FASS Staff Profile


(65) 6516 6393

Current Positions:

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore (Dec 2015-present)

Research Associate, Center for Family and Population Research, National University of Singapore, (Dec 2015 - present)

Steering Committee Member, Center for Family and Population Research, National University of Singapore, (January 2022 - present)

Academic Convenorship for the Minor in Health and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, (January 2022 - present)

Research Brief:

My research centers on the social determinants of health, development, and well-being of children and families. One stream of my research focuses on the intergenerational transfer of (dis)advantage in health and cognitive development. These include a series of papers that illustrate how parental resources and characteristics influence the health and cognitive development of children in India. A second related line of work evaluates the role of governmental intervention on children’s health and cognitive achievement. The third stream of research assesses the role of contextual factors and how these interact with personal characteristics in shaping human development. The last strand focuses on the role of gender inequality on women’s health in low- and middle-income countries.

I received a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Maryland in August 2015. As a graduate student at Maryland, I was closely involved with the India Human Development Survey and have contributed towards questionnaire development and data collection for the second wave of the survey (www.ihds.umd.edu).

My research has featured in articles by the BBC and Huffington Post:

100 Women: Is child vaccination boosted by educating mothers? https://www.bbc.com/news/health-41280113

Being Bold For Change: Uncovering Gender Gaps In Immunization Coverage: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/being-bold-for-change-uncovering-gender-gaps-in-immunization_b_59de078de4b0df59e2613d5b

cv_kritivikram_2023_website.docx |

Teaching at present:

Population and Society: An Introduction to Social Demography (SC2208)

Selected Topics in Health and Society (SC4881)

Methods of Social Research (SC2101)

Taught previously: 

Practising Anthropology and Sociology (SC4101) 

Liu, Jinhan. 2021-present. Transition to first marriage and changes in health among Chinese young students: Gender, Marriage Timing, and Educational Assortative Mating. (Ph.D. Committee Member)

Chen, Xuejiao. 2017. How Income Shapes Preschool Children’s Development in China. (Ph.D. Committee Member)

Saha, Shrestha. 2019. Social capital and Health in India. (Ph.D. Committee Member)

Undergraduate Supervision:

Lee, Jean-Rong. 2021. The Effects of Social Capital on Young Adults’ Mental Health Outcomes in the Singapore COVID-19 Circuit Breaker Context. Completed.

Thon, Hui Yi. 2019. Doing’ Family Across Distance: Transnational Ties and Mental Health among Filipina Domestic Workers. Completed.

Lim, Russell. 2019. A Comparative Analysis of The Influence of Culture on University Student’s Motivations to Volunteer. Completed.

Ping, Joyce. 2018. The Role of Gender in Help-Seeking Behaviour for Mental Health Issues in Singaporean University Students. Completed.

Lim, Nicholas. 2018. Do family and friends help or hinder? A study on social capital and depression amongst university students in Singapore. Completed.

Vikram, Kriti, LeeHyo Jung, and Abhijit Visaria “ Gender Inequality, Child Marriage and Health in Later Life Among Men and Women.”

Vikram, Kriti, Ganguly. Dibyasree* and Srinivas Goli. “Time Use Patterns and Household Adversities: A Lens to Understand the Construction of Gender Privilege among Children and Adolescents in India” 

Vikram, Kriti, Ganguly, Dibyasree* and Nursarah Binte Suprat.* “Child Marriage, Early Motherhood and Body-Mass Index Among Women in India: A Paradoxical Relationship?”

Vikram, Kriti, and Vineeta Sinha. “Health Implication of Sexual Harassment in India.”  

Chindarkar, Namrata and Kriti Vikram. “Caste-based Discrimination and Education in India”

Dibyashree Ganguly* and Kriti Vikram. “Gender, Time Use, and BMI among Adolescents in India: Longitudinal Evidence from Young Lives Study.”

* student authors

Demography, Social Determinants of Health and Mortality, Child Health and Development, Family and Life Course, India


  • Vikram, KritiAbhijit Visaria and Dibyashree Ganguly*. 2023. “Child Marriage as a Risk Factor for Non-communicable Diseases Among Women in India.” International Journal of Epidemiology. dyad051, https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyad051

    Vikram, Kriti. 2023. “Timing and Frequency of Fathers’ Migration and Nutritional Status of Left-Behind Children in India: A Life Course Approach” Population Research and Policy Review42(1), 7. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11113-023-09746-6

    Vikram, Kriti. 2023. "Modern Marriage in a Traditional Society: The Influence of College Education on Marriage in India" Journal of Family Issues. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X231155591  

    Vikram, Kriti. 2021.“ Early Marriage and Health among Women at Midlife: Evidence from India.” Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(5):1480-1501. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12793  

    Vikram, Kriti. 2021. “Fathers’ Migration and Academic Achievement among Left-Behind Children in India: Evidence of Continuity and Change in Gender Preferences.” International Migration Review 55(4): 964–998. (Lead article) 

    Vikram, Kriti and Namrata Chindarkar. 2020. “Bridging the Gender Gap in Cognitive Achievement in India: The crucial role of the Integrated Child Development Services in Early Childhood.” World Development 127:104697. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0305750X19303456 

    Vikram, Kriti and Reeve Vanneman. 2020. “Maternal Education and the Multidimensionality of Child Health Outcomes in India.” Journal of Biosocial Science. 52(1): 57-77. 

    Vikram, Kriti, Feinian Chen, and Sonalde Desai. 2018. "Mothers’ Work Patterns and Children’s Cognitive Achievement: Evidence from the India Human Development Survey". Social Science Research, 72: 207-224.

    Vikram, Kriti. 2018. "Social capital and child nutrition in India: The moderating role of development." Health & Place, 50: 42–51. ​

    Chen, Feinian, Hui Liu, Kriti Vikram, and Yu Guo. 2015. “For better or worse: The health implications of marriage separation due to migration in rural China.” Demography, 52(4):1321-43.

    Vikram, Kriti, Reeve Vanneman, and Sonalde Desai. 2012. “The Linkages between Maternal Education and Childhood Immunization in India.” Social Science & Medicine, 75(2): 331-339.


  • Vikram, Kriti. 2019. “The Perennial Dilemma: Motherhood, Employment and Impact on Children.” In J. Yeung, & L. L. Thang (Eds.), Family and Population in Asia. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

    Vikram, Kriti, and Abhijit Visaria. 2019. “Second Demographic Transition.” In D. Gu, & M.E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging.  Springer International.

    Nadkarni, Vimla and Kriti Vikram. 2009. “The Right to Health: Illusion or Possibility?” in Bywaters, Paul, Eileen McLeod and Lindsey Napier (Eds.). Social Work and Global Health Inequalities: Policy and Practice Developments. University of Bristol: The Policy Press.

Professional Service:

Editorial Board Member, Canadian Studies in Population (August 2021- present)

Session Organizer:  Families, Health, and Well-Being, Population Association of America's Annual Meeting, 2022

Organizing Committee Member, International Sociological Association Joint Conference for RC06 (Family) & RC41 (Population), Singapore, May 17-19, 2018.

Elected Student Council Member on the Section on Families, American Sociological Association, 2011-2013.

Principle Investigator, Health Implications of Gender Inequality: Articulating A Global Research Agenda. Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Government of Singapore. S$ 624,351.

Collaborator, Completing the Picture: Strengthening Fathers’ Roles in Early Child Health and Neurodevelopment Through Targeted Interventions, 2022-2025. Singapore Institute for Clinical Science. S$ 611,844.

Collaborator, Reimagine Research: Collaboration between the School of Public Health and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. S$250,000.

Faculty Development Grant, Centre for Family and Population Research, National University of Singapore. December 2021 to October 2022. S$10,000.

Faculty Start-up Grant, Faculty of Art and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. April 2016- December 2019. S$40,000.

Robert W. Janes Commemorative Award for Excellence in Sociology, University of Maryland. 2014.

Harriet Presser Fellowship, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Spring 2014.

Award from the Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Maryland. 2012.

Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship, University of Maryland. 2012.

Population Trainee Award, Maryland Population Research Center. 2010-11.

Last Modified: 2023-08-24         Total Visits: 11645