FASS Staff Profile


AS3 Level 4

Teaching Areas

Social Policy and Planning, Welfare Economics, Introduction to Social Work, Poverty and Asset-building Policy, Working with Multi-Stressed Families


Current Research

In-Work Poverty and the Challenges of Getting by among the Young

Towards Universal Digital Access

Social Safety Net and Family Income Packages in East Asia


Research Interests

Poverty, inequality and intergenerational mobility
Youth employment
Social welfare policy



  • Oei, A., Li, D., Chu, C.M., Ng, I.Y.H., Hoo, E. & Ruby, K. (2023). Disruptive behaviors, antisocial attitudes, and aggression in young offenders: Comparison of Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) typologies. Child Abuse and Neglect [IF=4.8], 141. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0145213423001722?dgcid=author

    Ng, I. Y. H., Tan, Z. H., Chua, V., & Cheong, A. (2022). Separate lives, uncertain futures: Does Covid-19 align or differentiate the lives of low- and higher-wage young workers? Applied Research in Quality of Life. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11482-022-10068-6

    Ng, I.Y.H., Lim, S.S. & Pang, N. (2022). Making universal access universal: lessons from COVID-19 in Singapore. Universal Access in Information Society. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-022-00877-9

    Ng, I.Y.H., Tan, J.Q., Mathew, M., Ho, K.W. & Ting, Y.T. (2021). The Importance of Considering Debt and Young Children in Activation: A Survival Analysis of Return to Welfare. Social Policy and Society, 1-16. doi:10.1017/S1474746421000518

    Ng, I.Y.H., Khoo, J. & Ng, N. (2021). Growing up poor(ly): intergenerational class-based parenting logic in Singapore. Journal of Family Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2021.1977165  

    Tan, J.Q., Ng, I. Y.H. & Ho, K.W. (2021): Rethinking the Role of Employment Barriers in Active Labor Market Policy: Evidence from a Fixed Effects Analysis, Journal of Poverty, DOI: 10.1080/10875549.2021.1890665.

    Ng. I.Y.H. & Tan, J.Q. (2021). Economic distress and health: A fixed effects analysis of low-income persons in Singapore. International Journal of Social Welfare, 30, 17-29.  

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Choo, H.K. (2020). Parental education and youth educational aspiration in Singapore: a path analysis in institutional and psychological context. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2020.177069

    Ong, Q.Y., Theseira, W. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2019). Reducing debt improves psychological functioning and changes decision-making in the poor. PNAS: 116 (15) 7244-7249; first published March 25, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1810901116.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ng, Y.Y. & Lee, P.C. (2018). Singapore’s restructuring of low-wage work: Have cleaning job conditions improved? Economic and Labour Relations Review, 29(3): 308-327.

    Chong, Y.K. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2017). Constructing poverty in anti-welfare Singapore. Social Identities, 23(2): 146-162.  

    Mathews, M. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2016). Coping through reproducing state ideology. Global Social Welfare. Early online view.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2015). Being poor in a rich “nanny state”: Developments in Singapore social welfare. The Singapore Economic Review, 60(3), 1-17.

    Li, D. D., Chu, C.M., Goh, J.T.L., Ng, I.Y.H. & Zeng, G. (2015). Impact of childhood maltreatment on recidivism in youth offenders: a matched-control study. Criminal Justice and Behaviour, 42(10): 990-1007.

    Chua, V. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2015): Unequal returns to social capital: the study of Malays in Singapore through a network lens. Asian Ethnicity, 16(4): 480-497.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2015). Welfare Attitudes of Singaporeans – Ambiguity in Shifting Socio-political Dynamics. Social Policy & Administration, 49(7): 946-965.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2015). Poverty Attitudes of Singaporeans: a question of class, politics & action? Social Indicators Research. 121(2): 371-385.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2013). Education and intergenerational mobility in Singapore. Educational Review. 66(3): 362-376.  

    Ng, I.Y.H., Sarri, R.C. & Stoffregen, E. (2013). Intergenerational incarceration: risk factors and social exclusion. Journal of Poverty. 17(4): 437-459.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2013). Social welfare in Singapore: rediscovering poverty, reshaping policy. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 23 (1): 35-47.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2013). Multi-stressed low-earning families in contemporary policy context: lessons from Work Support recipients in Singapore. Journal of Poverty. 17(1): 86-109.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2013). The political economy of intergenerational mobility in Singapore. International Journal of Social Welfare. 22(2): 207-218. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.2012.00887.x.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Sarri, R.C., Shook, J.S., Stoffregen, E. (2012). Comparison of Correctional Services to Youths Incarcerated in Adult and Juvenile Facilities in Michigan. The Prison Journal. 92(4): 460 - 483.

    Nursila, S.B.S. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2012). Educational Aspirations of Malay Youths from Low-income Families in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 22(4):253-265.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2012). Parents’ psychological self-concepts and children issues in low-income families in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 22(1): 50-62.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ho, K.W., Nesamani, T., Lee, A., & Ngiam, T.L. (2012). Designing and Implementing an Evaluation of a National Work Support Program. Evaluation and Program Planning. 35: 78-87. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2011.07.002

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Sim, H. (2012). Funding and remuneration in social services: lessons from Singapore. Administration in Social Work. 36 (3): 280-301. doi: 10.1080/03643107.2011.592055

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Koh, G. (2012). Chinese Singaporean attitudes towards poverty and inequality: a comparative analysis. International Journal of Social Welfare. 21(2):149-159. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.2011.00785.x.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Shen, X., Sim, H., Sarri, R.C., Stoffregen, E., & Shook, J. J. (2011). Incarcerating juveniles in adult prisons as a factor of depression. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 21(1): 21-34. doi: 10.1002/cbm.783.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2010). Globalized intentions in tension: the case of Singapore [Globalisation and Indigenisation]. International Social Work. 53(5): 671-685. doi: 10.1177/0020872810371202.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2010). Where juvenile serious offenders live: a neighbourhood analysis of Wayne County, Michigan. Journal of Criminal Justice, 8(2): 207-215. doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2010.02.002.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Sim, H. & Tan, R. (2010). The pay challenge: The case of social workers in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 20(2).

    Ng, I.Y.H., Shen, X.Y., Ho, K.W. (2009) Intergenerational earnings mobility in Singapore and the United States. Journal of Asian Economics, 20(2), 110-119. doi: 10.1016/j.asieco.2008.09.010.

    Ng, I. Y. H. (2007). Intergenerational income mobility in Singapore. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Topics), 7(2), 1-33. doi:10.2202/1935-1682.1713. Available at: http://www.bepress.com/bejeap/vol7/iss2/art3 

    Goodkind, S. Ng, I.Y.H. & Sarri, R. (2006). The impact of sexual abuse in the lives of young women involved or at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system. Violence against Women. 12, 456-477. doi: 10.1177/1077801206288142


  • Ng. I.Y.H. (2023). Going Beyond Income Poverty in Singapore: Exploring Digital, Attention and Time Poverties. In Hoang, T.H. & Singh, D. (Eds). Southeast Asian Affairs. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

    Wang, J.S.H., Ng, I.Y.H., Ku, I., Kang, J.Y., Zhao, X., Peng, C., Abe, A. & Yao, Y. (2022). Income packaging and social safety nets for low-income families with children in East Asia. In Saunders, P. & Ku, I. (Eds). Poverty and Inequality in East Asia: Work, Family & Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Cheong, A. (2022). Education pathways, family environment, youth well-being and outlook. In Youth.sg: the State of Youth in Singapore 2021  – Youth & the Future of Work. Singapore: National Youth Council. file:///C:/Users/swknyhi/Downloads/YOUTHsg%202021%20Youth%20and%20the%20Future%20of%20Work-2.pdf.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2020). Self-reliance and trickle down welfare: the Singapore story in 200 years? In Chong, T. (Ed). Between Nation and Global City: Essays in Social Integration. Singapore: ISEAS.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2020). Low wage work: Trends and possibilities. In I.Y.H.Ng & Y.W.Neo (Eds.), Working with low income families through the lifecourse: Challenges to social services (pp.77‐90). Singapore: National University of Singapore. https://fass.nus.edu.sg/ssr/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/06/2019_SSR_proceedings_Working_With_Low-Income_Families_Through_the_Life_Course_2.pdf

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Nursila Senin. (2020). Effects of socio‐economic status and tracking on students. In I.Y.H.Ng & Y.W.Neo (Eds.), Working with low‐income families through the lifecourse: Challenges to social services (pp.47‐61). Singapore: National University of Singapore. https://fass.nus.edu.sg/ssr/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/06/2019_SSR_proceedings_Working_With_Low-Income_Families_Through_the_Life_Course_2.pdf

    Ng I.Y.H. & Shanks, T.R. (2020) Financial challenges and mental health. In: Ow R. & Poon A.C. (eds) Mental Health and Social Work. Singapore: Springer.

    Chong, Y.K. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2020). Social work education in soft-authoritarian Singapore. In Shaw, I.F. & Ow, R. (Eds.) Asian Social Work: Professional Work in National Contexts. Singapore: Taylor & Francis.

    Sim, H.K.L. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2019). Youth participation in community development: challenges and potential. In Vasoo, S., Singh, B. & Chan, X.J. (eds). Community Development Arenas in Singapore. Singapore: World Scientific: 113-136.    

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2018). Asset building challenges with low-income families. In Vasoo, S. & Singh, B. (Eds.) Critical Issues in Asset Building in Singapore’s Development. Singapore: World Scientific.

    Ng. I.Y.H. & Nursila Senin (2018). Educational pathways, youth well-being & outlook. Singapore: National Youth Council. https://www.nyc.gov.sg/en/initiatives/resources/national-youth-survey/.

    Ng. I.Y.H. (2017). Effects of education on social inequality and cohesion. In Chan, D. (Ed.). Social Futures of Singapore. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2015). Social class, poverty and family life: Asian Perspectives. In Quah, S .R. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Families in Asia. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Cheong, A. (2015). Educational pathways and youth development. In Youth.sg: The State of Youth in Singapore 2014. Singapore: National Youth Council.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2014). The political economy of intergenerational mobility: implications for Singapore’s skills strategy. In Johnny Sung (ed). Skills Strategies for an Inclusive Society: the Roles of the State, the Enterprise and the Worker. Singapore: Institute for Adult Learning.

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Ho, K.W. (2014). Policy Responses in an Unstable Globalized Economy: Multi-Stressed Low-Earning Families in Singapore, in Jean Yeung (ed). Economic Stress and Families in asia: Research and Policy Challenges. Singapore: Springer.

    Ngiam, T.L. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2011). Contemporary welfare policies and social well-being. In K.K. Mehta & A. Wee (Eds.), Social Work in the Singapore Context (2nd ed.) Singapore: Pearson.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2011). Workfare in Singapore. In K.C. Chak & K. Ngok (Eds.), Welfare reform in East Asia: towards workfare? U.K.: Routledge.





  • Ng, I.Y.H., Ong, Q., Mathews, M., Renema, J., Goh, A. & Zhou, J.J. (2020). Evaluation of Social Service Offices (SSOs): Final Report 2020. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, K.H., Goh, A., Mathews, M., Ng, I.Y.H., Ong, Q.Y. (2019). Evaluation of Social Service Offices (SSOs): Interim Report. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, K.H., Goh, A., Mathews, M., Ng, I.Y.H., Ong, Q.Y. (2018). Evaluation of Social Service Offices (SSOs): First Research Report. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ho, K.W., Mathews, M., Ting, Y.T., Tan, J.Q. & Lim, J.K.Y. (2018). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support Programme: Report for Post-3 Findings. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ho, K.W., Mathews, M., Sarjune, I.S., Ting, Y.T. & Kaur, A. (2016). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support Programme: Sixth Annual Report (January to December 2015). Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ho, K.W., Mathews, M. & Sarjune, I.S. (2015). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support Programme: Fifth Annual Report (January to December 2014). Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ho, K.W., & Mathews, M. (2014). Research Report 2014: Effect of the Work Support Programme on Well-being: Understanding Successes and Failures. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ho, K.W., Mathews, M. & Tharmalingam, N. (2014). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support Programme: Fourth Annual Report (January to December 2013). Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ho, K.W., Mathews, M. & Tharmalingam, N. (2013). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support Programme: Third Annual Report (January to December 2012). Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Ho, K.W., Mathews, M. & Tharmalingam, N. (2012). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support Programme: Research Report 2012 - Economic and Non-economic Well-being of Work Support Self-Reliance Recipients at the Beginning and End of Programme Participation. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Social and Family Development. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Lee, A., Ngiam, T. L., Ho, K.W., Tharmalingam, N. (2012). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support Programme: Second Annual Report: January to December 2011. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Sim, H. (2011). Funding and remuneration in social services. National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Lee, A., Ngiam, T. L., Ho, K.W., Tharmalingam, N. (2011). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support programme: First Annual Report: June 2009 to December 2010. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Tan, L. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2010). Proposal for the Chinese Development Assistance Council Project RAISE evaluation. Unpublished report submitted to the Chinese Development Assistance Council. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Sim, H. & Ng, I.Y.H. (2010). Report of SASW survey of social workers. Report submitted to the Singapore Association of Social Workers. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Lee, A., Ngiam, T. L., Ho, K.W., Tharmalingam, N. (2010). Longitudinal study of families placed on longer term assistance under the Work Support programme: Phase one report. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H. & Sim, H. (2009). Report on jobs and wages of social work graduates of 2008/09. Report submitted to the Singapore Association of Social Workers. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H., Lee, A., Ngiam, T.L., Chiam, A.L. (2007, Feb 5). Work Support replication survey: Report of findings. Unpublished report submitted to the Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Ng, I.Y.H. (2004). Neighbourhood effects on juvenile serious offending in Wayne County, Michigan (Research Report). Ann Arbor, MI: Centre for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research.



  • Executive Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 2009-2014

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