FASS Staff Profile



AS1-05-14, NUS FASS History Department
(65) 6516-6054
(65) 6774-2528

Birth & Nationality 出生和国籍:  Singapore 新加坡

Bachelor of Arts 文学学士 (History, Economics, Political Science 历史、经济、政治学), University of Singapore 新加坡大学, 1980
Bachelor of Arts 文学荣誉学士 (First Class Honours 第一等级荣誉学位) (History 历史), National University of Singapore 新加坡国立大学, 1981
PhD 博士 (Modern Chinese History 中国近现代史), Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies 亚太研究学院, Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学, 1987

NUS Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 新加坡国立大学人文及社会科学院优秀教师奖, 2009/2010, 2007/2008
NUS University Annual Teaching Excellence Award 新加坡国立大学优秀教师奖, 2001/2002
Australian Commonwealth Scholarship for PhD Studies 澳大利亚英联邦博士生奖学金, 1982-86
Cambridge Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies 剑桥本科生奖学金, 1980-1981
Shell Medal for Best History Honours Student 壳牌石油公司最佳荣誉班学生奖, 1981
Singapore Employers Federation Bronze Medal for Undergraduate Studies 新加坡雇主联合会本科生铜奖, 1980

Associate Professor, Department of History历史系副教授, until Jun 2023
Research Associate, East Asian Institute 东亚研究所附属研究员, Aug 2000-Jul 2021
Research Associate, Asia Research Institute 亚洲研究所附属研究员, Aug 2004-Jun 2009, Jan 2018-Aug 2019
Member, Lee Kong Chian Distinguished Fellows Selection Committee, 李光前高级研究员挑选委员会成员 2016-2018
Deputy Director, Asia Research Institute亚洲研究所副所长, Jan 2013-Dec 2017
Acting Head, Department History历史系代系主任, Jan-Jul 2003
Deputy Head, Department of History历史系副系主任, Jul 2001-Jun 2004
Academic Convenor, China Studies Minor Programme 中国研究课程的召集人, Jul 2005-Jun 2008
Member, China Initiative Task Force中国研究之推行的成员, Oct-Dec 2002
Adviser, NUS Students’ History Society 新加坡国立大学学生历史学会顾问, 1986-96, 1998-2001

- Overseas Consultant, Overseas Chinese History Society in Quanzhou of China 泉州华侨历史学会的海外顾问, 2018-2023
- Member, International University Alliance for the Studies on the War of Resistance against Japan, History Department of Nanjing University, China 南京大学历史系之抗日战争国际研究联盟委员的成员, 2017-2018
- Member, Scholarly Sub-Committee, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clans and Associations 新加坡宗乡会馆总会学数组的成员, 2017-20
- Senior Associate Research Fellow, Centre for Chinese Language & Culture, Nanyang Technological University 南洋理工大学中华语言文化中心的附属高级研究员, Jan 2009-2020
- Resource Panel Member, Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, Singapore 孙中山南洋纪念馆智囊团的成员, Jun 2012-present
- Board Member, Singapore National Archives 新加坡国家档案局董事会成员, Jul 2005-Jul 2007
- Board Member, Singapore History Museum 新加坡历史博物馆董事会成员, Jul 2001-Jul 2005
- Committee Member, Records Declassification Taskforce, Singapore National Archives 档案解密小组, 新加坡国家档案馆委员, Jul 2000-Jul 2005
- Committee Member, Outstanding History Teacher Award, History Association 历史学会之优秀历史老师奖, Aug 2003
- Committee Member, Ministry of Education Upper Secondary History Syllabus Review 教育部高中历史课程大纲评论委员会, Apr-May 2003
- Committee Member, British Council Chevening Scholarship 英国语言学会奖学金挑选委员会, Feb 2003
- Committee Member, Chinese Heritage Centre’s Exhibition on Overseas Chinese Themes 华裔馆的海外华人展览设计委员, May- Jul 1997
- Committee Member, Storyline, Gallery Layout & Multimedia for Asian Civilisations Museum 亚洲文明博物馆的故事情节、画廊设计和多媒体委员, Feb 1996-Mar 1997
- Resource Panel Member, Anglo-Chinese School Gifted Education Programme 英华学校天才教育计划委员, Jul 1994
- Committee Member, Ministry of Education Revision of Lower Secondary History Syllabus Review 教育部初中历史教纲修订委员会, 1990
- Ordinary Member, Singapore China Society 新加坡中国学会的成员, 2009-present
- Ordinary Member, Singapore Society of Asian Studies 新加坡亚洲文化研究学会的成员, 2001-present [Council member 2004-2008]
- Ordinary Member, Singapore South Seas Society 新加坡南洋学会的成员, 2004-present
- Ordinary Member, Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会的成员, Jun 2009-present
- Ordinary Member, Society for Modern Chinese History, Taiwan 台湾的中国近代史学会的成员, 1998-2017
- Ordinary Member, USA Association of Asian Studies 美国的亚洲研究学会的成员, 1989-2018

Sun Yat Sen University, History Department 孙中山大学历史系、广州, Feb-May 2019
Leiden University, International Institute for Asian Studies 莱登大学国际亚洲研究所, Nov 2018-Jan 2019
Peking University, History Department 北京大学历史系, Nov 2014 and Apr 2007
Xiamen University, History Department 厦门大学历史系, Dec 2010-Jan 2011
Stanford University, Asia-Pacific Research Center 斯坦福大学亚太研究中心, Mar-Apr 2011
University of California, Berkeley, Institute of East Asian Studies 加州大学伯克利分校东亚研究所, Dec 2008-Jan 2009
Harvard University, Fairbank Center, 哈佛大学费正清东亚研究中心, Oct 2004-Jan 2005
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Institute of Modern History 台湾近代史研究所中央研究院, Jan-Mar 2005 and Mar-Jun 1998
Nanjing University, History Department 南京大学历史系, Aug-Oct 1997 and Dec 1996
Stanford University, Center for East Asian Studies 斯坦福大学东亚研究中心, Apr-Jun 1993

Chinese Diaspora Studies 海外华侨华人研究
Post-war Singapore Chinese Community 战后新加坡华族社群
Singapore Studies 新加坡研究
Sino-Southeast Asia Interactions 中国、东南亚之互动
Student Politics and Party-State Policies in China, 1920s-1940s 民国时期中国政党对学生运动的政策
Local Self-Government in Wartime China, 1937-1945 战时中国的地方自治

China's Imperial Past: History and Culture 中国古代史
Struggle for Modern China: 1800-1949 近现代中国史
People's Republic of China: 1949-1989 中华人民共和国史
Approaches to Chinese History: Republican China 中华民国史史学论及研究方向
Concepts & Issues in Chinese Diasporic Studies 华侨华人离散族群之概论与议题
China and Southeast Asia Interactions 中国与东南亚的互动
Asia and the Modern World 亚洲与现代世界
Rise of Asia-Pacific 亚太区域的崛起



Nanzhan de shuangyi: Zhongguo Guomindang miandui xuesheng yundong de kunjing yu juece, 1927-1949 难展的双翼:中国国民党面对学生运动的困境与决策,1927-1949 [An Abortive Two-Prong Approach: Dilemma and Decision of the Guomindang on Student Movements in China, 1927-1949] (Beijing: Commercial Press 商务印书馆, 2010), 271pp. [In Chinese]
- [This is the revised Chinese version of my monograph The Politics of Depoliticization in Republican China: Guomindang Policy towards Student Political Activism, 1927-1949 (Bern: Peter Lang AG, 1996) (Second edition, 1999), 242 pp.]

The Scripting of a National History: Singapore and its Pasts 国家历史的编写:新加坡及其往事 (Co-authored with Hong Lysa) (Singapore: NUS Press, in conjunction with Hong Kong University Press, 2008), 300 pp.

Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order 华人世界次序的权力与认同, (Co-edited with K.L. So, John Fitzgerald, James Chin) (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003), 460 pp.

Haiwai huaren yanjiu de dashiye yu xinfangxiang 海外华人研究的大视野与新方向 [Macro Perspectives and New Directions in Chinese Overseas Studies], (Co-edited with Liu Hong) (River Edge, New Jersey: Global Publishing, 2002), 436 pp. [In Chinese] 

The Politics of Depoliticization in Republican China: Guomindang Policy towards Student Political Activism, 1927-1949 民国时期去政治化的政治:国民党对学生运动的政策, 1927-1949 (Bern: Peter Lang AG, 1996) (Second edition, 1999), 242 pp.


“Stamford Raffles and the Founding of Singapore: The Politics of Commemoration and Dilemmas of History 莱佛士与新加坡的开埠:纪念之政治与历史之困境,” Journal of Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS) 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报, 91, 2 (Dec 2018): 103-122.

“Laifoshi denglu Xinjiapo 200 zhounian jinian: Choubei buzhou yu lishi kunjing 莱佛士登陆新加坡两百周年纪念:筹备步骤与历史困境 [Bicentennial Commemoration of Raffles' Landing in Singapore: Preparatory Steps and History Dilemmas],” in Yihe Shiji 怡和世纪 [Yihe Century] 36 (Jul 2018): 8-19. [In Chinese]

“Chen Jiageng yu Nanyang Fushang Li Guangqian zhi wengxu hudong 陈嘉庚与南洋富商李光前之翁婿互动 [The Dynamics of In-Law Relationship between Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian],” in Huaren yanjiu guoji xuebao 华人研究国际学报 [International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies] 8, 2 (Dec 2016): 32-48. [In Chinese)]

“Resurgent Spirits of Civil Society Activism: Rediscovering the Bukit Brown Cemetery in Singapore 公民社会的欲火重生:新加坡武吉布朗坟场之重新发现,” Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS)马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报, 87, 2 (Dec 2014): 21-45.

“Biography and Representations: A Nanyang University Scholar and her Configuration of the Sinophone Intelligentsia in Singapore 传记和表述:一个南洋大学学者与她所构造的新加坡华文知识分子,” Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies 南方华裔研究杂志, 5 (2011-12): 3-28.

“Umbilical Ties: The Framing of the Overseas Chinese as Mother of the Revolution 脐带之联系:华侨为革命之母,” Frontiers of History in China 中国历史学之前沿, 6, 2 (Jun 2011): 183-228.
- [Reprint as a chapter-in-book in Sun Yan-senNanyang and the 1911 Revolution 孙中山,南洋与辛亥革命, edited by Lee Lai To and Lee Hock Guan (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011), pp.75-129.]
- [Revised Chinese version published as “Overseas Chinese as Mother of Revolution: The Origins and Discourse of the Epithet 华侨为革命之母:赞誉之来历与叙述,” in International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies 华人研究国际学报, 3, 2 (Feb 2011): 21-56.]

“Conceptualizing Chinese Migration and Chinese Overseas: The Contribution of Wang Gungwu 海外华人与移民的概念化:王赓武的贡献,” Journal of Chinese Overseas 海外华人学报, 6, 1 (May 2010): 1-21.
- [Reprint as a chapter-in-book in China and International Relations: The Chinese View and the Contribution of Wang Gungwu 中国与国际关系:华夏观点及王赓武的贡献, edited by Zheng Yongnian (London: Routledge, 2010), pp. 139-157.]

“Portable Histories in Mobile City Singapore: The (Lack)lustre of Admiral Zheng He 流动城市新加坡的携程式历史: (缺乏)光泽的郑和,” (co-authored with Hong Lysa) South East Asia Research 东南亚研究, 17, 2 (Jul 2009): 287-309.   

“Shifting Culture and Identity: Three Portraits of Singapore Entrepreneur Lee Kong Chian (1893-1967) 文化与身份的转移:新加坡企业家李光前形象的三种建构,” Journal of Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS) 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报, 82, 1 (Jun 2009): 71-100.
- [Reprint as a chapter-in-book in Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian in the Making of Modern Singapore and Malaya 陈嘉庚、李光前与现代新马, edited by Leo Suryadinata (Singapore: Chinese Heritage Centre, Tan Kah Kee Foundation, National Library Board, 2010), pp. 84-135.]
- [First revised Chinese version published as a journal article in International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies 华人研究国际学报, 1, 2 (Dec 2009): 49-73.]
- [Second revised Chinese version published as a chapter-in-book in Li Guangqian jinian wenji 李光前纪念文集 [Commemorative Essays on Lee Kong Chian], edited by Li Zhaosheng and Chen Xiaogang (Xiamen: Lujiang chubanshe, 2013), pp. 73-97.]

“In Search of Student Politics of the Past 追寻过往的学生运动,” in Tangent 圆切线, 6.2 (Aug 2007): 18-23 (Chinese) and 24-29 (English) [Special bilingual journal volume on “The Makers and Keepers of Singapore History 特辑:新加坡历史的创造者与守护人”].

“Chinese Diasporic Culture and National Identity: The Taming of the Tiger Balm Gardens in Singapore 中华离散文化与国家认同:新加坡虎豹别墅的驯服,” (co-authored with Hong Lysa) Modern Asian Studies 现代亚洲研究, 41, 1 (Jan 2007): 41-76.

“Positioning the Student Political Activism of Singapore: Articulation, Contestation and Omission 新加坡学生运动的定位:表达、争执、遗漏,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 亚际文化研究, 7.3 (Sep 2006): 403-430.

“Entanglement of Business and Politics in the Chinese Diaspora: Interrogating the Wartime Patriotism of Aw Boon Haw 华人离散者的商务与政治之纠缠:战时胡文虎的爱国主义之质疑,” Journal of Chinese Overseas 海外华人学报, 2.1 (May 2006): 79-110.

“History and the Imaginaries of ‘Big Singapore’: Positioning the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall 历史和大新加坡的想象:孙中山南洋纪念馆的定位,” (Co-authored with Hong Lysa) Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报, 35.1 (Feb 2004): 65-89.
- [Revised and republished as “The Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and the Chinese Community of Singapore: History, Repositioning and Contestation,” in A General History of the Chinese in Singapore, edited by Kwa Chong Guan and Kua Bak Lim (Singapore: Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and World Scientific, 2019), pp. 819-845.]

“Politics of Depoliticization: Policy on the Wartime Expansion of the Guomindang Youth Corps into Schools 去政治化的政治:有关战时国民党三民主义青年团进军学校的政策,” Journal of Oriental Studies 东方研究, 34.2 (1996): 210-240.

“The Formation of the Guomindang Youth Corps: An Analysis of Its Original Objectives 中国国民党三民主义青年团的建构:关于其原先目的之分析,” East Asian History 东亚历史, 5 (Jun 1993): 133-148.


“Approaches to History and Domain Crossings of a Pioneering Scholar: Wang Gungwu and his Scholarship 开创性学者的治史与跨越领域:王赓武及其学识,”in Chineseness and Modernity in a Changing World 世界变化中的华人性和现代性, edited by Zheng Yongnian and Zhao Litao (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2021), pp. 9-28.

“Sun Yat-sen and the Overseas Chinese: Reflections from Zhang Yongfu’s Nanyang and the Establishment of the Republic 孙中山与海外华社:阅读张永福著《南洋与创立民国》之思考,” in Sun Zhongshan yu huaqiao huaren xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 孙中山与华侨华人学术研讨会论文集 [Collection of Conference Papers on Sun Yat-sen and the Overseas Chinese], edited by Sun Zhongshan yu huaqiao huaren xueshu yantaohui zuweihui (Beijing: Jiuzhou Chubanshe, Sep 2017), pp. 15-54. [Chapter in English in a bilingual volume]

“Lizu banshijihou de fanxing: Guojia jianshe yu guoshi xushu de qushi 立足半世纪后的反省:国家建设与国史叙述的趋势 [Reflections at the Half-Century Mark: Nation-Building and National History Narratives],” in Banshiji de Xinjiapo: Huigu yu qianzhan 半世纪的新加坡:回顾与前瞻 [Half a Century of Singapore: Retrospect and Prospect], edited by Zhou Zhaocheng, Y​​ow Cheun Hoe, and Foo Tee Tuan (Singapore: Singapore Society of Asian Studies, 2016), pp. 44-50. [In Chinese]

“Yishi yu qianliu: Nanyang de Xinhai Geming shuangshijie jinian, 1925-1941 仪式与潜流:南洋的辛亥革命双十节纪念,1925-1941 [Rituals and Undercurrents: Commemorating the 1911 Revolution in Nanyang, 1925-1941],” in Sun Zhongshan he geming zhishi: Lishi, jiyi yu fansi 孙中山和革命志士:历史、记忆与反思 [Sun Yat-sen and His Revolutionaries: History, Memory and Reflections], edited by Wong Sin Keong, Tan Teng Phee and Shaun Phua (Singapore: Sun Yat-sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and NUS Chinese Studies Department, 2012), pp. 57-82. [In Chinese]

“Heritage and History: The 600th Anniversary Commemoration of Zheng He Voyages in Singapore 文化遗产与历史:新加坡的郑和下西洋600 周年纪念庆典,” in Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World 郑和与亚非世界, edited by Chia Lin Sien & Sally K Church, (Melaka: Melaka Museum Corporation & International Zheng He Society, 2012), pp. 216-243.

“Walls, Gates and Locks: Reflections on Sources for Research on Student Political Activism 门墙、门槛、门锁:反思追寻有关研究学生运动之资料的过程,” in The Makers and Keepers of Singapore History 新加坡历史的缔造与守护者, edited by Loh Kah Seng and Liew Kai Khiun (Singapore: Ethos Books and Singapore Heritage Society, 2010), pp. 28-47.

“Dilemma and Anguish of the Chinese-Educated 华校生的困境与痛苦,” in Impressions of the Goh Chok Tong Years in Singapore 吴作栋执政新加坡时期的印象, edited by Bridget Welsh, James Chin, Arun Mahizhnan and Tan Tarn How (Singapore: NUS Press, 2009), pp. 336-349.

“The Young Pathfinders: Portrayal of Student Political Activism 年轻的探路者:学生运动之叙述,” in Paths Not Taken: Political Pluralism in Post-War Singapore 未被选择的途径:战后新加坡的多元政治, edited by Michael Barr and Carl Trocki (Singapore: NUS Press, 2008), pp. 188-205.

“Remembering World War II: Legacies of the War Fought in China 第二次世界大战的回忆:中国战争的遗产,” in Legacies of World War II in South and East Asia 第二次世界大战在南亚与东亚的遗产, edited by David Koh Wee Hock (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007), pp. 117-137.

“Nanyang University and the Language Divide in Singapore: Controversy over the 1965 Wang Gungwu Report 南洋大学与新加坡的语文分化:1965年王赓武报告书的争议,” in Nantah tuxiang: Lishi heliuzhong de shengshi 南大图像:历史河流中的省视 [Imagery of Nanyang University: Reflections on the River of History], edited by Lee Guan Kin (Singapore: Global Publishing/NTU Centre for Chinese Langauge and Culture, 2007), pp. 165-220.
- [Revised publication as “A Window into Nanyang University: Controversy over the 1965 Wang Gungwu Repor',” in A General History of the Chinese in Singapore, edited by Kwa Chong Guan and Kua Bak Lim (Singapore: Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and World Scientific Publishing, 2019), pp. 445-475.]

“Writings on Sun Yat-sen, Tongmenghui and the 1911 Revolution: Surveying the Field and Locating Southeast Asia 有关孙中山、同盟会及东南亚华人参与辛亥革命的研究概况,” in Tongmenghui, Sun Yat Sen and the Chinese in Southeast Asia: A Revisit 再读同盟会、孙中山与东南亚华人, edited by Leo Suryadinata (Singapore: Chinese Heritage Centre, 2006), pp. 61-107.

“Zhili Zhongguo: Chongqing shi kangzhan shiqi de difang zhengfu renyuan 治理中国:重庆市抗战时期的地方政府人员 [Governing China: Local Government Personnel in Wartime Chongqing],” in Jindai Zhongguo yu shijie 近代中国与世界 [Modern China and the World)], Vol. 1, edited by Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo, (Beijing: Shehui kexue xueshu chubanshe, 2005), pp. 321-339. [In Chinese]

“The Kuomintang Peace Mission on the Eve of the Communist Takeover 中国共产党夺权前夕的国民党和平使团,” in Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order 华人世界次序的权力与认同, edited by K.L. So, John Fitzgerald, Huang Jianli, James Chin (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003), pp. 91-119.

“The Scripting of Singapore’s National Heroes: Toying with Pandora's Box 新加坡民族英雄的编写:潘多拉盒子之游戏,” (Co-authored with Hong Lysa) in New Terrains in Southeast Asian History 东南亚历史的新领域, edited by Abu Talib Ahmad and Tan Liok Ee (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2003), pp. 219-246.

“The ‘Chinese-educated’ Political Vanguard: Ong Pang Boon, Lee Khoon Choy and Jek Yeun Thong 华校生圈内的政治先驱者:王邦文、李炯才、日润堂,” (Co-authored with Sai Siew Min) in Lee’s Lieutenants: Singapore’s Old Guard 李光耀的副官们:新加坡的第一代政治领袖, edited by Kevin YL Tan and Lam Peng Er (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1999), pp. 132-168.
- [Republished in a revised Second Edition of the book, (Singapore: Straits Times Press, 2018), pp. 232-279.]

“The Head of State in Singapore: An Historical Perspective 新加坡的国家首领:一个历史的视角,” in Managing Political Change in Singapore: The Elected Presidency [新加坡政治变化的处理:总统选举之制度], edited by Kevin Tan and Lam Peng Er (London: Routledge, 1997), pp. 9-51.

“The Founding of the People’s Republic of China and the Economic Concerns of Singapore Chinese Entrepreneurs 中华人民共和国的建立与新加坡华人企业家的经济视野,” in Southeast Asian Chinese and China: The Politico-Economic Dimension 东南亚华人与中国:政治经济的视角, edited by Leo Suryadinata (Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1995), pp. 161-192.
- [Republished as chapter-in-book in China and Southeast Asia 中国与东南亚, edited by Geoff Wade, Vol. 6 (New York: Routledge, 2008), pp. ????]
- [Translated by Wu’er Beimi of Jinan University, Guangzhou 吴尔蓓密, 暨南大学,广州, in Xinshixue 新史学 [New History], Vol. 27, edited by Chen Heng and Wang Liuchun (Zhengzhou: Daxiang chubanshe, 2021), pp. 146-174. (In Chinese)]

“Disappearing Chinese Vernacular Schools in Singapore: Post-World War II British Decolonization and Lee Kong Chian’s Failed Struggle 消失的新加坡华校:世界二战后去殖民化与李光前之失败的奋斗,” symposium on “The History of Overseas Chinese in Singapore 新加坡华人华社之历史,” Yale-NUS College, National University of Singapore, 3 Feb 2021.

“The Special Relationship between Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian 陈嘉庚与李光前的特殊关系,” international forum on “The Legacy of Tan Kah Kee for the 21st Century 21世纪陈嘉庚传奇,” by TKK Foundation and Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore, 19 Oct 2019.

“Nanyang huaqiao huaren de qidai: Sun Zhongshan mingyan ‘Huaqiao wei geming zhimu’ de bianxi 南洋华侨华人的脐带:孙中山之名言‘华侨为革命之母’的辨析 [The Umbilical Cord of Nanyang Chinese Communities: Sun Yat-sen’s famous phrase on Overseas Chinese as Mother of Revolution],” seminar in the Chinese Studies Department, Sun Yat Sen University (Zhuhai Campus), China, 7 May 2019. [In Chinese]

“Jiekai miansha: Huaqiao qizhi Chen Jiageng yu Nanyang fushang Li Guangqian de Wengxu guanxi 揭开面纱:华侨旗帜陈嘉庚与南洋富商李光前的翁婿关系 [Unveiling the Intricate In-Law Relationship between Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian],” seminar at the History Department, Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China, 19 Apr 2019. [In Chinese]

“Embedding Biography within Larger Issues of Chinese Diaspora Studies: Nanyang Tycoon Lee Kong Chian, 1920s-1960s 人物传放置于华侨华人离散研究的大课题内,” seminar at the International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University, Netherlands, 5 Feb 2019.

“Jiagengqiao, tuoxinlu, kuaquyu zhi lishi fansi 嘉庚桥、拓新路、跨区域之历史反思 [Historical Reflections on Tan Kah Kee's Transregional Bridges and Roads],” at international forum on “Tan Kah Kee: Bridging and Discovering 嘉庚桥、拓新路,” jointly organized by the Malaysia and Singapore's Tan Kah Kee Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6 Oct 2018. [In Chinese]

“Behind the K Shanmugam-PJ Thum Encounter: Three Issues Relating to History Writings on Singapore 尚穆根部长质问覃炳鑫之幕后:有关新加坡历史书写的三个争点,” seminar at the History Department, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 30 Aug 2018.

“Wang Gungwu: Approaches to History and Domain Crossings of a Pioneering Scholar 王赓武:开创性学者的治史与跨越领域,” in conference on “China and the World: History and International Relations 中国与世界:历史和国际关系,” East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore, 25 May 2018.

“The Politics of Chinese Overseas in Post-World War II Decolonization: Lee Kong Chian and the Struggle for Chinese Education in Singapore 世界二战后之去殖民化的华侨政治:李光前和新加坡华校教育的挣扎,” 11th Regional Conference of the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO), Nagasaki, Japan, 17-19 Nov 2017.

“Dierci shijie dazhan zai Xinjiapo he Malaiya de yingxiang 第二次世界大战在新加坡和马来亚的影响 [Impact of World War Two on Singapore and Malaya],” launching ceremony of the “International University Alliance for Studies on the War of Resistance against Japan 研究抗日战争的国际大学联盟,” History Department, Nanjing University, China, 5-7 Jul 2017. [In Chinese]

“Zhongguo chuantong wenhua zai haiwai huashe de fazhan: Hu Wenhu de Xinjiapo Hubao Bieshu 中国传统文化在海外华社的发展:胡文虎的新加坡虎豹别墅 [The Development of Chinese Traditional Culture in Overseas Chinese Communities: Aw Boon Haw's Haw Par Villa in Singapore],” international conference on “Traditional Culture and Contemporary China, 传统文化与当代中国,” Hainan Normal University, China, 25-26 May 2017. [In Chinese]

“Huaqiao wei geming zhimu: Sun Zhongshan mingyan zhi kaozheng ji gefang zhi xushu 华侨为革命之母:孙中山名言之考证及各方之叙述 [Overseas Chinese as Mother of the Revolution: An Examination and Various Explications of Sun Yat-sen’s Epithet),” public lecture, Southern College University, Johore Bahru, Malaysia, 25 Apr 2017. [In Chinese]

“Sun Zhongshan, Huaqiao, Xinhai Geming: Yuedu Zhang Yongfu zhu Nanyang yu chuangli minguo zhi sikao 孙中山、华侨、辛亥革命:阅读张永福著《南洋与创立民国》之思考 [Sun Yat-sen and the Overseas Chinese: Reflections from Zhang Yongfu's Book on Nanyang and the Establishment of the Republic],” international conference on “Commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sun Yat-sen 纪念孙中山先生诞辰150周年,” organized by Sun Yat-sen Studies Association and the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Guangzhou, China, 14-15 Nov 2016. [In Chinese]
- [Second consecutive presentation, conference on “Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of Sun Yat-sen: Sun Yat-sen and Overseas Chinese 纪念孙中山先生诞辰150周年暨孙中山与华侨华人学术研讨会,” jointly organized by several Quanzhou history museums and scholarly institutions, Quanzhou, China, 24-25 Nov 2016. (In Chinese)]

“My Academic Journey and Research Portfolio 我的学术路程和研究作品集,” seminar, Inter-Asia Engagements Research Cluster, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 20 Sep 2016.

“Singapore’s Sun Yat-sen in Transnational Perspectives 跨国研究视野下的孙中山与新加坡,” international conference on “Eleventh East-West Philosophers’ Meeting on Place-making 东西哲学家的地缘研究论坛,” East-West Center, University of Hawaii, United States, 26 May 2016.

“Circulatory History and New State Spaces: Lee Kong Chian and his Overseas Chinese Business Empire 回旋的历史与新国家的建构空间:李光前与他的华侨企业,” conference on “Chinese Diaspora Studies in the Age of Global Modernity 全球现代性时代的华人离散族群之研究,” Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 19-20 Nov 2015.

“Remembering Chinese Diaspora Tycoons: Lee Kong Chian (1893-1967) in Social and Public Memory 回忆海外华人大亨:社会与公共记忆中的李光前,” conference on 'Lest We Forget What? Memory, Heritage and History 忘记了什么?记忆、文物与历史, History Department, National University of Singapore, 24 Oct 2015.

“Qingyulan zhi jiaohui: Tansuo Chen Jiageng yu Li Guangqian zhi wengxu hudong青与蓝之交辉:探索陈嘉庚与李光前之翁婿互动 [Splendour of Mixing Green and Blue: Explorations on the In-law Interactions between Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian],” conference on “Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian 陈嘉庚与李光前,” Malaysia Tan Kah Kee Memorial Hall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16 May 2015. [In Chinese]

“Lizu banshijihou de fanxing: Guojia jianshe yu guoshi xushu de qushi 立足半世纪后的反省:国家建设与国史叙述的趋势 [Reflections at the Half-Century Mark: Nation-Building and the National History Narrative],” conference on “Singapore at Half-Century: Reflection and Foresight 半世纪的新加坡:回顾与前瞻,” Singapore Asian Studies Association, National Library, Singapore, 11 Apr 2015. [In Chinese]

“Wang Gungwu and the Framing of Chinese World Order: From the 1968 Harvard Book to the 2010 Routledge Festschrift 王赓武与中华世界秩序之建构:从1968年哈佛论文汇编至2010年劳特利奇祝贺文集,” conference on “11th Beijing Forum – China and the World: Tradition, Reality and Future 第11届北京论坛 – 中国与世界:传统、现实与未来,” Peking University, China, 7-9 Nov 2014.

“Battling for History: Forgetting and Remembering Nanyang University and its Resonances 历史之战:南洋大学与其回响的遗忘与记忆,’ Colloquia Marginalia of the University Scholars Program, National University of Singapore, 24 Oct 2014.

“Living with the Myth of Rags-to-Riches in the Nanyang Diaspora 南洋离散族群之从赤贫到巨富的迷思,” seminar on “Living with Myths Series面对迷思之论坛系列,” Arts@ Gillman Barracks, Portsdown, Singapore, 21 Sep 2014.

“Xiekai miansha: Chen Jiageng yu Nanyang fushang Li Guangqian zhi wengxu hudong 揭开面纱:陈嘉庚与南洋富商李光前之翁婿互动 [Lifting the Veil: The Interactive Dynamics between Tan Kah Kee and his Son-in-law and Wealthy Nanyang Merchant Lee Kong Chian],” international conference on “Tan Kah Kee and Southeast Asia Chinese Communities陈嘉庚与东南亚华侨华人社会,” jointly organized by Tan Kah Kee Memorial Hall of Xiamen China, and Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall of Singapore, 20-23 Apr 2014. [In Chinese]

“Grave Matters: Roots and Spirits of the Rediscovered Chinese Cemetery at Bukit Brown of Singapore 重新发现的武吉布朗华人坟场之根源与幽灵,” international conference on “State Policy and the Cultural Politics of Heritage-Making in East and Southeast Asia 东亚与东南亚遗物产生的国家政策与文化政治,” jointly organized by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore), National University of Singapore, and International Institute for Asian Studies (Leiden), 16-17 Jan 2014.

“Translocality in the Chinese Diaspora: Lee Kong Chian and his Southeast Asian Business Empire, 1920s-1960s 华人散离圈的地域跨越性:李光前与他的东南亚企业帝国,1920年代至1960年代,” international conference on “The Re-thinking of (Trans)locality as a Boundary Perspective 以地域跨越性做为边界思野的重新考量,” Research Center for Locality and Humanities of the Korean Studies Institute, Pusan National University, Korea, 21-22 Feb 2013.
- [Second consecutive presentation at international conference on “Overseas Chinese and the Modernization of China 海外华侨华人与中国的现代化,” jointly organized by the Research School for Southeast Asian Studies at Xiamen University (China), the Max Weber Foundation in Bonn (Germany), and the Department of History at University of Freiburg (Germany), 15-18 May 2013.]

“Yishi yu qianliu: Nanyang de Xinhai Geming shuangshijie jinian, 1925-1941 仪式与潜流:南洋的辛亥革命双十节纪念,1925-1941 [Rituals and Undercurrents: Commemorating the 1911 Revolution in Nanyang, 1925-1941],” international conference on “1911 Revolution: Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the Revolutionaries and the Next Centennial辛亥革命:孙中山,革命志士与新世纪展望,” jointly organized by Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall (Singapore), Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore (Singapore), National Dr Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall (Taiwan), 3-4 Nov 2011. [In Chinese]

“Umbilical Ties: The Framing of Overseas Chinese as Mother of Revolution 脐带联系:华侨为革命之母,” international conference on “Sun Yat-sen, Nanyang & the 1911 Revolution 孙中山、南洋与辛亥革命,” jointly organized by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Chinese Heritage Centre, Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, Singapore, 25-26 Oct 2010.
- [Chinese version presented as “The Origins and Discourse of the Epithet ‘Overseas Chinese as Mother of Revolution’ 华侨为革命之母:赞誉之来历与叙述,” conference on “Centenary of 1911 Revolution 辛亥革命百年周年纪念,” jointly organized by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese Historical Association, Hubei Federation of Social Science Research, and Wuchang 1911 Research Centre, held in Wuhan, China, 12-14 Oct 2011.]

“The 600th Anniversary Commemoration of Zheng He Voyages in Singapore 新加坡的郑和六百周年纪念庆典,” international conference on “Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World 郑和与亚非世界,” Melaka, Malaysia, 5-8 Jul 2010.

“Riding the Waves of the Global and Local: Configuring the Zheng He Heritage in the City State of Singapore 驱驾环球与本土化的浪潮:构建新加坡的郑和历史遗产,” 2009 Malaysia-Singapore Forum 马来西亚-新加坡论坛2009, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7-8 Dec 2009.

“Conceptualizing Chinese Migration: Wang Gungwu and his Struggle with Terminology 把华人移民理论化: 王赓武的术语挣扎,” international conference on “In Honour of Wang Gungwu’s Scholarship: Bridging China Studies and International Relations Theory 盛庆王赓武教授的学术成就国际研讨会: 桥接中国研究与国际关系理论,” East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 25-27 Jun 2009.

“History Rewriting: Tiger Balm ‘Merchant King’ Aw Boon Haw and His Flirtations with Japanese Imperialism 重写历史: 万金油商王胡文虎与日本帝国主义的调情,” workshop on “History Research and Teaching 历史研究与教学,” King's College, University of London, Great Britain, 9 Jun 2009.

“Lee Kong Chian as a Nanyang Entrepreneur and His Bearing on the Sino-Southeast Asian Cultural Landscape 南洋商人李光前与他对中国-东南亚文化情景的影响,” workshop on “Circuits of Cultural Entrepreneurship in China and Southeast Asia 中国与东南亚的文化企业圈子,” Columbia University, New York, United States, 20-21 Mar 2009.

“Representations in the Chinese Diaspora: Imagery of Lee Kong Chian 华人离散者中的多种描绘: 李光前的形象,” 20th Conference of International Association of Historians on Asia 第20届亚洲历史学者学会国际研讨会, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 14-17 Nov 2008.
- [Second consecutive presentation as “Cultural Reproduction and Representation of Lee Kong Chian as a Nanyang Capitalist and Philanthropist 文化复制与描绘: 李光前为南洋资本主义家及慈善家,” at international conference on “The Legacy of Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian 陈嘉庚与李光前之遗产,” National Library, Singapore, 28-29 Nov 2008.]

“In Search of Student Politics of the Past 追寻过往的学生运动,” symposium on “Makers and Keepers of Singapore History 新加坡历史的创造者与守护人,” Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 10 Nov 2008.

“Framing the Singapore Chinese Intellectuals: Journey of a Nantah Scholar 拟定新加坡华社知识分子:一位南大学者的旅程,” international conference on “Southeast Asia and China: Connecting, Distancing and Positioning 东南亚与中国:连接、距离和定位,” Singapore Society of Asian Studies, 1 Dec 2007.

“Chinese Southeast Asians and Cold War Ideologies 东南亚华人与冷战意识形态,” roundtable on “Cold War in Asia, 1945-1990 亚洲的冷战, 1945-1990,” Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 28 Jun 2007.

“Aspiration and Reality: Local Governance in the Wartime Capital 渴望与现实:战时首都的地方治理,” international conference on “Destination Chongqing, 1937-45: The Wartime Capital City of Republican China目的地重庆, 1937-45:中华民国的抗战首府,” History Department and Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 26-27 Jun 2007.

“Predicaments in Capturing and Framing the Past: Student Politics of the Yesteryear 捕捉和构造过去的困境:学生政治的岁月,” workshop on “Collective Memory: Capturing the Past and Preserving it for the Future 集体记忆:为了未来而捕捉过去和保存它,” National Archives of Singapore, 6 Sep 2006.

“An Ordinary Chapter in Higher Education in Singapore? S.L. Prescott, Gwee Ah Leng, Wang Gungwu Reports on the Nanyang University 新加坡高等教育平凡的一章?关于南洋大学的三份检讨报告书,” workshop on “Ethnicity, Education and Nation: History of the Nanyang University, 1953-1980 族群、教育与国家:南洋大学的历史, 1953-1980,” Centre for Chinese Language and Culture, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 5 Aug 2006.  

“Dynamics at the Periphery of the Chinese Nation: Historiography on Overseas Chinese in the 1911 Revolution 中国国家边沿的动力: 辛亥革命与海外华侨的历史论述,” Historical Society for Twentieth Century China Biennial Conference on “Chinese Nation-Chinese State 中国国家体制,” Department of History, National University of Singapore, 27 Jun 2006.
- [Second delivery at the 5th international symposium on “History of Republican China 中华民国历史,” Research Centre on Republican China, Nanjing University, China, 29 Jul 2006.]

“Writings on Sun Yat-Sen, Tongmenghui and the 1911 Revolution: Surveying the Field and Locating Southeast Asia 有关孙中山、同盟会及东南亚华人参与辛亥革命的研究概况,” international conference on “Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-Sen and the Chinese in Southeast Asia: A Revisit 再读同盟会、孙中山与东南亚的华人, jointly organized by Chinese Heritage Centre and Sun Yat-Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, Singapore, 12 Jun 2006.

“History and Politics: Reflections on the War Fought in China 历史与政治:中日战争的反省,” conference on “World War II: Transient and Enduring Legacies for East and Southeast Asia 60 Years On 六十年来第二次世界大战留给东亚与东南亚的遗产,” Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 4 Aug 2005.

“Paths of Contestation and Neglect: Positioning Postwar Student Political Activism in Singapore 争论与忽略的路径:战后新加坡学生运动的定位,” symposium on “Paths Not Taken: Political Pluralism in Postwar Singapore 没有行走的道路:战后新加坡的多元政治,” Asia Research Institute, Singapore, 14-15 Jul 2005.

“Nanyang University and the Great Language Divide: Reflections on the 1965 Wang Gungwu Report 南洋大学和语言社群的分化:1965年王賡武报告书的反思,” international conference on “National Boundaries and Cultural Configurations 国家疆界与文化图象,” Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 23-25 Jun 2004.

“Singapore as an International Hub for Southeast Asian Studies 新加坡作为东南亚学的国际中心,” workshop on “International Cooperation on Educating Overseas Chinese and Southeast Asia 教育海外华人和东南亚的国际合作,” Ming Chuan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 9 Jun 2004.
- [Second presentation at departmental seminar in History Department, Peking University, China, 17 Apr 2007.]

“Entanglement of Business and Politics in the Chinese Diaspora: Interrogating the Wartime Patriotism of Aw Boon Haw 华人离散者的商务与政治之纠缠:战时胡文虎的爱国主义之质问,” international workshop on “Asian Diaspora: Revisiting the Chinese and South Asian Experiences 亚洲离散者:华人与南亚人经验的重游,” Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, 5-7 Apr 2004.

“Reflections on Chinese Diaspora Culture: The Tiger Balm Gardens in Singapore and Hong Kong中国离散文化的反思: 新加坡与香港的虎豹别墅,” workshop on “Hong Kong and Singapore in History: A Comparative Study 香港和新加坡的历史:比较研究,” Department of History, University of Hong Kong, 4-5 Dec 2003.

“Studying Nationalist China: Library and Archival Experiences of a Singapore-Based Researcher 探讨国民党统治时期的中华民国:一个新加坡学者的图书与档案经验,” seminar on “Overseas Chinese in Singapore: Historical Links with China via Archival Sources 新加坡的华人华社:历史挡案所显示的中国关系,” jointly organized by State Archives Administration of China and the National Archives of Singapore, 7 May 2002.

“Dissonant Narratives of the Past: Positioning the Sun Yat Sen Villa in Singapore 不和谐的叙述:新加坡晚晴园的定位,” international conference on “Ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia: A Dialogue between Tradition and Modernity 新马华人:传统与现代的对话,” Singapore Society of Asian Studies, 30 Jun-1 Jul 2001.

“Governing China: Local Government Personnel in Wartime Chongqing, 1937-1945 治理中国:战时重庆的地方政府人员,” 2nd international symposium on “Modern China and the World 近现代中国与世界,” Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China, 6-10 Sep 2000.

“Mindscape of the Singapore Chinese Business Community: The Founding of the PRC and Beyond, 1949-50 新加坡华商社群的心境:中华人民共和国的建立及其他影响因素,” workshop on “China's Relations with the Asia-Pacific Region 中国与亚太地区的关系,” Nagoya, Japan, 12 Dec 1998.

“The Head of State in Singapore: An Historical Perspective 新加坡国家元首:历史的视角,” conference on “Managing Political Change: The Elected Presidency of Singapore 处理政治的演变:新加坡的总统选举制度,” Centre for Advanced Studies, National University of Singapore, 28 May 1994.

“The Founding of the PRC and the Economic Concerns of the Singapore Chinese Businessmen 中华人民共和国的建立与新加坡华人企业家的经济视野,” international conference on “Southeast Asian Chinese: Culture, Economy and Society 东南亚华人:文化、经济、社会,” Singapore Society of Asian Studies, 22 Jan 1994.

“An April Fool's Joke on the Eve of the Chinese Communist Takeover? The Guomindang Peace Mission of April 1-20, 1949 中国共产党夺权前夕的愚人节玩笑? 1949年4月1-20日的国民党和平使团,” seminar at the Center for Asian Studies, Stanford University, California, United States, 27 May 1993.

“The Guomindang Party Machinery and Youth Corps in Schools, 1938-1945: Outlets for Student Political Activism? 中国国民党政党机制与学校的三民主义青年团:是否为学生运动所提供的管道?” seminar at the Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 31 Jul 1984.

“The Guomindang Youth Corps: Policy on the Recruitment of Students, 1938-40 中国国民党三民主义青年团:招集学生的政策, 1938-40,” 5th national conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, Adelaide, Australia, 17 May 1984.


Review of Stan Neal, Singapore, Chinese Migration and the Making of the British Empire, 1819-67 新加坡、华人移民与英帝国之建构,1819-67 (Britain: Boydell, 2019), 181 pp., in History: The Journal of the [British] Historical Association 英国历史学会的期刊, Vol. 106, Issue 370 (Jan 2021): 153-155.

Review of Kua Bak Lim 柯木林 ed., Xinjiapo huaren tongshi 新加坡华人通史 (The General History of the Chinese Community in Singapore) (Singapore: Singapore Federation of Clan Associations, 2016), 826 pp., in Yuan 源 (Origins), 120 (Apr 2016): 22-24. [In Chinese]

Review of Donald M. Nonini, Getting By: Class and State Formation among Chinese in Malaysia 过得去:马来西亚华人的阶级与国家组合 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2015), 349 pp., in Pacific Affairs 太平洋事态, 90.1 (Mar 2017): 200-202.

Review of Loh Kah Seng, Squatters into Citizens: The 1961 Bukit Ho Swee Fire and the Making of Modern Singapore 河水山大火灾与现代新加坡的塑造 (Singapore: NUS Press, 2013) (Concurrently by Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2013), 315 pp., in Asian Journal of Social Science 亚洲社会科学学报, 43 (2015): 652-654.

Review of Ernest Koh, Diaspora at War: The Chinese of Singapore between Empire and Nation, 1937-1945 抗战时期的离散族群:新加坡华人处于帝国与民族国之间 (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 165 pp., in Asian Studies Review 亚洲研究评论, 39.1 (Mar 2015): 174-175.

Review of Cai Yulin 蔡裕林, Xinjiapo guaqi gaige feng 新加坡刮起改革风 (Winds of Reform in Singapore) (Singapore: Chaohui chubanshe, 2013), 410 pp., in Lianhe zaobao 联合早报 (supplement), 22 Oct 2013, p. 3. [In Chinese]

Review of Loh Kah Seng, Edgar Liao, Lim Cheng Tju and Seng Guo Quan, The University Socialist Club and the Contest for Malaya: Tangled Strands of Modernity 大学社会主义学会与马来亚之争:纠缠着的现代性线丝 (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012), 347 pp., in Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究, 2.2 (Aug 2013): 432-434.

Review of Fabio Lanza, Behind the Gate: Inventing Students in Beijing 天安门的背后:北京学潮的塑造 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010), 299 pp., in Pacific Affairs 太平洋事态, 85.1 (Mar 2012): 186-187.

Review of Tan Ta Sen, Cheng Ho and Islam in Southeast Asia 郑和与东南亚的回教 (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009), 291 pp., in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies东南亚研究学报, 42.1 (Feb 2011): 171-172.

Review of Yang Jinyuan 杨金远, Xia Nanyang下南洋 [Migrating Down to Nanyang] (Beijing: Qunyan chubanshe, 2009), 248pp., as “Du Lishi Xiaoshuo ‘Xia Nanyang’ 读历史小说《下南洋》 [Reflections on Reading the Historical Novel Migration to Nanyang],” in Zhonghua dushubao 中华读书报 [Chinese Readings Journal] (27 Oct 2010), p. 10.

Review of Michael Murdock, Disarming the Allies of Imperialism: The State, Agitation, and Manipulation during China's Nationalist Revolution, 1922-1929 解除帝国盟友的武装: 中华民族革命时期中的国家、搅拌、与操纵, 1922-1929 (Ithaca, NY: East Asian Program, Cornell University, 2006), 348 pp., in Asian Studies Review 亚洲研究评论 33 (Jun 2009): 230-231.

Review of Saw Swee Hock and John Wong, eds., Southeast Asian Studies in China 中国的东南亚研究 (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and East Asian Institute, 2007), 204pp., in Bijdragen tot de Taal-Land-en Volkenkunde (BKI) [Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania 东南亚与大洋洲的人文社会科学学报] 164, 2/3 (2008): 318-319.

Review of Gregor Benton and Liu Hong, eds., Diasporic Chinese Ventures: The Life and Work of Wang Gungwu 离散华人的企业: 王赓武的生活与工作 (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004), 246 pp., in Journal of Chinese Overseas 海外华人学报, 1.1 (May 2005): 134-136.

Review of Lim How Seng 林孝生, Xinjiapo huashe yu huashang 新加坡华社与华商 [Singapore Chinese Community and Entrepreneurs] (Singapore: Singapore Society of Asian Studies, 1995), 272 pp., in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报, 28.2 (1997): 454-455.

Review of David S.G. Goodman and Gerald Segal, eds., China Deconstructs: Politics, Trade and Regionalism 解构中国: 政治、贸易和区域主义 (London: Routledge, 1994), 378 pp., in Asian Journal of Political Science 亚洲政治学学报, 4.1 (Jun 1996): 155-157.

Review of Arthur Waldron, From War to Nationalism: China's Turning Point, 1924-1925 从战争到民族主义:中国的转折点,1924-1925 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 366 pp., in Pointer 指点: 军事学报, 22.3 (Jul-Sep 1996): 90-93.

Review of Leung Yuen Sang 梁元生, Xuanni fuhai dao Nanzhou: Rujia sixiang yu zaoqi Xinjiapo huaren shehui shiliao huibian 宣尼浮海到南洲:儒家思想与早期新加坡华人社会史料汇编 [Confucianism and the Singapore Chinese Community: Historical Documents] (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995), 261 pp., in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报, 26.2 (1995): 424-426.

Review of Lincoln Li, Student Nationalism in China, 1924-1949 中国学生的民族主义,1924-1949 (Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1994), 209 pp., in Journal of Oriental Studies 东方研究学报, 33.2 (1995): 303-305.

Review of C.F. Yong and R.B. McKenna, The Kuomintang Movement in British Malaya, 1912-1949 英属马来亚的国民党运动,1912-1949 (Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1990), 289 pp., in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies东南亚研究学报,23.1 (Mar 1992): 195-198.


“Foreword 前言,” in Walter Lim 林志强, chenfeng yishi: Cong Wuji Bulang zhuisu xinhua liangbainian 尘封轶事:从武吉布朗追溯新华两百年 [Dust Laden Anecdotes: Tracing 200 Years of Singapore Chinese History via Bukit Brown] (Singapore: Kafeishan wenshi yanjiu chubanshe, 2020). [In Chinese]

Op-Ed piece on Qingnian xuesheng banyan zhongjian Liliang: Wusi shuli zhengzhi yundong biaogan 青年学生扮演中坚力量:五四树立政治运动标杆 [The Strong Central Performance of Young Students: May Fourth Movement Erecting Benchmark for Political Movements] [For the Centennial Commemoration of the 1919 May Fourth Movement in China], Libao 力报, a newspaper in Macao, China, 29 Apr 2019. [In Chinese]

“Further Reflections about the Ongoing Singapore Bicentennial 新加坡两百周年纪念的再反思,” Commentary in question-and-answer format in responses to four editorial questions, in Mnemozine: A Journal of the NUS History Students 记忆集:新加坡国立大学历史学生会期刊, 15 (Apr 2019): 8-13.

“Wang Gungwu, the scholar who helped the West understand China and the new Asia 王赓武:协助西方了解中国和新亚洲的学者,” in South China Morning Post 华南早报 (SCMP Hong Kong), 11 Aug 2018, in conjunction with SCMP's promotion of Wang's newly published memoir Home is Not Here (2018).
- [Repeat publication as “Key to the (Middle) Kingdom”, in SCMP News Magazine: This Week in Asia, 12 Aug 2018]

Encyclopaedic entries on “Ong Pang Boon 王邦文” and “Wang Gungwu 王赓武,” in Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese Descent: A Biographical Dictionary 东南亚著名华裔:人物大辞典, edited by Leo Suryadinata (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2012), pp. 838-841 and 1250-1252.

Encyclopaedic entry on “Nationalist Government 中华民国政府, 1927-1949,” in Encyclopaedia of Modern China 近现代中国史百科全书, edited by David Pong (Detroit, MI: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2009), Vol. 3, pp. 13-18. 

Encyclopaedic entries on “Sun Yat-sen 孙中山” and “Wang Gungwu 王赓武,” in Singapore: The Encyclopaedia 新加坡的百科全书 (Singapore: Editions Didier Millet and National Heritage Board, 2006), pp. 525-526 and 582.

“Many Portraits of a Dragon Lady: Historiographical Overview on Empress Dowager Cixi 太后的多面描述:有关慈禧之历史写作的概论,” in Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress 紫禁城:一个皇太后的描述 (Singapore: The Esplanade, Oct 2002), pp. 20-22.
- [Reprinted in Sep 2003, pp. 14-17 and again in Sep 2006.]

“Reflections on the Fabric of Chinese Society and Governance: Family, Imperial System and Mandate of Heaven 中国社会构造和治国的反思:家庭、帝制、天命,” NUS History Society History E-Journal 2002 新加坡国立大学学生历史学会电子期刊 (Aug 2002): 13 pp.

“Meeting the Challenges of History Teaching in the New Millennium 迎接新千禧年的历史教学挑战,” The History Teacher 历史老师, 24 (Oct 2001): 6-7.

“Governing China: Local Government Personnel in Wartime Chongqing, 1937-1945 治理中国:战时重庆的地方政府人员, 1937-1945,” East Asian Institute, Working Paper 东亚研究所研究工作报告书, No. 78, Aug 2001, 20 pp.

“Sources and Changing Trends in History Writing 历史教学的资源和趋势,” The History Teacher 历史老师, 23 (Oct 2000): 2-3.


Journal article on Tiger Balm Gardens at Haw Par Villa, for Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报 (later by Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), Sep 2020.

Journal article relating to Singapore's sesquicentennial of Raffles landing, for Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报 (Malaysia, Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society), Oct 2019。

External overseas examiner for Xu Yuji 徐雨霽, “Encountering Modernity, Overcome Japan: Zheng Xiaoxu's Anti-Modern Attempt to Save China 与现代相遇和克制日本:鄭孝胥的反现代救国之路,” MPhil dissertation in English, Department of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Oct 2019.

Journal article relating to Chineseness and identity politics of a Peranakan leader, for China and Asia: A Journal in Historical Studies 中国与亚洲:历史研究期刊 (Netherlands, Brill), ?? 2018-2019.

Journal article relating to Chinese reading rooms and print culture in development of Overseas Chinese nationalism in Singaporeand Malaya before 1942, for Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报 (Malaysia, Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society), May 2018.

Journal article relating to Sino-Singapore relations, for China: An International Journal 中国:国际杂志 (Singapore, East Asia Institute), Feb 2018.

Journal article relating to cultural space and elite network in early Singapore and its four talented intellectuals, for Oriental Archive:

Journal of African and Asian Studies 东方档案:亚非研究学报 (Prague, Czechoslavak Oriental Institute), Oct 2017.

Journal article relating to the cultural logic of Overseas Chinese nationalism, for Nations and Nationalism: Journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism 民族国与民族主义:族群与民族主义研究学会之期刊, (Great Britain, London School of Economics), Jun 2017.

Journal article relating to Overseas Chinese remittance letters, for Modern Asian Studies 现代亚洲研究, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press), May 2017.

Journal article relating to translocal networks and public spheres in Malacca, Singapore, Shanghai and beyond, for Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives 跨地缘的华人:东亚视野 (Netherlands, Brill), Jun 2016.

Journal article relating to discourses on sojourner and huaqiao, for Asian Studies Review 亚洲研究评论 (Australia, Australian Association for Asian Studies), May 2016.

Book manuscript relating to the Malayan Communist Party and internationalism, 250pp., for Cambridge University Press 剑桥大学出版社, May 2016.

Journal article relating to Straits Chinese cultural heritage, for Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 横流:东亚历史与文化评论 (Berkeley, University of California), Apr 2015.

Journal article relating to cultural affinity in China’s relations with Chinese Overseas, for Asian Studies Review (Australia) 亚洲研究评论 (Australia, Australian Association for Asian Studies), Jan 2015.

Journal article relating to Nanyang Chinese volunteer drivers and mechanics in China war (in Chinese language), for Huaren yanjiu guoji xuebao华人研究国际学报 [International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies] (Singapore, World Scientific Publishing), Jan 2015. [In Chinese]

Chapter-in-book relating to reformation of Chinese school examination in 1950s-60s Singapore, for a proposed book volume on Critical studies in Singapore Education 新加坡教育评论 (Singapore, ????), Nov 2014.

Journal article relating to Peranakan family business linkages between Singapore and Shanghai, for Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报 (Malaysia, Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society), Aug 2014.

Journal article on Chinese naval forces in India during the Second World War, for South Seas Society 南洋学报 (Singapore, South Seas Society), May 2014. [In Chinese]

Working paper relating to Singapore’s political left in Malayan history, for Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series 亚洲研究所工作文稿, Nov 2013.

Journal article relating to collective violence and Vietnamese refugees in China, for Journal of Chinese Overseas 海外华人学报 (later by Netherlands, Brill), Sep 2013.

Journal article relating to class identity of Chinese-speaking youth in Singapore, for Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 横流:东亚历史与文化评论 (Berkeley, University of California), Sep 2013.

Journal article relating to ideographic representation of China’s defence, for China: An International Journal 中国:国际杂志 (Singapore, East Asian Institute), July 2013.

Journal article relating to the struggle for citizenship by Singapore Chinese in post-World War Two era, for Nanfang daxue xuebao 南方大学学报 (Journal of Southern College University) (Johore, Malaysia), Oct 2012. [In Chinese]

Journal article relating to the de-staging of subalternity in Singapore through Hokkien popular music, for Sojourn旅居 (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), Oct 2012.

Monograph book manuscript relating to the relationship between Nanyang University and the Singapore government 1953-1968, for publication in Global Publishing and Nanyang University series on Nanyang University History,” 八方出版社与南洋大学有关南大历史系列, May 2012. [In Chinese]

Journal article relating to defining the essence of Singapore through governance and public policy making, for Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报 (Malaysia, Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society), Sep 2011.

Journal article relating to the planning of Nanyang University campus from 1953 to 1980, for Huaren yanjiu guoji xuebao华人研究国际学报 (International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies) (Singapore, World Scientific Publishing), Dec 2010. [In Chinese]

Monograph book manuscript relating to economics, politics and trans-nationality in the People’s Republic of China, for Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group of United Kingdom 英国劳特利奇出版社, Jul 2010.

Journal article relating to Nanyang discourse in Fuzhou’s newspaper 1927-1937, for Journal of South Seas Society 南洋学报 (Singapore, South Seas Society), Oct 2009. [In Chinese]

Journal article relating to lives of Chinese merchants in Singapore 1920-1960, for Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报 (later by Cambridge, Cambridge University Press), Jul 2009.

Journal article relating to Jinmen immigrants in Singapore 1950s-1942, in Journal of Chinese Overseas 海外华人学报 (later by Netherlands, Brill), Mar 2009.

Journal article relating to Chinese identity in contemporary Jakarta society, for Asian Ethnicity 亚洲族群意识 (later by UK, Routledge), Feb 2008.

Journal article relating to post-coloniality of the Straits Chinese, for Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报 (later by Cambridge, Cambridge University Press), Jan 2008.

Journal article relating to the Chinese YMCA and ethnic fault lines in Singapore, for Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 十字路口:一个跨学科的东南亚研究学报 (USA, Northern Illinois University), Jan 2007. 

Monograph book manuscript relating student activism in Nanyang University 1954-1964, for publication in Global Publishing and Nanyang University series on Nanyang University History,” 八方出版社与南洋大学有关南大历史系列, Aug 2005. [In Chinese]

Journal article, for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 亚洲文化研究 (later by UK, Routledge), Aug 2005.

Journal article, for Sojourn旅居 (Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), Jun 2005.

Journal article, China: An International Journal 中国:国际杂志 (Singapore, East Asian Institute), Aug 2002, Oct 2005.

Journal article, for Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报 (later by Cambridge, Cambridge University Press), Nov 2001.

Chapter-in-book, for proposed edited book volume Ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia: A Dialogue between Tradition and Modernity 新马的华族:传统与现代的对话 (Singapore, Times Academic Press), Oct 2001.

Journal article, for Asian Journal of Political Science 亚洲政治学学报 (Political Science Department, National University of Singapore), Sep 2000.

Journal article, for Xuecong: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Chinese Studies 学丛 (Chinese Studies Department, National University of Singapore), Aug 2000. [In Chinese]

Journal article, for Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报 (later by Cambridge, Cambridge University Press), Aug 1999.

Journal article, for East Asian History东亚历史 (Canberra, Australia National University), Sep 1996.


Member, Xinjiapo huaren tongshi 新加坡华人通史 [The General History of the Chinese Community in Singapore], edited by Kua Bak Lim 柯木林 (Singapore: Singapore Federation of Clan Associations, 2016), 826 pp., Jan 2014-Nov 2015. [In Chinese]

Member, Global Multi-Culture: Theory and Practice 全球多文化:理论与实践 (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea), Apr 2014-????.

Member, International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies 华人研究国际学报 (Xiamen University, China and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), 2007-present

Member, China: An International Journal 中国:国际杂志 (East Asia Institute, Singapore), 2002-present

Associate Editor 副编辑, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报 (National University of Singapore), 1989-1992, 1996-???? present (Review Editor 书评编辑, 1992-1995)

Member, Singapore Encyclopedia of National Biography 新加坡百科全书国家名人传记, 2001-2004


Lew Siew Boon 廖筱纹, “The Chinese Communities of Singapore and Johor and Their Interactions before the Second World War 新加坡和柔佛的华社及他们之间的互动,” NUS Chinese Studies Department, Jan 2017-Aug 2021. (Thesis in Chinese) (Committee member)

Sense Egbert Hofstede, “Comparing the Concept of the State in Asian Values and Chinese Dream Discourses 比较亚洲价值观和中国梦的国家概念,” NUS Political Science Department, Aug 2017-expected Aug 2023. (Committee member)

Sim Dao Wei, Joshua 沈道伟, “Making Chinese Evangelicalism Global: Transnational Chinese Evangelical Careers in a Global World, 1920s to 1960s 华人福音派全球化:跨国华人福音派者在全球性世界里的事业, 1920至1960年代,” NUS History Department, Aug 2015-Jul 2020. (Committee member) [Career: Postdoctoral teaching fellowship at the National University of Singapore, then Research Fellow at Baptist University of Hong Kong]

Wu Jingling 吴静玲, “Rice and Nation-Building: Thai Chinese Rice Market and Sino-Thai Relations, 1930s-1940s 稻米与国家建构:中泰关系中的泰国华人米业, 1930s-1940s,” NUS Chinese Studies Department, xxxx-2021. (Thesis in Chinese) (Committee member)

Zhang Beiyu 张倍瑜, “Encountering Chinese Performing Troupes in Nanyang: Transnational Circulations, Diasporic Localizationsand Changing Chineseness, 1850s-1980s,” 相遇流动于南洋的中国戏剧团:跨国的循环、离散族群的本土化、华人性的变化, 1850s-1980s,” NUS History Department, Aug 2014-Apr 2018. (Chair) [Careeer: Postdoctoral Fellow consecutively at University of Macao and Jinan University at Guangzhou]

Zou Kunyi 邹昆仪, “Art, Artist, and Identification: Liu Kang and Nanyang Art 画画、画家、认同:刘抗与南洋画派,” NUS History Department, Aug 2012-Oct 2017. (Committee member) [Career: Lecturer in Chiangmai University, Thailand]

Cao Yin 曹寅, “Red Turbans on the Bund: Sikh Migrants, Policemen, and Revolutionaries in Shanghai, 1885-1945 上海外滩的红包头:锡克族的移民、警员与革命分子,” NUS History Department, Mar 2012-Apr 2016. (Committee member) [Career: Postdoctoral Fellow at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Shanghai, then Assistant Professor in Sun Yat Sen University at Guangzhou, currently Associate Professor in Qinghua University at Beijing, China]

Kim Jong Ho 金钟湖, “Negotiating between Regimes and Wars: Changing Regulatory Environment and Foreign Exchange Flow of Overseas Chinese Remittance Network, 1930s-1949 在政权与战争之间的协商:控制环境变化中的海外华人侨批网络之外汇操作,” NUS History Department, Aug 2011-Jul 2016. (Chair) [Career: Research Fellow in Seoul National University Asia Centre, South Korea]

Tan Chee Seng 陈是呈, “The Political Networks and Thoughts of the Young Wu Tiecheng, 1909-1925年轻吴铁城的政治网络与思维,” NUS Chinese Studies Department, Aug 2008-Aug 2016 submitted. (Committee member). [Career: Senior Lecturer in University of Science, Penang of Malaysia]

Wei Bingbing 魏兵兵, “The Bifurcated Theater: Urban Space, Operatic Entertainment, and Cultural Politics in Shanghai, 1900s-1930s 上海剧院的分化:城市空间、戏曲娱乐与文化政治, 1900s-1930s,” NUS History Department, Aug 2007-Feb 2014. (Chair) [Career: Postdoctoral fellow in Zhejiang University, China, then Research Fellow in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing]

Sin Yee Theng 沈仪婷, “Singapore Hakka Aw Boon Haw’s Cultural Enterprises 新加坡客家人胡文虎的文化事业,” NUS Chinese Studies Department, Jan 2007-Nov 2013. (Thesis in Chinese) (Committee member) [Career: Teacher in Johore of Malaysia, then Teacher in Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore]

Pang Yang Huei 彭仰晖, “Communist China, the United States, and the 1958 Taiwan Straits Crisis: From Nuclear Confrontation to Tacit Accommodation 共产中国,美国与1958年台湾海峡危机:从合资核子对峙到暗然妥协,” NUS History Department, Jan 2006-Mar 2011. (Committee member) [Career: Senior Lecturer in Singapore University of Technology and Design]

Zhang Jing 张静, “Aspiration for a New Fuzhou: Local Print and Urban Changes, 1927-1937 渴望新的福州:地方新闻报章与城市变迁, 1927-1937” NUS History Department, Aug 2005-Jul 2010. (Chair) [Career: Assistant Professor in Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China, then migrated to Canada]

Fang Xiaoping 方小平, “Health Care for Chinese Peasants: Barefoot Doctors and Cooperative Medical Services, 1958-83 中国农民的医疗福利:赤脚医生与公共卫生服务,1958-1983,” NUS History Department, Jul 2002-Apr 2008. (Committee member) [Career: Postdoctoral Fellow in University of Technology at Sydney, Australia, then Associate Professor in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore]

Chen Liyuan 陈丽园, “Interactions between Southeast Asian Chinese Communities and South China: A Study of Teochew Remittance Networks, 1911-49 东南亚华人社群和南中国的互动:以潮洲侨汇网络为例,1911- 49,” NUS Chinese Studies Department, Jan 2002-Jul 2007 (Thesis in Chinese) (Committee member) [Career: Assistant Professor in Sun Yat Sen University in Guangzhou, then South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China]

Chi Zhen 池桢, “A Pragmatic Experiment in Rural Construction Movement: The Self-Government of Wanxi in Southwestern Henan, 1930-1940 农村建设运动的实际经验:河南西南部的宛西自治运动,1930-1940,” NUS History Department, Jul 2003-Jul 2007. (Committee member) [Career: Researcher in Jinganshan Cadre Training College of Jiangxi, China, then Research Fellow in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Shanghai, China]

Shen Huifen 沈惠芬, “Engendering Chinese Migration History: “Left-behind Wives of the Nanyang Migrants’ in Quanzhou before and after the Pacific War 从性别角度看中国移民史:太平洋战争前后南洋移民留在泉州的妻子暨番客婶,” NUS History Department, Jul 2002-Jun 2007. (Chair) [Career: Associate Professor in Nanyang Research Institute, Xiamen University, China]

Kho Ee Moi 许忆妹, “Construction of Femininity: Girls' Education in Singapore, 1959-2000 女性特质的建构:新加坡女子教育,1959-2000,” NUS History Department, Dec 2000-Sep 2004. (Chair) [Career: Senior Lecturer in National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore]

Wong Wun Bin 黄文斌, “Impact of Chinese Intellectual Historian Qian Mu on the Cultural Revival of Modern China 民族自救: 论钱穆的历史与文化观,” NUS Chinese Studies Department, Aug 2001-Oct 2004. (Thesis in Chinese) (Committee member) [Career: Associate Professor and Head of Chinese Studies in Tunku Abdul Rahman University, Malaysia]

Jin Yilin 金以林, “Power Re-Distribution and the Establishment of a Coalition Government in the Kuomintang: A Study of the Power Struggle between Nanjing and Guangzhou Government in 1931 国民党的权力重组:1931年宁粤对峙研究,” NUS Chinese Studies Department, Jul 2002-Mar 2005. (Thesis in Chinese) (Committee member) [Career: Senior Research Fellow in Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China]

Lim Choo Hoon 林子训, “The Whampoa Military Academy, 1924-1928 黄埔军校, 1924-1928,” PhD Graduate, East Asian Studies, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1995-1997. (Short-term residential co-supervisor). [Career: Senior Lecturer in Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute]


Koay Su Lyn 郭舒琳, “Tale of Two Master Plans: Penang’s Political Leadership and Economic Transformation, 1960s-1980s 两个总体计划的故事:槟城的政治领导及其经济变化, 1960s-1980s,” NUS History Department, Aug 2019-Aug 2021.

Lau Yu Ching刘雨晴, “The Anti-Yellow Culture Movement in Singapore, 1953-1961: Morality and the Language of Decolonization 新加坡的反黄文化运动, 1953-1961:道德与去殖民化的语言,” NUS History Department, Aug 2014-Aug 2016. [Career: Lecturer in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore]

Tay Wei Leong 郑伟良, “Saving the Chinese Nation and the World: Religion and Confucian Reformation, 1880s-1937 救世救国:中国的儒学维新与宗教,1880s-1937,” NUS History Department, Aug 2012-Nov 2013. (Co-supervisor). [Career: Teacher in Singapore school and then pursued further graduate studies in Japan]

Chia Meng Tat Jack 谢明达, “Sacred Ties across the Seas: The Cult of Guangze Zunwang and Its Religious Network in the Chinese Diaspora, 19th Century-2009 越洋圣脉:华人散居中的广泽尊王信仰与其宗教网络, 19世纪-2009,” NUS History Department, Aug 2007-Nov 2009. [Career: Master, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Harvard University, Cornell University and University of California Berkeley, then Assistant Professor in History Department of the National University of Singapore]

Shu Shengqi 舒圣祺, “Transregional Networking in the Chinese Journalistic Diaspora: Hu Wenhu/Sin Chew Jit Poh and Guomindang China, 1929-1937 华人散居中的跨区域新闻网络:胡文虎/《星洲日报》与国民党的中华民国, 1929-1937," NUS History Department, Jan 2006-Oct 2009. [Career: PhD from Cambridge University, then researcher in Oxford University]

Ng Eng Ping 黄应斌, “The State and History-Writing: The Failure of Co-optation of Historians in Early Maoist China, 1949-1957 国家与历史文字:政府与史学家在早期毛泽东主义中国的合作失败,1949-1957,” NUS History Department, Aug 2005-Oct 2008. [Career: Tutor in National University of Singapore, then lecturer-tutor in Nanyang Technological University]

Yang Shao-yun 杨邵允, “Becoming Zhongguo, Becoming Han: Tracing and Reconceptualizing Ethnicity in Ancient North China, 770BC-AD581 中国化、汉化:古代中国北方族群认同问题的重新探讨及思考,” NUS History Department, Aug 2005-Feb 2008. [Career: PhD from University of California, Berkeley, then Associate Professor in Denison University, USA]

Chua Hui Ching, Emily 蔡慧清, “A Popular History of the PRC: Narratives of the Nation in Bestselling Biographies and Memoirs 中华人民共和国的通俗历史:人物传记和回忆录畅销书对国家的叙述,” NUS History Department, Aug 2005-Jun 2007 (Co-supervision). [Career: PhD from University of California, Berkeley, then Assistant Professor in Sociology Department at National University of Singapore]

Seah Tze Ling, Leander 谢枝嶙, “Historicizing Hybridization and Globalization: The South Seas Society in Singapore, 1940-2000 从历史视角看混杂化和全球化:新加坡南洋学会,1940-2000,” NUS History Department, Aug 2003-Mar 2006. [Career: PhD from University of Pennsylvania, USA, then Associate Professor and Head of History in Stetson College, USA] 

Jiang Na 姜娜, “Negotiating the Image of a New Woman: Women intellectuals' group identity and the Funu Zhoukan (Women's Weekly) in the 1930s China 新妇女形象的协商:《妇女周刊》与1930年代中国妇女知识分子的团体认同,” NUS History Department, Jul 2002-Jul 2005. (Co-supervision) [Career: Research Assistant in NUS Asia Research Institute, then entered private sector and later migrated to United Kingdom]

Wee Tong Bao 黄佟葆, “The Development of Modern Chinese Vernacular Education in Singapore: Society, Politics and Policies, 1905-1941 新加坡近现代华人方言教育的发展:社会、政治和政策,1905-1941,” NUS History Department, Aug 1999-Jul 2002. [Career: Senior Librarian in various tertiary institutions, then National Library]


Lecture on “Bicentennial Reflections on the History of the Chinese Community in Singapore 两百周年纪念日:省思新加坡华社的历史,” Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall 孙中山南洋纪念馆, 26 Feb 2020.

Lecture on “Remembering Our Pasts? For What? 记忆我们的以往?为何?” Panel speaker at public forum by International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) 维护遗址的国际委员会, 20 Oct 2019.

Keynote lecture on “Empirical Evidence and Evolution of the Famous Epithet on ‘Overseas Chinese as Mother of Revolution’ 华侨为革命之母:名言的考证与演变,” for the book launch of eds., Li Guangqian jinian wenji 李光前纪念文集 [Commemorative Volume on Lee Kong Chian] edited by Li Zhaosheng and Chen Xiaogang (Xiamen: Lujiang chubanshe, 2013), at the Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Historical Society and Museum 泉州华侨历史学会和博物馆, 19 Oct 2013. (In Chinese)

Lecture on “Rituals and Undercurrents: Commemorating the 1911 Revolution in Nanyang, 1925-1941 仪式与潜流:南洋的辛亥革命双十纪念,1925-1941,” to Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall 孙中山南洋纪念馆, 11 Oct 2012.

Lecture on “Umbilical Ties: The Framing of Overseas Chinese as Mother of Revolution 脐带联系:华侨为革命之母,” Asian Civilization Museum 亚洲文明博物馆 for Sun Yat-sen Nanyang Memorial Hall 孙中山南洋纪念馆, 16 Nov 2011. [In Chinese]

Lecture on “The 1911 Revolution of China and the Chinese Community in Nanyang/Singapore 中国的辛亥革命与南洋/新加坡华社,” Singapore National Museum 新加坡国家博物馆, May 2008. [In Chinese]

Lecture on “Governing China: The Chinese Imperial System 统治中国:中国君主专制系统的基柱,” for Friends of National Museum and Asian Civilizations Museum Docent Training 国家博物馆和亚洲文明博物馆之友的讲解员培训班, 4 Nov 2003, 7 May 2005, 22 Oct 2011, 23 Oct 2012.

Lecture on “The Fabric of Chinese Society and Governance: Family, Imperial System and Mandate of Heaven 中国社会构造和统治的主轴:家庭、君国系统和天命,” for Friends of National Museum and Asian Civilizations Museum Docent Training 国家博物馆和亚洲文明博物馆之友的讲解员培训班, Jan 2002 and Oct 2002.

Lecture on “Glimpses of China's Past: From Prehistory to the End of Imperial Rule 中国历史概论:从史前至帝国王朝之终止,” Training Programme for Gallery Guides, Asian Civilisations Museum 亚洲文明博物馆画廊讲解员培训班, Oct 1996.

Annual Lectures on “China: From Prehistory to Modern Times 中国:从史前至近现代史,” Friends of Singapore National Museum 新加坡国家博物馆之友, 1987-1996.

Participant in 4th Intra-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Archaeological Excavation at Fort Canning 第四届亚细安国家考古挖掘参与者, Oct-Nov 1987.


Talk on “Huigu Wuji Bulang zhi shouweizhan, 2011-14 回顾武吉布朗之守卫战 2011-14 [A Review of the Battle in Defense of Bukit Brown, 2011-14] at the book launch of Walter Lim 林志强, Chenfeng yishi: Cong Wuji Bulang zhuisu xinhua liangbainian《尘封轶事:从武吉布朗追溯新华两百年》 [Dust Laden Anecdotes: Tracing 200 Years of Spore Chinese History via Bukit Brown] (Singapore: Kaifeishan wenshi yanjiu chubanshe, 2020), National Library 国家图书馆, 23 Feb 2020. [In Chinese]

Talk on “Centennial Reflections on the May Fourth Movement: Two Legacy Issues for China & Singapore 五四运动百年反思:对中国和新加坡的两个焦点,” public forum on “What was the May Fourth Movement and What did it mean for Singapore? 五四运动对新加坡的意义,” National Library 国家图书馆, 28 Nov 2019.

Talk on “Tan Kah Kee, Lee Kong Chian and Tan Lark Sye: Bicentennial Reflections on Their Role in the Singapore Chinese Society 陈嘉庚、李光前、陈六使:新加坡开埠百年纪念日对他们在华社所扮演的角色之反思,” NUS Central Library 新加坡国立大学中央图书馆, 13 Sep 2019.

Talk on “Reflections upon Reading the Political Chapters of Cai Yulin's New Book on The Singapore Model: Challenges and Adaptations 阅读蔡裕林之新书的读后感,” National Library 国家图书馆, 5 Aug 2017. [In Chinese]

Talk on “Educational Landscape in Singapore 新加坡的教育的景观” at the Book Launch of Chia Yeow-Tong's Education, Culture and the Singapore Developmental State: World Soul Lost and Regained? (Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), Singapore Management University 新加坡管理大学, 26 Aug 2015.

Talk on “Chinese History and the Overseas Chinese: Legacy of Revolution Making and Framing as Mother of Revolution 华侨与中国历史:革命的遗迹与华侨为革命之母,” Hwa Chong International School 华侨中学国际学院, 26 Jul 2012.

Public Forum on “Makers and Keepers of Singapore History 新加坡历史的创造者与守护员,” National Library 国家图书馆, 24 Jul 2011.

Talk on “The Attractions and Requisites of Scripting Alternative Histories” 编写另类历史的吸引力及其门槛,” NUS History Seminar on “Singapore’s History: Who Writes the Script 谁编写了新加坡的历史,” National Library 国家图书馆, 4 Jun 2010. [Revised extended lecture given at Temasek Junior College 淡马锡初级学院, 4 Aug 2010]

Talk on “The Scripting of Singapore’s National History and Framing of Student Politics of the Yesteryears 新加坡历史的编写与过去学生运动的描述,” Temasek Junior College 淡马锡初级学院, 8 May 2009.

Talk on “Engaging China: China-Singapore Educational Interactions in Historical Perspective 与中国结缘:历史上的中国-新加坡之教育互动,” National University of Singapore Forum on China – 360 Degrees 新加坡国立大学论坛:中国360度, 20 Oct 2005.

Talk on “Engaging China: The Historical Perspective on China-Nanyang Educational Interactions 与中国结缘: 历史上的中国-南洋之教育互动,” at the Nanyang Girls' High School’s China Forum 南洋女子高中学校之中国论坛, 3 Jun 2005.

Talk on “Domestic Turmoil Behind the ‘Peaceful Rise of China’: Revolution after Revolution ‘和平崛起的中国’之历史前序:革命与再革命,” Ministry of Education’s China-Singapore Undergraduate Exchange Programme 教育部之中国新加坡本科教育交流计划, 11 May 2005, 11 May 2006, 9 May 2007.

Talk on “Crises of Chinese Communism: China on the Brink of Disaster during the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution 中国共产主义的危机:大跃进和文化大革命时期的中国,” Singapore Chinese Girls' School 新加坡华人女子学校, 24 Mar 2004.

Talk on “Chinese Communism and Revolutionary China 中国共产主义和革命的中国,” Raffles Junior College 莱佛士初级学院, 9 Feb 2004.

Talk on “Chinese Businesses from Being Towkays to Capitalists: Reflections on a Historical Process 从头家到资本家的中国商人:历史过程的反省,” to NUS History Honours Seminar Class on Asian Business History 新加坡国立大学历史荣誉班的亚洲商业史课程, 10 Oct 2001.

Talk on “Communist China in the Modern World, 1949-1989: Revolution in Progress 现代世界的共产中国,1949-1989:在发展中的革命,” Ministry of Education and NUS Office of Continuing Education In-Service Training Seminar 教育部和新加坡国大继续教育办公室的历史老师资训班, 21 Jul 2001.

Talk on “Globalization and the Trends in History Teaching 全球化与历史教学的趋势,” at NUS Chinese Studies Department’s Junior College Seminar 新加坡国立大学中文系之初级学院座谈会, 5 May 2001.

Talk on “Aspiration and Perspiration: Kuomintang and its New China 渴望与血汗: 国民党和它的新中国, 1927/8-1949,” National Junior College 国家初级学院, 4 Apr 2001.

Talk on “China's Impact on Southeast Asian Security in Next 20 Years 将来二十年内中国对东南亚安全的影响,” at Raffles Girls' Secondary School 莱佛士女子初中, 21 Jul 2000.

Talk on “Reflections on the May 2000 Inauguration Ceremony of Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian: The 1911 Revolution in Broad Historical Perspective 2000年5月台湾总统陈水扁的就职庆典之反思:从历史角度看辛亥革命,” at Nanyang Junior College 南洋初级学院, 26 May 2000.

Talk on “Kuomintang-Chinese Communist Party Struggle in the Twentieth-Century History of China 二十世纪中国历史中的国民党与中国共产党的斗争,” National Junior College 国家初级学院, 7 Apr 2000.

Talk on “Frequently Asked Questions on History Learning and Its Relevance to Everyday Life 历史学习常问的问题和历史学习与日常工作的关联,” Anglican High School 圣公会中学, 30 Oct 1998.

Talk on “China, Japan and the Making of Greater China in Historical Perspective 从历史角度看中国、日本和大中国的形成,” to NUS History Society 新加坡国立大学学生历史学会, 12 Feb 1997.

Judge & Coordinator, NUS Annual History Quiz/Seminar for Junior Colleges and Pre-University Centres 新加坡国立大学给初级学院与大学预备训练中心的历年历史测验/座谈会, 1986-96.

Talk on “Causes and Consequences of World War II in East Asia: The China Dimension 东亚第二次世界大战的原因和结果:中国的范畴,” Ministry of Education’s School Teachers In-Service Training学校历史老师的教育部培训班, Mar 1993, Feb-Mar 1994, Mar 1995.

Talk on “Glimpses of China's Imperial Past: From Shang to Sung 中国古代史概略:从商到宋,” History Teachers' Conference of the History Association of Singapore 新加坡历史学会的历史老师研讨会, Mar 1994.

Judge & Coordinator, NUS-Ministry of Education Biennial Singapore Young Historian Award 新加坡国立大学和教育部两年一次的年轻历史学家奖状, 1989-94.

Talk on “History of Republican China 中华民国史, 1911-1949,” Bendemeer Secondary School 明智中学, Feb 1993.

Talk on “A Review of Writings on the History of Modern China 近现代中国历史著作之评论,” Ministry of Education’s Historiography Course for School Teachers 教育部的历史老师史学训练班, 1990-91.


Chair/Moderator of public forum on “Scholar Administrators in Colonial Singapore and Malaysia 新加坡和马来亚殖民时代的学者型官员,” Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华人文化中心, 20 May 2017. [In Chinese]

Lecture on “The History of Chinese Diaspora: With Special Reference to Guangdong Province 华人离散族群的历史:以广东为焦点,” Institute of Governance and Policy, Civil Service College of Singapore 新加坡公务学院, 28 Apr 2016.

Lecture on “Twentieth-Century China in Revolution 革命中的二十世纪中国,” SUNTEC’s City Forum SUNTEC之城市论坛, 6 May 2003.

Lecture on “Overview of the History of Twentieth-Century China: Revolution to Revolution 二十世纪中国历史概览:从革命到再革命,” Keppel Corporation’s China Inaugural Seminar 凯珀尔公司的第一届中国座谈会, 1 Jul 2002.

Lectures on “China in the Modern World: From Opium to Discos 现代世界中的中国:从鸦片到迪斯科, 1800s-1990s,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ In-Service Training Seminars 外交部的在职培训班10 Sep 1998, 14-15 Jan 1999, 23-24 Feb 2000.

Participant in the East-West Cultural Development Centre 东西方文化发展中心的参与者 (non-profit organization set up by Mr Frederick Chavalit Tsao), Sep-Oct 1999.

Judge, Singapore Armed Forces Chief of Staff Essay Competition 新加坡武装部队总参谋长的散文比赛, 1992.

Resource Person, People's Action Party Community Foundation Leadership Training Programme 人民行动党基层领袖培训班的资询人员, Sep 1988.

Lecture on “History of Modern Japan 近现代日本史,” Centre for Tourism Related Studies Training Class 旅游学研究中心培训班, Oct 1988.


On the historical role of Overseas Chinese Remittances in Southeast Asia and its impact upon Sino-Southeast Asian Relations 东南亚侨汇的历史角色, TV interview by Xiamen Media of China 厦门卫视, on 2 Apr 2016. [In Chinese]

On Overseas Chinese and the Japanese invasion of China and Southeast Asia 华侨与抗日活动, Programme on 70th anniversary of the Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争七十周年纪念节目, TV interview by Shenzhen Media of China 深圳卫视, on 22 Jul 2016. [In Chinese]

On Use and Abuse of Archival Sources 档案资料的用处与弊端, Interview by Asia Insight Research Consultant Pte Ltd透视亚洲之研究咨询有限公司, 12 Mar 2001.

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