FASS Staff Profile


AS8, 6th Floor

I am an Associate Professor with the Department of Malay Studies. My previous academic experiences had been with the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang and with the University of Toronto as Visiting Professor of ASEAN and International Studies. Before joining the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences I was also a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute of the NUS.

I have taught or currently teaching the following courses at the Deparment of Malay Studies and Department of Southeast Asian Studies: Gender and Islam, Topics in Malaysian Politics, Tradition, Conflict and Change, Malay Political Culture, Religion, Society and Politics in Southeast Asia. My areas of teaching specialization are Islamic family, Marriage and Intimacy, Bureaucratic Islam, Malaysian Politics, Social Movements and Feminism.

1.       Ann Elizabeth Lever, “Outbreaks of Satire: A Political Epidemiology of Dissent In Theatre, Television And Internet Memes (Malaysia And Indonesia, 1989-2018)” 

                 [Phd - Passed]

2.       Athiqah Nur Alami, “The Politics of Indonesian Female Domestic Workers In Singapore: Policies And Practices” [PhD – Passed]

3.       Muhammad Yusuf Bin Osman, “Entrepreneurship Among Malay Small Business Owners in Singapore: The Role of Ethnic Resources and Opportunities” [MA – Passed]

4.       Sharifah Aishah Bte Syed Zain Alhadad, “Speaking in the Name of Islam: A Discursive Study of Contestations Over Polygyny and Child Marriage in Contemporary

                  Malaysia and Singapore” [MA - Passed]

5.      Nurulsyahirah Binti Mohammad Taha, “How Malay Women Resist Obstetric Violence In Singapore” [PhD – passed]

6.     Fadiah Nadwa Bint Fikri, "Anticolonialism: Connections and Travelling Ideas of Freedom, Liberation, and Human Rights in Malaysia and Beyond" [Phd - ongoing]

7.     Fan Shiyu: "Work-Family Identity of Women in Singapore" [MA - ongoing]

8.      Saza Faradilla Binte Zaini: "Female Genital Cutting (FGC) in Singapore: Complexities and Resistance" [MA - ongoing]


As Principal Investigator I have recently completed a project on Being and Becoming Female in the Malay World: Interrogating and Curating the Photo-Archives of Early Singapore (grant awarded by the Singapore National Heritage Board). I am currenlty a Co-Investigator of another research on Malay Manuscripts as Medium and Method for Decentering Dominant Narratives (MOE AcRF Tier 1 grant). Out of these two projects I am currently completing the writing of the following books: An edited volume on "Visual Representations of Femininities in the Malay World: Camera, Chimera, Colonialism" (Amsterdam University Press); a co-edited volume on "Malay Worldmaking from the 13th to the 21st Century: Retellings of  Re-Telling Origins, Islam, Adat and Power Through Malay Manuscripts" (NUS Press) and a co-authored book on "Sexuality and Islamic Spirituality in Early Malay Writings: A Textual History of Sex and Gender" (IB Tauris/Bloomsbury).

Malay World Textuality, Bureaucratic Islam, Family, Marriage, Intimacy and Gender in Islam, Masculinities, Femininities and Gender-Based Violence, Women and Politics, Malay-Nusantara Global Connectivities




    The Divine Bureaucracy and Disenchantment of Social Life: A Study of Bureaucratic Islam in Malaysia, Palgrave Macmillan, 320 pp.


    Women's Political Participation and Empowerment in Malaysia: The Case of  GE14 and Beyond, Research Paper 1, May, Selangor, Malaysia: Institut Wanita Berdaya. (co-authors: Cecilia Ng and Tan Beng Hui); 74 pp. 

    2007 (softcover); 2006 (Hardback)

    Feminism and the Women’s Movement in Malaysia: An Unsung (R)evolution, London: Routledge (co-authors: Cecilia Ng and Tan Beng Hui), 219 pp.

    The Malay Handloom Weavers: A Study of the Rise and Decline of Traditional Manufacture,
    Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), 338 pp.





    Family Ambiguity and Domestic Violence in Asia: Concept, Law and Process (Easbourne, UK: Sussex Academic Press) (2013) (co-editor: Saskia Wieringa)


    Changing Marriage Patterns in Southeast Asia: Economic and Socio-Cultural Dimension (London: Routledge Press) (co-editors: Gavin Jones and Terrence Hull), 239 pp.

    Melayu: The Politics, Poetics and Paradoxes of Malayness ( Singapore: National University of Singapore Press) (co-editor: Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied), 370 pp.


    Muslim-non-Muslim Marriage: Political and Cultural Contestations in Southeast Asia, (Singapore: ISEAS) (co-editors: Gavin Jones, Chee Heng Leng), 322 pp.


    Risking Malaysia: Culture, Politics and Identity, [Bangi: Penerbit UKM (National University of Malaysia Press)]; (co-editor: Wong Soak Koon), 214 pp.

    Muslim Women and Access to Justice: Historical, Legal and Social Experiences in Malaysia, (Penang: Women’s Crisis Centre/Women Living Under Muslim Laws), 150 pp.


    Feminism: Malaysian Critique and Experience: (Special Issue of Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies), June/December; (co-editor: Wong Soak Koon), 254 pp.


  • 2023

    “Early 20th century Postcards: Power Play and the Subjugation of Women”, MUSE SG Vol 16, No 2, July (with Kathy Rowland)



    "Sex Manuals in Malay Manuscripts as Another Transcript of Gender Relations". Religions 2021, 12(5), 368; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12050368



    Review Essay,   “SOJOURN Symposium on Beyond Debt: Islamic Experiments in Global Finance”. SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 35, no. 2: 364–82. (with Patricia Sloane-White, and Daromir Rudnyckyj)


    "The Monetisation of Consent and its Limits: Explaining Political Dominance and Decline in Malaysia" in Journal of Contemporary Asia, 50:1, pp. 56-73, 10.1080/00472336.2019.1569710 (with J. Saravanamuttu)


    “Domestic Violence: Malaysia”, in: Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures, General Editor Suad Joseph. 

    "Getting more women into politics under one-party dominance: collaboration, clientelism, and coalition building in the determination of women’s representation in Malaysia", Southeast Asian Studies, 7:3, 415-447


    “Religion and politics in Malaysian nation-building: a ‘double-movement’ of hegemonic and plural Islam”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 18: 3, September. 


    "Conserving Custom or Transforming Tradition? The Customary Tenure Enactment and Matrilineal Land Rights", Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS), June (forthcoming)

    "Policing and Protecting Women: Some Aspects of Malay-Islamic Law-Making under British Colonialism", Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies, vol. 34, no.1(in Press)


    "Islamic Banking and Finance: Sacred Alignment, Strategic Alliances", Pacific Affairs, vol 88, no: 2, June (with Johan Saravanamuttu), pp. 193-213.

    “The Social Cost of Islamic Divorce: Sustaining the Authentic Muslim Family under Malaysian Syariah Law” in  Encounters: An International Journal for the Study of Culture and Society, special issue on Islamic Law, Society, Culture and State, Zayed University Press, Fall, no.6, pp. 126-147


    "Women's Empowerment in Religious Contexts: Competitieve Modernity and the Feminized Public sphere in Malaysia", ASIEN: The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, vol 132, July, pp. 81-97


    “Sharia Reforms in Flux: The Changeable National Character of Islamic Marriage”, in International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, vol. 25, Issue 1, April, pp. 46-70.


    “The Ascendance of Bureaucratic Islam and the Secularization of the Sharia”, in Pacific Affairs, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 499-518.

    “Making Majority, Undoing Family: Law, Religion and the Islamization of State in Malaysia” in Economy and Society, vol. 39, no.3, pp. 360-384.


    “Malaysia – Democracy and the End of Ethnic Politics?”, Australian Journal of International Affairs , vol 62, no. 4, pp. 441 – 459.

    “Malay/Malaysian/Islamic: Four Genres of Political Writings and the Postcoloniality of Autochthonous Texts”, Postcolonial Studies, vol. 11, no.3, September, pp. 293 – 313.


  • 2021

    "Homage to Shaharil Talilb and His Question of Divide in Malay Society: Merchants, Weavers and Specialists as the Middle-Class of an Old Malay World". Rajah Rasiah, Azirah Hashim and Jatswan Singh Sidhu (editors). Contesting Malaysia's Integration into the World Economy, Singapore: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 125-144.





    "Dual-Income Households Among Singapore Malay Families: Changing Economy, Unchanging Gender Roles" in Yeung, Jean; Hu, S.(eds), Family and Population Change in Singapore A unique case in the global family changes, London: Routledge, pp. 53-73 (with Suriani Suratman)


    “Fragmented but Captured: Malay Voters and the FELDA Factor in GE13” in Johan Saravanamuttu, Lee Hock Guan and Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman (eds), Coalitions in Collision: Malaysia’s 13th General Elections”, Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 123-158


    “Introduction: Why the Book?” in  Family Ambiguity and Domestic Violence in Asia: Concept, Law and Process (Easbourne, UK: Sussex Academic Press) (co-editor: Saskia E, Wieringa); pp. 1 -11 (with Saskia E. Wieringa)

    “Domestic Violence: An Introduction to the Debates” in Family Ambiguity and Domestic Violence in Asia: Concept, Law and Process (Easbourne, UK: Sussex Academic Press) (co-editor: Saskia E, Wieringa); pp. 12 – 28 (with Saskia E. Wieringa)

     “Malaysia’s Domestic Violence Law: An Epic Passage, and the  Clash of Gender, Cultural and Religious Rights”, in Family Ambiguity and Domestic Violence in Asia: Concept, Law and Process (Easbourne, UK: Sussex Academic Press) (co-editor: Saskia E, Wieringa),  pp. 140 -168

    “Legal-Bureaucratic Islam in Malaysia: Homogenizing and Ring-fencing the Muslim Subject”, in Hew Yew Foong (editor), Encountering Islam: The Politics of Religious Identities in Southeast Asia, Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 103 – 132.


    “Malaysia’s New Economic Policy: Resolving Horizontal Inequalities, Creating Inequities?” in Edmund Terence Gomez and Johan Saravanamuttu (editors), The New Economic Policy in Malaysia: Affirmative Action, Ethnic Inequalities and Social Justice, Singapore and Petaling Jaya: NUS Press and SIRD (with Edmund Terence Gomez and Johan Saravanamuttu); pp. 1-28.

    “The New Economic Policy and Poverty at the Margins: Family Dislocation, Dispossession and Dystopia in Kelantan”, in Edmund Terence Gomez and Johan Saravanamuttu (editors), The New Economic Policy in Malaysia: Affirmative Action, Ethnic Inequalities and Social Justice, Singapore and Petaling Jaya: NUS Press and SIRD; pp. 61-82.

    “Ethnicity and Inequality in Malaysia: A Retrospect and a Rethinking’, in Graham Brown , Arnim Langer and Frances Stewart (editors), Affirmative Action in Plural Socieites: International Experiences, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151 -181.

    “Globalization and Gender Dissonance among Poor Malays” in Zawawi Ibrahim (editor), Social Science and Knowledge in a Globalizing World, Petaling Jaya: Malaysian Social Science Association/Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, pp. 243 – 260.


  • 2021

    Guest Editor, Special Isssue on Marriage, Intimacy, Gender and Islam in Southeast Asia, Religions. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/religions/special_issues/mig


  • 2021

    Book Review of Islam in a secular state Muslim activism in Singapore By Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (Amsterdam University Press, 2021). International Journal of Asian Studies, pp. 1 – 3; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1479591421000644

    Book Review of Piety, Politics and Everyday Ethics in Southeast Asian Islam: Beautiful Behavior. Edited by Robert Rozehnal, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. in Journal of Southeast Asian StudiesVol. 52, Iss. 1: 143-144.

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