FASS Staff Profile


elaine.ho@nus.edu.sg or ariehle@nus.edu.sg
+65 65163859
+65 6777 3091

Brief Introduction


Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho is Professor at the Department of Geography and Senior Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore (NUS). She is currently Vice-Dean of the FASS Research Division and was the former Chair of the faculty-level FASS Migration Cluster. Her research addresses the geographies of citizenship (or citizenship geographies) amongst migrant and non-migrant populations. She is author of Citizens in Motion: Emigration, Immigration and Re-migration Across China's Borders (2019, Stanford University Press), which received the American Sociological Association's (ASA) "Best Book in Global and Transnational Sociology by an International Scholar" award in 2019. Elaine's current research on citizenship geographies focuses on two key domains: (1) ageing, transnationalism and care in the Asia-Pacific, and (2) diaspora engagement and diaspora diplomacy. She is currently Editor of the journal Social and Cultural GeographyShe has been appointed Provost's Chair at FASS since 2023 and was formerly Dean's Chair from 2019-2022.

Please email me (elaine.ho@nus.edu.sg) if you would like to access my published articles but your institution does not subscribe to those journals.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9iauPAQAAAAJ&hl=en

ORCID: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-5400-7668 


PhD University College London
B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) National University of Singapore

Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Leeds
UBC Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow, University of British Columbia
ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Royal Holloway, University of London
Visiting Fellow, National University of Singapore

Teaching Areas

GE2206 Geographies of Life and Death

GES1003 Changing Landscapes of Singapore 

GE6222 Transnationalism and Space: Comparative Perspectives 

Current Research

(1) Ageing Immigrants and Integration over the Lifecourse in Singapore

Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, since 2022 (analysis and writing in progress)

Immigration research in Singapore has been predominantly trained on the experiences of working-age economic migrants, younger marriage migrants, or international students. The social invisibility of immigrant seniors needs to be redressed as they carry out important social reproduction that sustains productive activities and intergenerational relationships. Moreover, studying immigrant seniors can provide insights into changes across the lifecourse as they embed themselves in the migrant-receiving society while retaining transnational ties with their homelands. This study focusing on Indian and Mainland Chinese older immigrants incorporates a biographical dimension that investigators how the integration of immigrants evolves over their life course as they progress towards older age. 

Investigators: Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho and Brenda Yeoh

With: Ng Hong Kai


(2) Ageing and Social Networks: Mapping the Life-worlds of Older Singaporeans

Social Science Research Council Thematic Grant (Type B), since 2021 (analysis and writing in progress)

Strong social networks can reduce social isolation and enhance the well-being of older adults. Urban design, housing policy and eldercare programs promote the creation of such social networks for “ “ageing-in-place”. However, this idea of ‘ageing in place’ can be limiting because older adults’ social networks are neither restricted to their own neighbourhoods nor to their family and neighbours. Other friendships and work relationships are also an important part of older adults’ social networks. This project examines the social and geographical characteristics of older adults’ social networks. The research team will combine Social Network Analysis with Qualitative Research and Geographic Information Science (GIS), thus blending large scale numerical survey data with deep, targeted qualitative research that is then mapped to real spaces. The team will compare two neighbourhoods in Singapore, looking at how older adults’ networks of social care are shaped by their surroundings, as well as extends beyond. Our research contributes towards extending knowledge on ageing and social networks theories, advancing qualitative GIS methods, while simultaneously integrating them into survey research.

Investigators: Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho, Vincent Chua and Feng Chen-Chieh

With Gao Siyao, Samantha Lim, Amber Lim, Ng Hong Kai and Chia Xin Yi

Also refer to:

Ho, E.L.E., Gao, S. and Lim, S.F.L. (in press) "Social infrastructures and older adults' webs of care: COVID-19 as spatial breach", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, https://doi-org.libproxy1.nus.edu.sg/10.1111/tran.12635 [Online First; Open access]


(3) Ageing and Relocation in Queenstown

Ministry of Education Aademic Research Fund Tier 1 (since 2021, fieldwork in progress)

This study investigates the impacts of relocation on the identity-making, social networks and support, mobility patterns and wellbeing of seniors who have been relocated from Tanglin Halt to Dawson in Queenstown under the Housing Development Board’s (HDB) Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS). The study is situated in conceptual debates on ageing, place-making and urban redevelopment. It provides age-sensitive perspectives that seek to fill a paucity of knowledge on how long-term residents, in particular seniors, experience urban redevelopment. The study critically probes whether urban redevelopment augments or undermines notions and projects of ‘age-friendly cities’ (or communities), as well as diversifies Western-led theories of age-friendliness and urban redevelopment by providing Asian perspectives on the topic.

Investigator: Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho

With Tan Ya Hui and Ng Hong Kai


(4) Transnational Relations, Ageing and Care Ethics (TRACE)

Ministry of Education (Singapore) Tier 2 grant, 2018-2021

Our research considers care circulations with a focus on how transnational relations, ageing and care ethics (TRACE) extend across national borders. We investigate how global care circulations mediate experiences of ageing and what this means for transnational relations and care ethics. Increasingly, older adults are moving across national borders to provide care or to receive care; also participating in such care circulations are younger transnational migrants who are family members of those older adults or who have been employed to care for older adults. The TRACE project considers three interrelated aspects of care circulation: (1) grandparenting migration; (2) caring for the aged and the left-behind care chains of foreign carers; and (3) retirement migration. The project focuses on Singapore as a hub where the logics of care mediate migration inflows and outflows, connecting the country to regional sites of care such as Myanmar and China, which we have identified for study. Our project also sets Singapore in international comparative perspective with Australia, which experiences similar care-mediated migration trends that connect the country to China. This project thus considers regional care connections as well as international comparisons of ageing and care. We combine qualitative research methods with GIS analysis and visualisation to spatially depict and deepen understanding of ageing. Our mixed methods approach enables the project to integrate analyses of micro-mobility and macro-mobility, developing a grounded understanding of care relations that is useful for (re)conceptualising care ethics in transnational contexts

Investigators: Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho, Shirlena Huang, Thang Leng Leng and Brenda Yeoh

With Sylvia Ang, Chiu Tuen Yi, Liew Jian An, Ting Wen-Ching, Vanessa Swinn Yap and Guo Zhou

Also refer to:

Chiu, T.Y. and E.L.E. Ho (in press) "Temporariness and post-migration adaptation of older migrants: The case of Chinese grandparenting migrants in Singapore", International Migration Review, https://doi.org/10.1177/01979183221119706.

Ang, S., Thang, L.L. & Ho, E.L.E (2023) "Middle-class transnational caregiving: older single female migrants and the uneven burden of care", Asian Studies Review, 47(3),  464-480.

Ho, E.L.E. and Ting, W.C. (2023) ‘Geographies of transnational domesticity: Migration risks, intersectional disadvantage and mitigation strategies by foreign domestic workers from Myanmar’, Professional Geographer, 75(1), 145-154. 

Yeoh, B.S.A., Liew, J.A., Ho, E.L.E. and Huang, S. (2023) "Migrant domestic workers and the household division of intimate labour: reconfiguring eldercare relations in Singapore",  Gender, Place & Culture, 30(5), 619-637.

Liew, J.A., Ho, E.L.E., Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2022) 'Dyadic pairs as interview method: Older Singaporeans and their live-in migrant carers', Area, 54 (3), 427-434.

Ting, W.C. and Ho, E.L.E. (2022) ‘Care circulations between Singapore and Myanmar: Balancing eldercare work abroad with care for ageing parents back home’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48 (15), 3743-3760.

Ho, E.L.E., Thang, L.L. Thang, Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. '(Re) constructing ageing futures: Insights from migration in Asia and beyond', American Behavioral Scientist, 66 (14), 1819-1827.

Huang, S., Liew, J.A., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Ho, E.L.E. (2022) ‘Who cares? Older Singaporeans negotiating care expectations and ageing futures’, American Behavioral Scientist, 66(14).

Ho, E.L.E. and Chiu, T.Y. (2022) ‘Mainland Chinese grandparenting migration as middling transnationalism: Family, life stage and lifecourse’ in S. Robertson and R. Roberts (eds.) Rethinking Privilege and Social Mobility in Middle-Class Migration: Migrants 'In-Between’. London: Routledge, pp. 213-231.

Ho, E.L.E, Ting, W. (2021) "Informality during migration, 'conversion' within and across national spaces: Eliciting moral ambivalence among informal brokers", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46, 944–957. 

Ho, E.L.E., Liew, J.A., Zhou, G., Chiu, T.Y., Yeoh, B.S.A., Huang, S. (2021) "Shared spaces and 'throwntogetherness' in later life: A qualitative GIS study of non-migrant and migrant older adults in Singapore", Geoforum, 124, 132–143. 

Ho, E.L.E., Guo, Z., Liew, J.A., Chiu, T.Y., Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2020) "Webs of care: Qualitative GIS research on ageing, mobility and care relations", Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 111(5): 1462-1482 [Open access at  https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2020.1807900]

Chiu, T.Y. and Ho, E.L.E. (2020) "Transnational care circulations, changing intergenerational relations and the ageing aspirations of Chinese grandparenting migrants in Singapore", Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 61(3): 423-437.

Liew, J.A., Yeoh, B.S.A., Huang, S. and Ho, E.L.E. (2020) 'Tuning care relations between migrant caregivers and the elderly in Singapore', Asia and Pacific Viewpoint, 61(3): 438-452.

Ho, E.L.E. and Chiu, T.Y. (2020) "Transnational ageing and ‘care technologies’: Chinese grandparenting migrants in Singapore and Sydney", Population, Space and Place, 26(7), e2365.

Journal special issue and editorial introduction:

E.L.E. Ho, Thang L.L., Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2022) "(Re) constructing ageing futures: Insights from migration in Asia and beyond", American Behavioral Scientist, 66 (14), 1819-1827.

Other resources:

Transnational Relations, Ageing and Care Ethics (TRACE) website at https://ari.nus.edu.sg/trace/

Moved to Care photo essays at https://ari.nus.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/AAT-Booklet.pdf


(5) Forced migration in/of Asia: Geographies of humanitarianism

Ministry of Education (Singapore) Tier 1 grant, 2017-2020

The drivers, processes and outcomes of South-South displacement demand policy and academic attention that will address the blind spots of the international refugee regime, which originated and evolved from the concerns of Global North countries towards refugee flows and resettlement. This project situates displacement at the China-Myanmar border in the wider context of forced migration histories and current trends in Asia. The project considers in particular the case of internal displacement at the China-Myanmar border, focusing on border im/mobilities, diaspora action and transnational aid. The project deepens conceptualisation of the solidarity processes that extend across national borders to bridge people of different social positionings. 

Also refer to: 

Kirsten, M, Ho, E.L.E. and Kyed, H. (2022) "Border governance: Reframing political transition in Myanmar", Modern Asian Studies, 56(3): 471-503 [Special issue introduction]

Ho, E.L.E. (2022) "Border governance in Kachin State, Myanmar: Un/caring states and aspirant state building during humanitarian crises", Modern Asian Studies, 56(3): 639-660.

Ho, E.L.E and McConnell, F.M. (2022) "The role of “multiple worlds” in world politics", in L. Kennedy (ed.) Routledge International Handbook of Diaspora Diplomacy, Routledge, New York, pp. 19–29.

Ho, E.L.E. (2020) "Gendered spaces of forced migration: Kachin internally displaced people at the China-Myanmar Border", in Huang, Shirlena, Ruwanpura, K. (eds.) Handbook on Gender in Asia, Edward Elgar, pp. 374–390.

Ho, E.L.E. and McConnell, F.M. (2019) ‘Conceptualising ‘diaspora diplomacy’: Territory and populations betwixt the domestic and foreign’, Progress in Human Geography, 43,  235-255.

Ho, E.L.E. and Robinson, C. (2018) 'Introduction: Forced migration in/of Asia', Journal of Refugee Studies, 31(3), 262-273 [Special issue introduction; open access at https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fey041]

Ho, E.L.E. (2018) 'Interfaces and the politics of humanitarianism: Kachin internal displacement at the China-Myanmar border', Journal of Refugee Studies, 31(3), 407-42 [Open access at https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fey017]

Ho, E.L.E. (2017) 'Mobilising affinity ties: Kachin internal displacement and the geographies of humanitarianism at the China-Myanmar border', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42, 84–97 [Open access at https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.12148]


(6) "Contemporaneous migration": conceptualising multidirectional migration routes

This research agenda brings together analyses of multidirectional migration routes as they converge in a national territory or forge interconnections across global space. It departs from conventional approaches that study migration sites in isolation or as snapshots in time.  Contemporaneous migration directs us toward examining how temporal periodisation structures migration and the citizenship constellations that are forged across migration sites, shaping the lives of citizens in motion. My earlier research considered the global connections that bridge China with immigrant-receiving societies such as Singapore and Canada, as well as China's own transformation from an emigrant to immigrant-receiving society. I am keen to explore how the multidirectionality of migration can be analysed in a variety of research contexts to extend conceptualisations of citizenship and territory, ethnicity, and the co-constitution of time and space.

Also refer to: 

Ho, E.L.E. Ho (in press) "Diaspora politics and Chinese voluntary associations: Dual-facing bridges and brokers", Asia-Pacific Viewpointhttps://doi.org/10.1111/apv.12385 [Open access]

Ho, E.L.E. and Kathiravelu, L. (2022) "More than race: a comparative analysis of 'new' Indian and Chinese migration in Singapore", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(4): 636-655 [Open access at https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2021.1924391]

Ho, E.L.E. (2020) 'Leveraging connectivities: Comparative diaspora strategies and evolving cultural pluralities in China and Singapore', American Behavioural Scientist, 64(1), 1415-1429.

Ho, E.L.E. (2019) Citizens in Motion: Emigration, Immigration and Re-migration Across China's Borders, CA: Stanford University Press [Order via Amazon].

Ho, E.L.E. (2018) ‘African student migrants in China: Negotiating the global geographies of power through gastronomic practices and culture’Food, Culture and Society, 21(1), 9-24.

Ho, E.L.E. and Foo, F.Y. (2017) 'Debating integration in Singapore, deepening variegations of the Chinese diaspora', in Min Zhou (ed.) Contemporary Chinese DiasporasSpringer, pp. 105-125.

Ho, E.L.E. (2016) 'Incongruent migration categorisations and competing citizenship claims: ‘return’ and hypermigration in transnational migration circuits', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(14), 2379-2394.

Ho, E.L.E. (2016) ‘The geo-social and global geographies of power: Urban aspirations of ‘worlding’ African students in China’Geopolitics, 22(1), 15-33

Ho, E.L.E. (2016) 'Diaspora engagement and the evolving politics of return migration in China', in R. Iredale and Fei, G. (eds.) The Handbook on MIgration and Identity within China and Overseas, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 199-214.

Other resources:

IMISCOE (2020) The Migration Podcast Episode 6: Elaine Ho on Citizens in Motion and diaspora engagement, https://soundcloud.com/themigrationpodcast/episode-6-elaine-ho-on-citizens-in-motion-and-chinese-diaspora-engagement

NUSCast (2019) Researching Multi-directional Migration: Citizens in Motion and Contemporaneity (keynote address for the 14th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, 24-26 July 2019), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2OFj6MSyeY

Research Interests

Chinese diaspora and transnationalism

Ageing and transnationalism in the Asia-Pacific

China-Myanmar borderland migrations






  • Chiu, T.Y. and E.L.E. Ho (in press) "Temporariness and post-migration adaptation of older migrants: The case of Chinese grandparenting migrants in Singapore", International Migration Review.
  • Ho, E.L.E., Gao, S. and Lim, S.F.L. (in press) "Social infrastructures and older adults' webs of care: COVID-19 as spatial breach", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, https://doi-org.libproxy1.nus.edu.sg/10.1111/tran.12635 [Online First; Open access]
  • Ang, S., Thang, L.L. and Ho, E.L.E (2023) "Middle-class transnational caregiving: older single female migrants and the uneven burden of care", Asian Studies Review, 47(3),  464-480.
  • Yeoh, B.S.A., Liew, J.A., Ho, E.L.E. and Huang S. (2023) ‘Migrant domestic workers and the household division of intimate labour: Reconfiguring eldercare relations in Singapore’, Gender, Place and Culture, 30(5), 619-637 [Open access: https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369X.2021.1956435]
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Ting, W.C. (2023) "Geographies of transnational domesticity: Migration risks, intersectional disadvantage and mitigation strategies by foreign domestic workers from Myanmar", Professional Geographer, 75 (1), 145-154. https://doi.org/10.1080/00330124.2022.2081222 [Open access]
  • Huang, S., Liew, J.A., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Ho, E.L.E. (2022) "Who cares? Older Singaporeans negotiating care expectations and ageing futures", American Behavioral Scientist, 66 (14), 1828-1845.
  • Ting, W.C. and Ho, E.L.E. (2022) "Care circulations between Singapore and Myanmar: balancing eldercare work abroad with care for ageing parents back home", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,  48 (15), 3743-3760.
  • Liew, J.A., Ho, E.L.E., Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2022) "­Dyadic pairs as interview method: Older Singaporeans and their live-in migrant carers". Area, 54 (3), 427-434.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2022) "Border governance in Kachin State, Myanmar: Un/caring states and aspirant state building during humanitarian crises", Modern Asian Studies, 56(3), 639-660.
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Kathiravelu, L. (2022) "More than race: a comparative analysis of 'new' Indian and Chinese migration in Singapore", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(4):  636-655 [Open access]
  • Ho, E.L.E and Ting, W. (2021) "Informality during migration, 'conversion' within and across national spaces: Eliciting moral ambivalence among informal brokers", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46, 944–957.
  • Ho, E.L.E., Liew, J.A., Zhou, G., Chiu, T.Y., Yeoh, B.S.A. and Huang, S. (2021) "Shared spaces and 'throwntogetherness' in later life: A qualitative GIS study of non-migrant and migrant older adults in Singapore", Geoforum, 124, 132–143.
  • Ho, E.L.E., Guo, Z., Liew, J.A., Chiu, T.Y., Huang, S. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2021) "Webs of care: Qualitative GIS research on ageing, mobility and care relations", Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 111(5), 1462-1482. [Open Access]
  • Chiu, T.Y. and Ho, E.L.E. (2020) "Transnational care circulations, changing intergenerational relations and the ageing aspirations of Chinese grandparenting migrants in Singapore", Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 61(3), 423-437. 
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2020) 'Leveraging connectivities: Comparative diaspora strategies and evolving cultural pluralities in China and Singapore', American Behavioural Scientist, 64(10), 1415-1429.
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Chiu, T.Y. (2020) "Transnational ageing and ‘care technologies’: Chinese grandparenting migrants in Singapore and Sydney", Population, Space and Place, 26(7), e2365.
  • McDuie-Raa, D., Ho, E.L.E, Jakimow, T. and Somaia, C.B. (2020) 'Collaborative ethnographies: Reading space to build an affective inventory', Emotions, Space and Society, 35, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emospa.2020.100683
  • Liew, J.A., Yeoh, B.S.A., Huang, S. and Ho, E.L.E. (2020) 'Tuning care relations between migrant caregivers and the elderly in Singapore', Asia and Pacific Viewpoint, 61(3): 438-452.
  • Ang, C. and Ho, E.L.E. (2019) 'Feeling schools, affective nation: the emotional geographies of education in Singapore, slippages as tactical manoeuvres', Emotion, Space and Society, 32, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emospa.2019.100589
  • Ho, E.L.E. and McConnell, F.M. (2019) ‘Conceptualising ‘diaspora diplomacy’: Territory and populations betwixt the domestic and foreign’, Progress in Human Geography, 42(3), 235-255
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Robinson, C. (2018) 'Introduction: Forced migration in/of Asia', Journal of Refugee Studies, 31(3), 262-273 [Open access at https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fey041]
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2018) 'Interfaces and the politics of humanitarianism: Kachin internal displacement at the China-Myanmar border', Journal of Refugee Studies, 31(3), 407-42 [Open access at https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fey017]
  • Bunnell, T., Gillen, J. and Ho, E.L.E. (2018) 'The prospect of elsewhere: Engaging the future through aspirations in Asia’, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108(1),  35-51, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2017.1336424
  • Ramdas K, Ho E.L.E, Woon CY. (2018) 'Changing landscapes as text: Geography and national education in Singapore', Area, 50, 50–54. https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12400
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2018) ‘African student migrants in China: Negotiating the global geographies of power through gastronomic practices and culture’, Food, Culture and Society, 21(1), 9-24, https://doi.org/10.1080/15528014.2017.1398468
  • Boyle, M. and Ho, E.L.E. (2017) 'Sovereign power, biopower and the reach of the West in an age of diaspora-centred development', Antipode, 49(3), 577–596Online First DOI: 10.1111/anti.12281
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2017) 'Mobilising affinity ties: Kachin internal displacement and the geographies of humanitarianism at the China-Myanmar border', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42, 84–97 [Open Access at https://rgs-ibg.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/tran.12148]
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2016) 'Incongruent migration categorisations and competing citizenship claims: ‘return’ and hypermigration in transnational migration circuits', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(14), 2379-2394.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2016) ‘The geo-social and global geographies of power: Urban aspirations of ‘worlding’ African students in China’, Geopolitics, 22(1), 15-33. 
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Lynette J. Chua (2015) 'Law and "race" in the citizenship spaces of Myanmar: Spatial strategies and the political subjectivity of the Burmese-Chinese’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(5), 896-916.
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Boyle, M. (2015) 'Migration as development repackaged? The globalising imperative of the Singaporean state’s diaspora strategies', Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 36(2), 164-182.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2015) ‘Transnational identities, multiculturalism or assimilation? China’s "refugee-returnees" and generational transitions’, Modern Asian Studies, 49(2), 525-545. 
  • Ho, E.L.E., Boyle, M. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2015) 'Recasting diaspora strategies through feminist care ethics', Geoforum, 59, 206-214.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2014) 'The emotional economy of migration driving transnational sojourning between migration regimes: Mainland Chinese "return" migration', Environment and Planning A, 46(9), 2212 – 2227.
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Ley, D. (2014) ‘‘Middling’ Chinese returnees or new immigrants from Canada? The ambiguity of return migration and countervailing claims to modernity’, Asian Studies Review, 38(1), 36-52.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2013) ‘Juggling citizenships for transnational familyhood: Mainland Chinese immigrants in Canada and their 'return' migration to China’, Oñati Socio-Legal Series [Online]. 
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2013) “‘Refugee’ or ‘returnee’? The ethnic geopolitics of diasporic resettlement in China and intergenerational change”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(4), 599-611
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2011) ‘Caught between two worlds: Mainland Chinese return migration, hukou considerations and the citizenship dilemma’, Citizenship Studies, 15(6-7), 643-658.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2011) ‘Identity politics and cultural asymmetries: Singaporean transmigrants “fashioning” cosmopolitanism’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(5), 729-746
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2011) ‘Claiming the “diaspora”: sending state strategies, elite mobility and the spatialities of citizenship’, Progress in Human Geography, , 35(6), 757-772.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2011) ‘Migration trajectories of “highly skilled” middling transnationals: Singaporean transmigrants in London’, Population, Space and Place, 17(1), 116-129
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2009) ‘Constituting citizenship through the emotions: Singaporean transmigrants in London’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 99(4), 788–804
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2008) ‘“Flexible citizenship” or familial ties that bind? Singaporean transmigrants in London’, International Migration, 46(4), 146-175
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2008) ‘Embodying self-censorship: Research, writing and communication’, Area, 40(4), 491-499
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2008) ‘Citizenship and transnationalism: A review and critical interventions’, Geography Compass, 2(5), 1286-1300
  • Ho. E.L.E. (2006) ‘Negotiating belonging and perceptions of citizenship in a transnational world: Singapore, a cosmopolis’, Social and Cultural Geography, 7(3), 385-401


  • Maddrell, A., Ho, E.L.E. and Lobo, M. (2023) The multiple intensities of COVID-19 space-times, Social and Cultural Geography, 24(3-4), 385-390.
  • Ho, E.L.E., Thang, L.L., Huang, S., Yeoh, B.S.A. (2022) "(Re)constructing ageing futures: Insights from migration in Asia and beyond", American Behavioral Scientist, 66, 1819–1827. https://doi.org/10.1177/00027642221075265
  • Kirsten, M, Ho, E.L.E. and Kyed, H. (2022) "Border governance: Reframing political transition in Myanmar", Modern Asian Studies, 56(3): 471-503.
  • Ang, S., Ho, E.L.E. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2022) "Migration and new racism beyond colour and the 'West': co-ethnicity, intersectionality and postcoloniality", Ethnic and Racial Studies 45(4): 585–594 [Open access at https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2021.1925321]
  • Low, K.E.Y., Abdullah, N., Ho, E.L.E. (2020) "Shaping mobile worlds in Asia: Human and nonhuman socialities", American Behavioral Scientist, 64, 1395–1399.
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Robinson, C. (2018) 'Introduction: Forced migration in/of Asia', Journal of Refugee Studies. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fey041.
  • Low, K.E.Y. and Ho, E.L.E. (2018) 'Eating in the City', Food, Culture and Society, 21(1), https://doi.org/10.1080/15528014.2017.1398467
  • Robertson, S. and Ho, E.L.E. (2016) 'Temporalities, materialities and connecting locales: migration and mobility in Asia-Pacific cities', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(14), 2263-2271.
  • Sidaway, J., Ho, E.L.E., Rigg, J.R. and Woon, C.Y. (2016) ‘Area studies and geography: Trajectories and manifesto’, Environment and Planning D, 34(5), 777-790.
  • Hickey, M., Ho, E.L.E. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2015) ‘Introduction to the special section on establishing state-led ‘diaspora strategies in Asia: Migration-as-development reinvented’, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 36(2), 139-146.
  • Ho, E.L.E., Hickey, M. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2015) 'New research directions and critical perspectives on diaspora strategies', Geoforum, 59, 153-158.
  • Madokoro, L., Ho, E.L.E. and Peterson, G (2015) 'Questioning the Dynamics and Language of Forced Migration in Asia: The Experiences of Ethnic Chinese Refugees', Modern Asian Studies, 49(2), 430-438. [First view]
  • Ho, E.L.E., Madokoro, L. and Peterson, G. (2014) 'Global Displacements and Emplacement: The Forced Exile and Resettlement Experiences of Ethnic Chinese Refugees', Journal of Chinese Overseas, 10(12), 131-136.
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Dobson, M. (2010) ‘Migration and Everyday Matters: Sociality and Materiality’, Population, Space and Place, 17(6), 707-713.
  • Robertson, S. and Ho, E.L.E. (2016) 'Temporalities, materialities and connecting locales: migration and mobility in Asia-Pacific cities', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(14): 2263-2271.



  • Ang, S., Ho, E.L.E. and Yeoh, B.S.A. (2022) Asian Migration and New Racism: Beyond Colour and the ‘West’, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2014) 'Introduction: Immigration, emigration and return migration in Singapore', in Y. Chan, D. Haines and J. Lee (eds.) The Age of Asian Migrations, Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 318-326. [Section editor for Singaporean migration trends].
  • Ho, E.L.E., Woon, C.Y. and Ramdas, K. (eds.) (2013) Changing Landscapes of Singapore: Old Tensions, New Discoveries, Singapore: NUS Press
  • Gee, J. and Ho, E.L.E. (2006) Dignity Overdue, Singapore: Select Books and Transient Workers Count Too


  • Ho, E.L.E. and Chiu, T.Y. (2022) ‘Mainland Chinese grandparenting migration as middling transnationalism: Family, life stage and lifecourse’ in S. Robertson and R. Roberts (eds.) Rethinking Privilege and Social Mobility in Middle-Class Migration: Migrants 'In-Between’. London: Routledge, pp. 213-231.
  • Ho, E.L.E and McConnell, F.M. (2022) "The role of “multiple worlds” in world politics, in L. Kennedy (ed.) Routledge International Handbook of Diaspora Diplomacy, Routledge, New York, pp. 19–29.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2020) "Gendered spaces of forced migration: Kachin internally displaced people at the China-Myanmar Border" in Huang, Shirlena, Ruwanpura, K. (eds.) Handbook on Gender in Asia, Edward Elgar, pp. 374–390.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2019) ‘Approximating citizenship: affective practices of Chinese diasporic descendants in Myanmar’, in K. Mitchell, R. Jones and J.L. Fluri (eds.) Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 303-314.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2018) ‘Futures elsewhere: African student migrants in China’, in T. Bunnell and D. Goh (eds.) Urban Asia: Essays on Futurity Past and Present, Berlin: Jovis, pp. 135-142.
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Lim, M. (2018) ‘Diaspora engagement and state policies of return migration in Asia’, in G. Liu-Farrer and B.S.A. Yeoh (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Asian Migrations, Taylor and Francis: Oxon and New York, pp. 92-102.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2017) ‘Cosmopolitanism dispositions: Cultivating affinity ties’, in K.S. Loh, P.J. Thum and J. Chia (eds.) Living with Myths in Singapore, Singapore: Ethos Books, 191-198
  • Ho, E.L.E., 2017. 'Cohesive diversity: Plural identities, multiplying diversity', in Teng, S.S. and Lee, J. (eds.) Singapore Perspectives 2016: We. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 131–135.
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Foo, F.Y. (2017) 'Debating integration in Singapore, deepening variegations of the Chinese diaspora', in Min Zhou (ed.) Chinese Diasporas of the 21st Century, Singapore: Springer, pp. 105-125.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2016) 'Diaspora engagement and the evolving politics of return migration in China', in R. Iredale and Fei, G. (eds.) The Handbook on MIgration and Identity within China and Overseas, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 199-214.
  • Ho, E.L.E and Lin, W. (2014) 'The desirability of Asia: Logics and geographies of "return" migration by Singaporean transmigrants in diaspora', in Y. Chan, D. Haines and J. Lee (eds.) The Age of Asian Migrations, Cambridge Scholars Press, 327-341.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2014) 'Reconstructing Singapore as a cosmopolitan landscape: The geographies of migration and its social divisions that extend into the heartlands', in N. Vasu and S. Yeap (eds) Visiting the Immigration Issue in Singapore, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 115-128.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2014) 'China as the ‘protector’ of co-ethnics in distress: Changing episodes of human security vulnerabilities over space and time', in J. Song and A. Cooke (eds.) Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia, London: Routledge, 55-67.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2013) ‘The Singaporean diaspora landscape’, in E.L.E. Ho, CY Woon and Kamalini Ramdas (eds.) Changing Landscapes of Singapore: Old Tensions, New Discoveries, Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 158-176.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2013) ‘Introduction: rediscovering Singapore’s changing landscapes’, in E.L.E. Ho, CY Woon and Kamalini Ramdas (eds.) Changing Landscapes of Singapore: Old Tensions, New Discoveries, Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 1-21.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2013) ‘Multiculturalism, immigrant perspectives and onward emigration: ethnic minorities in Canada and Singapore’, in E. Fong and N. Lee (eds.) Group Relations in Multiethnic Societies, Routledge, pp. 159-169. 
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2013) ‘Identity politics and cultural asymmetries: Singaporean transmigrants “fashioning” cosmopolitanism’ in B.S.A. Yeoh and S. Huang (eds.) The Cultural Politics of Talent Migration in East Asia, London: Routledge, pp.46-63.
  • Yeoh, B.S.A., Wong, T. and Ho, E.L.E. (2004) ‘Transnational labour migration, gender and development in Southeast Asia’, in G.M. Mudacumura and M.S. Haque (eds.) Handbook of Development Policy Studies, New York: Marcel Dekker, 491-508


  • Ho, E.L.E. (2020) "Creating an age-friendly Singapore: Enabling ageing in place", Geography Digest, Issue 1,  Curriculum Planning and Development Division 2, Ministry of Education (Singapore). 
  • Interdisciplinary Network on Refugee Regimes and Human Displacement in Asia (INRRHDA) (2015), 'Refugees, Displacement and Forced Migration in Asia: Charting an Inclusive Research Agenda', Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series No. 236.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2017) ‘Diaspora’,  in N. Castree, M. Goodchild, W. Liu, A. Kobayashi, R. Marston, and  D. Richardson (Eds.), The Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology.
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2017) ‘Identity’,  in N. Castree, M. Goodchild, W. Liu, A. Kobayashi, R. Marston, and  D. Richardson (Eds.), The Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology.​
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2014) ‘Citizenship’, in Barney Warf (ed) Oxford Bibliographies in Geography, New York: Oxford University Press [Online]. 
  • Ho, E.L.E. and Kisson, P. (2012) ‘Home and homelessness: “race”, ethnicity and migration’, in R. Dowling, L. Fox and S.J. Smith (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home.
  • NA


  • Ho, E.L.E. (2009) Book Review Essay of ‘Multicultural Odysseys’ (2007) by Will Kymlicka and ‘Cosmopolitanism’ (2007) by Robert Fine, for Geopolitics, 14(1), 190-196
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2008) Book review of ‘Working and Mothering in Asia: Images, Ideologies and Identities’ (2007) edited by B.S.A. Yeoh and T. Devasahayam, for Women’s Studies International Forum, 31(3), 229-231
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2008) Book review of ‘Transnational Migration and Work in Asia’ (2006) edited by K. Hewison and K. Young, for Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 29(1), 110-113
  • Ho, E.L.E. (2004) Book review of ‘Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends’ (2003) edited by P. Hondagneu-Sotelo, for Gender, Place and Culture, 11(4), 606-607

Other Information


  • Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Thematic Grant (Type B) (PI; Co-PIs Vincent Chua and Feng Chen Chieh) 'Ageing and social networks: Mapping the lifeworlds of older Singaporeans', from 2021 onwards.

  • Ministry of Education (Singapore) Tier 2 Academic Research Grant (PI; Co-PIs Shirlena Huang, Thang Leng Leng and Brenda Yeoh) 'Transnational Relations, Ageing and Care Ethics (TRACE)', 2018-2021.

  • Ministry of Education (Singapore) Tier 1 Academic Research Grant (PI) Geographies of humanitarianism at the China-Myanmar border', 2017-2020.

  • Workshop grant (with Cabeiri Robinson) 'Forced Migration in/of Asia: Connections, Convergences, Comparisons', InterAsian Connections Conference V, 27-30 April 2015, Seoul, awarded by the Social Science Research Council (US)

  • Ministry of Education (Singapore) Tier 2 Academic Research Grant (Collaborator; PI Tim Bunnell) ‘Urban Aspirations and the Remaking of Asian Cities’, 2013-2016

  • Workshop grant (with Glen Peterson and Laura Madokoro) ‘Global displacements and emplacements: the forced exile and resettlement experiences of ethnic Chinese refugees’, 17-18 October 2012, Singapore, awarded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada and the National University of Singapore (MoE) Tier 1 Grant

  • Workshop grant (with Brenda Yeoh and Maureen Hickey) ‘The “diaspora strategies” of migrant-sending countries: migration-as-development reinvented?’, 5-6th November 2012, Singapore, awarded by the Asia Research Institute (ARI) Migration Cluster

  • Research Grant (with David Ley), Metropolis British Columbia and the Asia Pacific Foundation, 2008-2010

  • Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellowship, University of British Columbia, 2008-2010

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC UK), 2007-2008





  • Journal editor, Social and Cultural Geography, since 2019

  • Editorial board member, Pacific Affairs, since May 2023

  • Editorial Board member, Global Networks, since 2022

  • Editorial Board member, Journal of Chinese Overseas, since 2021

  • Editorial board member, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, since 2015

  • Editorial board member, Citizenship Studies, since 2014

  • Editorial board member, Emotions, Society and Space, since 2014

  • International Advisory Board member, Key Thinkers on Space and Place (3rd edition), since 2020

  • Global Advisory Board member, Mobility and Politics Book Series, Palgrave McMillan, since 2020

  • Editorial Board member, Global Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region Book Series, Anthem Press, since 2020

  • International member of the ESRC Peer Review College (UK), since 2015

  • Section Editor, 2nd edition of International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2017-2020

  • Senior Research Fellow (joint appointment with Geography), Asia Research Institute, since 2016

  • Chair, NUS FASS Migration Cluster, 2016-2019

  • Senior Researcher, Metropolis British Columbia, 2008–2012

  • Treasurer, Social and Cultural Geography Research Group, Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographer, 2010 – 2011



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