FASS Staff Profile


+65 65166533

My disciplinary research examines the intersections of transnational migration and ageing, within the context of Sri Lankan migrants’ later-life mobility and negotiations of transnational citizenship, and eldercare relations within transnational families. My more recent work on geographical education focuses on online and blended forms of learning through a feminist pedagogy lens. I teach modules in social and cultural geography.


Academic Positions

Lecturer, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (2020 - )

Research Fellow, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University (2018-2019)

Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (2018)

Visiting Lecturer, Monash College, Sri Lanka (2008-2009)


Academic Qualifications

PhD in Geography, National University of Singapore (2018)

M.Soc.Sc., National University of Singapore (2012)

B.A. (Hons), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (2008)

GE1101E - Geographical Journeys: Exploring World Environments

GES1003 - Changing Landscapes of Singapore

GE4213 - Cultural Geographies

GE4236 - Geographies of Migration

GE6222 - Transnationalism and Society: Comparative Spaces

Graduate Research

Sreetama Bhattacharya (PhD) - Immigrant Parenting and the Social Reproduction of Culture Shaped through Intercultural Encounters: a Gendered Perspective. Co-supervisor, in progress


Undergraduate Honours Thesis

Vera Khoo - Migrant mothering: South Asian Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore, in progress.

Chee Elizabeth Lynne - Caring for Singapore’s Foreign Domestic Caregivers, graduated 2022.

Nicholas Ong Yew Hui - Re-thinking Agency: An Analysis of Youth Agency through the Play Experiences of Singaporean Youths, graduated 2022.

Too Zhi Han Gwendalyn - All that Sparkles in Jewel Changi Airport – A New Icon for Nation Building in Singapore, graduated 2021.


  • De Silva, M. (2023) Pragmatic transnationalism: Sri Lankan-British retired migrants’ negotiations of transnational citizenship and (un)belonging. Professional Geographer, 75(1), 155-163. https://doi.org/10.1080/00330124.2022.2087693


    De Silva, M., Woods, O. and Kong, L. (2020) Alternative education spaces and pathways: Insights from an international Christian school in China. Area, 52(4), 750-757. https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12634

    De Silva, M. and Gandhi, K. (2019). ‘Daughter’ as a positionality and the gendered politics of taking parents into the field. Area, 51(4), 662-669. https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12525

    De Silva, M. (2018). Making the emotional connection: Transnational eldercare circulation within Sri Lankan-Australian transnational families. Gender, Place and Culture, 25(1), 88-103. https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369X.2017.1339018

    De Silva, M. (2017). The care pentagon: Older adults within Sri Lankan-Australian transnational families and their landscapes of care. Population, Space and Place, 23(8), e2061. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2061



  • De Silva, M. (2020) Book review of ‘The City as Power: Urban Space, Place and National Identity’ (2019), edited by Alexander C. Diener and Joshua Hagen, for Journal of Cultural Geography, 38(1), 123-124. https://doi.org/10.1080/08873631.2020.1824358                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    De Silva, M. (2013) Book review of ‘Return migration and identity: A global phenomenon, a Hong Kong case’ (2010) by Nan M. Sussman, for Journal of Population Studies, 46, 185-188.


  • De Silva (2022) Gender, Women and International Migration. Geography Digest, Issue 2, Curriculum Planning and Development Division 2, Ministry of Education (Singapore). 


    The Sikh Road (2021). A shared virtual fieldtrip video (26 minutes) created for the general education module ‘GES1003: Changing Landscapes of Singapore’ and community awareness. Co-created with Shirlena Huang (NUS Geography) and in collaboration with Mr. Sarabjeet Singh of the Young Sikh Association - Singapore.

    De Silva, M. (2013) Sinhala-Buddhist migrant professionals in Australia. In Reeves, P. (ed) The Encyclopedia of the Sri Lankan Diaspora. Singapore: Editions Didier Millet Pty Ltd, pp. 166.

Academic Awards

2023-2025       Education Research Funding Programme, National Institute of Education (Collaborator; PI: Kamalini Ramdas, NUS Geography; Collaborators: Shobha Avadhani, NUS Communications and New Media; Robin Loon, NUS Theatre Studies; Josef Tan, Ministry of Education) Teaching Pre-University Geography through Role-play and Deep Listening: Enhancing Geographical Inquiry using Interdisciplinary Strategies for Managing Classroom Dynamics.

2022-2023       Blended Learning 2.0, NUS Provost’s Office (PI) Blended Learning and Interactive Fieldtrip Worksheets.

2020-2021       Staff Research Support Scheme (SRSS), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS (Co-PI; Co-PI: Kamalini Ramdas, NUS Geography) Online Learning and Collaborative Pedagogy.


Selected Other Awards

2023        Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore

2020        Wiley Publisher’s Area Prize for New Research in Geography, for “‘Daughter’ as a positionality and the gendered politics of taking parents into the field”

2012-16   Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore

2009-11   Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore

2008       Professor Yogambikai Rasanayagam Gold Medal in Geography, University of Colombo


Services to Academic Community

Co-chair, Young and Early Career Scholars (YES!), Gender and Geography Commission, International Geographical Union (website)

Reviewer for Gender, Place and Culture; Information, Communication and Society; Social and Cultural Geography; Area; Journal of Intergenerational Relationships; Population, Space and Place; International MigrationJournal of Family StudiesWellbeing, Space and Society; Journal of Geography in Higher Education; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Journal of Intercultural Studies; Asian and Pacific Migration Journal


Media Engagement

2024     TodayOnline report on Time for youths to question social norms around parental care, work and climate change in the face of a volatile future: Experts, 22 January. 

2024     Newspaper interview for  Lianhe Zaobao, 学者:或可效仿欧盟 让国人在亚细安养老享当地同等待遇 (Scholar: We may follow the example of the European Union and allow Chinese people to enjoy the same treatment in ASEAN for their elderly care), 22 January. 

2023     Newspaper interview for  Lianhe Zaobao, 离乡背井的木棉花 承载梦想燃烧青春 (The person who left their hometown carries the burning dreams of youth), 11 June. 

2021     Video interview on ‘The Sikh Road’ virtual fieldtrip. On Thalam Indian Beat, Mediacorp Vasantham (Singapore), 30 July.

Last Modified: 2024-01-28         Total Visits: 7089