FASS Staff Profile


(65) 6516 3723
(65) 6777 9579

Brief Introduction

Dr. Zheng Mu’s general research interests focus on trends, social determinants, and consequences of marriage and family behaviors, with a focus on how marriage and family have served as inequality-generating mechanisms. Her ongoing research projects examine how internal migration, ethnic identification, interactions between gender and intergenerational inequality, and interactions between ideational and socioeconomic contexts shape individuals’ time use patterns, family experiences, and well-being in China and Singapore.

Her personal website is at:  www.muzheng.net.


curriculum vitae_mu zheng_feb13_2024.pdf |

Teaching Areas

SC2101 Methods of Social Research

SC2205 Sociology of Family

SC3203 Race and Ethnic Relations

SC4210 Sociology of Migration

Graduate Supervision


  • Wang Yanwen (Sociology, ongoing, chair)
  • Li Nanxun (Sociology, graduated in 2023, committee member)
  • Liu Jinhan (Sociology, ongoing, committee member)
  • Lim Chern Yin (Sociology, ongoing, committee member)
  • Lu Shuya (Sociology, graduated in 2023, committee member)
  • Ni Anni (Sociology, ongoing, committee member)
  • Li Linqiu (Communications and New Media, ongoing, committee member)
  • Thawdar (Comparative Asian Studies, ongoing, Qualifying Examination committee)
  • He Jiajun Martin (NTU Sociology, ongoing, Qualifying Examination committee)
  • Deng Fang (NTU Sociology, ongoing, committee member)


Research Interests

Marriage and Family, Fertility, Ethnicity, Migration; 

China; Singapore; Comparative Studies; 

Quantitative Methods, Mixed Methods.



  • Mu, Zheng and Andrew Francis-Tan. Forthcoming. “Follow father or mother? Understanding the monoethnic identification of biethnic children in China.” Social Forces.
  • Mu, Zheng, Qing Lai, and Yu Xie. 2024. “Arranged cohabitation among Chinese Muslims.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(8), e2317704121. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2317704121
  • Mu, Zheng. 2023. “Understanding the Educational Disparities between Han and Muslim Chinese: The Roles of Gender, Ethnic Salience, and Residential Concentration.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rssm.2023.100874)
  • Mu, Zheng and Eunsil Oh. 2023. “Valuation of Domestic Work: Construction of Stay-at-Home Motherhood among Elite Chinese Migrants in Singapore.” Gender, Work & Organization. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.13079)
  • Mu, Zheng and Nicol Lee Si Jie. 2023. “A City of Two Tales: Educational Gradients of Discrimination Experiences among Internal Migrants in Beijing, China.” Population, Space, and Place. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2721)
  • Mu, Zheng and Jean Wei-Jun Yeung. 2023. “Internal Migration and Cohabitation in China: A Mixed-Method Study.” Sociological Perspectives. (https://doi.org/10.1177/07311214231180559)
  • Mu, Zheng. 2023. “Premarital Cohabitation, Marital Dissolution, and Marital Quality in China.” Journal of Family Issues. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X231155663)
  • Liu, Hao and Zheng Mu. 2022. “Mate Selection in China: Trends and Determinants.” Family Relations. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12718)
  • Francis-Tan, Andrew M. and Zheng Mu. 2022. “Examining ethnicity: patterns of minority identification among children of interethnic marriages in China.” Demography. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1215/00703370-10061919)
  • Mu, Zheng and Felicia F. Tian. 2022. “The Changing Patterns and Determinants of Stay-at-Home Motherhood in Urban China, 1982 to 2015.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 53(1), 48-75. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3138/jcfs-2021-0065)
  • Mu, Zheng. 2021. Hui Muslims’ Endogamy and Intermarriages: Marriage Markets, Islamic Culture, and Economic Growth. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 52(4), 540-568. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3138/jcfs.52.4.02
  • Mu, Zheng and Shu Hu. 2021. “Unequal Childhoods in China: Parental Education and Children’s Time Use.” Journal of Community Psychology. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22710)
  • Hu, Shu and Zheng Mu. 2021. “Extended Gender Inequality? Intergenerational Coresidence and Division of Household Labor.” Social Science Research, 93, online (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2020.102497).
  • Hu, Shu and Zheng Mu. 2020. “Some Time Is Better Spent than Other Time: Chinese Adolescents’ Time Use and Developmental Outcomes.” Child Indicators Research 13: 1739–1765. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-020-09718-8)
  • Yeung, Wei-Jun Jean and Zheng Mu. 2020. “Migration and Marriage in Asian Contexts.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(14): 2863-2879. (DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1585005.)
  • Mu, Zheng and Wei-Jun Jean Yeung. 2020. “Internal Migration, Marriage Timing and Assortative Mating: A Mixed-Method Study in China.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(14): 2914-2936. (DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1585009.)
  • Francis-Tan, Andrew M. and Zheng Mu. 2019. “Racial Revolution: Understanding the Resurgence of Minority Ethnic Identity in Modern China.” Population Research and Policy Review, 38(5): 733–769. (DOI: 10.1007/s11113-019-09543-0).
  • Mu, Zheng and Wei-Jun Jean Yeung. 2018. "For Money or for a Life: A Mixed-Method Study on Migration and Time Use in China." Social Indicators Research139: 347–379. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-017-1698-x).
  • Mu, Zheng and Yu Xie. 2016. “Motherhood Penalty and Fatherhood Premium? Fertility Effects on Parents in China.” Demographic Research 35: 1373−1410.
  • Lai, Qing and Zheng Mu. 2016. “Universal Yet Local: The Religious Factor in Chinese Muslims’ Perception of World Developmental Hierarchy.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 2: 524-546.
  • Mu, Zheng and Qing Lai. 2016. “Micro-Macro Interactions in Ethnoreligious Homogamy among Hui Muslims in Contemporary China: The Roles of Residential Concentration and Aging.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 36: 88-105.
  • Mu, Zheng and Xiwei Wu. 2015. “Residential Concentration and Marital Behaviors of Muslim Chinese.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 1: 177-200.
  • Mu, Zheng and Yu Xie. 2014. “Fertility Effects on Parents’ Subjective Well-being.” Sociological Studies 174: 124-147 (in Chinese).
  • Mu, Zheng and Yu Xie. 2014. “Marital Age Homogamy in China: A Reversal of Trend in the Reform Era?Social Science Research 44: 141-157.


  • Mu, Zheng and Wei-Jun Jean Yeung. 2021. Migration and Marriage in Asian Contexts. Routledge: London. 


  • Mu, Zheng and Shu Hu. 2018. “Origin and Transition of Singapore Families,” in Wei-Jun Jean Yeung and Shu Hu (eds.), pp. 27-52, Family and Population Change in Singapore. Routledge.
  • Xie, Yu and Zheng Mu. 2014. “Chapter Eight: Conclusion” in Wellbeing Development Report of China 2014 (in Chinese). Beijing: Peking University Press.


  • Powers, Daniel A. and Yu Xie. 2008. Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis, Second Edition. Howard House, England: Emerald. Translated to Chinese by Ren, Qiang, Xiwei Wu, Zheng Mu, and Qing Lai. 2009.《分类数据分析的统计方法》(第2版). 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.


  • Mu, Zheng. 2020. Review of Marrying Young in Indonesia: Voices, Laws and Practices. Edited by Mies Grijns, Hoko Horii, Sulistyowati Irianto, and Pinky Saptandari. Asian Journal of Social Science 48 (5-6): 654-657.
  • Mu, Zheng. 2018. Review of Marriage Migration in Asia: Emerging Minorities at the Frontiers of Nation-States. Edited by Sari K. Ishii. Asian Journal of Social Science 46 (3): 388-391.

Other Information


  • 2024-         Editorial Board Member, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
  • 2022-         International Advisory Board, Asian Population Studies
  • 2021-         Guest Editor, Gender, Work and Organization
  • 2021-         Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marriage and Family
  • 2019-         Associate Editor, Journal of Child and Family Studies
  • 2019-         Associate Editor, Journal of Comparative Family Studies
  • 2017-19     Guest Editor, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

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