FASS Staff Profile




Brief Introduction

Vincent Chua received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Toronto in 2010. His research interests are in social stratification, with a focus on how social networks have extended durable inequalities in labour markets, education/schools, neighbourhoods, and along categorical lines such as gender, race, and class.

Teaching Areas

Recent modules include: SC2204: Social Inequalities; SC3205: Social Capital; and SC3209: Data Analysis in Social Research.



  • Ng, Irene H.Y., Tan Zhi Han, Vincent Chua, and Annie Cheong. 2022. "Separate Lives, Uncertain Futures: Does Covid-19 Align or Differentiate the Lives of Low- and Higher-Wage Young Workers?" Applied Research in Quality of Life. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-022-10068-6.
  • Liu, Chao, Steve McDonald, and Vincent Chua. 2022. "Of Markets and Networks: Marketization and Job Leads: Receipt in Transitional China." Sociological Inquiry. https://doi-org.libproxy1.nus.edu.sg/10.1111/soin.12460.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2021. "Economic Sociology in Singapore: Meritocracy and the Missing Embeddedness." Economic Sociology: Perspectives and Conversations 23(1): 19-22.
  • Chua, Vincent, Eik Leong Swee, and Barry Wellman. 2019. "Getting Ahead in Singapore: How Neighbourhoods, Gender, and Ethnicity Affect Enrollment into Elite Schools." Sociology of Education 92(2): 176-198.
  • Ho, K.C. and Vincent Chua. 2018. "The Neighbourhood Roots of Social Cohesion: Notes on an Exceptional Case of Singapore." Environment and Planning C 36(2): 290-312.
  • Chua, Vincent, Kay W. Axhausen and Teresa Tan. 2018. "Who Do You Know, Where? Social Investments in Faraway Contacts." Research in Transportation Economics 68(August): 38-45.
  • Chua, Vincent, Mathew Mathews, and Yi Cheng Loh. 2016. "Social Capital in Singapore: Gender Differences, Ethnic Hierarchies, and Their Intersection." Social Networks 47(October): 138-150.
  • Chua, Vincent and Barry Wellman. 2015. “Social Networks in East and Southeast Asia 1: National Characteristics, Institutions, Network Capital and Guanxi.” American Behavioral Scientist 59(8): 903-913.
  • Chua, Vincent and Barry Wellman. 2015. “Social Networks in East and Southeast Asia 2: Labor Migration, Opportunity, Social Media, and Well-Being.” American Behavioral Scientist 59(9): 1055-1065.
  • Wang, Helen, Vincent Chua, and Michael Stefanone. 2015. “Social Ties, Communication Channels, and Well Being: A Study of the Networked Lives of College Students in Singapore.” American Behavioral Scientist 59(9): 1189-1202.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2015. “How Do Singaporeans Connect? Ties among Chinese, Malays and Indians” American Behavioral Scientist 59(9): 1115-1128.
  • Chua, Vincent and Irene Y.H. Ng. 2015. “Unequal Returns to Social Capital: The Study of Malays in Singapore Through a Network Lens.” Asian Ethnicity 16(4): 480-497.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2015, “Do Raffles Boys ‘Rule’ and Anglo-Chinese Boys ‘Own’ Singapore? Analysing School-To-Work Correspondences in an Elite Developmental State.” International Studies in Sociology of Education 25(1): 1-19.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2014. “Institutional Comparisons of the Perceived Value of Networks in China and the United States.” Comparative Sociology 13(5): 587-617.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2014. “The Contingent Value of Unmobilized Social Capital in Getting a Good Job.” Sociological Perspectives 57(1): 124-143.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2013. “Contextualizing Networked Individualism: The Interplay of Social Categories, Role Relationships and Tasks.” Current Sociology 61(5): 602-625.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2013. “Categorical Sources of Varieties of Network Inequalities.” Social Science Research 42(5): 1236-1253.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2012. “Contacts and Contexts.” Social Networks 34(4): 534-538.    
  • Chua, Vincent. 2011. “Social Networks and Labour Market Outcomes in a Meritocracy.” Social Networks 33(1): 1-11.


  • Chua, Vincent, Randall Morck, and Bernard Yeung. 2022. “The Singaporean Meritocracy: Theory, Practice, and Policy Implications”. In Tarun Khanna and Michael Szonyi (Eds.). Making Meritocracy: Lessons from China and India, From Antiquity to the Present. Pp. 231-261. NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Chua, Vincent, and Kelvin K.C. Seah. 2022. “From Meritocracy to Parentocracy, and Back”. In Lee Yew-Jin (Ed.), Education in Singapore: People-Making and Nation-Building. Pp. 169-186. Singapore: Springer.
  • Chua, Vincent. 2022. “Link By Link: Blurring the Lines and Creating an Inclusive Society in Singapore”. In Oliver Heckmann (Ed.), Future Urban Habitation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Conceptions, and Designs. Pp. 37-48. John Wiley & Sons. 
  • Chua, Vincent, Gillian Koh, Tan Ern Ser, and Drew Shih. 2021. Social Capital in Singapore: The Power of Network Diversity. New York: Routledge.
  • Chew, Han Ei, Vincent Chua, Alex Tan, and Yvonne Yap. 2021. “Adulting Well: Impact of Youth-To-Adulthood Transition on Life Satisfaction”. In Youth.sg, The State of Youth in Singapore 2021. Singapore: National Youth Council.
  • Mathews, Mathew, Mike Hou, Tan Ern Ser, and Vincent Chua. 2021. Making Identity Count in Singapore: Understanding Singaporeans’ National Pride and Identity. Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Working Papers 41.
  • Koh, Gillian, Tan Ern Ser, and Vincent Chua 2020. “The Future of the Middle Class in Singapore 2020 and Beyond”. In Terence Chong (Ed.). Navigating Differences: Integration in Singapore. Singapore: ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
  • Chua, Vincent and Bonnie H. Erickson. 2017. Associations and Social Networks. In David Horton Smith, Robert A. Stebbins, and Jurgen Grotz (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Non-Profit Associations (Volume 1). Pp. 198-205.
  • Chua, Vincent and Barry Wellman. 2016. “Networked Individualism, East Asian Style.” In Jon F. Nussbaum (Ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Online. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.119.
  • Chua, Vincent and Tan, Ern Ser. 2012. “National Identity” In George Ritzer (Ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Chua Vincent, Madej, Julia, and Wellman, Barry. 2011. “Personal Communities: The World According to Me.” In John Scott & Peter Carrington (Eds.) Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis. Pp. 101-115. London: Sage.


  • Review of Benjamin Read’s (2012) “Roots of the State: Neighbourhood Organization and Social Networks in Beijing and Taipei.” In Asian Journal of Social Sciences 41 (2013): 223-225.
  • Review of Mario L. Small’s (2009) “Unanticipated Gains: Origins of Network Inequalities in Everyday Life.” In City and Community 10 (2011): 100-101.


  • 2018 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore
  • 2018 Annual Teaching Excellence Award, National University of Singapore
  • 2017 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore
  • 2013 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore
  • 2008 Edie Yolles Ontario Graduate Scholarship Prize in Sociology (University of Toronto)
  • 2007 Daniel Grafton Hill Prize for Best Graduate Student Paper (University of Toronto)

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