FASS Staff Profile



Brief Introduction

A/P Corinne Ghoh is an Associate Professor (Practice) of Social Work in the National University of Singapore.  She holds concurrent appointments as Co-Director of the Next Age Institute at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Director of the Centre for Social Development Asia at the Department of Social Work. She is also an Associate Director with the Social Service Research Centre.

Prior to joining the National University of Singapore in July 2012, Corinne held several key appointments at the previous Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, Singapore. She was the Director of Social Welfare, responsible for the administration of statutory functions under various legislations pertaining to the protection and welfare of vulnerable children and individuals and the Director of Rehabilitation, Protection and Residential Services Division in charge of administration and delivery of social services for vulnerable families, children and youths. Over the last 25 years of her experience in the social work field, she has been greatly involved in policy planning and development as well as in direct practice in areas pertaining to family and child welfare, child protection, family and elder protection and juvenile delinquency.

Teaching Areas

Corinne teaches both social work post graduate and undergraduate level modules. Her key topics of interest in teaching include Management of Human Service Organisations, Community-based Family Services, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Comparative Social Service Systems and Family and Interpersonal Violence. In teaching, she emphasises the importance of integrating knowledge with workplace /social work related scenarios and challenged students to think out of the box to be creative in their conceptualisation and solutioning. She incorporates case examples from the social work field in learning so that students' will get the opportunities to appreciate challenges in the field and apply the principles learnt in an experiential manner.

Current Research

Corinne 's current research areas include social work services for vulnerable families, caregiving for older persons,  and capability and capacity building of nonprofit organisations.

Research Interests

Corinne's research interests include geronotology, family and child welfare, organisational development and accountability .

Social Work Practice Experience

Corinne's experience in the social work field is wide ranging including direct work with youth offenders, managing families and children at risk of abuse, service planning for the elderly and conducting public education programmes. She has also initiated various new programmes and services in the areas of family violence management, child protection and vulnerable individuals. Through the years, Corinne has contributed extensively to social policy development and implementation in various aspects including : masterplanning of children’s homes sector, family violence management, child protection reviews, challenges of vulnerable families, maintenance of elderly persons, women and children,  and youth offending. She has been actively involved in regional and international work. She was part of the delegation in year 2011 to represent Singapore on its report to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Regionally, she had been involved in many ASEAN senior officials' meetings on social welfare and development.  She was also involved in negotiations with countries on child welfare related matters.

Last Modified: 2015-04-06         Total Visits: 7187