FASS Staff Profile



Brief Introduction

Professor Yeung is a Provost-Chair Professor in the NUS Sociology Department and Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. Prior to NUS, her academic history includes time at the University of Michigan and New York University. She is the founding Director of the Center for Family and Population Research in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at NUS. Professor Yeung is the President of the Population Association of Singapore. She is also the President of International Chinese Sociological Association and an international academic advisor to the Institute of Social Science Studies at Peking University and Academia Sinica in Taiwan.  Professor Yeung was a co-principal investigator of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, the longest-running social science longitudinal study in the world. She is an international advisor for several family panel studies in the world. She has conducted a study with colleagues to examine the impact of migration on Chinese children’s development. Currently, she leads a project on Singapore preschool children's development - Singapore Longitudinal EArly Development Study (SG LEADS). Professor Yeung has published extensively and has been on the editorial boards of several top-ranking international journals such as Demography, Journal of Marriage and Family, Child Development, Social Science Research, and Journal of Family Issues, and on numerous scientific review committees and advisory boards. She has received many prestigious research awards in her career including those from NSF, NICHD, and the Singapore Ministry of Education. She has consulted with United Nations on various topics. Professor Yeung’s current research includes various family demographic issues in Asia and in America.  Her work appears in leading journals and is cited widely in academic publications and high-impact media such as BBC News and The Economist. Her recent publications include changing family values and behavior, children's well-being, human capital, and aging. Edited volumes include Family and Demographic Transition in Southeast Asia, Singapore Family and Population Changes, Family and Population Policies in Asia, Productive Aging, One-Person Households, Young People in Uncertain Labor Markets: International Evidence, Transitioning to Adulthood in Asia, Long-Term Care, and Economic Stress and Human Capital in Asia.

yeung jean vitae aug 2023.pdf |

Teaching Areas

China, Demography, Family and Children, Aging, Education, Stratification, Research Methods

Graduate Supervision

Zhang Yin, MA

Trinh Thai Quang, MA

Qiong Yuan Zhou, MA  - committee member

Hu Shu, PhD

Yang Yi, Phd

Gu Xiaorong, Phd

Chen Xuejiao, Phd

Bei Jianfeng, (Phd student)

Peildoo Song (Phd) - committee member

Shuya Lu (Phd candidate)

Xinyi Chen (Phd)

Nanxun Li (Phd)

Jinhan Liu (Phd)

Guo Ya (Phd)

Current Research

International Comparative Study on Family Values

Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS)

Transition in Southeast Asian Families

China’s Internal Migration, Family Relations, and Children's Development

Age of Retirement and Intergenerational Transfer in China and India: Implications for Human Capital and Labor Market

Living Alone: Single-Person Households in Asia

China's Economic Transition and Children's Education

This project examines the relationship between industrialization and children's well beings measured by education and child mortality in China. Our analysis is based on micro census data collected in 1982, 1990, and 2000 and various industrial surveys. These data allow us to control for year and county fixed effects.

Intergenerational Stratification on Children's Achievement
This research investigates factors contributing to the substantial achievement gaps in high school children. I focus on four important clusters of factors: (1) intergenerational resources, 2) family interactions, 3) racial inequalities in students?? school and neighborhoods, and 4) how racial inequalities in various contexts interact with one another to affect children??s cognitive abilities. The analysis is based on longitudinal data on family histories from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and its Child Development Supplements conducted in 1997 and 2003 as well as on geographic information from census data and school district data over the last three decades.

Childhood Consumption and Children's Education and Emotional Well-being
This project examines childhood consumption as a potential mechanism of intergenerational transmission of (dis)advantages. We focus on the factors that influence parents?? decisions in allocating resources and making an investment in children??s human capital, and how these investments affect children's development. The unique opportunity of CDS-II of PSID enables the first attempt to examine these theoretically important but empirically understudied relationships.

Paternal Involvement and Child Well-being
This research is supported by funding from the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development to support work in American fathers' involvement with children. The goals of this project are (1) to describe how paternal involvement with children, in the form of time, financial and psychological resources, differ by family structure, (2) to test hypotheses about factors that affect paternal involvement behavior, and (3) to investigate how children's psychological and cognitive well-being relates to fathers' attitudes and involvement behavior. The research will be based on data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), which contains annual data collected since 1968 for a nationally representative sample of American households. Using longitudinal history in the PSID and data from the 1997 Child Development Supplement, this project will assess the extent to which social and economic involvement with children varies with fathers' changing life circumstances.


Research Interests

Family, Children, Social Inequality, Demography, China's Social Transformation, Social Policy, Human Capital, Stratification



  • Yeung, W. J. (2022). Family and Demographic Transition in Southeast Asia. Springer Nature.




    Mu, Z. and W.J. Yeung. (2022). Migration and Marriage in Asian Contexts. Routledge: New York and Oxford.

    Yeung and Thang. (2019) Family and Population in Asia. Focus Publishing, Singapore Press Holdings Pte Ltd. 

    Yeung, WJ. and Hu Shu (2018). Family and Population Changes in Singapore: A Unique Case in Global Family Change. Routledge: London and New York.

    Yeung, W.J. and  MT Yap (2013). Economic Stress, Human Capital, and Families in Asia: Policy and Research Challenges. Springer.



    Yeung, W.J., and Jones, G. W. (forthcoming). Emerging Issues in Marriage in Asia. Journal of Family Issues.

    Yeung, W.J., W. Chong and S. Drobnic.  (2021). Family Policies and Care Regime in Asia. International Journal of Social Welfare 30(4).

    Balachandran, L. and W.J. Yeung, (2020). Old Bonds, New Ties: Contextualizing Family Transitions in Re-partnerships, Remarriage and Stepfamilies in Asia, Journal of Family Issues

    Yeung, W.J., Yang, Y., A. Kallaberg, (2020), Young People in Uncertain Labor Markets, a special issue of The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, v. 688, March issue.

    Ko, P. and W. J. Yeung (2019). Productive Aging in Asia. Social Science Medicine, V229

    Yeung, W.J and Mu Z. (2019). Migration and Marriage in Asia, editorial introduction to a special issue, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

    Yeung, W.J. and Thang, L. (forthcoming). Long-term Care in ASEAN Plus Three, Journal of Aging and Health.

    Li, H. and W.J Yeung (2019). Educational Resilience in Adversity among Asian Children. Social Indicator Research,145(2).

    Yeung, W.J. and Thang, L. (2018). Long-term Care in ASEAN Plus Three, Journal of Aging and Health 33(10).

    Thang, L. and W.J. Yeung (2018). Elder-care Issues in Southeast and East Asia. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 33(5).

    Li, H., Martin, A. and W.J. Yeung (2017). Educational Resilience in Asian Children, A special issue, Educational Psychology, September, (issue 8). Guest Editors.

    Yeung, W.J.J. and H.J. Park (2016). Growing up in one-parent families in Asia. Guest Editors.  A (double) special issue in Marriage and Family Review 51, 1 & 2.

    Yeung, W.J. and A. Cheung (2015) Living Alone: One Person Households in Asia. Guest Editors. A special collection in Demographic Research 32. 2015.

    Yeung, W. J. and Jones G. (2014). Marriage in Asia, A special issue in Journal of Family Issues, 35(12).

    Yeung, W. J. (2013). Transitioning to Adulthood in Asia: School, Work, and Family Life. A special issue of The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 646, March, 2013. Guest editor (with Cheryll Alipio and F. Furstenberg).

    Yeung, W.J. (2013). Asian Fatherhood. Guest Editor, a Special Issue of Journal of Family Issues, 34 (2).   doi:10.1177/0192513X12461133, First published in Oct 2012.

    Zhang, Y. and Yeung, W. J. (2012). Shifting Boundaries of Care in Asia. (Editors). A special issue of the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32(11/12).



    Lu, S. Sahul, M., Feng, Q, and Yeung, WJJ. (2022). Are centenarians successful agers? Evidence from China. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18200

    Loh, B., Yeoh B.S.A., Huang S., Yeung, WJJ (2022). Structural vulnerability and neoliberal subjectivities of low-income binational families in Singapore, Women's Studies International Forum

    Yeung, W.J. and Li, N. (2022). Paternity Leave, Family Dynamics, and Children’s Behavior in Singapore. Journal of Marriage and Family, DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12896

    Singh, L., Yeung, W.J., Cheng, Q. and Heng E. (2022). The Home Literacy Environment Mediates Effects of Socio-economic Status on Infant Vocabulary Development. Developmental Science. doi.org/10.1111/desc.13349

    Singh, L., Cheng, Q. and Yeung, WJ. (2022). Effects of Socio-economic Status on Infant Native and Non-Native Phoneme Discrimination, Developmental Science.

    Yeung, W.J. and Lu S. (forthcoming). Family Dynamics in Cross-national Families with Young Children in Singapore, Journal of Family Issue.

    Yeung, WJ and Jones, G. (forthcoming). Emerging Issues in Marriage in Asia. Journal of Family Issues.

    Li, Yeonjin and WJ Yeung (2022). Cohort Matters: The relationships between living arrangements and psychological health from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA), Journal of Affective Disorders 299: 652-657.

    Chung, W.Y., WJ Yeung, and S. Dronbnic (2021). Family Policy in Asia, International Journal of Social Welfare 30(4): 371-384.

    Yeung, W.J. and Y. Lee. (2021).  Aging in East Asia: New Findings on Retirement, Health, and Well-Being, Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences.

    Gu, XR and WJ Yeung (2021). Why Chinese Adolescent Girls Outperform Boys in Achievement Tests? Chinese Journal of Sociology 7(2): 109-137.

    Yeung, WJ and H. Li, (2021). Educational Resilience Among Asian Children in Challenging Family Environment, Social Indicator Research 153: 675-685.

    Cheung, A. K. and WJ Yeung. (2021). Socioeconomic development and young adults’ propensity of living in one-person households: Compositional and contextual effects. Demographic Research 44 (11): 277-306.

    Lee, Y.J. and WJ Yeung (2020). The Country that Never Retires. The Gendered Pathways to Retirement in South Korea. Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 76(3):642-655.

    Yeung, W.J., Chen X., Ding X., M. Cheung, (2020). Achievement Test for Chinese Preschool Children: Validity and Social Correlates. Chinese Journal of Sociology 6(4)497-520.

    Lu, Y., WJ Yeung, J. Liu, D. Treiman, (2020). Parental Migration and Children's Psychological and Cognitive Development in China: Differences and Mediating Mechanisms. Chinese Sociological Review.

    Yeung, W. J. (2020). “Singapore’s Inclusive Family-Oriented Population and Social Policies and SDGs”, Population 45: 5-15. Technical Bureau of the Permanent Population Committee. (Bilingual publications: in both English and Arabic)

    Yeung W.J. and Y. Yang. (2020). “Labor Market Uncertainties for Youth and Young Adults: International Evidence”. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, V. 688, March issue.

    Balachandran, L. and W.J. Yeung, (2020). “Old Bonds, New Ties: Contextualizing Family Transitions in Re-partnerships, Remarriage and Stepfamilies in Asia”, Journal of Family Issues

    Balachandran, L. and W.J. Yeung (2020). “Examining Social Mobility amongst Remarried Ethnic Minority Women in Singapore”, Journal of Family Issues.

    Lee, Y. and Yeung, W.J. (2020). “The Country that Never Retires: The Gendered Pathways to Retirement in South Korea”, Journal of Gerontology, Series B.

    Gu, X and Yeung, W. J. (2019) “Hopes and Hurdles: Rural Migrant Children’s Education in Urban China”, Chinese Sociological Review 52(2): 199-237.

    Lu, Y., WJ Yeung, J. Liu, D. Treiman, (Forthcoming) “Health of Left-behind Children in China: Evidence from Mediation Analysis”, Chinese Journal of Sociology.

    Yeung, Jean W., Qiushi Feng, Zhenglian Wang, and Yi Zeng. (2019). “Adjustment on Retirement Age and Changes of Human Capital in China, 2015-2050.” Population Research 43(1):102-112.  (in Chinese)

    Hu, S. and Yeung, W.J. (2019). Gender, Education, and Childrearing Decision-making in East Asia, Chinese Sociological Review 51(1): 29-56.

    Yeung W. J. and Li, H. (2019) “Educational Resilience among Asian Children in Challenging Family Environment”. Social Indicator Research:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-019-02143-7

    Ko, PC and W.J. Yeung (2019). “Productive Aging in Asia”, Editorial Introduction for a Special Issue in Social Science Medicine 229:1-5.

    Yeung, W.J. and Mu Z. (2019). Marriage and Migration in Asia. Introduction in a Special Issue in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

    Mu, Z. and W. J. Yeung (2019). “Migration and Marriage Timing and Partner Selection in China” in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

    Lee, Y. and Yeung, W.J. (2019). “Gender Matters: Productive Social Engagement and the Subsequent Cognitive Changes among Older Adults”, Social Science & Medicine 229: 87-95.

    Lu, Y., WJ Yeung, J. Liu, D. Treiman, (2019) Migration and Children's Psychosocial Development in China: When and Why Migration Matters, Social Science Research 77: 130-147

    Ko, PC and WJ Yeung, (2019), “Childhood Conditions and Productive Aging in China”, Social Science & Medicine 229:60-69.

    Gu, D, Feng, Q. and Yeung, WJ. (2019) Reciprocal Dynamics of Solo-Living and Health among Older Adults in Contemporary China, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences  74(8): 1441-1452. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gby140.

    Feng, Q., W.J Yeung, Yi, Z. and Wang, Z. (2019) “Age at Retirement and Human Capital in Aging China”, in European Journal of Population 39(1): 29-62.

    Ko, PC and WJ Yeung, (2018), “An Ecological Framework for Active Aging in China”, Journal of Aging and Health 30(10): 60-69.

    Li, H. and W.J. Yeung (2019) “Educational Resilience among Asian Children in Challenging Family Environment”. Social Indicator Research.

    Hofferth, S., D. Bickham, G. Brooks-Gunn, P. Davis-Kean and W.J. Yeung. (2018). “Contributions of Research Based on the PSID Child Development Supplement”, ANNALS of the American Academy 668:97-131.

    Dhiman Das, Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, Yi Yang, (2018) Economic hardship related stress and health of Chinese elderly. Journal of Applied Business and Economics 20(6): 57-73.

    Yeung, W.J. and L.L. Thang, (2018). “Long-term Care in ASEAN Plus Three”, Journal of Aging and Health 30(10): 1499-1515.

    Yang, Yi, W.J. Yeung and Q. Feng, (2018) “Social Exclusion and Cognitive Impairment in China”, Health and Place 53:117-127.

    Yeung, W.J. S. Desai, and G. Jones (2018). Families in Southeast and South Asia, Annual Review of Sociology, 44: 469-495.

    Thang, L. and W. J. Yeung (2018). Elder-care Issues in Southeast and East Asia. in Special issue on Long-term Care in Asia in Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology 33(5):1-6.

    Feng, Q., W.J Yeung, Yi, Z. and Wang, Z. (2018) “Age at Retirement and Human Capital in Aging China”, in European Journal of Population: 1-34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10680-018-9467-3

    Mu, Z. and W.J. Yeung, (2018). “For Money or for a Life: A Mixed-Method Study on Migration and Time Use in China”, Social Indicator Research, 139 (1): 347-379.

    Li H. and W. J. Yeung, (2017). “Academic Resilience in Rural Chinese Children: Individual and Contextual Influences”, Social Indicator Research, 134: 1-15. DOI 10.1007/s11205-017-1757-3.

    Li, H., Martin, A. and W.J. Yeung (2017). “Academic Risk and Resilience for Children and Young People in Asia”, Educational Psychology, September, 37(8):921-929.

    Li, H. and W.J. J. Yeung, (2016). “The Influence of Family on Chinese High School Student’s Academic and Behavioral Outcomes: Weak or Strong?”, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 53(2), 105-131.

    Yeung, W.J. and Hu Shu, (2016), Paradox in Marriage Value and Behavior in Contemporary China, Chinese Journal of Sociology 2(3):447-476.

    Yeung, W.J.J. and Park, Hyunjoon. (2016) Growing up in one-parent Families in Asia. An introduction to the special issue in Marriage and Family Review 52(1): 1-14.

    Yeung, W. J. J. and Guo, Xiaorong. (2016). “Left behind by Parents in China: Internal Migration and Adolescents’ Well-being. Marriage and Family Review 52(1):127-161.

    Hao. L. and Yeung, W.J. (2015), “Parental Spending on School-Age Children: Structural Stratification and Parental Expectation”, Demography.

    Raymo, J., H. Park, Y. Xie and W. J. Yeung. (2015). Marriage and Family in East Asia: Continuity and Change, Annual Review of Sociology,V.41. 8.1-8.22.

    Cheung, A. and Yeung, WJ, (2015) “Temporal-Spatial Patterns of One-person Households in China, 1982-2005”, Demographic Research 52(2): 1-26.

    Jones, G. and Yeung, W.J. (2014), “Marriage in Asia: Introduction”, Journal of Family Issues, 2014/35(10): 1-18.

    Ji, Y. and Yeung, W.J. (2014). “Heterogeneity in Contemporary Chinese Marriage”. Journal of Family Issues 35 (12): 1662-1682. 

    Yeung, W. J. and E. Rauscher. (2014). “Youth Early Employment and Behavior Problems: Human Capital and Social Network Pathways to Adulthood”, Sociological Perspectives 57(3): 382-403 .

    Yeung, W.J. (2016). United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Encyclopedia for Family Studies. John Wiley & Sons.

    Yeung, W.J. (2016). Fathers as Caregivers, Encyclopedia for Family Studies. John Wiley & Sons.

    Yeung, W.J. (2016). Paternity Leave, Encyclopedia for Family Studies. John Wiley & Sons.

    Yeung, W. J. 2014, “United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Poverty Research and the Millennium Development Goals”, In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

    Yeung, W. J. 2014, “United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Poverty Research and the Millennium Development Goals”, Encyclopedia for Quality of Life Research. Springer Publishing.

    Yeung, W. J. 2013 “College Expansion Policy and Social Stratification in China”. Chinese Sociological Review. Summer, 2013.

    Yeung, W. J. and Alipio, C. 2013. “Transitioning to Adulthood in Asia: Courtship, Marriage, and Work: an introduction.” In a special issue of The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 646, March: 6-27. (Guest Editors: Yeung, W.J., C. Alipio, and F. Furstenberg)

    Yeung, W. J. and Hu, S. 2013. “Coming of Age in Times of Change: Transition to Adulthood in China. In Transitioning to Adulthood in Asia: Courtship, Marriage, and Work.”  The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 646, March. pp. 149 - 171.

    Yeung, W. J. 2013. Asian Fatherhood: an introduction. In Asian Fatherhood, a special issue in Journal of Family Issues, 34 (2): 141-158.  (Editor: Yeung, W. J)

    Xu Q. and Yeung, W. J. 2013. Hoping for a Pheonix: Shanghai Fathers and Their Daughters. Journal of Family Issues, 34 (2):182-207.  

    Zhang, Y. and Yeung, W. J. (2012). Shifting Boundaries of Care in Asia: an introduction. In a special issue of the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32(11/12): pp. 1-21.

    Yeung, W.J. and Xu, Zhenhua. 2012. “Economic Stress, Quality of Life, and Mortality Rates among the Oldest Old in China”. Social Indicators Research, 108: 131-152.

    Chen, E., and Yeung, W. J. 2009.  “Measuring Respiratory Health in Longitudinal Social Science Surveys”.  Biodemography and Social Biology, 55, 206-218.

    Yeung, W.J. 2009, “Early Childhood Poverty and Black-White Achievement Gap”, in Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Roundtable, a Special Edition: Education of young children: Research and public policy. Chapter 8, pp. 135-148. Edited by McConnell, J. (ed.), Linton Atlantic Books, Ltd., Louisville, Kentucky.

    Yeung, W.J. and Pfeiffer, K.M. 2009.  “The Black-White Test Score Gap and Early Home Environment”, Social Science Research 38, 412-437.

    Yeung, W.J. and Conley, D.  2008. “Black-White Achievement Gap and Family Wealth”, Child Development 79(2): 303-324.

    Yeung, W.J., Stafford, F., and Andreski, P. 2008. Assessing the Quality of Income Data Collected on A Two-Year Periodicity: Experience from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Survey Research: Method and Application, 23: 34-80.

    Conley, D. and Yeung, W. J. 2005. “Black-White Differences in Occupational Prestige: Their Impact on Child Development”, American Behavioral Scientist 48(9): 1229-1249.

    Yeung, W.J., Linver, M, & Brooks-Gunn, J. 2002.  “How Money Matters for Young Children’s Development: Parental Investment and Family Processes” Child Development 73(6): 1861-1879.

    Yeung, W.J., Sandberg, J., Davis-Kean P. & Hofferth, S. 2001.  “Children’s Time-use with Fathers in Intact Families”, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 63(1): 136-154.

    (* on the list of 20 most highly cited articles in JFM during the decade of 2000-2010)

    Teachman, J., Duncan, G., Yeung, W. J. & Levy, D. 2001. “Covariance Structure Models for Fixed and Random Effects”, Sociological Methods and Research, 30(2): 271-288.

    Hill, M. S., Yeung, W.J. & Duncan, G. J.  2001. “The Effect of Family Structure on Children's Economic and Behavior Outcome", Journal of Population Economics 14: 271-299.

    Yeung, W. J., Duncan, G.J.& Hill, M.S. 2000. “Putting Fathers Back in The Picture: Parental Activities and Children’s Attainment”, Marriage and Family Review, 29, nos. 2/3 & 4: 97-114.

    Yeung, W. J. & Hofferth, S. 1998. "Family Adaptations to Income and Job Loss in the U.S.", Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 19(3): 255-283.

    Duncan, G. J., Yeung, W.J., Brooks-Gunn, J. & Smith, J. 1998. "How Does Childhood Poverty Affect the Life Chances of Children?", American Sociological Review,  63 (3): 406-423.

    Smith, P. & Yeung, W.J., 1998. “Childhood Welfare Receipt and the Implications of Welfare Reform”, Social Service Review, 72 (1): 1-17. 

    Hill, M.S., Yeung, W.J. 1997. “Design Issues for Longitudinal Studies”, Journal of Survey Research, 3: 183-204. Academia Sinica. Taiwan.

    Yeung, W. J. 1996. "The Origin and Development of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics."  Journal of Survey Research, 2: 159-182. Academia Sinica. Taiwan.

    Hofferth, S., Yeung, W.J. & Stafford, F. 1996. "Panel Study of Income Dynamics". Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Bulletin, Vol 15, No.3.

    Duncan, G J. & Yeung, W. J. 1995.  "Extent and Consequences of Welfare Dependence among America's Children, Children and Youth Services Review 17(1): 159-186.

    Duncan, G. J. & Yeung, W. J. 1994. "Lone-parent Families in the United States: Dynamics, Economic Status and Developmental Consequences", Population 49(6): 1419-1436, Paris. ("Les Families Monoparentales Aux États-Unis. Dynamique, Niveau de Vie et Conséquences Sur Le Dévelopement De L'Enfant"), Population, Vol. 49, No. 6, November-December, 1994, pp. 1419-1436.)



    Lin, Qianhan and W.J. Yeung. In press. “Beyond the Middle School Gates: the urban-rural divergence of school-work paths of China’s youth”, In Li Yaojin and Bian Yanjie (eds.)

    Yeung, W. J., Qiushi Feng, Zhenglian Wang and Yi Zeng. (2021). “One-person Households in China and Their Characteristics”. in New Progress of ProFamy Application, pp. 318-327, edited by Zeng, Yi. Beijing: China Science Publishing.

    Yeung, W.J., Qiushi Feng, Zhenglian Wang and Yi Zeng. (2021). “Application of ProFamy on the Implication of Retirement Reform on Human Capital in China”. in New Progress of ProFamy Application, edited by Zeng, Yi. Beijing: China Science Publishing.

    Yeung, W. J. and Hu, S. (2018). “Continuity and Change in Singapore Population and Changes” in Family and Population Changes in Singapore: a unique case in global family change, Eds. Yeung and Hu, Routledge, New York and London.

    Yeung, W. J. (2018). “Conclusion” in Family and Population Changes in Singapore, Eds. Yeung and Hu, Routledge, New York and London.

    Yeung, W.J. (2016). Fathers as Caregivers, The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia for Family Studies. Constance L. Shehan (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons.

    Yeung, W.J. (2016). Paternity Leave, The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia for Family Studies. Constance L. Shehan (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons.

    Yeung, W.J. (2016). United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia for Family Studies. Constance L. Shehan (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons.

    Yeung, W. J. 2014, “United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Poverty Research and the Millennium Development Goals”, In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Pp.6786-6789. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

    Yeung W. J. (2013). Economic Stress, Human Capital and Families in Asia: Introduction. In Yeung and Yap (Eds.) Economic Stress, Human Capital and Families in Asia. Springer Publishing.

    Yeung ,W. J. and Xu, Z. (2013). “Economic Stress and Health among Rural Chinese Elderly. In Yeung and Yap (Eds.) Economic Stress, Human Capital and Families in Asia. Springer Publishing.

    Yeung,W.J. 2012. Implications of the College Expansion Policy for China’s Social Stratification, In Besharov D. and Gilbert, N. series on Comparative Policy Analysis (eds.) Chinese Social Policy in a Time of Transition (Besharov D. and Karen Baehler, EDS.) Oxford University Press. London.

    Yeung, W.J. 2011. “Explaining the Black-White Achievement Gap: An Intergenerational Stratification and Developmental Perspective”. In Harris K. R., Graham S. and Urdan, T. (Eds.) APA Educational Psychology Handbook (a 3-volume set), Vol. 2, Chapter 13. 

    Yeung, W. J. and R. Glauber. 2007. “Time Use for Children in Low-income Families”. In R. Crane and E. Marshall (Eds.) Handbook of Families and Poverty: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Sage Publication.

    Stafford, F. and Yeung, W.J.  2005. “The Distribution of Children’s Developmental Resources”, in Daniel Hamermesh (Ed.) Economics of Time Use. Pp. 289-313. Elsevier.

    Yeung, W. J.  2004. “Fathers: An Overlooked Resource for Children’s School Success”, in Conley, D. & Albright, K. (Eds.) After the Bell: Solutions Outside the School. Routledge Press: London.

    Hill, M. S., Yeung, W.J. & Duncan, G. J.  2003."The Effect of Family Structure on Children's Economic and Behavior Outcome" Reprinted from Journal of Population Economics 2001, 14: 271-299. in Michael Vogler and Klaus F. Zimmermann (Eds.), Family, Household and Work, Springer-Verlag.

    Newman, S., Harkness, J. & Yeung, W.J, 2003. “Neighborhood Poverty, Assisted Housing, and the Educational Attainment of Children”, In Goering, J.M. and Feins, J.D. (Eds.), Choosing a Better Life: Evaluating the Moving to Opportunity Social Experiment, pp.339-364. Russell Sage Publication.

    Hill, M. S. and Yeung, W. J. 2002. “Behavior and Status of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults”. In Generation and Gender: Exploring Future Research and Data Collection Options, pp.1-58, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

    Duncan, G.J., Dunifon, R., Doran, M & Yeung, W. J. 2001. “How Different are Welfare Families from Low-income Working Families?”,. In Duncan and L. Chase-Lansdale (Eds.) For Better and For Worse: Welfare Reform and the Well-Being of Children and Families, pp.103-131. Russell Sage Publication.

    Yeung, W. J., Duncan, G.J.& Hill, M.S. 2000. “Putting Fathers Back in The Picture: Parental Activities and Children’s Attainment”, reprinted from Marriage and Family Review, 29, nos. 2/3 & 4: 97-114 in Fatherhood: Research, Interventions and Policies, edited by H.E. Peters, G.W. Peterson, S. Steinmetz, and R.D. Day, Binghamton, 2000, NY: Haworth Press.

    Hill, M.S. and Yeung, W. J. 2000. “How Have Alterations in the Structure of Opportunities Affected Transitions to Adulthood?” (with Hill, M. S.) In Transition to Adulthood in a Changing Economy: No Work, No Family, No Future?  Pp.1-39. Alan Booth, Ann C. Crouter and Michael Shanahan (Eds.). Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.

    Smith, P. & Yeung, W.J., 1998. “Childhood Welfare Receipt and the Implications of Welfare Reform”, Reprinted from Social Service Review, 72 (1): 1-17 in Kirk, S. A. (Ed.) 1999. Social Work Research Methods. The University of Chicago Press.

    Hill, M.S., Yeung, W.J. & Duncan, G.J. 1996. "The Timing of Childhood Events and Early-Adult Household Formation. In New Directions in Child Development, pp.87-109, edited by Graber Julia & Dubas, Judith, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco.

    Krishnan, P. & Yeung, W. J. 1986. "Some Measures of Ethnic Diversity and Their Interrelations.", (with  Krishnan, P.), in G. Hirabayashi Festschrift, pp. 63-71, Alberta, Canada.

    Krishnan, P. & Yeung, W. J. 1984. "Fertility Differentials by Religion in India, 1971."), American Statistical Association 1984 Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, pp. 175-180.

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