FASS Staff Profile


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Brief Introduction

Professor, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, 2016-now
 Head of Department, 2019-2022
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, 2012-2015
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 2007-2012

Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University, 2007
M.A., Economics, University of Tokyo, 2002
B.A., Economics, University of Tokyo, 2000

Editorial board:
Economic Theory, 2010-now
Journal of Dynamics and Games, 2012-now
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2013-now
International Journal of Game Theory, 2014-now
Japanese Economic Review, 2015-now.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016-2019.

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Teaching Areas

  • Game Theory and Economic Applications (EC3312, undergraduate):
    • I use R. Gibbons, Game Theory for Applied Economists (or A Primer in Game Theory).
  • Mathematical Economics (a.k.a. Math Camp) (EC5104/5104R, PhD/undergraduate)
  • Advanced Topics in Economics (EC6880, PhD):
    • In AY2013/2014, I taught an overview of repeated games.

Current Research

Game theory



  • “Non-Equivalence between All and Canonical Elaborations.” Forthcoming in Japanese Economic Review.
  • “Rationalizable Strategies in Random Games” (with Ting Pei). Forthcoming in Games and Economic Behavior.
  • “Generalized Belief Operator and Robustness in Binary-Action Supermodular Games” (with Daisuke Oyama). Forthcoming in Econometrica.
  • “Interdependent Preferences and Strategic Distinguishability” (with Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris). Journal of Economic Theory 168, March 2017, pp. 329-371.
  • “How Fast Do Equilibrium Payoff Sets Converge in Repeated Games?” (with Johannes Hörner). Journal of Economic Theory 165, September 2016, pp. 332-359.
  • “Truthful Equilibria in Dynamic Bayesian Games” (with Johannes Hörner and Nicolas Vieille). Econometrica 83 (5), September 2015, pp. 1795-1848.
  • "Contagion and Uninvadability in Local Interaction Games: The Bilingual Game and General Supermodular Games" (with Daisuke Oyama). Journal of Economic Theory 157, May 2015, pp. 100-127.
  • “The Robust Selection of Rationalizability” (with Yi-Chun Chen and Siyang Xiong). Journal of Economic Theory 151, May 2014, pp. 448-475.
  • “On the Limit Perfect Public Equilibrium Payoff Set in Repeated and Stochastic Games” (with Johannes Hörner and Nicolas Vieille). Games and Economic Behavior 85, May 2014, pp. 70-83.
  • “Coordination Failure in Repeated Games with Private Monitoring” (with Takuo Sugaya). Journal of Economic Theory 148 (5), September 2013, pp. 1891-1928.
  • “A Folk Theorem for Repeated Games with Unequal Discounting” (with Bo Chen). Games and Economic Behavior 76 (2), November 2012, pp. 571-581.
  • “Robust Rationalizability under Almost Common Certainty of Payoffs” (with Stephen Morris and Olivier Tercieux). Japanese Economic Review 63 (1), March 2012, pp. 57-67.
  • “On the Relationship between Robustness to Incomplete Information and Noise-Independent Selection in Global Games” (with Daisuke Oyama). Journal of Mathematical Economics 47 (6), December 2011, pp. 683-688.
  • “Perfect Foresight Dynamics in Binary Supermodular Games” (with Daisuke Oyama and Josef Hofbauer). International Journal of Economic Theory 7 (3), September 2011, pp. 251-267.
  • “Recursive Methods in Discounted Stochastic Games: An Algorithm for δ->1 and a Folk Theorem” (with Johannes Hörner, Takuo Sugaya, and Nicolas Vieille). Econometrica 79 (4), July 2011, pp. 1277-1318.
  • “Heterogeneous Beliefs and Local Interaction in Stochastic Fictitious Play” (with Drew Fudenberg). Games and Economic Behavior 71 (1), January 2011, pp. 100-120.
  • “Robustness to Incomplete Information in Repeated Games” (with Sylvain Chassang). Theoretical Economics 6 (1), January 2011, pp. 49-93.
  • “Community Enforcement when Players Observe Partners' Past Play.” Journal of Economic Theory 145 (1), January 2010, pp. 42-62.
  • p-Dominance and Perfect Foresight Dynamic” (with Fuhito Kojima). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 67 (3-4), September 2008, pp. 689-701.
  • “Monotone Methods for Equilibrium Selection under Perfect Foresight Dynamics” (with Daisuke Oyama and Josef Hofbauer). Theoretical Economics 3 (2), June 2008, pp. 155-192.
  • “The Number of Pure Nash Equilibria in a Random Game with Nondecreasing Best Responses.” Games and Economic Behavior 63 (1), May 2008, pp. 328-340.
  • “Perfect Foresight Dynamics in Games with Linear Incentives and Time Symmetry.” International Journal of Game Theory 37 (1), April 2008, pp. 15-38.
  • “Multi-Sender Cheap Talk with Restricted State Spaces” (with Attila Ambrus). Theoretical Economics 3 (1), March 2008, pp. 1-27.
  • “Anti-Coordination Games and Dynamic Stability” (with Fuhito Kojima). International Game Theory Review 9 (4), December 2007, pp. 667-688.
  • “Perfect Public Equilibrium when Players are Patient” (with Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine). Games and Economic Behavior 61 (1), October 2007, pp. 27-49.
  • “Infinite Horizon Common Interest Games with Perfect Information.” Games and Economic Behavior 53 (2), November 2005, pp. 231-247.
  • “Improvement Dynamics in Games with Strategic Complementarities” (with Nikolai S. Kukushkin and Tetsuo Yamamori). International Journal of Game Theory 33 (2), June 2005, pp. 229-238.


  • “On the Surjectivity of the Mapping between Utilities and Choice Probabilities” (with Andriy Norets). Quantitative Economics 4 (1), March 2013, pp. 149-155.
  • “Monotone and Local Potential Maximizers in Symmetric 3x3 Supermodular Games” (with Daisuke Oyama). Economics Bulletin 29 (3), August 2009, pp. 2096-2108.
  • “The Pure Nash Equilibrium Property and the Quasi-Acyclic Condition” (with Tetsuo Yamamori). Economics Bulletin 3 (22), 2002, pp. 1-6.
  • “On Asynchronously Repeated Games” (with Quan Wen). Economics Letters 79 (2), May 2003, pp. 239-245.


  • “Efficient Auctions and Interdependent Types” (with Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris). American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 102 (3), May 2012, pp. 319-324.


  • “Games in Preference Form and Preference Rationalizability” (with Stephen Morris).
  • “The Weinstein-Yildiz Critique and Robust Predictions with Arbitrary Payoff Uncertainty” (with Yi-Chun Chen and Siyang Xiong).
  • “Robust Equilibrium Outcomes in Sequential Games under Almost Common Certainty of Payoffs” (with Olivier Tercieux). Revise and resubmit at Journal of Economic Theory.
  • “Blackwell Equilibria” (with Costas Cavounidis, Sambuddha Ghosh, Johannes Hörner, and Eilon Solan).
  • “Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibria in Random Games” (with Ting Pei).
  • “Robustness and Information Design with Adversarial Equilibrium Selection in Binary-Action Supermodular Games” (with Stephen Morris and Daisuke Oyama).

Last Modified: 2019-11-24         Total Visits: 29994