FASS Staff Profile


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Brief Introduction

Educational Background:  D.Phil., M.Phil.: Oxford; M.A., B.A.: Pune

Awards:   Rhodes Scholar, Oriel College, Oxford (1976-78; 79-80); Fulbright Junior Scholar (Yale 1985).

Administration: Director, Division of Humanities, Yale-NUS College,  2012-19.

                              Elected Member, University Committee on Educational Policy (UCEP), 2002-16.

                              Member, University Committee on Promotions and Tenure (UPTC), 2010-15.

                              Member, FASS Research Award Commitee, 2012-15.

                              Member, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Benchmarking Consultative Committee. 2014-15.

                              Member, NUS Museum Academic Sub-Committee, 2015-16.

Teaching Areas

Areas: Literature, Arts and Humanities

Courses 2013-2016: YCC1111 Literature and Humanities I & II (Yale-NUS College Common Curriculum); Dystopian Fiction; Poetry, Painting and Photography.

Current Research

The humanities in a liberal arts environment; The poetry of islands; poetry and the other arts.

Research Interests

Poetry and the arts; Form and tradition in North Indian classical vocal music.





    ● Rajeev S. Patke (forthcoming), The Poetry of Islands and the Islands of Poetry. London: Rowman and Littlefield (scheduled for publication in early 2017).

    ● Rajeev S. Patke, Modernist Literature and Postcolonial Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,  2013. Published 4 June 2013. ISBN-10: 0748639934, ISBN-13: 978-0748639939.

    ● Rajeev S. Patke and Philip Holden, The Routledge Concise History of Southeast Asian Writing in English. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. 272pp. 

    ● Rajeev S. Patke, Postcolonial Poetry in English (Oxford Studies in Postcolonial Literatures). Oxford (UK) and New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. 267pp.

    ● Rajeev S. Patke, The Long Poems of Wallace Stevens: An Interpretative Study. Cambridge (UK) & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985, rpt. 2009. 263pp.


    ● Southeast Asian Writing in English: A Thematic Anthology. Ed. Rajeev S. Patke, Philip Holden, Lily Rose Tope, Isabela Banzon. Singapore: National Library Board, 2012. ISBN (ppbk): 978-981-08-7762-0; (hdbck): 978-981-8-7761-3. 600pp.

    A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures: Continental Europe and its Empires. Ed. Prem Poddar, Rajeev S. Patke & Lars Jensen. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008. 633pp.

    Eye on the World: Re-Making Language. Ed. Rajeev S. Patke & Joyce Soh. Singapore: UniPress, 2006.125pp.

    Eye on the World: The Past as Future. Ed. Rajeev S. Patke & Joyce Soh. Singapore: UniPress, 2005. 191pp.

    Complicities: Connections and Divisions-Literatures and Cultures of the Asia-Pacific Region. Ed. Chitra Sankaran, Leong Liew Geok & Rajeev S. Patke. Bern: Peter Lang, 2003. 361pp.

    The European Legacy. (Journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas): Special Issue: Europe in Post-colonial Narratives, 7.6 (Dec. 2002).

    Times Shakespeare Edition: Macbeth. Gen. Ed. Rajeev S. Patke. Ed. Yong Li Lan. Singapore: Federal Publications, 1999. 379pp.

    Institutions in Cultures: Theory and Practice. Ed. Robert A. Lumsden & Rajeev S. Patke. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1996. 374pp.


    ● "Music as a form of cultural dialogue: The case of Ravi Shankar." European Review 23.3 (Spring 2015): 439-453.

    ● “Translation as idea and practice: A detour via Walter Benjamin and Arun Kolatkar.” Foreign Literature Studies, Vol. 36, No. 5 (October 2014): 16-25. (Wuhan University, China).

    ● “Irish Poetry in the Long Shadow of W.B. Yeats”. The Yeats Journal of Korea., Vol. 45 (Winter 2014): 47-69. 

    ● Yeats and Stevens: Poetry and Aging.” The Yeats Journal of Korea, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Summer 2013): 55-66.

    ● ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Moving In and Out of Borders: Othello, Caliban, and Conrad in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North.The Journal of English Language & Literature (The English Language and Literature Association of Korea), Vol. 59, No. 3 (Summer 2013): 401-426.

    ● "The shaping of Yeats's The Tower and The Winding Stair". The Yeats Journal of Korea 39 (Winter 2012): 39-60.

    ● "Elegance and Poetic Economy in John Crowe Ransom and F. T. Prince”. Connotations 21.2-3 (2011/12): 218-240.

    "Ambiguity and Ethics: Fictions of Governance in Geoffrey Hill's Mercian Hymns." Connotations 20.2-3 (2011): 253-271.

    "Derrida Looking at Pictures." Humanities Diliman 8.1 (Jan-June 2011): 18-40.

    ● "Partition and its aftermath: poetry and history in Northern Ireland." Journal of Postcolonial Writing 46.1 (February 2010): 17-30. 

     "Canons and Questions of Value in Literature in English from the Malayan peninsula." ASIATIC, Vol. 3, No. 2 (December 2009): 38-52.

    ● “Thinking Dialectically of North Indian Music”. Sangeet Natak [New Delhi], Special issue on “Aesthetics, History and Society”, vol. XLIII, no. 2 (2009): 66-84.

    ●"Yeats among Painters." Third Text: Perspectives on Contemporary Art & Culture, 22.4 (July 2008): 495-506.

    ● "`Responsibility' and `Difficulty' in the poetry of Paul Muldoon." Criticism: A Quarterly of Literature and the Arts, 50.2 (Spring 2008): 279-300.

    ● "Modernist poetic practices in English poetry from Southeast Asia: Villa and Yap". Kritika Kultura, 9 (November 2007): 11-26.

    ● "Benjamin’s Theses ‘On the Concept of History’,  "Reproducing Art: Walter Benjamin’s “Work of Art” Essay Reconsidered", ed. Patricia Allmer and John Sears, InterCulture, 4:2 (Summer 2007): online. 

    ● "Poetic Knowledge" Theory Culture and Society, Special Issue: Problematizing Global Knowledge, 23: 2-3 (2006): 179-185.

    ● "Postcolonial Cultures". Theory Culture and Society, Special Issue: Problematizing Global Knowledge, 23: 2-3 (2006): 369-372.

    ● "Painting into Poetry: The Case of Derek Mahon." Word and Image 22.2 (April-June 2006): 118-127.

    ● "Method and Madness in A Question of Power and Wide Sargasso Sea." Journal of Caribbean Literatures 4.1 (2005): 185-193.

    ● “Modernism in Asia: Pramoedya and Kolatkar." Kunapipi 26.2 (2005): 18-33.

    ● “The Islands of Poetry; the Poetry of Islands." Partial Answers 2.1 (January 2004): 177-194.

    ● “Nationalism, Diaspora, Exile: Poetry in English from Malaysia." Journal of Commonwealth Literature 38.3 (2003): 71-85.

    ● “Through the Floors of Perception: Huxley, Benjamin, and Drugs." Journal X: A Biannual Journal in Culture and Criticism 3.1 (Spring 2003): 155-168.

    ● “Benjamin and Bakhtin: The Possibility of Conversation." Journal of Narrative Theory 33.1 (Winter 2003): 12-32.

    ● “Back to the Future: The Post- in the -Colonial." The European Legacy, Special issue on “Europe in Postcolonial Narratives”, 7.6 (December 2002): 693-696.

    ● “Adorno and the Postcolonial." New Formations 47(Summer 2002): 133-143.

    ● “Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project and the Postcolonial City." Diacritics 30.4 (Winter 2000): 3-14. (Published August 2002).

    ● “Benjamin in Bombay? An Extrapolation." Postmodern Culture 12.3 (May 2002): Online.

    ● “He Do the Police in Different Voices: A Bakhtinian Take on Conversational Modes in British Poetry." Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 10.2-3 (2000/2001, published May 2002): 160-174.

    ● “The ambivalence of poetic self-exile: the case of A.K. Ramanujan." JOUVERT: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies 5.2 (Winter 2001): Online.

    ● “Translation as Metaphor: The Poetry of Agha Shahid Ali." Metamorphoses 8.2 (Fall 2000): 266-278.

    ● “Singapore Poetry in English." World Literature Today 74.2 (Spring 2000): 293-299.

    ● “Knowledge and Legitimation: Response to Ambroise Kom." Mots Pluriels 14 (June 2000): Online.

    ● “Antinomial Benjamin." The European Legacy: The Journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas 4.4 (1999): 94-97.

    ● “Response to ‘Gary Snyder, Dogen, and "The Canyon Wren"’." Connotations: A Journal of Critical Debate 8.2 (1998/1999): 261-267.

    ● “Singapore and the Two Ulysses." The Arts (Centre for the Arts, NUS) 6 (1998): 24-30.

    ● “Walter Benjamin, Derek Walcott and a Poetics of the Postcolonial Lyric." Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 21.1-2 (1998): 35-41.

    ● “Yeats and Heaney: A Comparison." The Harp: IASIL-Japan Bulletin 12 (1997): 29-43.

    ● “Deconstruction and American Poetry: Williams and Stevens." Journal of Literary Criticism 1.2 (December 1984): 65-85.

    ● “Stevens and Stephens: A Possible Source." American Literature 53.2 (May 1981): 306-13.


     (Forthcoming) "Postcolonial Protest Poetry", The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Poetry, ed. Jahan Ramazani. Cambridge (UK) and New York: Cambridge University Press (2015/16).

     (Forthcoming) "Arun Kolatkar", The Cambridge History of Indian Poetry in English, ed. Rosinka Chaudhuri. Cambridge (UK) and New York: Cambridge University Press (2015/16).

     (Forthcoming) "Poetry and the Experience of Urban Space in the Poetry of Arun Kolatkar", Cecile Sandten and Annika Bauer (eds), Cross/Cultures: Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English (Series editors: Geoffrey Davis and Gordon Collier), Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2015/16.

    ● (Forthcoming) "Arun Kolatkar", The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, ed. Stephen Ross. London: Routledge, 2015.

    ● “Foreword.” Arthur Yap - ‘Noon at Five O’Clock’ : The Collected Short Stories of Arthur Yap. Ed. Angus Whitehead. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2014, pp. xi-xii.

    ● “Global Cities and Transnational Circulations: Singapore and Hong Kong”. A Companion to Diaspora and Transnationalism, ed. Ato Quayson and Girish Daswani, Oxford: Blackwell, 2013, pp. 297-411.

    ● "London: The Imperial Target." The City as Target.. Ed. Ryan Bishop, Greg Clancey, and John W. Phillips. London and New York: Routledge, 2011, 218-223.

    ● "Postcolonial writing in English from Southeast Asia". The Cambridge History of Postcolonial Literature. Ed. Ato Quayson. Cambridge (UK) & New York: Cambridge University Press, Volume 1, 2011, 352-384.

    ● "Yeats: Prosody and Poetic Forms." International Conference on W.B.Yeats and Modern Poetry: Proceedings, October 2011, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, pp. 345-351.

    ● "Introduction". Robert Yeo, The Adventures of Holden Heng. Epigram Books: Singapore, 2011, vii-xii.

    "Aura and Trace: Ruins and the City". New Essays on the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Ed. Alfred J. Drake. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010, 168-192.

    ● "The Poetry of Edwin Thumboo". Sharing Borders: Studies in Contemporary Singaporean-Malaysian Literature I (Writing Asia: The Literatures in Englishes, Volume 2. Ed. M.Quayum and Wong Phui Nam. Singapore: National Library Board, 2009, 173-89.

    ● "Problems in the interpretation of Hamlet". "Hamlet": Text and Annotations. Ed. Aniket Jaaware. New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2009, 249-60.

     ● “Prolegomena to a book on Postcolonial Poetry in English". Literatures in English: Priorities of Research. Ed. Wolfgang Zach and Michael Kenneally. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2008, 109-116.

    ● "Prolegomena to a Literary History of English in Southeast Asia". Writing Asia: The Literatures in Englishes. Vol. 1. From the Inside: Asia-Pacific Literatures in Englishes. Ed. Edwin Thumboo. Singapore: Ethos Books, 2007, 89-100.

    ● "Thinking Dialectically of North Indian Music". Music and Modernity: North Indian Music in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Ed. Amlan Das Gupta. Kolkata: Thema, 2007, 32-59.

    ● "Teaching Poetry: A Personal Account". Secrets of Good Teaching. Ed. Viney Kirpal. Hyderabad: ICFAI Univ. Press, 2006, 114-28.

    “Paul Muldoon’s ‘Incantata’: The ‘Post-’ in ‘Postmodern’". Global Ireland: Irish Literatures for the New Millennium. Ed. Ondřej Pilný and Clare Wallace. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, 2005, 61-73.

    ● "Diaspora as Translation: Literary Refractions from Asia". Asian Migrations: Sojourning, Displacement, Homecoming and Other Travels. Ed. Beatriz P. Lorente, Nicola Piper, Shen Hsiu-Hua and Brenda S.A. Yeoh. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2005, 105-21.

    ● "Benjamin on Art and Reproducibility: The Case of Music". In Walter Benjamin and Art. Ed. Andrew Benjamin. New York & London: Continuum Books, 2005, 185-208, 278-84.

    ● “South-East Asia: Historiography". A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures in English. Ed. Prem Poddar and David Johnson. Edinburgh University Press/Columbia University Press, 2005, 206-211.

    ● “SENI 2004 as process, product, and practice". SENI: Singapore 2004: Art & the Contemporary. Singapore: National Arts Council, 2004, 206-16.

    ● “Ambivalence and Ambiguity in the Poetry of Arthur Yap". Complicities: Connections and Divisions-Literatures and Cultures of the Asia-Pacific Region. Ed. Chitra Sankaran, Leong Liew Geok & Rajeev S. Patke. Bern: Peter Lang, 2003, 173-178.

    ● “Benjamin in Bombay? An Asian Extrapolation". Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text. Ed. Robbie B.H.Goh and Brenda S. A.Yeoh. Singapore: World Scientific, 2003, 191-213. [Early version of article published in Postmodern Culture 12.3 (May 2002).]

    ● “Agha Shahid Ali". World Writers in English, Vol.1. Ed. Jay Parini. New York: Scribner's, 2003, 41-58.

    ● “A.K. Ramanujan". World Writers in English, Vol.2. Ed. Jay Parini. New York: Scribner's, 2003, 553-572.

    ● “Benjamin's Arcades Project and the Postcolonial City". Postcolonial Urbanism: Southeast Asian Cities and Global Processes. Ed. Ryan Bishop, John Phillips, Wei Wei Yeo. New York and London: Routledge, 2003, 287-302. [Also published in Diacritics 30.4 (Winter 2000)]

    ● “`Notes toward a Supreme Fiction': Rajeev S. Patke on the Title's Inference," and `The Auroras of Autumn': Rajeev S. Patke on Elegy". Wallace Stevens (Bloom's Major Poets). Ed. Harold Bloom. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2003, 81-83, 116-121.

    ● “Poetry since Independence". An Illustrated History of Indian Literature. Ed. A. K. Mehrotra. New Delhi: Permanent Black; New York: Columbia University Press, London: C. Hurst, 2003 [pub. Sept. 2002], 243-275.

    ● “‘To frame a City’: The Singaporean Poet in the Postmodern City". Postmodern Singapore. Ed. William S.W. Lim. Singapore: Select Books, 2002, 107-117.

    ● “Irretrievable Fragments: Postcolonial Projects in Indian Historiography". Colonies-Missions-Cultures-in the English-Speaking World. Ed. Gerhard Stilz. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2001, 348-360.

    ● “Stevens, the Orient, and the Feminine: Versions of the Other". Ariels: Departures and Returns. Ed. Tong Chee Kiong, Anne Pakir, Ban Kah Choon and Robbie B. H. Goh. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 2001, 370-390.

    ● Articles on "Gramsci, "Fanon," "Humanism" and “Post-Fordism". Encyclopedia of Post-colonial Studies. Ed. John Hawley. Westport, Connecticut & London: Greenwood Press, 2001, 162-167, 217-220, 238-239, 357-358.

    ● “‘Is there any intellectual in this room?': An Asian Problem". Reflections on Alternative Discourses from Southeast Asia. Ed. Farid Alatas. Centre for Advanced Studies (National University of Singapore) and Pagesetters Service Pte. Ltd, 2001, 119-128.

    ● “Adorno: Asian Extrapolations". In Practice: Adorno, Critical Theory and Cultural Studies. Ed. Holger Briel and Andreas Kramer. Bern: Peter Lang, 2001, 193-202.

    ● “Walter Benjamin, Surrealism and Photography," "Walter Benjamin: the Intellectual in a Straw Hat," "Walter Benjamin’s Critique of Violence". Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition & Innovation. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Haifa University, Israel, August 16-21, 1998. Ed. Sascha Talmor, Rachel Ben-David. Published April 2001. CD-ROM. ISBN 965-555-067-2.

    ● “Benjamin's Aura, Stevens's Description without Place". Benjamin's Blindspot: Walter Benjamin & the Premature Death of Aura. Ed. Lise Patt. Topanga, California: Institute of Cultural Inquiry, 2001, 81-98.

    ● “Indian Poetry in English". AZS 431 Postcolonial Literatures in English (Asia-Pacific Version): Study Guide. Singapore: Open University Degree Programmes, 2001, 39-61, 70-72.

    ● “Poetry in English in Singapore and Malaysia". AZS 431 Postcolonial Literatures in English (Asia-Pacific Version): Study Guide. Singapore: Open University.

    ● “Postcolonial Yeats". W.B. Yeats: Critical Assessments. Ed. David Pierce, Vol. 4. Robertsbridge, East Sussex: Helm Information, 2000, 814-826.

    ● “Voice and Authority in English Poetry from Singapore". Interlogue: Essays on Singapore Literature in English, Volume II: Poetry. Ed. Kirpal Singh. Singapore: Ethos Books, 1999, 85-103.

    ● “Singapore Literature in English". Singapore Studies II. Ed. Chua Beng Huat. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1999, 46-68.

    ● “Singapore and the Two Ulysses". Interactions: Essays on the Literature and Culture of the Asia-Pacific Region. Ed. Dennis Haskell and Ron Shapiro. Nedlands: University of Western Australia and Centre for Studies in Australian Literature, 2000, 184-191.

    ● “Abraham's Promise: Violence, Critique and the Birth of a Nation". Interlogue: Essays on Singapore Literatures in English, Volume 1: Fiction. Ed. Kirpal Singh. Singapore: Ethos Books, 1998, 117-143.

    ● “Analysis in Literary Studies". Essays in Honour of Professor V.N. Dhavale. Ed. A. P. Dani & V.M. Madge. Delhi: Pencraft Publishers, 1998, 117-146.

    ● “Poetry and the Immigrant Experience". Crossing Cultures: Essays on Literature and Culture in the Asia-Pacific. Ed. Bruce Bennett, Jeff Doyle & Satendra Nandan. London: Skoob Books, 1996, 121-131.

    ● “English in the University: The View from Asia". Institutions in Cultures: Theory and Practice. Ed. Robert A. Lumsden & Rajeev S Patke. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Rodopi S.V., 1996, 262-286.

    ● “Ithacan Voyages: The Poetry of R. Parthasarthy and A.K. Ramanujan". New Perspectives in Indian Literature in English: Essays in Honour of M. K. Naik. Ed. C. R. Yaravintelimath, G. S. Balarama Gupta, C. V. Venugopal & Amritjit Singh. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1995, 112-120.

    ● “Australia as Refracted Through its Contemporary Poetry: An Indian Reflection". Australia in the World: Perceptions and Possibilities. Ed. Don Grant & Graham Seal. Perth: Black Swan Press, 1994, 211-221.

    ● “Canons and Canon-making in Indian Poetry in English". From Commonwealth to Post-Colonial: Critical Essays. Ed. Anna Rutherford. Mundelstrup: Dangaroo Press, 1991, 344-364.

    ● "Deconstruction and American Poetry: Williams and Stevens". Deconstruction: A Critique. Ed. Rajnath. London: Macmillan, 1989, 158-179.

    ● “Troilus and the Divisiveness of Experience". Shakespeare in India. Ed. S. Nagarajan & S. Vishwanathan. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1987, 1-17.


    (30 book reviews.) 


Other Information

In 1998, I produced for the Department of English Language and Literature, with assistance from the Open University and the Singapore Institute of Management, an audio Compact Disc:

Singapore Poetry in English.

A second CD, New Voices from Singapore, was published in December 1999.

Singapore Poetry CDs

LAST UPDATED:  November 2014

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