FASS Staff Profile


+65 6516 7394
+65 6777 3091

My research examines the human dimensions of environmental change and ranges from basic and exploratory to highly applied. Most of my work – and my most highly cited research papers, including articles in Nature and Science – focuses on environmental, including climate, changes and the ways in which people and ecosystems respond to and interact with these at low latitudes in Africa and Asia.  According to the Web of Science and Scopus, my work has been cited over 5000 times and I have an h-index of, respectively, 38 and 42 (August 2023).

My researcher IDs are:

ORCID = 0000-0002-6098-5636

Web of Science = ISS-5752-2023

Scopus = 57224616009

GoogleScholar = VjL_EuIAAAAJ&hl=en

I view environmental pollution as one of, if not the, grand challenges facing humanity - anthropogenic climate change being just one effect of environmental pollution - both now and into the future.  Research in this area has many dimensions, including how we prevent pollution in the first place, how we mitigate and adapt to pollution impacts, how we repair human and natural systems damaged by the effects of pollution (including climate change), and who should pay? These are all fertile areas of future research - and tropical latitudes, as a major source and sink for pollution, are a great place to base such studies. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to teach a module on environmental pollution here at in the Department of Geography NUS – a great example of research and teaching/learning informing one another.

Pollution of the air, land and water was an element of the "Transboundary Environmental Commons in Southeast Asia" research project. TECSEA was a major, five year-long research project funded by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) under its Thematic Grant (TG) call of 2016 (MOE 2016-SSRTG-068), based in the Asia Research Institute (ARI), NUS, which has recently ended. I was the PI of the project. I am also the PI of a major new multi-institutional, collaborative research project, also funded by the SSRC, this time under its TG call of 2021 ~ "Carbon Governance of Nature-based Carbon Sinks in Southeast Asia". The new project commenced in October 2022, will run for five years and provides funding for one Senior Research Fellow, three Research Fellows, three PhD students and one Research Associate.

I am also a Co-PI of the Integrated Tropical Peatlands Research Programme, or INTPREP, a multi-million $ NUS-based programme that commenced in late 2019. INTPREP focuses on the science of tropical peatland functioning and recovery from drainage and burning. The programme currently provides opportunities for two postdocs, a PhD student and a RA working linked to the Department of Geography alone ~ with several other researchers employed on other parts of the research based in NUS's Environmental Research Institute (NERI) and in Indonesia.

In addition, I hold a Cornell – NUS Global Strategic Collaboration Award along with Dr. Jenny Goldstein at Cornell University. The grant is funding an examination of seaweed farming in Indonesia and the Philippines as a potential climate change mitigation strategy.

I spent the AY 2018-19 on sabbatical in what was then the School of Geography, University of Melbourne, Australia. I still retain close links with geographers at the University of Melbourne, where I had a Honoray (Principal Fellow) Professorship position to July 2023.  Since my return to Singapore following my sabbatical I have taken on the position of Head of Department, Department of Geography, National University Singapore, and am now in my second term of three years.

Before commencing my sabbatical in July 2018, I was Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee and Graduate Studies Coordinator (January 2013-July 2018), on Research Committee and was a member of the Department's executive decision-making body (the Geography Management Team, or GMT). I was also Chair of the Tropical Environmental Change research group (the largest of three research groups in the Department) for three years (2012-2015).  At Faculty level I was a member of the Faculty's Graduate Studies Committee to July 2018. In June 2016 I ended my stint as a member of the Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee in order to join the University Promotion and Tenure Committee (UPTC). I ceased to be a member of the UPTC, which advises the Provost on matters relating to senior academic appointment, promotion and tenure decisions, on commencing my sabbatical. Outside of the Department and Faculty structure at NUS, I am a Research Associate of the Asia Research Institute (ARI) at NUS, where I am linked to the Inter-Asia Engagements cluster. Outside of NUS I am a member of the editorial boards of two journals (Journal of Environmental Science and Management and the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography) and Director (equivalent of Editor-in-Chief) of the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography.  I am also a member of the European Science Foundation College of Expert Reviewers (2010-present), a member of the Expert Panel for the Social Sciences Research Committee, Singapore (2020-), and an Expert Reviewer for the Technical Support Unit of Working Group III of the Intergovenmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). I was one of the reviewers of the recently released (August 2019) IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land.

Before rejoining NUS in 2012 - and for more than eleven years - I held the Professorship (College Chair) in Geography at Trinity College, University of Dublin (January 2001-August 2012).  I was also a Professorial Fellow at Trinity College (2004-2012), Head of the Department of Geography (2001-2005), the first Head of the School of Natural Sciences (a combination of the disciplines of Botany, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Geology and Zoology) (2005-2008), Pro (acting)-Senior Dean (2005-2006) and Chair of the Trinity International Development Initative (TIDI, 2011-2012).  As Pro Senior Dean at Trinity College, University of Dublin, I was specifically responsible for handling academic staff disciplinary cases. I have also recently stood down from my membership of the Council of the British Academy-funded British Institute in Eastern Africa, after more than a decade as a member, and the Board of the Governors of the Dublin, Ireland-based Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice.  Mary Robinson, formerly President of Ireland - and the first woman to hold that position - and the UN High Commisioner for Human Rights, has recenly become the UN Special Envoy for Climate Change.

Over my career I have taught a wide range of modules, from first year undergraduate to postgraduate (taught masters and structured PhD programme) level. In addition to basic and advanced knowledge-based content, the modules I teach often include problem-oriented exercises. Many also include fieldwork and laboratory work. I have been fortunate to lead undergraduates and postgraduates on fieldwork in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. I have also been lucky to have been heavily involved throughout my professional career in the enthusing of furture generations of active researchers who share my fascination with our highly dynamic (though increasingly modified) world.  In the sections below I briefly describe some of the research carried out by graduate research students under my supervision, and mention some of the interesting places around the world where they have studied.

In the academic year just ended (AY 22-23) I contributed a lecture on "Football and the Environment" to the general education course GEH1076 Worlds of Football, allowing me to draw upon two of my greatest interests - the environment and football. I also taught 50% of another general education course "Biophysical Environments of Singapore" and most of two final year (Hons) courses, GE4237 Environmental Pollution and GE4220 Field Investigations in Physical Geography. The latter course is built around a 12-day long visit to Kenya, all but one day/night of which is spent camping at three different locations in the Great Rift Valley.  Students on the Environmental Pollution course produce pollution blogs as one of the assignments. The Pollution blogs can be viewed here.

To date I have advised to successful completion of their PhDs a total of 27 graduate research students, and have been very fortunate to work with and learn lots from some excellent early career researchers along the way, many of whom have gone on to have a major influence on Geography and related disciplines. Four of the PhD students I advised are now full-professors: Professor Robert Marchant, University of York, UK; Professor Jason Kirby, Liverpool John Moores University, UK; Professor Julius Lejju, Mbarara University, Uganda; and Professor Robert Legg, Northern Michigan University, US. Prof Kirby and Prof Lejju are also, respectively, Head of School of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Dean of Science at their respective universities. Other former PhD students also hold senior faculty positions at reputable universities. For example, Dr. Ed Schofield is Senior Lecturer at Aberdeen University, UK; Dr. Francis Ludlow, who has held Research Fellow positions at BOTH Harvard and Yale universities in the US, is now an Associate Professor in History at Trinity College University of Dublin; Dr. Tengwen Long has also recently been promoted to Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo Campus, China; and Dr. Lucy Crockford is Senior Lecturer in Soil and Water Management at Harper Adams University, UK. Several of my former PhD advisees hold senior research fellowship positions, such as Dr. Bin Wu, University of Nottingham Business School, UK; Dr. Barry O'Dwyer, University College Cork, Ireland; Dr. Sheila Greene, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK. Andrew Jackson, whose PhD was on European international environmental law, is now an Assistant Professor in the School of Law at University College Dublin, while Dr. Julian Bloomer, whose PhD was a political ecology oriented study of cannabis production in Lesotho, southern Africa, is now a Lecturer at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Following the successful completion of his PhD, Julian completed a round-the-world journey on his bicycle. His trip is documented in the blog, The Slow Way Home. Julian started out on his round-the-world cycle trip in the summer of 2008. At the time his ambitions were relatively limited - to cycle from his home in County Wicklow, Ireland, to attend the wedding of a friend in Ghana, West Africa. Having arrived in Ghana Julian simply carried on cycling ... and several years later completed his round-the-world trip.

Here in NUS seven graduate research students under my guidance have completed their PhDs since 2000. Christina (Qinqin) Chen completed her PhD in early 2020. Christina, who obtained her first and masters degrees from Nanjing University, studied transboundary air pollution in Singapore and now holds a highly prestigious postdoctoral fellowship position in the School of Environment, Tsinghau University, Beijing ~ widely regarded as China's top university. Later in 2020, Wayne Bannister successfully completed his PhD investigating recent environmental changes in freshwater lakes in the Philippines and now works for an environmental consultancy here in Singapore. Other recent PhD successes comprise: Lau Yingshan (Enhancing Traditional Knowledge: insights from participatory research in the Lao PDR); Alex Finnigan (Freshwater and atmospheric plastic pollution in Southeast Asia with a particular focus on Singapore and Cambodia;, Zu Dienle Tan (An examination of the social-ecological drivers and impacts of tropical peatland degradation and restoration interventions in Indonesia); Sumiya Bilegsaikhan (The death and life of the Nam Ou: a place-oriented geography of water in northern Laos) and Radhika Bhargava (Ecosystem scale impacts of and (mal)adaptations to mangrove shoreline erosion in the Sundarbans). The research plans, and particularly the plans for overseas fieldwork, of Yingshan, Alex, Zu, Sumiya and Radhika were all heavily impacted by COVID-based restrictions. It is to their immense credit that all five completed their PhDs successfully and have gone on to secure postdoctoral research positions.

Graduate research students under my supervision have studied a broad range of topics, from early agriculture in eastern England, UK, to recent environmental changes recorded in high altitude volcanic crater sites in the Albertine Rift in central Africa; from the use of remote sensing in environmental management in the Caribbean to the use of predictive modelling in archaeology on the island of Ireland; from conservation policy in the EU to the political ecology of cannabis cultivation in southern Africa; from disruption to farming by wild animals in northern Rwanda to disruption to ecosystem services by plantation developments in southwest China, from fire impacts on people and livelihoods linked to tropical peatlands to dam impacts on people and livelihoods along the Upper Mekong, and from hazards such as sea level change on megadeltas to the pollution of rivers and lakes.  Currently graduate research students in NUS working under my supervision are researching environmental issues in South and Southeast Asia, including environmental change, traditional knowledge, tropical peatland science and political ecology.

In addition to graduate research students, I currently advise/mentor eight members of full-time research staff (two Senior Research Fellows, four Research Fellows and two Research Associates) here in NUS. In total I have advised more than 20, full-time research staff during my career to date.

I am always keen to discuss potential masters, PhD and postdoctoral research topics in the broad field of the human dimensions of environmental change (including human-environment and human-wildlife interactions). As should be evident from my research experiences and interests and from the locations where graduate research students under my guidance have carried out their research, I do not feel geographically limited to any particular location in the world, and recognise that many of the major problems faced by humanity have little respect for political or disciplinary boundaries. I do however feel that tropical latitudes are a great base for research and teaching and learning – as a relatively understudied powerhouse of global change, and a major recipient of environmental change effects. At present I am personally involved in research in eastern Africa, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, China and the Philippines.

Please feel free to contact me about Graduate and Postdoctoral research opportunities here in Geography at NUS and with a view to joining one of the best Geography departments in the world in one of the most dynamic cities in Asia!

My research centres upon the human dimensions of environmental change, and is guided by the question: how do we as humans relate to the non-human world, and how does that world influence us?  

Four main themes are at the core of my research: recent environmental changes at low latitudes; environment and health in the developing world; environmental governance; and pollution. Humans, dynamic environmental conditions and natural resources are common threads throughout these themes. I also rely upon a broad range of methodologies and techniques from across the environmental, biological, physical and social sciences in carrying out my research, from analyses of remotely sensed data and historical and sedimentary archives, to dynamic modelling and on to qualitative and participatory approaches.

My involvement as PI of theMinistry of Education (MoE)/Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Singapore-funded research project. "Transboundary Environmental Commons in Southeast Asia" (TECSEA) ended last year (June 2022) upon successful completion of the award. The TECSEA project was highly successful, despite disruptions caused by COVID, and resulted in more than 30 publications in top journals, several international conference panels and talks and underpinned the successful completion of two PhD projects, one on the use and restoration of peatlands in Indonesia and the other on the impact of dams in the on the everyday lives and livelihoods of those living along the banks of the Upper Mekong.

Following the success of TECSEA, I am now PI of a second, major new multi-institutional, collaborative research project, also funded by the SSRC, this time under its TG call of 2021. The new project, Carbon Governance of Nature-based Carbon Sinks in Southeast Asia, commenced in October 2022, will run for five years and provides funding for one Senior Research Fellow, three Research Fellows, three PhD students and one Research Associate.

I am also a PI of the Integrated Tropical Peatlands Research Programme, or INTPREP, a multi-million $ NUS-based programme that commenced in late 2019. INTPREP focuses on the science of tropical peatland functioning and recovery from drainage and is hosted by NUS's Environmental Research Institute (NERI). INTPREP activities are concentrated on two field sites, both on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and both owned by major plantation companies. The programme currently provides opportunities for two postdocs, a PhD student and a RA working linked to the Department of Geography alone ~ with several other researchers employed on other parts of the research based in NUS's Environmental Research Institute (NERI) and in the field in Indonesia.

In addition, I co-hold a Cornell – NUS Global Strategic Collaboration Award along with Dr. Jenny Goldstein at Cornell University. The grant is funding an examination of seaweed farming in Indonesia and the Philippines as a potential climate change mitigation strategy.

I also recently completed the research project Economic growth and environmental quality in a tropical Asian megacity. The project, funded by MoE, ran for three years and sought to provide insight into the evolving relationship between economic growth and environmental quality. The project focused on Singapore, which has seen rapid economic growth over the past ca. 50 years and was the first country in the region to achieve developed nation status, and in particular the risk to local environmental quality posed by transboundary air pollution. The project help fund two graduate degrees (one PhD and one Masters - both successfully completed) and has to date underpinned six publications in Q1 journals.

I have also relatively recently completed my involvement in two, major externally-funded research projects in Africa.  I was lead PI and scientific coordinator of the European Union’s Framework Programme 7-funded HEALTHY FUTURES research project, which ran for four years, commencing in January 2011 and ending at the end of 2014. The project investigated environmental change impacts on vector-borne diseases (such as malaria and Rift Valley fever) in eastern Africa.  I was also lead advisor on a Work Package (WP 2) that formed part of an Irish overseas development aid-funded research project (NOURISH). The NOURISH project examined links between malnutrition and a low survival rate of people with HIV-AIDS who are receiving treatment based on antiretroviral (ARV) therapy. One characteristic of the study area for WP2 of the NOURISH project - Karamoja in northern Uganda - is high levels of food insecurity and malnutrition, largely as a result of periodic environmental stress, recent climate change and two decades of political instability. A second feature is that ARVs do not appear to work anywhere near as well as they do elsewhere, and this may be in part due to high levels of malnutrition. WP 2 of NOURISH also investigated the feasibility of developing and using a locally-produced Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) supplement as a means of fostering nutritional security.The NOURISH research project ended in 2016, after running for four years.

Please feel free to contact me about Graduate and Postdoctoral research opportunities here in Geography at NUS and with a view to joining one of the best Geography departments in the world in one of the most dynamic cities in Asia!

Although I have a broad range of research interests, including applied palaeolimnology (the use of lake sediments as sources of information on past environmental changes in lakes but also in their wider air- and water-sheds), I am particularly interested in human-environment interactions in the Global South, and in particular the ways in which environmental, including climate, changes can act as significant pressures on vulnerable societies in Africa and Asia. Basically I am interested in the human dimensions of environmental change - across a spectrum of time, from the relatively recent past through to the near future - and the ways in which those dimensions can be rendered understandable.

At its most basic, my research seeks to understand environmental pressures in the relatively recent past and at present, and to use this understanding as a basis for policy-relevant, improved anticipations of future changes and their implications.  Influencing policy - and ensuring that policies once defined are then implemented effectively -  are rarely easy, of course - but the process is two-way: scientists need to ensure that their research is relevant, while policy makers have to remain attentive to relevant scientific findings.


  • Briddon, C.L., Metcalfe, S.E., Taylor, D., Bannister, W., Cunanan, M., Santos-Borja, A.C., Papa, R.D., Leng, M. & McGowan, S. (submitted). Eutrophication and ecosystem degradation of six crater lakes in Luzon Island, Philippines in response to climatic and anthropogenic stressors. Freshwater Biology
  • Miller, M. & Taylor, D. (submitted). Transboundary implications for nature-based climate solutions in Southeast Asia. Ambio
  • Zhou, B., Wang, J., Xu, X., Pang, Y., Bird, M.I., Wang, B., Meadows, M.E. & Taylor, D. (accepted and in press) Hominin response to oscillations in climate and local environments during the MPT in northern China. Geophysical Research Letters
  • Lupascu M., Fahmuddin A., Mudiyarso D., Ramchunder S., Sasmito S., Taillardat P., Tata H.L. and Taylor D.M. (2023) Climate-smart peatland management and the potential for synergies between food security and climate change objectives in Indonesia. Global Environmental Change  Human and Policy Dimensions. 82, article number 102731
  • Yang, S., Yang, D., Taylor, D., He, M., Liu, X. & Xu, J. (2023) Tracking cadmium pollution from source to receptor: a health risk focused transfer continuum approach. Science of the Total Environment. 867: article no. 161574
  • Tan, Z.D., Sutikno, S., Carrasco, L.R. & Taylor, D. (2023) Local community representations of tropical peatlands and implications for restoration in Riau, Indonesia. Restoration Ecology, 31(5), article number e13900. Open Access
  • Briddon, C.L., Metcalfe, S., Taylor, D., Bannister, W., Cunanan, M., Santos-Borja, A.C., Papa, R.D. & McGowan, S. (2023) Changing water column conditions along an aquaculture gradient in six tropical crater lakes. Hydrobiologia 850(2), 283-299
  • Zhu, YF., Taylor, D. and Wang, ZL. (2023). The role of environmental taxes on carbon emissions in countries aiming for net-zero carbon emissions: Does renewable energy consumption matter? Renewable Energy, 218, 119239
  • Muggaga, C., Okello-Uma, I., Kaaya, A.N., Taylor, D., Ongeng, D. & Mugonola, B. (2023) Dietary intake and socio-economic predictors of inadequate energy and nutrient intake among women of childbearing age in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. 42, Article number: 12. Open Access
  • Tran, T.A., Rigg, J., Taylor, D., Miller, M., Pittock, J. & Phong L.T. (2022) Social memory in the Mekong's changing floodscapes: narratives of agrarian communities' adaptation. Society and Natural Resources. 50: 879-893
  • Kutty, S.N., Loh, R.K., Bannister, W. & Taylor, D. (2022) Evaluation of a diatom eDNA-based technique for assessing water quality variations in tropical lakes and reservoirs. Ecological Indicators 141, 109108. Online first version available here (Open Access)
  • Zhu, Y.F., Taylor, D. & Wang, Z.L. (2022) The role of renewable energy in reducing residential fossil energy-related CO2 emissions: Evidence from rural China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 366, 132891
  • Miller, M.A., Rigg, J. & Taylor, D. (2022) Transboundary Environmental Governance: Emerging themes and lessons from Southeast Asia. Environmental Policy and Governance Online first version avaiable here (Open Access).
  • Astuti,R., Miller, A.M., McGregor, A., Dedy, M., Saputra, W., Sulistyanto, S., & Taylor, D. (2022) Making illegality visible: the governance dilemmas created by visualising illegal palm oil plantations in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Land Use Policy, 104, 105942 Online first version of article downloadable from here
  • Pang, Y., Zhou, B., Ma, C.M., Jiang, J.W., Taylor, D. & Lu, Y.H. (2022) Alkane variation in peat reveals palaeohydrological changes since the Little Ice Age in eastern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 585, 110727 Available online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110727
  • Miller, M.A., Prayoto, T. & Taylor, D. (2022) Governing peatland carbon sinks for climate mitigation and sustainable development: insights from Riau, Indonesia. Sustainable Development 30(1), 241-255 Open access: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/sd.2241
  • Miller, A.M., Astuti, R., Hirsch, P., Marschke, M., Rigg, J., Saksena-Taylor, P., Suhardiman, D., Tan, Z.D., Taylor, D. & Varkkey, H. (2022) Selective border permeability: governing complex environmental issues through and beyond COVID Political Geography 97 102646
  • Tan, Z.D., Carrasco, L.R., Sutikno, S. and Taylor, D. (2022)  Peatland restoration as an affordable nature-based climate solution with fire reduction and biodiversity co-benefits. Environmental Research Letters 17 (6) Artlicle number 064028
  • Muggaga, C., Basil, M., Okello-Uma, I., Kaaya, A.N., Taylor, D. & Ongeng, D. (2022) Recommended daily allowance-based contribution of household’s own agricultural production to food and nutrition security in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. Agriculture & Food Security, 11 Article # 5. Open access version available here.
  • Muggaga, C., Ongeng, D., Mugpnola, B., Okello-Uma, I., Kaaya, A.N. & Taylor, D. (2021) Seasonal variability in food and nutrition security among women of child bearing age in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. African Journal of Food, Nutrition, Agriculture and Development. 21(8), 18474-18500 Open access version here
  • Sasmito, S.D., Taillardat, P., Fong, L.S., Ren, J.W.F., Sundahl, H., Wijedasa, L., Bandla A., Arifin-Wong, N., Sudarshan, A.S., Tarigan, S., Taufik, M., Ramchunder, S.J., Lupascu, M.  and Taylor, D. (2021) Terrestrial and aquatic carbon dynamics in tropical peatlands under different land use types: a systematic review protocol. Forests 12(10) 1298. Open Access: https://doi.org/10.3390/f12101298
  • Cuni-Sanchez, A., Sullivan, M.J.P., Platts, P., Lewis, S.L., (Taylor, D.) ..... Zibera, E. (2021) High aboveground carbon stock of African tropical montane forests. Nature 596: 536-542
  • Yang, S., Taylor, D., Yang, D., He, M., Liu, X & Xu, J. (2021) A synthesis framework using machine learning and spatial bivariate analysis to identify drivers and hotspots of heavy metal pollution of agricultural soils. Environmental Pollution, 287, 117611
  • Miller, M. A., Alfajri, R. Astuti, C. Grundy-Warr, C. Middleton, Z. D. Tan, and D. M. Taylor. 2021. Hydrosocial rupture: causes and
    consequences for transboundary governance. Ecology and Society 26(3): Art# 21. Open access https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-12545-260321
  • Philipps, O. et al. (including Taylor, D). (2021) Taking the pulse of Earth's Tropical Forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 260: Article # 108849
  • Suhardiman, D., Rigg, J., Bandur, M., Marschke, M., Miller, M.A., Pheuangsavanh, N., Sayatham, M., Taylor, D. (2021) On the Coattails of Globalization: Migration, Migrants and COVID-19 in Asia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.  47(1): 88-109 Open access paper available here
  • Zeng, Z., Wang, D., Yang, L. (& Taylor, D) ...Wood, E.F. (2021) Elevation regulates the biophysical climate impacts of mountain deforestation. Nature Geoscience  14: 23-29 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-020-00666-0 Uncorrected Authors' proof attached.
  • Miller, M., Rigg, J. & Taylor, D. (2020). Governing transboundary commons in Southeast Asia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 61 185-189 (Editorial in Special Issue) doi:10.1111/apv.12285
  • Fong, L.S., Salvo, A. & Taylor, D. (2020) Evidence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve for NOx, SO2 and PM2.5 emissions in Southeast Asia: a spatial econometric approach. Sustainable Development 28(5) 1441-1456. Pre-publication accepted copy attached.
  • Chen, QQ., McGowan, S., Gouramanis, C., Fong, L., Balasubramanian, R. & Taylor, D. (2020) Rapidly rising transboundary atmospheric pollution from industrial and urban sources in Southeast Asia and its implications for regional sustainable development. Environmental Research Letters 15: 1040a5  Open access .pdf attached
  • Tan, Z.D., Carrasco, L.R. & Taylor, D. (2020) Spatial correlates of forest and land fires in Indonesia. International Journal of Wildland Fire 29(12), 1088-1099. Open access version HERE
  • Sullivan, M.J.P. et al. (including Taylor, D) (2020) Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth's tropical forests. Science 368 (6493): 869-874
  • Chen, Q & Taylor, D. (2020) Economic development and pollution emissions in Singapore over the past century: evidence in support of the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis and its implications for regional sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 243: 118637 doi = https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118637 Accepted version of paper attached
  • Hubau, W., Lewis, S. L., Phillips, O.L., Sonké, B....... (including Taylor, D) (2020) Asynchronous Saturation of the Carbon Sink in African and Amazonian tropical forests. Nature 579: 80-87
  • Fong, L.S., Leng, M.J. & Taylor, D. (2020) A century of anthropogenic environmental change in tropical Asia: multi-proxy palaeolimnological evidence from Singapore’s Central Catchment. Holocene. 30(1): 162-177 (Uncorrected proof attached)
  • Coleman, J.L., Ascher, J.S., Bickford, D., Buchori, D., Cabanban, A. ..... (including Taylor, D.), Carrasco, L.R. (2019) Top 100 research questions for biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia. Biological Conservation. 234: 211-220   Pre-publication version attached.
  • Bannister, W.; McGowan, S.; Santos-Borja, A.C.; Quak, J.; Fong, L.S.; Mendoza, M.5; Papa, R.D.S.; Taylor, D. (2019) Potential anthropogenic regime shift in three freshwater lakes in Tropical East Asia. Freshwater Biology, 64, 708–722 . Online first (read-only) version available here. Link to article and supplementary material available here.
  • McGlynn, G., Lejju, J., Dalton, C., Mooney, S.D., Rose, N.L., Tompkins, A.M., Bannister, W., Tan, Z., Zheng, X., Ruhland, K. & Taylor, D. (2019) Aquatic ecosystem changes in a global biodiversity hotspot: evidence from the Albertine Rift, central Africa. Journal of Biogeography 46(9): 2098-2114  Accepted pre-proof version attached.
  • Miller, M.A., Rigg, J.R., Middleton, C. & Taylor, D (2020) Hybrid Governance for Transboundary Commons: Insights from Southeast Asia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 110(1): 297-313 Pre-corrected proof attached.
  • Taylor, D. (2018) A Southeast Asia perspective on climate change and negative emission technologies. Asia Dialogue. The Long Read. Online journal. 10 December 2018.
  • Chen, Q.Q. & Taylor, D. (2018) Transboundary atmospheric pollution in Southeast Asia: quantitative methods, limitations and future developments. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 48 (16-18), 997-1029 DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2018.1493337
  • Hamilton, A.C. and Taylor, D. (2018) Palynological evidence for abrupt climatic cooling in equatorial Africa at about 43,000-40,000 cal BP. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 250: 53-59
  • Olum, S., Ongeng, D., Tumuhimbise, G.A., Hennessy, M.J., Okello-Uma, I. & Taylor, D. (2018) Understanding intra-community disparity in food and nutrition security in a generally food insecure part of eastern Africa. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 18(2) 13317-13337
  • Engels, S., Fong, L.Z.Z.R., Chen, Q.Q., Leng, M.J., McGowan, S., Mushrifah, I., Rose, N.L., Shafiq, M., Taylor, D. and Yang, H.D. (2018) Historical atmospheric pollution trends in Southeast Asia infrerred from lake sediment records. Environmental Pollution 235: 907-917 Accepted (pre-proof) version attached
  • Muggaga, C., Ongeng, D., Mugonola, B., Okello-Uma, I. & Taylor, D. (2017). Influence of socio-cultural practices on food and nutrition security in the Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 56(5):424-447
  • Crockford, L., O’Riordain, S., Taylor, D., Melland, A.R., Shortle, G. and Jordan, P. (2017) The application of high temporal resolution data in river catchment modelling and management strategies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189: 461. (20 pp-long article - available open access via http://rdcu.be/va39  )
  • Zhou, B., Bird, M., Zhang, E., Wuster, C.M., Xie, L., Zheng, H. & Taylor, D.(2017).  New sedimentary evidence reveals a unique history of C4 biomass in continental East Asia since the early Miocene.  Scientific Reports. 7: 170 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-00285-7 (open access)
  • Olum, S., Okello-Uma, I., Tumuhimise, G.A., Taylor, D., Ongeng, D. (2017) The relationship between cultural norms and food security in the Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 5(6): 427-435
  • Kim, I-H., Jinliang, R., Wang, Y-C., Feng, C-C. and Taylor, D. (2016). Developing geoportals and applications for Singapore Historical GIS. Journal of Asian Network for GIS-based Historical Studies. 4: 11-19
  • Dalton, C., Jennings, E., O'Dwyer, B. & Taylor, D. (2016) Integrating observed, inferred and simulated data to illuminate environmental change. A limnological case study. Biology and Environment 116(3): 279-294
  • Ong, X., Wang, Y-C., Sithithaworn, P., Namsanor, J., Taylor, D. & Laithavewat, L. (2016) Uncovering the pathogenic landscape of helminth (Opisthorchis viverrini) infections: a cross-sectional study on contributions of physical and social environment and healthcare interventions PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 10(12) e0005175
  • Long, T., Hunt, C.O. and Taylor, D. (2016).  Radiocarbon anomalies suggest late onset agricultural intensification in the catchment of the southern part of the Yangtze Delta, China. Catena. 147: 586-594
  • de Eyto, E., Dalton, C., Dillane, M., Jennings, E., McGinnity, P., O’Dwyer, B., Poole, R., Rogan, G. & Taylor, D. (2016)   The response of North Atlantic diadromous fish to multiple stressors including land use change: a multidecadal study . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73: 1-11
  • Taylor, D., Kienberger, S., Malone, J. & Tompkins, A.M. (2016) Health, environmental change and adaptive capacity; mapping, examining and anticipating future risks of water-related vector-borne diseases in eastern Africa. Geospatial Health 11(1): 1-5 http://geospatialhealth.net/index.php/gh/article/view/464
  • Tompkins, A., Larsen, L., McCreesh, N. and Taylor, D. (2016) To what extent does climate explain variations in reported malaria cases in early 20th century Uganda?  Geospatial Health 11(1): 38-48  http://geospatialhealth.net/index.php/gh/article/view/407
  • Carmody, P. & Taylor, D. (2016) Globalization, land grabbing, and the present-day colonial state in Uganda: ecolonization and its impacts.  Journal of Environment and Development. 25(1), 100-126
  • Taylor, D., Hagenlocher, M., Jones, M.E., Kienberger, S., Leedale, J. and Morse, A.P. (2016).  Environmental change and Rift Valley fever in eastern Africa: projecting beyond HEALTHY FUTURES.  Geospatial Health. 11(1): 115-128 http://geospatialhealth.net/index.php/gh/article/view/387
  • Legaspi, K., Lau, A., Jordan, P., Mackay, A., McGowan, S., McGlynn, G., Baldia, S., Donne Papa, R. and Taylor, D. (2015)  Establishing the impacts of freshwater aquaculture in tropical Asia: the potential role of palaeolimnology.  Geo: Geography and Environment 2: 148-163  Open access version available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1002/geo2.13
  • Murnaghan, S., Taylor, D. and Jennings, E. (i2015) Reconstructing long-term trophic histories for lakes using two independent approaches: application of dynamic computer modelling and palaeolimnology to Lough Mask, Ireland, Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 115B: 171-189
  • Long, T. & Taylor, D. (2015) A revised chronology for the archaeology of the lower Yangtze, China, based on Bayesian statistical modelling.  Journal of Archaeological Science.  63: 115-121
  • Greene, S., McElarney, Y.R. and Taylor, D.  (2015) Water quality effects following establishment of the invasive Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) in a shallow eutrophic lake: implications for pollution mitigation measures. Hydrobiologia. 743: 237-253 (online first version available)
  • Crockford, L., Jordan, P., Melland, A.R. and Taylor, D. (2015). Storm-triggered, increased supply of sediment-derived phosphorus to the epilimnion in a small freshwater lake. Inland Waters 5: 15-26
  • Dalton, C, O’Dwyer, B, Taylor, D, de Eyto, E, Jennings, E, Chen, G, Poole, R, Dillane, M. and McGinnity P.  (2014)  Anthropocene environmental change in an internationally important oligotrophic salmonid catchment on the Atlantic seaboard of western Europe. The Anthropocene  5: 9-21
  • Zhou, B.; Shen, C.; Sun, W.; Bird, M.; Ma, W.; Taylor, D.; Liu, W.; Yi, W. & Zheng, H. (2014) Late Pliocene-Pleistocene expansion of C4 vegetation in semi-arid East Asia linked to increased burning.  Geology 42(12): 1067-1070 Open access version available at: http://geology.geoscienceworld.org/content/42/12/1067.full?ijkey=S8m.aewyLfi0w&keytype=ref&siteid=gsgeology
  • Long, T., Qin, J., Atahan, P., Mooney, S. and Taylor, D. (2014) Rising waters: new geoarchaeological evidence of inundation and early agriculture from former settlement sites on the southern Yangtze Delta, The Holocene.  24: 546-558
  • McGuinness, S. and Taylor, D. (2014). Determinants of crop raiding around a Rwandan forest fragment: the effect of crop choice. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 19(2): 179-190
  • Boessenkool,S., McGlynn, G., Epp, L., Taylor, D., Pimentel,M., Gizaw, A., Nemomissa, S., Brochmann, C. and Popp, M., (2014) Ancient sedimentary DNA from a biodiversity hotspot in the humid tropics introduces a novel tool in conserving high-altitude tropical biodiversity. Conservation Biology, 28(2): 446-455
  • Greene, S., McElarney, Y.R. and Taylor, D. (2013).  A predictive geospatial approach for modelling phosphorus concentrations in rivers at the landscape scale.  Journal of Hydrology 504: 216-225
  • Lewis et al. (including Taylor, D.) (2013) Above ground biomass and spatial structure of 259 African forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences: 20120295. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2012.0295 [open access - free to download]
  • Ludlow, F. Stine, A.R., Leahy, P., Murphy, E., Mayewski, P.A., Taylor, D., Killen, J., Baillie, M.G.L., Hennessy, M. and Kiely, G. (2013) Medieval Irish chronicles reveal persistent volcanic forcing of severe winter cold events, 431-1649 CE Environmental Research Letters 8 (2) 024035 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024035  [open access - free to download]
  • O’Dwyer, B., Crockford, L., Jordan, P., Hislop, L. and Taylor, D. (2013). A palaeolimnological investigation into nutrient impact and recovery in an agricultural catchment. Journal of Environmental Management. 124: 147-155
  • McGlynn, G., Mooney, S. and Taylor, D. (2013) Sediment-based evidence for Holocene environmental change from the Virunga volcanoes in the Albertine Rift, central Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 61: 32-46
  • Jennings, E., Allott, N., Lenihan, D. and Taylor, D. (2013) Drivers of long-term trends and seasonal changes in external TP loadings to a mesotrophic lake. Marine and Freshwater Research. 64: 413-422
  • Murnaghan, S., Taylor, D., Jennings, E., Hughes, T., Dalton, C., Allott, N., Olaya-Bosch, K. and O’Dwyer, B. (2012) Middle to late Holocene environmental changes in western Ireland inferred from fluctuations in preservation of biological variables in lake sediment. Journal of Paleolimnology 48: 433-448
  • Zhou, B., Zheng, H., Yang, W., Taylor, D., Lu, Y., Wei, G. and Li, L. (2012). Climate and vegetation variations since the LGM recorded by biomarkers from a sediment core in the northern South China Sea, Journal of Quaternary Science 27: 948-955
  • Greene, S., Taylor, D., McElarney, Y., Foy, R. H. and Jordan, P. (2011) An evaluation of catchment-scale phosphorus mitigation using load apportionment modeling, Science of the Total Environment, 409: 2211-2221
  • Qin, J., Taylor, D., Atahan, P., Zhang, X., Wu, G., Dodson, J., Zheng, H. and Itzstein-Davey, F. (2011) Neolithic agriculture, freshwater resources and rapid environmental changes on the lower Yangtze, China, Quaternary Research, 75: 55 - 65
  • Chen, L. and Taylor, D. (2011). Public awareness and performance relating to the implementation of a low-carbon economy in China: a case study from Zhengzhou. Low Carbon Economy 2, 54-61
  • Chen, G., Dalton, C. and Taylor, D (2010) Cladocera as indicators of trophic state in Irish lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology, 44: 465 - 481
  • O’Dwyer, B. and Taylor, D. (2010) Variations in levels of depositions of atmosphere-borne industrial pollutants at three oligotrophic lakes in Ireland over the last 50-150 years: sediment-based archives of sources, levels and ecological sensitivity, Journal of Paleolimnology, 44: 123-142
  • Taylor, D. (2010) Biomass burning, humans and climate change in inter-tropical Southeast Asia Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 1025 - 1042
  • O'Dwyer, B. and Taylor, D. (2009) Palaeolimnological evidence of variations in deposition of atmosphere-borne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Ireland, Chemosphere, 77: 1374 - 1380
  • Jennings, E., Allott, N., Pierson, D.C., Schneiderman, E.M., Lenihan, D., Samuelsson, P. and Taylor, D. (2009) Impacts of climate change on phosphorus loading from a grassland catchment - implications for future management, Water Research 43: 4316-4326
  • Lewis, S. et al. (including Taylor D.) (2009) Increasing carbon storage in intact African tropical forests, Nature 475 (7232): 1003 – 1006
  • Leira, M., Dalton,C., Chen, G., Irvine, K. and Taylor, D. (2009) Patterns in freshwater diatom taxonomic distinctness along an eutrophication gradient, Freshwater Biology 54: 1 – 14
  • Dalton, C., Taylor, D. and Jennings, E. (2009) The role of palaeolimnology in implementing the Water Framework Directive in Ireland, Biology and Environment, 109B: 161 - 174
  • Jennings, E. Dalton, C., Olas, M., de Eyto, E., Allott, N., Bosch, K., Murnaghan, S. and Taylor, D. (2008) Reconstruction of the recent past in a west of Ireland catchment, Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung fuer Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 30: 512 – 514
  • Taylor, D., Hamilton, A.C., Lewis, S.L. & Nantale, G. (2008) Thirty-eight years of change in a tropical forest: plot data from Mpanga forest reserve, Uganda, African Journal of Ecology 46: 655 – 667
  • Chen, G., Dalton, C., Leira, M. and Taylor, D. (2008). Diatom-based total phosphorus (TP) and pH transfer functions for the Irish Ecoregion. Journal of Paleolimnology, 40, 143-163
  • Ryner, M., Holmgren, K. and Taylor, D. (2008) A c. 1200-year record of vegetation dynamics from Lake Emakat, northern Tanzania, Journal of Paleolimnology, 40, 583-601
  • Atahan, P., Itzstein-Davey, F., Taylor, D, Dodson, J, Qin, J., Zheng, H., Brooks, A. (2008). Holocene-aged sedimentary records of environmental changes and early agriculture in the lower Yangtze, China. Quaternary Science Reviews 27:556 – 570
  • Itzstein-Davey, F0., Atahan, P., Dodson, J. R., Taylor, D. and Zheng, H. (2007). Environmental and cultural changes during the terminal Neolithic: Qingpu, Yangtze delta, eastern China. The Holocene 17: 875 – 888
  • Itzstein-Davey, F., Atahan, P., Dodson, J. R., Taylor, D. and Zheng, H. (2007). A sediment based record of late glacial and Holocene environmental changes from Guangfulin, Yangtze delta, eastern China. The Holocene 17: 1221 - 1231
  • Itzstein-Davey, F., Taylor, D., Dodson, J., Zheng, H. and Atahan, P. (2007). Wild and domesticated forms of rice (Oryza sp.) in early agriculture at Qingpu, lower Yangtze, China: evidence from phytoliths. Journal of Archaeological Science 34: 2101 – 2108
  • Vincens, A. et al. (including Taylor, D.) (2007).  African Pollen Database inventory of tree and shrub pollen types. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 145: 135-141
  • Taylor, D., Dalton, C., Leira, M., Jordan, P., Chen, G., León-Vintró, L., Irivne, K., Bennion, H., Nolan, T., (2006) Recent histories of six productive lakes in the Irish Ecoregion based on multiproxy palaeolimnological evidence, Hydrobiologia, 571, 237-259
  • Ali, M., Taylor, D. & Inubushi, K. (2006) Effects of environmental variations on CO2 efflux from a tropical peatland in eastern Sumatra, Wetlands, 26, (2), 611-617
  • Leira, M., Jordan, P., Taylor, D., Dalton, C., Bennion, H., Rose, N., Irvine, K. (2006) Assessing the ecological status of candidate reference lakes in Ireland using palaeolimnology, Journal of Applied Ecology, 43, 816-827
  • Lejju, J.B., Robertshaw, P. & Taylor, D. (2006) Africa's earliest bananas?, Journal of Archaeological Science, 33, 102 – 113
  • Legg, R. & Taylor, D. (2006) Modeling environmental influences on the siting of Irish Early Medieval ringforts, Geoarchaeology, 21, 201 – 220
  • Taylor, D., Lane, P.J., Muiruri, V., Ruttledge, A., Gaj McKeever, R., Nolan, T., Kenny, P. & Goodhue, R., (2005) Mid to late Holocene vegetation dynamics on the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya, The Holocene, 15, (6), 837 – 846
  • Davies, A., Fahy, F. and Taylor, D (2005) Mind the Gap! Householder attitudes and actions towards waste in Ireland, Irish Geography, 28, (2), 151-168
  • Lejju, J., Taylor, D. & Robertshaw, P. (2005) Late-Holocene environmental variability at Munsa archaeological site, Uganda: a multi-core, multi-proxy approach, The Holocene, 15, (7), 1044 – 1061
  • Bird, M., Taylor, D. & Hunt, C. (2005) Environments of insular Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Period: A savanna corridor in Sundaland?, Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, ((20-21)), 2228 – 2242
  • Bird, M.I., Hope, G. & Taylor, D. (2004) Populating PEP II: the dispersal of humans and agriculture through Austral-Asia and Oceania, Quaternary International, 118-119, 145-164
  • Dodson, J.R., Ono, Y., Taylor, D. & Wang, P. (2004) Climate, Human and Natural Systems of the PEP II transect, Quaternary International, 118-119, 3-12
  • Sidle, R.C., Taylor, D., Lu, X.X., de Lange, W.P., Adger, W.N., Newnham, R.M., Lowe, D.J. & Dodson, J.R (2004) Interactions of natural hazards and society in Austral-Asia: evidence in past and recent records, Quaternary International, 118-119, 181-203
  • Lejju, B.J., Robertshaw and Taylor, D. (2004) Vegetation history and archaeology at Munsa, western Uganda, Azania, 38, 155-165
  • Sanderson, P & Taylor, D. (2003) Short-term water quality variability in two tropical estuaries, central Sumatra. Estuaries 26 (1): 156-165 [Journal is now Estuaries and Coasts]
  • Taylor, D., Yen, O.H., Sanderson, PG. & Dodson, D. (2001) Late Quaternary peat formation and vegetation dynamics in a lowland tropical swamp: Nee Soon, Singapore. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 171, 269-287
  • Taylor, D. & Robertshaw, P. (2001) Sedimentary sequences in western Uganda as records of human environmental impacts. Palaeoecology of Africa 27, 63-76.
  • Couturier S., Taylor D, Siegert F., Hoffmann A. & Bao M.Q. (2001) ERS SAR backscatter - A potential real-time indicator of the proneness of modified rainforests to fire. Remote Sensing of Environment. 76 (3): 410-417
  • Marchant, R.A. & Taylor, D. (2000). Pollen representivity of montane forest taxa in south-west Uganda. New Phytologist, 146 (3): 515-525
  • Taylor, D., Robertshaw, P. & Marchant, R.A (2000). Environmental change and socio-economic upheaval in pre-colonial, western Uganda. The Holocene 10 (3), 437-446
  • Robertshaw, P. & Taylor, D. (2000). Climate change and the rise of political complexity in western Uganda. The Journal of African History, 41(1), 1-28
  • Elenga H, Peyron O, Bonnefille R, Jolly D, Cheddadi R, Guiot J, Andrieu V, Bottema S, Buchet G, de Beaulieu JL, Hamilton AC, Maley J, Marchant R, Perez-Obiol R, Reille M, Riollet G, Scott L, Straka H, Taylor D, Van Campo E, Vincens A, Laarif F, Jonson H. (2000). Pollen-based biome reconstruction for southern Europe and Africa 18,000 yr BP. Journal of Biogeography, 27 (3): 621-634
  • Taylor, D. (2000) A Biogeographer’s construction of tropical lands: A.R.Wallace, Biogeographical method and the Malay Archipelago. The Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 21, 63-75
  • Prentice, I.C., Jolly, D. & Biome 6000 participants (including Taylor, D.( (2000).  Mid-Holocene and glacial-maximum vegetation geography of the northern continents and Africa.  Journal of Biogeography 27: 507-519
  • Taylor, D., Saksena, P., Sanderson, P.G. & Kucera, K. (1999). Environmental change and rain forests on the Sunda shelf of Southeast Asia: drought, fire and the biological cooling of biodiversity hotspots. Biodiversity & Conservation, 8, 1159-1177
  • Taylor, D; Marchant, R.A. & Robertshaw, P. (1999) A sediment-based history of medium altitude forest in central Africa: a record from Kabata Swamp, Ndale volcanic field, Uganda. Journal of Ecology, 87 (2), 303-315
  • Marchant, R.A. & Taylor, D. (1998) Dynamics of montane forest in central Africa during the late Holocene: a pollen-based record from western Uganda The Holocene 8, 375-381.
  • Taylor, D., Pedley, H.M, Davies, P. & Wright, M.W. (1998) Pollen and mollusc records for environmental change in central Spain during the middle and late Holocene. The Holocene, 8, 637-644
  • King, V.T., Parnwell, M.J.G. and Taylor, D. (1998) Socio-economic responses to change among Iban communities in the Bintulu region of Sarawak, Malaysia. Sarawak Development Journal, 1 (1), 1-27
  • Drummond, I. & Taylor, D. (1997). Forest utilisation in Sarawak, Malaysia: a case of sustaining the unsustainable. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 18, 141-162.
  • Jolly, D., Taylor, D., Marchant, R, Hamilton, A., Bonnefille, R., Buchet, G & Riollet, G. (1997). Vegetation dynamics in central Africa since 18,000 yr BP: pollen records from the interlacustrine highlands of Burundi, Rwanda and western Uganda. Journal of Biogeography 24, 492-512.
  • Marchant, R. & Taylor, D., Hamilton, A.C. (1997). Late Pleistocene and Holocene history of Bwindi-Impenetrable Forest, southwest Uganda. Quaternary Research 47, 216-228.
  • Metcalfe, S.E., Courtice, A.J., O’Hara, S.L. & Taylor, D. (1997) Climate change at the monsoon/westerly boundary in northern Mexico. Journal of Paleolimnology 17, 155-171.
  • Taylor, D., Hamilton, A.C, Whyatt, J.D., Mucunguzi, P. & Ziraba, R.B. (1996). Stand dynamics in Mpanga Research Forest Reserve, Uganda, from 1968 to 1993. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 12(4), 583-597
  • Pedley, M., Andrews, J., Ordonez, S., Garcia del Cura, M.A., Martin, J.A.G. & Taylor, D. (1996). Does climate control the morphological fabric of freshwater carbonates? A comparative study of Holocene barrage tufas from Spain and Britain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 121, 239-257
  • Taylor, D. and Marchant, R. (1995). Human-impact in southwest Uganda: long term records from the Rukiga Highlands, Kigezi. Azania 30, 283-295
  • Taylor, D., Hortin, D., Parnwell, M., Marsden, T., & King, V.T. (1994). The degradation of rainforests in Sarawak, East Malaysia and its implications for future management policies. Geoforum, 25(3), 351-369
  • Taylor, D.M., Griffiths, H.I. Pedley, H.M. & Prince, I (1994) Radiocarbon dated pollen and ostracod sequences from barrage tufa-dammed fluvial systems in the White Peak, Derbyshire, UK. The Holocene, 4 (4), 356-364
  • Ellis, S., Taylor, D. & Masood, K.R. (1994) Soil formation and erosion in the Murree Hills, northeast Pakistan. Catena, 22, 69-78.
  • Ellis, S., Taylor, D. & Masood, K.A. (1993). Land degradation in northern Pakistan. Geography, 78, 84-87
  • Taylor, D. (1993) Environmental change in montane southwest Uganda: a pollen record for the Holocene from Ahakagyezi Swamp. The Holocene, 3(4), 324-332
  • Hamilton, A. & Taylor, D. (1993). A new species of Restio from Malawi: further evidence regarding the palaeoclimatic significance of Restionaceae pollen from central Africa. Palaeoecology of Africa, 23, 205-206
  • Hamilton, A.C. & Taylor, D. (1993). Late Quaternary mire sediments in tropical Africa: opportunities for further palynological studies. Palaeoecology of Africa, 23, 207-211
  • Taylor, D. (1992). Pollen evidence from Muchoya Swamp, Rukiga Highlands (Uganda), for abrupt changes in vegetation during the last ca. 21,000 years. Bulletin de la Societ. Geologique de France, 163(1), 77-82
  • Hamilton, A.C. & Taylor, D. (1991). History of climate and forests in tropical Africa during the last 8 million years. Climatic Change, 19, 65-78
  • Taylor, D. (1990). Late Quaternary pollen diagrams from two Ugandan mires: evidence for environmental change in the Rukiga Highlands of southwest Uganda. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 80, 283-300 [2010 JCR Science CIF = 2.4
  • Hamilton, A.C., Taylor, D. & Magowan, W. (1986). Use of the Bartington Meter to determine the magnetic susceptibility of organic-rich sediments from western Uganda. Physics of Earth and Planetary Int., 42, 5-9
  • Hamilton, A.C., Taylor, D., & Vogel, J. (1986). Early forest clearance and environmental degradation in southwest Uganda. Nature, 320, 164-167.


  • Hardisty, J., Taylor, D. and Metcalfe, S.E (1993). Computerised Environmental Modelling. John Wiley and Sons. 240 pp. [re-printed 1994, 1995, 1996]


  • Carmody, P. and Taylor, D. (2016) The Scramble for Land: The Uganda Case. In: Carmody, P. "The New Scramble for Africa" 2nd Edition, Polity Press, pp 138-158
  • Kienberger, S., Morper-Busch, L., Hagenlocher, M., Morse, A.P., Tompkins, A. and Taylor, D. (2016) HEALTHY FUTURES ATLAS: a publically available resource for evaluating climate change impacts on burden of water-related, vector borne diseases in eastern Africa.  In: J.Shumake-Guillemot and L.Fernandez-Montoya (Eds) Climate Services for Health: Improving public health decision-making in a new climate. WHO/WMO special publication, Geneva, Switzerland, pp 142-146
  • Marchant, R. and Taylor, D. (2011) Historical biogeography as a basis for the conservation of dynamic ecosystems in, editor(s) A. Millington & M. Blumler , Handbook of Biogeography, US, Sage, pp 544-561
  • Robertshaw, P., Taylor, D., Doyle, S. and Marchant, R. (2004) Famine, Climate and Crisis in western Uganda in, editor(s) R.W. Battarbee et al. , Past Climatic Variability through Europe and Africa, Amsterdam, Springer/Kluwer, pp 535-549.
  • Taylor, D. and Davies, A.R. (2004) Human vulnerability, past climatic variability and societal change. In: J.A. Matthews & D.T. Herbert (eds) Unifying Geography. Routeledge: London. pp 144-159
  • Carroll, V., Legg, R. & Taylor, D. (2003). Redesigning an Undergraduate Geography Course at Trinity College Dublin Using WebQuests. In A. Rossett (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2003, Chesapeake, VA, pp. 889-896.
  • Taylor, D. and Sanderson, P.G. (2002) Global changes, mangrove forests and implications for hazards along continental shorelines. In: R. Sidle (ed) Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests, IUFRO Research Series 9, Wallingford: CABI, 203-226
  • Taylor, D., Marchant, R. and Hamilton, A.C. (2001) A re-analysis and interpretation of palynological data from the Kalambo Falls Prehistoric Site. In: J.D. Clark (ed.) Kalambo Falls Prehistoric Site III Early and Middle Palaeolithic. Cambridge University Press, pp 32-54
  • Hamilton, A.C., Taylor, D. and Howard, P. (2001). Hotspots in African Forests as Quaternary Refugia. In: W. Weber et al. (eds.) African Rain Forest Ecoogy and Conservation Yale University Press, pp 57-67
  • Marchant, R., Taylor, D. and Hamilton, A. (2000). Late Holocene fluctuations in the composition of montane forest in the Rukiga Highlands, central Africa: a regional reconstruction. In: G. Bailey et al. (eds.) Human Ecodynamics. Oxbow Publications, pp 70-79
  • Marchant, R. and Taylor, D. (2000). Modern pollen-vegetation relationships in montane rainforest of Uganda: an aid to interpretation of fossil sequences from central Africa. In: M.M. Harley et al. (eds) Pollen and Spores: Morphology and Biology Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp 467-480
  • Taylor, D., Marchant, R. and Lamb, H. (1998). Long-term dynamics of forests in western Uganda: implications for monitoring and management. In: Osmaston, H., Tukahirwa, J., Basalirwa, C. and Nyakaana, J. (Eds.) The Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda. Exploration, environment & biology. Conservation, management and community relations pp. 112-124. Makerere University Press
  • Lille, M., van der Noort, R., Taylor, D. and Kirby, J. (1997). The Roman period landscape at Scaftworth. In: Ellis, S. and van der Noort, R. (eds) Wetland Heritage of the Humberhead levels An Archaeological Survey, University of Hull Press, pp. 409-428.
  • Taylor, D. (1996). Mountain Environments. In: A.S. Goudie, W.M. Adams and A.Orme (eds) The Physical Geography of Africa. Oxford University Press, pp 286-307.
  • Parnwell, M. and Taylor, D. (1996). Environmental degradation, non-timber forest products and Iban communities in Sarawak. In: M. Parnwell and R. Bryant (eds.) Environmental Change in South-East Asia People, Politics and Sustainable Development, Routledge, pp 269-300.
  • Taylor, D. (1995). New pollen data from the Keyingham Drain, southern Holderness. In: R. van der Noort and S. Ellis (eds) Wetland Heritage of Holderness An Archaeological Survey, University of Hull Press, pp 121-128.
  • Taylor, D. and Hamilton, A.C. (1994). Impact of climatic change on tropical forests in Africa: implications for protected area planning and management. In: J. Pernetta, R. Leemans, D. Elder and S. Humphrey (eds) Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems and Species: Implications for Protected Areas, IUCN, pp 77-94.
  • Hamilton, A.C. and Taylor, D. (1992). History of climate and forests in tropical Africa during the last 8 million years. In: N. Myers (ed.) The History of Tropical Forests, Klukwer, pp. 65-78.
  • Taylor, D. (1989). Root distribution in relation to vegetation and soil type in the forests of the East Usambaras. In: A. Hamilton and R. Bensted-Smith (eds). Forest Conservation in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, IUCN, pp. 312-330.
  • Binggeli, P., Taylor, D., Ruffo, C.K. and Hamilton, A. (1989). Seed Banks in the Forest Soils. In: A. Hamilton and R. Bensted-Smith (eds). Forest Conservation in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, IUCN, pp. 307-311.
  • Hamilton, A., Taylor, D. and Vogel, J. (1989). Neolithic forest clearance at Ahakagyezi, western Uganda. In: W.G. Mahaney (ed.) Quaternary and Environmental Research on East African Mountains, Balkema, pp 435-463.
  • Hamilton, A. and Taylor, D. (1986). Mire sedimentation in East Africa. In L.E. Frostick, R.W. Renault, I. Read and J-J. Tiercelin (eds) Sedimentation in the East African Rifts, Geological Society Special Publication, 25 pp 211-220. Blackwell


  • Taylor, D. & Hamilton, A.C. (1987). Matters Arising. Nature, 325, 90.


  • Fealy, R., Allott, N., Broderick, C., de Eyto, E., Dillane, M., Erdil, R.M., Hancox, L., Jennings, E., McCrann, K., Murphy, C., O'Toole, C., Poole, R., Rogan, G., Ryder, E., Taylor, D., Whelan, K. and White, J. (2014) RESCALE: Review and Simulate Climate and Catchment Responses at Burrishoole, Full Technical Report, Marine Research Sub Programme 2007-2013, Marine Institute, Oranmore, Co. Galway, 426pp. (ISSN: 2009-3195)
  • Taylor, D., McElarney, Y., Greene, S., Barry, C., Foy, R. and Jordan, P. (2012). An Effective Framework For assessing aquatic ECosysTem responses to implementation of the Phosphorous Regulations (EFFECT). Final report to the EPA. EPA, Wexford, 341pp download a .PDF here
  • Taylor, D., McElarney, Y., Greene, S., Barry, C., Foy, R. and Jordan, P. (2012) An Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystem Responses to Measures Aimed at Improving Water Quality in the Irish Ecoregion, Synthesis report to the EPA, EPA, Wexford, 36 pp. (ISBN 978-1-84095-445-6) download a .PDF here
  • Dalton, C., Jennings, E., Taylor, D., O’Dwyer, B., Murnaghan, S., Bosch, K., de Eyto, E. and Sparber, K. (2010) Past, current and future Interactions between pressures, chemicaL status and bioLogical qUality eleMents for lakes IN contrAsting catchmenTs in IrEland (ILLUMINATE) Final Synthesis Report to the EPA (Research Project # 2005-W-MS-40), EPA, Wexford. 37 pp. (ISBN 978-1-84095-371-8)download a .PDF here
  • Dalton, C., Jennings, E., Taylor, D., O’Dwyer, B., Murnaghan, S., Bosch, K., de Eyto, E. and Sparber, K. (2010) Past, current and future Interactions between pressures, chemicaL status and bioLogical qUality eleMents for lakes IN contrAsting catchmenTs in IrEland (ILLUMINATE) Final Report to the EPA (Research Project # 2005-W-MS-40), EPA, Wexford. 290 pp.download .PDF here
  • Fealy, R., Allott, N., Broderick, C., de Eyto, E., Dillane, M., Erdil, R.M., Jennings, E., McCrann, K., Murphy, C., O'Toole, C., Poole, R., Taylor, D. and Whelan, K. (2010). Review and Simulate Climate and Catchment Responses at Burrishoole (RESCALE). Final summary report to the Marine Institute (Climate and catchment environment programme, Research Project # SS/CC/07/002(01)), Marine Institute, Ireland, 138 pp (ISSN: 2009-3 1 95) download a .PDF here
  • Taylor, D., Dalton, C., Leira, M. and Jordan, P. (2007). Identification of refereNce-Status for Irish lake typoloGies using palaeolimnological metHods and Techniques (IN-SIGHT) Final Synthesis Report to the EPA (Research Project # 2002-W-LS/7), EPA, Wexford, Report number 5, 32 pp. (ISBN 1-84095-211-3) download a .PDF here
  • Taylor, D., Dalton, C. Leira, M., Jordan, P., Irvine, K., Bennion, H., Magee, E. and León-Vintro, L (2007) Identification of refereNce-Status for Irish lake typoloGies using palaeolimnological metHods and Techniques (IN-SIGHT) Final Report to the EPA (Research Project # 2002-W-LS/7), EPA, Wexford. 216 pp download a .PDF here
  • Davies, A., Taylor, D., Fahy, F., Meade, H. and O’Callaghan-Platt, A. (2006) Environmental attitudes and behaviour: values, actions and waste management. Synthesis Report to the EPA (research grant # 2001-MS-SE2-M1). EPA Report number 37, Wexford. 27 pp. (ISBN: 1-84095-211-3) download a .PDF here
  • Davies, A., Taylor, D., Fahy, F., Meade, H. and O’Callaghan-Platt, A. (2005) Environmental attitudes and behaviour: values, actions and waste management. Final Report to the EPA (research grant # 2001-MS-SE2-M1). EPA, Wexford 111 pp. download a .PDF here
  • Taylor, D. (2003). Preface. In: D. Taylor (ed.) Environmental attitudes and actions: attempts to deal with Ireland’s waste, Trinity Papers in Geography No. 8, pp 1-3. (ISBN: 0-9544634-0-4)
  • Taylor, D. and Ali, M. (2001). Biogeochemical responses to land cover changes in coastal peatland catchments: spatial and temporal fluxes in greenhouse gas emissions and peat subsidence, Jambi Province, Sumatra. SARCS/UNOP Final Report: GLO/92/G31-C-ENV-PS-609 [Theme 3: Assessing impacts of environmental changes in terrestrial ecosystems on coastal zones and marine ecosystems], April 2001, 27 pp.
  • Cooper, A., Taylor, D. and Murray, R. (1989). A land use and ecological resources database for the Glens of Antrim Environmentally Sensitive Area. Report for the Department of Agriculture, Northern Ireland, 63 pp. (ISBN 1871206316)


  • Taylor, D., Hamilton, A.C. and Saksena, P (1996) Global Change with special reference to climate change and Protected Areas in the tropics. Report to the WWF(US), Washington DC, USA, 49 pp
  • Taylor, D. (1993-1996). Editorial Bio:News (volumes 35 to 43). Bio:News was the newsletter of the Biogeography Research Group (ca. 400 members) of the Institute of British Geographers (IBG) and was published 3-4 times per year
  • Taylor, D., Hamilton, A. and Mucunguzi, P. (1993). Monitoring tree growth and survival in a tropical forest: Mpanga Forest, Uganda. Bio:News, 36, 15-18.
  • Hamilton, A. and Taylor, D. (1988). Assessment of the environmental impacts of proposed forest-based developments in Guerrero and Oaxaca, Mexico. Report for the Inter American Development Bank, 65 pp.

Head of Department of Geography, NUS, Singaore (August 2019-)

Provost's Chair Professor, NUS, Singapore (2014-): awarded in recognition of the international impact of research and of contribution to the discipline

Professorial Fellow, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland (2004-2012)

Outside of work my main interests remain my family and friends, sports (particularly football - I am a keen supporter of one of the world's most famous and loved football clubs: Burnley FC, founded in 1882 and still the best team in Lancashire, England) and reading.

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