works! Marriage Programme from different organisations. [Funded by MSF]

(v) Principal Consultant to review the 2020 Social Studies Course book for Normal (Technical): Building a Caring Nation and an Inclusive Society. [Funded by MOE]

(vi) Principal Consultant for Spectra Secondary School – Conceptualisation, Design and Set up of Integrated Student Hub (ISC). This involves working with different stakeholders, such as the school personnel, architects, community partners in the design of the ISC, as well as programe planning, implementation and evaluation. [Funded by Spectra Secondary School]

Current (2023 to 2024)

(i) Consultant for Cheju University – Conceptualisation and development of a course titled “Global eco-city designing”. This involves working with colleagues from Ridge View Residential College and Cheju University in designing a course on sustainability. [Funded by Cheju University]

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