FASS Staff Profile


ellwbj nus. edu. sg
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Brief Introduction

I'm from the northeast of the United States and studied at University of Connecticut (BA), University of California (MA) and University of Southern California (MA and PhD). I came to NUS in 1998 after five years in Japan.My research (most broadly) examines trans-Pacific cultural exchange, usually from Asia and towards the USA. I've edited books on martial arts and Asian religion in North America and published Political Fiction and the American Self and Tibet on Fire: Buddhism, Protest, and the Rhetoric of Self-Immolation.

     I teach courses on American literature, sometimes focussing specifically on writers (and filmmakers) interested in politics, ideology more  generally, and religion. Teaching in Singapore is exciting and challenging (but I don't want to say how good it really is or they'll want to pay me less). I'm always on the lookout for masochistic students who want to learn how to really write: learn this skill and you'll never get replaced by a computer. 

Teaching Areas

1000 Level (GEM1033/GEH1055):  "Religion and Film"

3000 Level: (EN3231)  Nineteenth Century American Literature--American Renaissance+

4000 Level: (EN4232) Topics in American Literature. (current topic: religion)

5000 Level: "Politics and  Literature, "Ideology and Literature"

Current Research

I'm interested in trans-Pacific cultural exchange with attention mainly to the Asia-to-America flow, e.g., martial arts, religion, philosophy, and other practices. How do they show up in literature, film, and various forms of self-cultivation? I'm now working on a book entitled Dharma Bums Progress: Buddhism and American Countercultural Writing, which will have chapters on writers such as Christopher Isherwood, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Lew Welch, Anne Waldman, Maxine Hong Kingston, and Charles Johnson. I've also been writing about material religion in relation to filmic representations of Tibet & am completing "Buddhism and the Beats" for the Cambridge Companion to Beat Studies.




    Political Fiction and the American Self (U of Illinois). Chapters on Jack London, Herman Melville, Norman Mailer, Ralph Ellison and Toni Morrison, and Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood.

    Tibet on Fire: Buddhism, Protest, and the Rhetoric of Self-Immolation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).


  • 2019    “Religion, Popular Culture, and the Anthropocene,” a special issue of The Journal of Religion, Culture, and Nature, co-edited with Lisa Sideris.

    2018    Religious Journeys in India: Pilgrims, Tourists, and Travelers, co-edited with Andrea Marion Pinkney (SUNY).

    2015:  "Film and Video in Asia," co-edited with S. Brent Plate (forthcoming in Material Religion).

    2015: "De-Orienting Religious Studies in Asia," co-edited with Andrea Marion Pinkney and Robbie Goh, Numen, Volume 62, Issue 1.

    2015: Religious Journeys in India, co-edited with Andrea Marion Pinkney (forthcoming, SUNY).

    2014: Buddhism and American Cinema, co-edited with Gary Storhoff in Buddhism and American Culture," (in SUNY series, "Buddhism and American Culture").

    2013: Buddhism, Modernity, and the State in Asia: Forms of Engagement, co-edited with Pattana Kitiarsa (forthcoming, Palgrave Macmillan).

    2011: Embodied Knowledge: Traditional Asian Martial Arts in a Transnational World, co-edited with Douglas Farrer (SUNY).

    2011: Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhist American Literature into the 21st Century, co-edited with Gary Storhoff in "Buddhism and American Culture," (SUNY).

    2010: Norman Mailer’s Later Fiction: Ancient Evenings through Castle in the Forest (Palgrave).

    2010: American Buddhism as a Way of Life, co-edited with Gary Storhoff in "Buddhism and American Culture," (SUNY).

    2009: The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature, co-edited with Gary Storhoff (SUNY).

    2008: Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in the Age of Globalization, co-edited with Tan Sor Hoon (Albany, SUNY).



    2023    “Some Versions of the Bodhisattva: Meditation on Maxine Hong Kingston and Thích Nhất Hạnh (Part TWO)” in Re-Markings Vol 21, No. 3.

    2022    “Some Versions of the Bodhisattva: Meditation on Maxine Hong Kingston and Thích Nhất Hạnh (Part ONE)” in in Re-Markings Vol 21, No. 2.

    2022    ”The Beats, the Four Noble Truths, and the Problem of “Romantic Buddhism” in The Journal of Beat Studies Vol 10 (2022), 85-104.

    2022    “Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl”: Performing Communion” in “The Beat Goes On! A ‘Beat Poets’ Special,” a special issue of The Beacon (20 July 2022).

    2021    “The Letters of Norman Mailer” in Norman Mailer in Context, ed. Maggie McKinley, Cambridge University Press (2021).  355-62.

    2021    “Connecting Youthful Dissent and the Current Ecological Crisis when Teaching the Work of Gary Snyder” in The Beats: a Teaching Companion, ed. Nancy Grace, Clemson University Press, 2021, 301-15.

    2018    “Proxy Pilgrimage: Seeing Tibet in Dharamsala, India,” in Religious Journeys in India, co-edited with Andrea Marion Pinkney (SUNY).

    2018    “New Motivations for Religious Travel in India,” co-authored with Andrea Pinkney, in Religious Journeys in India (SUNY).

    2017    “Death and Destruction in Snyder’s Twenty-First-Century Poems,” in ANQ, 30.2, pp. 118-28.

    2017    "Buddhism and the Beats” in The Cambridge Companion to the Beats, ed. Steven Belleto. (Cambridge UP, 225-39).

    2016     “Gary Snyder, Counterculture, and National Identity” in the Journal of Beat Studies, vol. 4, pp 43-56.  IRJ ARTICLE.

    2016     “‘Howl’ and the Performance of Communion,” in Beat Drama: Playwrights and Performances of the ‘Howl' Generation, ed. Deborah Geis. London and New York: Methuen, ‘Howl’ and the Performance of Communion,” in Beat Drama: Playwrights and Performances of the ‘Howl' Generation, ed. Deborah Geis. London and New York: Methuen, pp25-32. BOOK CHAPTER, Invited.

    2016    "Buddhism and the Beats” in The Cambridge Companion to the Beats, ed. Steven Belleto. (Forthcoming, 6500 words.) BOOK CHAPTER, Invited.

    2016     “Audiovisual-Religion in Asia: an Introduction” in in Material Religion. Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, 415-420. IRJ ARTICLE.

    2016     “Can a Coke Can Be Sacred? Tantric Television and Supposedly Mundane Objects in Khyentse Norbu’s The Cup” in Material Religion. Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, 527-547. IRJ ARTICLE.

    2015     “De-Orienting Religious Studies in Asia," with Andrea Marion Pinkney and Robbie Goh, Numen 62(1) 2015, 1-6. IRJ.

    2014     “What Is a Buddhist Movie?” in Contemporary Buddhism, 15(1) 2014, 44-80. IRJ.

    2014     “The ‘Engaged Aesthetics’ of Maxine Hong Kingston’s Fifth Book of Peace,” in On the Legacy of Maxine Hong Kingston (Berlin: Lit Verlag), pp 207-213. REPRINTED from "The 'Engaged Buddhism' of Maxine Hong Kingston's Fifth Book of Peace" in Buddhism and Buddhist Philosophy in World Literature, ed. Pornsan Watanangura and Heinrich Detering (Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press, 2011), 53-62. BOOK.

    2014     “Some (Hollywood) Versions of Enlightenment” in Buddhism and American Cinema, in "Buddhism and American Culture," SUNY series, "Buddhism and American Culture,” 1-12. BOOK.

    2013     “Trungpa, Naropa, and the Outrider Road: An Interview with Anne Waldman” in Journal of Beat Studies, Vol. 2, 31-52. IRJ.

    2013     "Buddhist Engagements: Cooperation, Co-optation, and Confrontation,” co-authored with Pattana Kitiarsa, in Buddhism, Modernity, and the State in Asia: Forms of Engagement, co-edited with Pattana Kitiarsa (2013, Palgrave Macmillan), 1-14. BOOK.

    2013     "Angry Monk Syndrome on the World Stage: Tibet, Engaged Buddhism, and the Weapons of the Weak" in Buddhism, Modernity, and the State in Asia: Forms of Engagement (2013, Palgrave Macmillan), 163-207. BOOK. 

    2011     "Martial Arts, Transnational Affiliations and the Paradoxes of Embodied Knowledge," co-authored with Douglas Farrer (forthcoming in Embodied Knowledge: Traditional Asian Martial Arts in a Transnational World, SUNY), 1-25. BOOK.

    2011     "Some Versions of the Samurai: The Budō Core of DeLillo’s Running Dog" Embodied Knowledge: Traditional Asian Martial Arts in a Transnational World, Albany: SUNY), 29-60. BOOK.

    2011     "Introduction: Writing as Enlightenment," with Gary Storhoff in Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhism American Literature into the Twenty-First Century (SUNY, “Buddhism and American Culture” series), 1-15. BOOK.

    2011     "Embodied Mindfulness: Charles Johnson and Maxine Hong Kingston on Buddhism, Race, and Beauty" in Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhism American Literature into the Twenty-First Century (SUNY), 141-56. BOOK.

    2011     "Poetry and Practice at Naropa" in Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhism American Literature into the Twenty-First Century (SUNY, “Buddhism and American Culture” series), 157-84. BOOK.

    2011     "Multiple Modernities and the Tibetan Diaspora" in South Asian Diaspora 3.1, 103-15. IRJ.

    2010     "Absolutely Dauntless: A Quarter-century of Sex, God, Politics, and Fame" in Norman Mailer’s Later Fiction, Ancient Evenings through Castle in the Forest (Palgrave), 1-11. BOOK.

    2010     "Late Mailer: His Writing and Reputation since Ancient Evenings" in Norman Mailer’s Later Fiction: Ancient Evenings through Castle in the Forest (Palgrave), 181-92. BOOK.

    2010     "Introduction: American Buddhism as a Way of Life," written with Gary Storhoff, in American Buddhism as a Way of Life (SUNY), 1-10. BOOK.

    2010     "The Politics of Playful Confrontation: Barthelme as Disgruntled Liberal," in Short Story Criticism, Volume 142 (SSC-142). REPRINTED from Connotations 13.3 (2003/2004), 246-69. IRJ/COLLECTION.

    2010     "The Problem of the Political Novel," in Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, vol. 234, REPRINTED from Political Fiction and the American Self. BOOK/COLLECTION.

    2009     "Introduction: The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature," written with Gary Storhoff, in The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature (SUNY), 1-17. BOOK.

    2009     "Interview with Maxine Hong Kingston" in The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature (SUNY), 177-87. BOOK.

    2009     "‘Angry Monk Syndrome’ on the World Stage" in Buddhist Approaches to Political Conflict and Peace Development (Bangkok: Mahachulalongkorn UP), 73-84. BOOK.

    2008     "Non-duality and Aesthetic Experience: Dewey's Theory and Johnson’s Practice" in Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in the Age of Globalization (SUNY), 139-62. BOOK.

    2008     "Teaching Lolita in (a) ‘Consuming Culture’: (a Seminar in Cultural Studies)," written with Tania Roy, in Approaches to Teaching Lolita ed. Zoran Kuzmanovic and Galya Diment (MLA), 62-70. BOOK.

    2008     "Pragmatism’s Passport: Dewey, Democracy, and Globalization," with Tan Sor-hoon, in Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in the Age of Globalization (SUNY), 1-17. BOOK.

    2008     "‘Their Humor Annoyed Him’: Cavalier Wit and Sympathy for the Devil in The Castle in the Forest" in The Mailer Review 2, 318-329.

    2007     "The Sexual Politics of Divine Femininity: Tārā in Transition in Gary Snyder’s Poetry" in Partial Answers 5.2, 219-244. IRJ.

    2007     "Invisible Threads: Ellesteen Bishop and Feminine Civility in Dreamer" in Charles Johnson: The Novelist as Philosopher, ed. by Marc C. Conner and W.R. Nash (U of Mississippi P, 127-49). BOOK.

    2007     "‘For/From Lew’: the Ghost Visitations of Lew Welch and the Art of Zen Failure: A Dialogic Dialogue" in Connotations 16.1-3, 92-115. IRJ.

    2006     "The Karma of Words: Mailer since Executioner’s Song," Journal of Modern Literature 30.1, 1-16. IRJ.

    2006     "Interview with Charles Johnson and Maxine Hong Kingston" in MELUS, 31, 269-293. IRJ.

    2006     "'Whole Sight' in Review: Reflections on Charles Johnson" in MELUS, 31, 244-267. IRJ.

    2006     "White Noise as Disaster Movie," (co-authored with Valerie Wee) in Approaches to Teaching DeLillo's White Noise, ed. Engles, Tim, and John N. Duvall (MLA), 204-13.  BOOK.

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