FASS Staff Profile




Jie joined the Department of Political Science in 2014. Before that, she was an assistant professor at the Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong. She obtained her B.A. in political science from Peking University, M.A. in public administration from Sun Yat-sen University, and her doctorate at the Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong. Jie was a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute of AY2022-23.

Jie's teaching and research interests focus on Chinese politics and public administration, particularly in the areas of target-based policymaking, local government performance management, public officials' gaming behavior, information politics, and work safety regulation. She is the author of Work Safety Regulation in China: The CCP's Fatality Quota System (Routledge, 2022, reviewed in Public Administration, China Quarterly, and China Journal). Her publications also appeared in journals such as The China Quarterly, Public Administration, Policy & Society, Administration & Society, American Review of Public Administration, Public Administration & Development, Australian Journal of Public Administration, etc. 

PS2240 Introduction to Public Administration

PS4320 Public Sector Reforms in China

PS5316 Seminar in Public Administration

Contemporary Chinese Politics; Chinese Public Administration

Lu Liu, PhD, 2017-2021 (Placement: Post-doctoral fellow/Shuimu Scholar at Tsinghua University)

Nurstasha Arifin Wong Ji Han, MA, 2018-2021 (Placement: PhD candidate at the University of Chicago)

Samara Thirushelvam, MA, 2017-2019 (Placement: Ministry of Defense, Singapore)


  • Gao, Jie (2022) Work Safety Regulation in China: The CCP’s Fatality Quota System. London and New York: Routledge.


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

    Gao, Jie (2021). Mitigating Pernicious Gaming in Performance Management in China: Dilemmas, Strategies and Challenges. Public Performance & Management Review, 44(2), 321-351.

    Gao, Jie, Chan, Hon S. and Yang, Kaifeng (2021). Gaming in Performance Management Reforms and Its Countermeasures: Symposium Introduction. Public Performance & Management Review , 44(2), 243-249.

    Niu, Xuejiao, Wang, Xiaohu, Gao, Jie and Wang, Xuejun (2020). Has Third-Party Monitoring Improved Environmental Data Quality? An Analysis of Air Pollution Data in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 253, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109698

    Gao, Jie (2019). Politics, Law, and Administrative Discretion: The Case of Work Safety Regulation in China. Journal of Chinese Governance, 4(1), 70-90.

    Chan, Hon S., and Gao, Jie (2018). The Politics of Personnel Redundancy: The Nonleading Cadre System in the Chinese Bureaucracy. The China Quarterly, 235, 622-643.

    Gao, Jie (2016). Bypass the Lying Mouths: How Does the CCP Tackle Information Distortion at Local Levels? The China Quarterly, 229, 950-969.

    Gao, Jie (2015). Pernicious Manipulations of Performance Measures in China’s Cadre Evaluation System. The China Quarterly, 223, 618-637.

    Gao, Jie (2015). Performance Measurement and Management in the Public Sector: Lessons from Research Evidence. Public Administration & Development, 35(2), 86-96.

    Gao, Jie (2015). Political Rationality vs. Technical Rationality in China’s Target-Based Performance Measurement System: The Case of Social Stability Maintenance. Policy & Society, 34, 37-48.

    Chen, Lijun, Chan, Hon S., Gao, Jie and Yu, Jianxing (2015). Party Management of Talent: Building a Party-Led, Merit-Based Talent Market in China. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 74(3), 298-311.

    Gao, Jie (2014). Public Administration Research in Hong Kong and Macau: A Review of Journal Articles Published from 1999 to 2009. American Review of Public Administration, 44 (2), 168-186.

    Chan, Hon S. and Gao, Jie (2013). Can the Same Key Open Different Locks? Administrative Values Underlying Performance Measurement in China. Public Administration, 91(2), 366-380.

    Chan, Hon S. and Gao, Jie (Corresponding Author). (2012). Death versus GDP! Decoding the Fatality Indicators on Work Safety Regulation in Post-Deng China. The China Quarterly, 210, 355-377.

    Gao, Jie (2012). How Does Chinese Local Government Respond to Citizen Satisfaction Surveys? A Case Study of Foshan City. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 71(2), 136-147.

    Gao, Jie (2010). Hitting the Target but Missing the Point: The Rise of Non-Mission-Based Targets in Performance Measurement of Chinese Local Governments. Administration & Society, 42(1), 56-76.

    Gao, Jie (2009). Governing by Goals and Numbers: A Case Study in the Use of Performance Measurement to Build State Capacity in China. Public Administration & Development, 29, 21-31.

    Chan, Hon S. and Gao, Jie (2009). Putting the Cart before the Horse: Accountability or Performance? Australian Journal of Public Administration, 68, 51-61.

    Chan, Hon S. and Gao, Jie (2008). Old Wine in New Bottles: A County-Level Case Study of Anti-Corruption Reform in the People’s Republic of China. Crime Law & Social Change, 49(2), 97-117.

    Chan, Hon S. and Gao, Jie (2008). Performance Management in Chinese Local Governments. Chinese Law & Government, 41(2-3), 1-126.



    Gao, Jie (2023). China’s Approach to Performance Management and Future Directions. In Dilemmas in Public Management in Greater China and Australia: Rising Tensions but Common Challenges (edited by Andrew Podger, Hon Chan, Tsai-tsu Su, and John Wanna)Canberra: Australian National University Press, pp.283-301. DOI: http://doi.org/10.22459/DPMGCA.2023

    Gao, Jie (2023). Performance Measurement and Social Policies in China. In Oxford Handbook of Governance and Public Management for Social Policy (edited by Karen Baehler). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.295-307.

    Gao, Jie (2020). Measuring Public Sector Performance and Effectiveness. In Handbook of Public Policy and Public Administration in China (edited by Xiaowei Zang and Hon S. Chan). Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 59-79.

    Wang, Echo Lei and Gao, Jie (2020). Public Administration Research in Hong Kong and Macau. In Handbook of Public Policy and Public Administration in China (edited by Xiaowei Zang and Hon S. Chan). Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.452-465.

    Gao, Jie and Guo, Jia (2012). Challenges and Prospects of Reforestation in Contemporary China: The Case of the Grain for Green Project. In China—A New Stage of Development for an Emerging Superpower (edited by Joseph Cheng). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, pp.453-477.

    Chan, Hon S. and Gao, Jie (2009). Preventing Corruption through Performance Measurement: The Case of China. In Preventing Corruption in Asia: Institutional Design and Policy Capacity (edited by Ting Gong and Stephen K. Ma). New York, NY: Routledge, pp.97-112.



    Gao, Jie (2018). State Governance by Targets: Bureaucratic Accountability, Performance Gaps, and Government Behaviors, by Liang Ma. Chinese Public Administration Review, 9(2), 148-149.

    Gao, Jie (2014). Trust and Governance Institutions: Asian Experiences, by Millan Tung-Wen Sun, Clay G. Wescott, Lawrence R. Jones. International Review of Public Administration, 20(1), 117-119.


  • PhD Thesis: 

    Performance Management in the People’s Republic of China during the Market Reform Era: A Case Study of Two Counties in Shaanxi Province (Outstanding Research Thesis Award, City University of Hong Kong, 2007)


PI, “Are China’s SOEs Ready for ‘Going Global’? Transformation of China’s SOE Leadership under the Belt and Road Initiative”, National University of Singapore, Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund (Collaborative Research), SG$21,585, 2019—2021

PI, “Work Safety Regulation in China: How the CCP’s Fatality Quotas Are Cleansing China’s Blood-Soaked GDP”, National University of Singapore, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, FASS Book Grant, SG$5,000, 2018-2019

PI, “The Information Paradox in China’s Government Performance Measurement System”, Ministry of Education of Singapore, Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 2 grant, SG$300,364, 2016—2020

Co-I, “How Does Third-Party Evaluation Improve Organizational Performance? An Empirical Study of Local Governments in China” (PI: Ma Liang), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), RMB480,000, 2018—2021

PI, “The Use of Performance Information in Local Decision-Making: The Case of China”, National University of Singapore, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund (HSSRF), SG$39,169, 2016—2018,

PI, “Cadre Personnel Management Reform in Post-Mao China: Policy Innovations and Implications”, National University of Singapore, Start-up Grant, SG$39,992, 2014—2017

PI, “Puzzles in Using Death Indicators to Improve Work Safety in China”, City University of Hong Kong, Strategic Research Grant (SRG), HK$68,308, 2012—2014

PI, “The Rise of Non-Mission-Based Performance Targets in Chinese Local Governments: Dynamics and Challenges”, City University of Hong Kong, Start-Up Grant, HK$194,194, 2012—2014

Co-I, “The Capacity-Building Paradox of the Chinese Communist Party in the Reform Era: The Case of Performance Measurement in Chinese Local Governments” (PI: Hon Chan), City University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Grant, HK$59,361, 2010—2011

Co-I, “Performance versus Accountability: A Dilemma of Public Service Delivery in Local China” (PI: Hon Chan), City University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Grant, HK$56,678, 2008—2010

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