FASS Staff Profile


6776 -1409

Brief Introduction

I am based at the Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. I am also Co-Director of the Next Age Institute, Fellow (honorary) of the College of Alice and Peter Tan, University Town. 

I teach modules on contemporary Japanese society and culture, as well as faculty modules relating to service learning, intergenerational relations and programs. I have supervised Capstone modules on community engagements and  co-taught a senior seminar titled "Asian Identities" as a fellow at the College of Alice and Peter Tan, University Town, NUS. As an anthropologist, I focus on anthropological perspectives and approaches in my courses.

I have particular research interests on Japan-Singapore socio-cultural issues, intergenerational relations and programming, aging, family, migration, gender with a focus on Japan and Singapore, as well as Asia in general. In the past twenty years, I have done fieldwork in Okinawa, Tokyo, Kobe, Western Australia, Chiangmai, Bangkok, Bali, Cebu, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Singapore. I am passionate on research relating to aging and intergenerational studies. My research on aging covers a wide array of topics, including caregiving, active aging, volunteering among seniors, resilience among living alone seniors, lifelong learning, grandparent-grandchildren relationships, later life migration, environmental gerontology, aging-in-place.

My interest in intergenerational studies began in Japan (see Thang, LL. Generations in Touch: Linking the old and young in a Tokyo Neighborhood, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001) (The book is included as one of the 100 Books to understand contemporary Japan (Nippon Foundation, 2021)). Since then, I have been active in promoting intergenerational approaches both as a scholarship and for practical applications in society. I am co- editor in chief of the Journal of Intergenerational Relationships (Taylor and Francis), and was one of the key organizing members in the 4th ICIP (International consortium for intergenerational programs) International conference on 'Linking Generations: Family, Work, Community-Intergenerational Solidarity for a Sustainable Society'. (April 26-29, 2010, Singapore). I also provide consultations on intergenerational approaches in the community. My latest book publication in this area is based on the concept of Intergenreational Contact Zone I first coined in 2015 (see Thang, 2015). This is a co-edited volume with Mathew Kaplan, Mariano Sanchez and Jaco Hoffman titled "Intergenerational Contact Zones: Place-based strategies for promoting social inclusion and belonging" (Routledge 2020). 

In the area of Japanese Studies, I served as the Head of the Department of Japanese Studies for a total of 12 years (until end June 2021) and has played an active role in the development of Japanese Studies in Southeast Asia with fellow Japanese Studies experts in the region. The Department of Japanese Studies established the Mitsui-NUS Japanese Studies in Southeast Asia Endowment Fund in 2006 in commemoration of the Department's 25th Anniversary. The Department also organized the inaugural conference of the Association of Japanese Studies in Southeast Asia (JSA-ASEAN) in October 2006. My latest publication in Japanese Studies is an article in Japanese Studies co-authored with Sachiko Sone titled "“Staying Till the End?: Japanese Later-Life Migrants and Belonging in Western Australia” (2020). 

In community services, I serve as President of Fei Yue Family Service Management Board and President of Singapore Gerontological Society, member of Management Board of Fei Yue Community Services, Presbyterian Community Services and Centre for Seniors, and also on the borad of Urban Development Authority (URA). I was previsouly Council Member of Families for Life Council (Ministry of Social and Family Development) (6 years), co-chair of the taskforce on intergenerational bonding and grandparenting (then Ministry of Commnity, Youth and Sports), Council member of Central Singapore Community Development Council (chair of Lifelong Learning division), among others.

I contribute on a regular basis as a column writer to Lianhe Zaobao (Singapore) writing mainly about aging, family, community and environment. Essays from 2008-2015 are now available in a book collection titled 莫忘我 (Global Publishing, Singapore, 2015). A new edition published in China is also available from Summer 2020 (China Science Publishing, Beijing, 2020). The book was included as one of the 14 books in the list of The Paper editors at Shanghai Book Fair (Summer 2020). 


Teaching Areas

         Modules taught over the years: 

  • Singapore and Japan: Historical and Contemporary Relationships GES1015
  • Approaches to Japanese Studies JS2101
  • Japanese Society and Social Institutions JS2222
  • Popular Culture in Contemporary Japan JS2213
  • Social Dynamics in Modern Japan JS4225     
  • Contemporary Japanese Social Issues JS5204
  • Selected Topics in Japanese history and society JS6101
  • Graduate Research Seminar JS6770
  • Community Service and Social Action GEK1052
  • Freshmen Seminar: Generations FMA 1201J
  • Senior Seminar-Asian Identities SSU2002
  • Capstone module SSU2001

Current Research

Research (from 2010)

Single Japanese women in Southeast Asia: Re-thinking gender, age and self in a Regionalized Asia (PI, with Dr Mika Toyota), funding from Academic Research Fund (MOE Tier 1), 2007-2010  

Intergenerational dynamics in caregiving in Singapore (PI, with Dr. Kaylani Mehta (SIM University), a study commissioned by Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, 2010

A study of elderly living alone in Singapore (PI, with Fei Yue Community Services), funding from NCSS, 2008-2010

Home safety issues for older adults living alone (co PI, PI Dr Hong Song Iee), funding from Ageing Intergrative Reseach Cluster, NUS, 2010-2011

Comparative Healthcare and social policies for ageing societies in Asia (collaborator, PI A/P Phua Kai Hong), funding from NIHA, NUS, 2012-2014

Lifelong learning among older adults in Singapore (PI, with Fei Yue Community Services), funding from Council for Third Age, 2011-2012

A qualitative study of senior group homes in Singapore (PI), funding from Ministry of Social and Family Development, 2013-2015

A qualiative study on coping strategies and cvaregiving arrangements of lower-income households with dependent elderly (PI), funding from NUS-Tsao Grant on Aging Research, 2014-2015

Caring for Frail Seniors in the Community: A solution-based approach (PI), funding from Centre for Family and Population Research, 2016-2017

Generativity: Appreciation and Measurement among Elderly Singaporeans (GAMES) (co-PI, PI Dr. Rahul Malhotra), funding from Ministry of Social and Family Development, 2017-2019

Intergenerational study on ageing and mental health: the Hannah Study(CHI Study) (co-PI, PI A/P Rathi Mahendran), funding from HSBC, 2017~

Understanding the care and support system of divorced and widowed seniors in Singapore (Advisor, PI- Fei Yue Community Services), funding from Ministry of Social and Family Development, 2016-2018

Transnational relations, ageing and care ethics (TRACE) (co-PI, PI A/P Elaine Ho), funding from MOE Tier 2, 2018-2021

A study of long term Japanese residents in Singapore (co-PI, PI Prof Keiko Tamura), 2019




Research Interests

  • East Asian society and culture
  • Intergenerational programming
  • Intergenerational relationships
  • Aging (active aging, caregiving, senior volunteerism, community-based care system)
  • Family
  • Migration
  • Gender

Other Information

Academic Background

 1997  Ph.D. in Anthropology (socio-cultural), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

 1992  M.A. in Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore

 1988  B.A. (Hons) in Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore


Current Position

Associate Professor, Department of Japanese Studies

Co-Director, Next Age Institute, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Fellow (honorary), College of Alice and Peter Tan, University Town


Administrative Positions (NUS)

 Jan 2005- Dec 2010, July 2015- June 2021:  Head, Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore

 April 2015- June 2019:  Deputy Director, Centre for Family and Population Research, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS

Previous administrative positions included: Assistant Dean of FASS, Assistant Director of Centre for Advanced Studies (FASS) (now ceased), Advisor for Japan and S Korea, NUS International Office; Fellow, College of Alice and Peter Tan 

Visiting Positions

Dec 2019 onwards: Visiting Professor, Institute of China-Japan Comparative Welfare Research, College of Humanities, Northeast Normal University, China

2018 (August-September)  Visiting Scholar, Sau Po Centre on Aging, University of Hong Kong

2015 (May-June)  Visiting Fellow, Kyushu University,Japan 

2011 (May- June)  Visiting Fellow,  Institute for Aging, Oxford University

2011 (Feb)   Japan Foundation Visiting Professor, Department of Japanese Studies, Vietnam National University

2007 (Jan-Dec)  Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, Asian Studies division,  University of Western Australia

2001-2002 (Nov-Jan) Visiting Scholar, Division of International Relations, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies (Japan)

1995-1996 (1 year),  2001 (June) Research Fellow, School of Human Sciences, Waseda University (Japan)


 Books and Edited works

 Thang, L.L. Generations in Touch: Linking the Old and Young in a Tokyo Neighborhood. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 2001.

  • The book was reviewed in the following journals/newspapers: The Japan Times (16 Dec 2001), Aging and Society (Vol 21, 2001), Contemporary Gerontology (Vol 8:2, 2001), Journal of Japanese Studies (Vol. 29:1, 2003), Journal of Intergenerational Relationships (Vol 1:1, 2003), Journal of Asian Studies (Vol 63:2, 2004The book was reviewed in the following journals/newspapers: The Japan Times (16 Dec 2001), Aging and Society (Vol 21, 2001), Contemporary Gerontology (Vol 8:2, 2001), Journal of Japanese Studies (Vol. 29:1, 2003), Journal of Intergenerational Relationships (Vol 1:1, 2003), Journal of Asian Studies (Vol 63:2, 2004).

Thang, L.L. and WH Yu eds. Old Challenges, New Strategies?: Women, Work and Family in Contemporary  Asia. Leiden: Brill Academic Publisher. 2004.

Teo, P., Mehta, K., Thang, L.L. and Chan, A. Ageing in Singapore: Service needs  and the state. London: Routledge. 2006, 2012

Mehta, K and Thang, L.L. eds. Experiencing Grandparenthood: An Asian Perspective. Netherlands: Springer Publisher.2012

Thang, L.L. 莫忘我 (trans. Will you remember me?). Singapore: Global Publisher. 2015. http://www.globalpublishing.com.sg/bookshop/g347.html

Yeung, WJJ and Thang, L.L. eds. Family and Population in Asia (家庭与人口). Singapore: Centre for Family and Population Research, NUS. 2019.Kaplan, M., Thang, L.L., Sanchez, M. and Hoffman, J. (eds). Intergenerational Contact Zones: Place-based Strategies for Promoting Social Inclusion and Belonging. New York: Routledge. 2020.

Thang, L.L. 莫忘我:人类学家的老龄社会观察笔记  (trans, Will you remember me? Observational notes from an anthropologist on aging society) Beijing: Science Publisher (科学出版社). July 2020 (Mainland China edition of 2015 book)

Special editions in journals

 Thang, L.L., MT Yap and Traphagan J. (editors) Special Issue: Aging in Asia, Journal of Cross-cultural gerontology. 2005

 Ow, R., Joon, M-S and Thang, L.L.(eds). Special issue on Critical Issues in Elderly Health, Asia-Pacific Journal of Social Work and    Development. 21(1), 2011

 Huang, S., Thang, L.L. and Toyota, M.(eds). Special issue on Transnational Care Mobilities: State, Market and Family Dynamics in Asia. Global Networks, 2012

Yeung, WJJ. and Thang, L.L.(eds). Special issue on Long-term care for older adults in ASEAN Plus Three: The roles of family, community and the state in addressing unmet needs, Journal of Aging and Health, 30(10), 2018 

Thang, L.L. & Yeung, WJJ.(eds). Special issue on Elder-care issues in Southeast and East Asia, Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology. 33(2), 2018

 Book chapters

Thang, L.L. Ikigai and Longevity among the Elderly in Okinawa. In Aging: Asian Experiences Past and Present. S. Formanek and S. Linhart, eds. Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichiscehn Akademie der Wisseschaften. 1996.

 Thang, L.L. Aging in the East. In Handbook of the Humanities and Aging, Vol 2. Cole, T.R., R. Ray and R. Kastenbaum eds. New York: Springer Publishing Co. 2000.

 Thang, L.L. Intergenerational Initiative in Singapore: Commitments to Community and Family Building. In  Linking Lifetimes: A Global View of Intergenerational Exchange.   Kaplan, M., N. Henkin and A. Kusano eds. Lanham: University Press of America.  2002.

 Thang, L.L. and M. Kaplan. Intergenerational Programs in Japan: Symbolic extensions of family unity. In  Linking Lifetimes: A Global View of Intergenerational Exchange.   Kaplan, M., N. Henkin and A. Kusano eds. Lanham: University Press of America.  2002 (Adopted from Journal of Aging and Identity, 2(4): 295-315, 1997).

 Thang, L.L. Touching of the Hearts: An Overview of Programs to Promote Interaction Between the Generations in Japan. In Family and Social Policy in Japan: Anthropological Approaches. R. Goodman ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2002.

 Thang, L. L. Generational Re-Engagements: Changing Demographic Patterns and the Revival of Intergenerational Contact in Japan. In Demographic Change and the Family in Japan. Traphagan, J. and J. Knight eds. New York: State University of New York Press. 2003.

 Thang, L.L., M. Goda and E. MacLachlan. Challenging  the Life Course: Japanese Women Working in Singapore. In Old Challenges, New Strategies? Women, Work and Family in Contemporary Asia. L. L. Thang and WH Yu eds., Leiden: Brill Academic Publisher. 2004.

 Thang, L.L. Preserving the Memories of Terror: Kobe Earthquake Survivors as ‘Memory Volunteers. In Perspectives on Social Memory on Japan. Tsu Y.H., Bremen, J. , Ben-ari, E.,  (ed.) UK: Global Oriental Publishing. 2005.

 Thang, L.L. M. Goda and E. MacLachlan. Negotiating work and self- experiences of Japanese working women in Singapore. In Overseas Japanese and Japanese Transnational Migrants in a Global World: From the Past to the Present. Adachi, N. ed. London: Routledge. 2006

         also appears as “仕事と自分の相互関係:シンガポールにおける日本人女性の経験”. Inジャパニーズ・ディアスポラ―埋もれた過去闘争の現在不確かな未来 Adachi Nobuko ed. Tokyo: Shinsensha. 2008.

 Chew, D.K.M. and Thang, L.L. the Japanese Kindergarten of Singapore: ‘internalization’ and ‘internationalization’. In Japan and Singapore: A Multidisiplinary Approach. Tsu, Y.H. ed. Singapore: McGraw Hill. 2006.

 Thang, L.L. Defining A Second Career: Volunteering among seniors in Japan. In.  Work, Employment, and Society in Contemporary Japan: Sociological and Anthropological Perspectives. Matanle, P. ed. London: Palgrave Pub. 2006.

 Mehta, K. and Thang , L.L. Multigenerational families in Singapore. In Aging in Southeast and East Asia: Family, social protection and policy challenges. Lee, H.G. ed. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 2008.

 Mehta, K. and Thang, L.L. Visible and Blurred Boundaries in Familial care: The Dynamics of Multigenerational Care in Singapore. In Ageing and Caring at the Intersection of Work and Home Life: Blurring the boundaries,  Martin‑Matthews, A. and Phillips, J.E. eds.  New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008.

 Thang, L L, Engaging the Generations: Age‑integrated facilities. In The Demographic Challenge: A Handbook about Japan.  Coulmas, F., Conrad, H., Schad-Seifert, A.  and Vogt, G. eds. Leiden: Brill Academic Publisher. 2008.

 Thang, L.L. The aging of Singapore population. In Theorizing Singapore Society (in Ajia Yuugaku series). Tokyo: Bensey Publisher, 2009.  (in Japanese)

 Thang, L.L. Intergenerational relations: Asian perspectives. In The SAGE Handbook of Social Gerontology. Dannefer, D and Phillipson, C. eds. London: Sage Publisher. 2010.

 Thang, L.L. Aging and social welfare in Japan. In Routledge Handbook of Japanese Culture and Society, Bestor, Victoria.L., Bestor, Theodore C. and Yamagata, Akiko. (eds.) New York: Routledge. 2011.

 Thang, L. L. A study of older Chinese men living alone in Singapore. In Singapore’s Ageing Population: Managing Healthcare and End-of-Life Decisions. Chan, Weng-Cheong (ed.) London: Routledge. 2011.

 Thang, L.L. Meanings of being a grandparent. In Experiencing Grandparenthood: An Asian Perspective. K. Mehta and L.L. Thang eds. Netherlands: Springer. 2012.

 Kamnuansilpa, P. and Thang, L.L. The socio-psychological wellbeing of grandparents. In Experiencing Grandparenthood: An Asian Perspective. K. Mehta and L.L. Thang eds. Netherlands: Springer. 2012.

 Thang, L.L. シンガポールにおける世代間イニシャチブの新発展. In 多様化しゃかいをつむぐ世代間交流. A. Kusano et.al. eds. Ohtsu (Japan): Sangagu publisher. 2012.

Thang, L.L. Social Welfare in Singapore. In 65 Chapters of Knowing Singapore (3rd edition) (In Japanese), Tamura Keiko ed. Tokyo Akashi Shoten. 2013. 

Thang, L.L. 社会福祉. In シンガポールを知るための65章(3版). Tamura, Keiko ed. Tokyo (Japan): Akashi Shoten. 2013, 2016.

 Thang, L.L. and Kaplan, M. Intergenerational pathways and building relational spaces and places. In Environmental Gerontology: Making Meaningful Places in Old Age. G.D. Rowles and . Bernard eds. New York: Springer. 2013.

 Thang, L.L. An "active ageing" approach to living alone: Older men and women living in rental flats in Singapore. In Gender and Ageing: Southeast Asian Perspectives. T.W. Devasahayam ed. Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 2014.

 Thang, L.L. and Toyota, M. Making 'traditional' families in trasnational settings: Japanese women in Balinese-Japanese marriages. In Configurations of Family in Contemporary Japan. T. Aoyama, L. Dales and R. Dasgupta eds. London: Routledge. 2014.

 Sone, S. and Thang, L.L. Transnational Japanese women and family space in Western Australia. . In Configurations of Family in Contemporary Japan. T. Aoyama, L. Dales and R. Dasgupta eds. London: Routledge. 2014.

Thang, L.L. Lee S.J. and Kee Y.W. Community Bonding and Community Wellbeing: Perspectives from a Community Development Council in Singapore. In Community Well-Being and Community Development Conceptions and Applications. S.J. Lee, Y.J. Kim and R. Phillips. Springer. 2014.

Thang, L.L. and Tan, E.S. Bonding of the Generations: Promoting family values and intergenerational solidarity in Singapore. In Family Futures. London. 2014.

Thang, L.L. and Toyota, M. Making 'traditional' families in trasnational settings: Japanese women in Balinese-Japanese marriages. In Configurations of Family in Contemporary Japan. T. Aoyama, L. Dales and R. Dasgupta eds. London: Routledge. 2015.

Sone, S. and Thang, L.L. Transnational Japanese women and family space in Western Australia. In Configurations of Family in Contemporary Japan. T. Aoyama, L. Dales and R. Dasgupta eds. London: Routledge. 2015.

Thang, L.L. Social networks and the wellbeing of older adults in Singapore. In Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives. S. Cheng,  I. Chi, L. W. Li, J. Woo and H. H. Fung eds. Springer. 2015.

 Thang, L.L. Creating an intergenerational contact zone: encounters in public spaces within Singapore’s public housing neighbourhoods. In Intergenerational Space. R.M. Vanderbeck and N. Worth eds. London: Routledge. 2015.

Thang, L.L. What Do Grandfathers Value? Understanding Grandfatherhood in Asia Through Chinese Grandfathers in Singapore. In Grandfathers: Global Perspectives. Buchanan, Ann and Rotkirch, Anna eds. London: Springer. 2016.

Kim, Hyung Jun and Thang, L.L.. Regional Mobility from East Asia to Southeast Asia: The Case of Education and Retirement Migration. In Advancing The Regional Commons in The New East Asia. Wajjwalku, Siriporn, Ho, Kong Chong and Yoshida, Osamu eds. London: Routledge. 2016. 

Thang, L.L. What Do Grandfathers Value? Understanding grandfatherhood in Asia through Chinese grandfathers in Singapore. In Grandfathers: Global Perspectives. A. Buchanan A and A. Rotkirch eds. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life. 2016.

Thang, L.L. Developing Japanese Studies with a Southeast Asia perspectives. In Rethinking Japanese Studies: Eurocentrism and the Asia-Pacific Region. K. Okano and Y. Sugimoto eds. Routledge. 2017.

Thang, L.L. Promoting intergenerational connection and the creation of intergenerational contact zone (ICZ), In Future of the Intergenerational Exchange as the World Standard: The theory and practices of intergenerational learning (Series 2). A. Kusano, K. Mazobe, H. Uchida and M. Yasunaga eds. Otsu, Japan: Sangaku Publisher. 2017.

Thang, L.L. What if the family is no longer the fundamental building block of society? In  Singapore Perspectives 2017: What if? G. Koh and D. Soon eds. Singapore: Institute of Policy Studies and World Scientific. 2018.

Thang, L.L. and Suen, J. Policy approaches to aging in Singapore: Tackling the limits of the family in supporting seniors. In  Family and Population Change in Singapore: A unique case in the global family change. J. Yeung and S. Hu. eds. Routledge. 2018.

Thang, L.L. and Suen, J. Growing old in Singapore: Workings of the Many Helping Hands policy approach. In Ageing in Asia-Pacific. T.R. Klassen, M. Higo, N. S. Dhirathiti and T.W. Devasahayam eds. Routledge. 2018.

Thang, L.L. Retirement Patterns In Encyclopedia of gerontology and population ageing. D. Gu, M.E. Dupre (eds.). Springer Reference, 2019. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_173-1

Thang, L.L. “Socio-cultural aspects: Family and filial support”. In Ageing in Asia Contemporary trends and policy issues. K.H. Phua, L.G. Goh and M. T. Yap (eds.).  Singapore: World Scientific. 2019.

Thang, L.L. “Intergenerational contact zones”. In Age-Inclusive Public Space, pp. 138-146. In D. Hauderowica and K.L. Serena (eds.). Denmark: Hatje Cantz. 2020.

Yamamoto, Y. and Thang, L.L. “The Japanese teapot: Objects at home that possess intergenerational contact zone generating properties”. In Intergenerational Contact Zones Place-based Strategies for Promoting Social Inclusion and Belonging, pp.194-202. Kaplan, M., L.L. Thang, Sanchez, M. and J. Hoffman (eds.). New York: Routledge, 2020.

Thang, .L. and Mehta, K. “Teach me to be filial: Intergenerational care in Singapore families.” In Beyond Filial Piety: Rethinking Aging and Caregiving in Contemporary East Asian Societie. J. Shea, K. Moore and H. Zhang (eds.). New York: Berghahn. 2020.

Yui, Y., Miyazawa, H., Wakabayashi, Y. and Thang, L.L. “Regeneration of housing estates by the community-based integrated care systems.” In Community-Based Integrated Care and the Inclusive Society: Recent Social Security Reform in Japan(pp. 225-240). H.  Miyazawa and T. Hatakeyama (eds.). Springer. 2021.

Thang, L.L., Lim, E, Kang, D. and Lim, W. “We are close enough”: Closeness and support from siblings among divorced and widowed seniors in Singapore.” In Brothers and SistersSibling Relationships Across the Life Course (pp. 357-376). A. Buchanan and A.  Rotkirch eds.). Springer, 2021.


  Journal articles

Kaplan, M. and L.L. Thang. Intergenerational Programs in Japan: Symbolic Extensions of Family Unity. In Journal of Aging and Identity. 2(4): 295-315, 1997.

         also appears in Kaplan M., N. Henkin and A. Kusano, eds. Linking Lifetimes: A Global View of Intergenerational Exchange. University    Press of America, Lanham, 2002

Thang, L. L. Dancing Granny: Linking the Generations in a Japanese Age-Integrated Welfare Center. Japanese Studies. September 1999. pp 151-162.

 Ijima, M and Thang, L.L. A Study of Karaoke Culture in East Asia: A Comparison between Singapore and Japan. The Management Review. 10(2)L 1-14. 2000. (In Japanese)

 Thang, L.L., E. MacLachlan and M. Goda. Expatriates on the Margins: A Study of Japanese Women Working in Singapore. Geoforum. 33:539-551. December 2002.

             also appears as “Japanese women working in Singapore”. In Japan and Singapore: A Multidisiplinary Approach. Tsu, Y.H.    ed. Singapore: McGraw Hill. 2006.

 Thang, L.L., M. Kaplan and N. Henkin. Intergenerational Programming in Asia: Converging Diversities toward a Common Goal. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 1(1):49-69, 2003.

 Thang, L.L. Medical Insurance System in Singapore. (In Japanese). In Aging and Social Changes in East Asia. Tokyo: Japan Aging Research Center. 2003.

              also appears as “Aging policy and Medical Insurance in Singapore’ in Aging 20:4,  28-35, 2003.  (In Japanese)

 Thang, L.L. and S.K. Gan. De-Constructing ‘Japanization’ – Reflections from the ‘Learn from Japan’ Campaign in Singapore. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies. 5 (1): 91-106. 2003.

        also  appears as “The Learn from Japan campaign in Singapore”. In Japan and Singapore: A Multidisiplinary Approach. Tsu, Y.H. ed. Singapore: McGraw Hill. 2006. 

Thang, L.L. Lifelong Learning in Singapore - Recent Developments and Challenges. (In Chinese).  Adult and Lifelong Education Bimonthly (Taiwan). 1:3, 39-44. 2004.

 Thang, L.L. and Kalyani M. Grandparents, How do I view Thee? A Study of Grandparenting in Singapore. Indian Journal of Gerontology, Special Issue 18(3 and 4): 375-390. 2004.

 Thang, L.L. Private matters, public concern: Procreation issues in Singapore. In Comparative Research on low fertility trends and policies in Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and other countries: A comprehensive report. Published report by Kojima Hiroshi, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research. 2005. (pp 493-530).

             also appears in Japanese Journal of Population, 3(1): 1-33. Web Journal   http://www.ipss.go.jp/index-e.html  June 2005.

 Thang, L.L. A Message on Life to the Young- Perceiving a Senior Volunteer Activity in Japan from an Intergenerational Perspective. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 3(4): 5-22. 2006.

 Thang, L.L. Singing to more good years: Karaoke as serious leisure among older persons in Singapore. Indian Journal of Gerontology 2006 (v 1-2): 67-80.

 Mehta K. and Thang, L.L. Interdependence in Asian Families: The Singapore case. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 4(1): 117-125. 2006.

 Thang, L.L. Experiencing leisure in later life: A study of retirees and activity in Singapore. Journal of Cross-cultural gerontology 20(4):307-318. 2006.

 Thang, L.L., MacLachlan, E. and Goda, M. Living in ‘My Space’: Japanese working women in Singapore. Geographical Sciences (Chiri Kagaku): 61(3): 156-170. 2006.

 Thang, L.L. and Sone, S.“(Re)Engagements for a new life: Mature Japanese women living in Western Australia” Journal for Japanese Studies (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) 1(1): 45-66. 2011

 Thang, L. L. “Population aging, older workers and productivity issues: the case of Singapore” Journal of Comparative Welfare 27(1): 17-33, 2011

 Thang, L.L., Mehta, K., Usui, T. and Tsuruwaka, M. Being a Good Grandparent: Roles and Expectations in Intergenerational Relationships in Japan and Singapore. Marriage and Family Review 47(8): 548-570. 2011.

 Huang, S.S.L., Thang, L.L. and Toyota, M. Transnational care mobilities: Rethinkig the dynamics of care in Asia. Global Networks – A Journal of Transnational Affairs, 12(2): 129-134. 2012.

 Thang, L.L. Sone, S. and Toyota, M. Freedom Found? The Later-life Transnational Migration of Japanese Women to Western Australia and Thailand. Asia and Pacific Migration Journal 21(2): 239-262. 2012

 Toyota, M. and Thang, L.L. Reverse marriage migration?: A case study of Japanese brides in Bali. Asia and Pacific Migration Journal 21(3):345-364. 2012.

 Thang, L.L. Living independently, living well: Seniors living in housing and development board studio apartments in Singapore. Senri Ethnological Studies 87:39-56. 2014 (Special Issue: The Anthropology of care and education for life, edited by N. Suzuki)

Thang, L.L. and Hong, S. Ageing-in-place in studio apartments in Singapore: Maintaining independence in community living. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development 25(4): 250-263. 2016.

Mehta, K. and Thang, L.L. “Experiences of formal and informal caregivers of older persons in Singapore”.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 32(3):373-385.2017.

Suen, J. and Thang, L.L. “Contextual challenges and the mosaic of support: Understanding the vulnerabilities of low-Income informal caregivers of dependent elders in Singapore" Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology  Vol 33. DOI 10.1007/s10823-017-9334-4. 2017.

Toyota, M. and Thang, L.L. “Transnational retirement mobility as processes of identity negotiation: the case of Japanese in South-east Asia” Identities. 2017. Vol 25. DOI 10.1080/1070289X.2017.1346509

Thang, L.L., Lim, E. and Tan, S.L. “Lifelong learning and productive aging among the baby-boomers in Singapore” Social Science and Medicine. 2019. Vol. 229, 41-49 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.08.021

Li, Q., Kaplan, M., & Thang, L. L. Intergenerational programs and practices in China: Results based on a web search method: Research. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 18(1), 1-16. doi:10.1080/15350770.2019.1623148

Ho, E.Q-Y., Hong, S-I., Thang, L.L., Ong, P.H. and Koh, G.C-H. Falls among Asians living in small apartments designed for older adults in Singapore.  Journal of Housing for the Elderly. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/02763893.2019.1627265

Lee RZY, Yu J, Rawtaer I, Allen, PF, Bao, Z., Feng,L., Feng, Q., Lee, JK, Lim, CT., Ling,LH,  Thang,LL., Naing, T., Wang, DY., Yap, KZ, Kua, EH and Mahendran, R.   CHI study: protocol for an observational cohort study on ageing and mental health in community- dwelling older adults. BMJ Open 2020;10:e035003. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2019-035003

Sone, S. and Thang, L.L. “Staying till the end? Japanese later-life migrants and belonging in Western Australia. Japanese Studies. 2020. DOI: 10.1080/10371397.2020.1712998


  Reports and Proceedings

Thang, L L. Middle class in Singapore: Development and Characteristics. In A Study of the "Middle Strata" in Modern Singapore. W. Sachiko ed. Japan: Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women. 2000 (In Japanese)

 Thang, L.L. Ageing in a ‘Shrinking’World: The Impact of Globalization on Asian Values within the Context of Ageing in Singapore. Proceedings of  ‘Into the Millennium of the Older Adult: Releasing Potentials and Erasing Prejudices’ (Regional Conference). Singapore: The Gerontological Society. 2001.

 Thang, L L, A Desire to Connect: Grandchildren's perceptions of their grandparents in Singapore.  Proceedings.  Tokyo, 2002.  (In Japanese).

 Thang, L.L. Population Profile in Singapore: Trends and challenges. In Aging and Social Changes in East Asia. Tokyo: Japan Aging Research Center. 2003.

 Thang, L.L. The Necessary Connection: Intergenerational programs in the context of Singapore. Research Paper Series No. 1.  Institute for Multi-ethnic and Multi-generational Societies, Waseda University, Tokyo Japan. 2006.

 Thang, L.L. and MacLachlan, Elizabeth. Importing Japanese Fan Practices: Cosplay in Singapore. In Globalization and Asia in Transformation.  Proceedings from The Seventh Asian International Forum in Fukuoka. Fukuoka, Japan: Asian International Forum in Fukuoka, 2008, pp.150-161.

 Thang, L.L. Promoting intergenerational understanding between the young and old: the case of Singapore. UN Report of the Expert Group Meeting in Qatar, March 2011.

Accessible at http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/family/docs/egm11/EGM_Expert_Paper_Theng_Leng_Leng.pdf

 Butts, Donna, L. L. Thang and A. Hatton Yeo (2012). Policies and Programmes Supporting Intergenerational Relations. Background paper. UNDESA, New York.

Accessbile at http://social.un.org/index/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=VGkxtn3WSyA%3D&tabid=1733


Short Articles and Others

 Thang, L.L. Singapore: A Home in a Globalized World.  United States, 2003.  (article in study guide for video, "Under another sun", available online http://www.aems.uiuc.edu/

  Thang, L.L. and J Wu. A Meeting Place for all age groups: Luoshan Community Service Center, Shanghai (profile).  Journal of Intergenerational Relationships,  1, no. 4. 2004.

 Thang, L.L. Editorial Comments, Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 3(2): 1-4. 2005.

 Thang, L.L. Insight from Hindsight: For a fulfilling fieldwork (and life) experience. Feature article in Project Works Volume 2: Appropriate methods for gathering data. Singapore: J&C Research consultants Pte. Ltd, pp. 42-45. 2006.

 Thang, L.L. Singapore: Bridging the Digital Divide with the young and old. Continuance. 27:3&4. 2013. Available from www2.illinois.gov/serve/Documents/ContinuanceWinterSpring2013.pdf

 Thang, L.L. Long engagements with Japan: from inside to outside Japan. Japan Consortium for Sociological Societies Newsletter. Issue no. 6, 13-16. 2013. Available from  http://socconso.com/newsletter/JCSSNewsletter201303.pdf

Thang, L.L. “Before we give them fuzzy robots, let’s try solving elderly loneliness with people” Quartz: The Future of Aging series. Nov 2018. https://qz.com/1490605/before-we-give-them-fuzzy-robots-lets-try-solving-elderly-loneliness-with-people/

Thang, L.L. “Forward”. In 人间歌语 authored by Lai, K.F.,2018. http://laikokfang.com

Thang, L.L."Forward". In 福祉与福祉学 authored by 孙久福 , 中国社会科学出版社 (Chinese Social Science Publisher), 2019.

Thang, L.L. The Intergenerational method in aging society - the case of Singapore. The World of Healthy Living (养生大世界, journal of China Aged Health Society., May 2020. 

 Commissioned writer for column "Zero Distance" (零距离), short essays appearing in Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报 (in Chinese), Singapore since December 2008.

 Multi-media Works

 Plath, D., Thang, L.L., Maclachlan, E.N.M. and Ikeda,K. Under Another Sun: Japanese in Singapore.  United States, 2001.  (Joint video production of Asian Educational Media Service, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign and The National University of Singapore.)56 mins.

 Thang, L.L. and  Maclachlan, E.N.M. The Second Wave: Japanese Working Women in Singapore. Singapore: 2003.  (Joint video production of Asian Educational Media Service, University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign and National University of Singapore) 23 mins.

 Maclachlan, E.N.M. and Thang, L.L. Fans in New Places: Cosplay in Singapore. Singapore: 2005. (A video production of Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore) 11 mins.


Thang, L.L.  Review of "Japan in Singapore: Cultural occurrences and cultural flows", ed. Ben‑Ari, Eyal and Clammer John.  Japanese Studies,  21, no. 3  (Winter 2001): 324‑327. Australia.

 Thang, L L.  Review of "Perfectly Japanese: Making Families in an Era of Upheaval", by Merry White.  Journal of Asian Studies,  63, no. 2  (2004): 516‑517.

 Thang, L.L.  Review of "Shikusutizu no Hibi (The Days of the sixties)", by Hisada Megumi.  Social Science Japan Journal, 10  (2006).  Oxford: Oxford University Press.              

Thang, L. L.  Review of “Nature’s Embrace: Japan’s aging urbanites and new death rites” by Satsuki Kawano, University of Hawaii Press. Pacific Affairs 84(3), 2011.

Thang, L.L. Review of “Older People in Natural Disaster” by Junko Otani, Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press. Asian Anthropology, Vol 11. 166-168. 2012.

Thang, L.L. Review of “Intergenerational Learning and Transformative Leadership for Sustainable Futures” by Peter Blaze Corcoran and Brandon P. Hollingshead, editors, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. Children, Youth and Environments Journal, Vol 25(3). 215-218. 2015.

Thang, L.L. Review of “Aging and Loss: Mourning and Maturity in Contemporary Japan” by Jason Danely. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. American Anthropologist. Vol 118(4), 887-888. 2016.

Thang, L.L. Review of “’Care Literacy” in super aging Japan”, by Hiroko Costatini, Misato Nihei, Tomoyuki Ueno. Open Research Europe (European Commission), August 2021,  DOI: 10.21956/openreseurope.14936.r27308













Editorial and Professional Academic Committees


Family Research Specialist, Ministry of Social and Family Development

Chair, Steering committee, Health research cluster, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore

Member, Steering Committee, Health cluster, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore.

Associate of Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (Changing Family Cluster)

Member, National Healthcare Group Ethics Review Board for Community/ Population Health Research by National Healthcare Group

Member of Advisory Council, NUHS RHS



Co-editor in cheif, Journal of Intergenerational Relationships

Vice Chair, Management Committee of International Consortium of Intergenerational Programmes (ICIP).

Member, Editorial committee, Journal of International Journal of Community Wellbeing

Member, International Advisory Committee, Ateneo Centre for Asian Studies, Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines.

Steering committee, Japanese Studies Association in Southeast Asia (JSA-ASEAN)

Advisor, Youth Forum Japan

Member, International Editorial Committee, Journal for Japanese Studies (International Center for Japanese Studies in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

Community Service


Advisor, Family Research Network, Ministry of Social and Family Development

Chair, Fei Yue Family Service Centre Management Committee

Member, Fei Yue Community Services Management Committee

Member, Management Committee, Presbyterian Community Services

Member, Gerontological Society Council

Member, Centre for Seniors Management Committee

Advisory member, PRIME magazine


Past appointments

Member, Families for Life Council, Ministry of Social and Family Development

Champion of National Council for Social Services (NCSS)- Community of Practice in Intergenerational Approaches

Co-ordinator for NCSS Community of Practice (Intergenerational Approach)

Advisor, I-Care network

Councilor, Central Community Development Council (chair of Lifelong learning division)

Co-Chair of Taskforce for Grandparenting and Intergenerational Bonding, former Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.

Reviewer for Journals/Research Series (Intermittent)

Journal of Intergenerational Relationships

Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology

Journal of Asian Studies

Social Science Japan Journal

Japanese Studies

Asian Population Journal

Gender, Technology and Development

Journal of Population Research


Australasian Journal of Aging

Women’s Studies Forum

Gender, Place and Culture: A journal of feminist geography

Asian MetaCenter Research Paper Series

Sage Handbook Series

Medical Anthropology

Asian Anthropology


Membership in Professional Organizations

International Union of Anthropology and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)

American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Association for Anthropology and Gerontology (AAGE)

Japan Anthropology Workshop (JAWS)

Association of Asian Studies (AAS)

International Consortium of Intergenerational Programmes (ICIP)

Grants, Fellowships and Awards

  • 1986: Japan Osaka Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
  • 1988-89: Japan Okinawa Prefectural Government Scholarship
  • 1989-1991: Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore
  • 1990 Japan Foundation Junior Fellowship
  • 1992-1997: Overseas Graduate Scholarship, National University of Singapore
  • 1995-1996: Japan Foundation Doctoral Fellowship
  • 1997-1998: Research grant from Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (Japan) to study the middle class in Singapore (collaborator, 600,000 yen)
  • 1998-present: Research grants from Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore
  • 1998-1999: Research grant from Sumitomo Foundation to study Japanese popular culture in Singapore (co-investigator, US$8000)
  • 2000-2002: Research grant from Japan Foundation for video production of Japanese community in Singapore and Japanese working women in Singapore (1,800,000 yen)
  • 2001 Komai Fellowship (Hitachi Foundation) to study intergenerational policies in Japan
  • 2001-2002: Research Grant from Toshiba International Foundation to study aspects of the Kobe earthquake (co-investigator in-charge of senior volunteerism, total cumulative 3.439 million yen)
  • 2002 NUS-JSPS New Scientific Exchange Program fellowship
  • 2005 Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) Foundation Education Award
  • 2007-2008: Sumitomo Foundation Research Grant (1million yen)
  • 2008-2009: Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Welfare Foundation Research Grant (S$10,000)
  • 2014: NUS-Tsao Aging Research Initiative

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