FASS Staff Profile


(+65) 6516 4874
(+65) 6775 2646

Academic Positions

Deputy Head (Research), Department of Economics (since July 2021)

Dean’s Chair (July 2022-June 2025)

Associate Director, Global Asia Institute (since January 2020)

Research Affiliate, Sustainable and Green Finance Institute (since February 2022)

Editorial Service

Co-Editor, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (since January 2023)

Member of the Editorial Council, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (since January 2021)

Prior Academic Positions

Assistant Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2005-2013

Research Affiliate, Center for the Study of Industrial Organization, Northwestern University, 2005-2013

Affiliated Faculty Member, Transportation Center, Northwestern University, 2010-2013

Program Committee, MSc Environmental Management, National University of Singapore, 2020-2022


PhD, 2005, Economics, London School of Economics

MSc, 2000, Economics, London School of Economics, Gained Distinction

BEng, 1994, Industrial Engineering, University of Sao Paulo (EP-USP), Ranked 3rd among 550 engineering graduate

cv_salvo.pdf |

Currently: “Environmental Economics” and “Environmental Economics & Policy” (Undergraduate), “Empirical Industrial Organization” (PhD)

Previously: “International Business Strategy” (MBA), “Industrial Organization and Antitrust Policy” (Summer School), “Microeconomic Principles II” (Undergraduate)

Advisor to Post-doctoral fellows:

Rhita Simorangkir (2019-2021); Jiaxiu He (2013-2016)

Advisor to PhD students:

Zhihao Han (2022-); Hongyan Li (2019-2023); Ziqiu Ye (2015-2020); Duong Hai Long (2013-2017); Wang Yi (2013-2017)

Environmental & Energy Economics, Industrial Organization, and Applied Microeconomics in general. My current research falls under the broad theme: “Individual Behavior, the Environment, and Socioeconomic Outcomes.” I study how the behavior and incentives of economic agents, such as households, workers and firms, interact with scarce environmental resources, such as air, water, and roads. Several current projects relate to households’ awareness of the climate crisis, carbon literacy, and individual action. As my CV indicates, I collaborate across disciplines, including atmospheric sciences, environmental health, and strategic communications. My recent work focuses on Asia’s under-studied and globally critical environment and society.


  • Fesselmeyer, E., H. Liu, A. Salvo, and R. Simorangkir (2024). “Heat and Observed Economic Activity in the Rich Urban Tropics,” Economic Journal, forthcoming

    Replication data and code are available on Zenodo at https://zenodo.org/records/10121838

  • Salvo, A., Q. Tang, J. Yang, P. Yin, and M. Zhou (2024). “Fine-particulate air pollution and behaviorally inclusive mortality impacts of China’s winter heating policy, 2013-2018,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 124, 102945, DOI 10.1016/j.jeem.2024.102945

    Replication data and code will be deposited on Dataverse soon

  • Liu, H., J. Lu, and A. Salvo (2023). “Willingness to Fight on: Environmental Quality in Dynamic Contests,” RAND Journal of Economics, 54(2), pp. 189-239, DOI 10.1111/1756-2171.12435

    Replication data and code are available on Dataverse at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/IBU4G4

  • Chew, S. H., H. Liu, and A. Salvo (2021). “Adversity-Hope Hypothesis: Air Pollution Raises Daily Lottery Demand in China,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 62, pp. 247-280, DOI 10.1007/s11166-021-09353-w

    Replication data and code are available on Dataverse at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/A0WZ9D

  • Fesselmeyer, E., H. Liu, and A. Salvo (2021). “Declining Discount Rates in Singapore’s Market for Privately Developed Apartments,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(2), pp. 330-350, DOI 10.1002/jae.2867

    Material for replication is available on the JAE website at http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/datasets/fesselmeyer001/

  • Chu, J., H. Liu, and A. Salvo (2020). “Air Pollution as a Determinant of Food Delivery and Related Plastic Waste,” Nature Human Behaviour, 5, pp. 212-220, DOI 10.1038/s41562-020-00961-1

    Full-text access to view-only version of the article on SharedIt at https://rdcu.be/b8IVZ

    Replication data and code are available on Dataverse at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZFP2CC

  • Salvo, A. (2020). “Local Pollution as a Determinant of Residential Electricity Demand,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7(5), pp. 837-872, DOI 10.1086/709533

    Replication data and code are available on Dataverse at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/FW0UR8

    This paper won the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists’ Best Paper Award for 2020, awarded by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.

  • He, J., H. Liu, and A. Salvo (2019). “Severe Air Pollution and Labor Productivity: Evidence from Industrial Towns in China,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(1), pp. 173-201, DOI 10.1257/app.20170286

    Material for replication is available on the AEJ: Applied website, and anonymized worker logs are available at http://goo.gl/z1JoSW

  • He, J., N. Gouveia, and A. Salvo (2019). “External Effects of Diesel Trucks Circulating Inside the São Paulo Megacity,” Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(3), pp. 947-989, DOI 10.1093/jeea/jvy015

    Material for replication is available at http://goo.gl/GG2pgh

  • Salvo, A. (2019). “Electrical Appliances Moderate Households’ Water Demand Response to Heat,” Nature Communications, 9(5408), pp.1-14, DOI 10.1038/s41467-018-07833-3

    To allow approximate verification, water and electricity use data aggregated to usage period by two-digit postal code by apartment type triple are available at https://goo.gl/SdxJ3Y, along with all other data and computer code used to generate published results. Moreover, upon reasonable request, the water and electricity use microdata are available on an NUS Department of Economics (or equivalent institutional) computer to replicate all published results from the deposited computer code.

  • Liu, H. and A. Salvo (2018). “Severe Air Pollution and Child Absences When Schools and Parents Respond,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 92, pp. 300-330, DOI  10.1016/j.jeem.2018.10.003

    The student attendance records are protected through non-disclosure agreements (NDA). Upon reasonable request, the school microdata are accessible on an NUS Department of Economics (or equivalent institutional) computer to replicate all published results from the deposited computer code and other data, available at https://goo.gl/XQiaCu. Please follow the link to also access a sample NDA.

  • Salvo, A. (2018). “Flexible Fuel Vehicles, Less Flexible Minded Consumers: Price Information Experiments at the Pump,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 92, pp. 194-221, DOI 10.1016/j.jeem.2018.08.016

    Material for replication is available at https://goo.gl/CJQiVL

  • Salvo, A.*, J. Brito, P. Artaxo, and F. M. Geiger (2017).  "Reduced Ultrafine Particle Levels in São Paulo’s Atmosphere During Shifts from Gasoline to Ethanol Use," Nature Communications, 8(77), pp. 1-14, DOI  s41467-017-00041-5 (*PI and corresponding author).

    Open access (including all review documents) at http://rdcu.be/ugV6 

    Material for replication is available at http://goo.gl/9tNzvj

  • Salvo, A. and Y. Wang (2017). “Ethanol-Blended Gasoline and Ozone Pollution in São Paulo: A Regression Discontinuity Design,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(3), pp. 731-794, DOI 10.1086/691996

    Material for replication is available at http://goo.gl/IhsgAK or Dataverse https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/OD0DW2

  • Eizenberg, A. and A. Salvo (2015). “The Rise of Fringe Competitors In the Wake of an Emerging Middle Class: An Empirical Analysis,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(3), pp. 1-39, DOI 10.1257/app.20130104
  • Salvo, A.* and F. M. Geiger (2014). “Reduction in Local Ozone Levels in Urban São Paulo Due to a Shift from Ethanol to Gasoline Use,” Nature Geoscience , 7, pp. 450-458, DOI 10.1038/ngeo2144 (*PI and corresponding author).

    Material for replication is available at http://bit.do/salvo_geiger_data 

    All critiques the authors have received to date, as well as their rebuttals, are available at http://goo.gl/yvhXT2 

    The article was featured in the journal edition’s cover and commented in the accompanying “News and Views” by S. Madronich (2014). “Atmospheric Chemistry: Ethanol and Ozone,” Nature Geoscience, 7, pp. 395-397.

  • Salvo, A. and C. Huse (2013). “Build It, But Will They Come? Evidence from Consumer Choice between Gasoline and Sugarcane Ethanol,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 66, pp. 251-279, DOI 10.1016/j.jeem.2013.04.001
  • Deltas, G., A. Salvo and H. Vasconcelos (2012). “Consumer-Surplus-Enhancing Collusion and Trade,” RAND Journal of Economics, 43(2), pp. 315-328, DOI 10.1111/j.1756-2171.2012.00167.x
  • Salvo, A. and C. Huse (2011). “Is Arbitrage Tying the Price of Ethanol to that of Gasoline? Evidence from the Uptake of Flexible-Fuel Technology,” Energy Journal, 32(3), pp. 119-148, DOI 10.5547/ISSN0195-6574-EJ-Vol32-No3-5
  • Salvo, A. (2010). “Inferring Market Power under the Threat of Entry: The Case of the Brazilian Cement Industry,” RAND Journal of Economics, 41(2), pp. 326-350, DOI 10.1111/j.1756-2171.2010.00102.x

    An earlier version of this paper won an Antitrust Policy Award from the Brazilian Ministry of the Treasury in November 2007.

  • Salvo, A. (2010). “Trade Flows in a Spatial Oligopoly: Gravity Fits Well, But What Does it Explain?,” Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(1), pp. 63-96, DOI 10.1111/j.1540-5982.2009.01564.x

    This paper won the Robert Mundell prize for the best article by a young economist published in 2010 in the Canadian Journal of Economics, awarded by the Canadian Economics Association.

  • Salvo, A. (2010). “Sequential Cross-border Mergers in Models of Oligopoly,” Economica, 77(306), pp. 352-383, DOI 10.1111/j.1468-0335.2008.00754.x
  • Salvo, A. (2009). “Cut-throat Fringe Competition in an Emerging Country Market: Tax Evasion or the Absence of Market Power?,” Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(4), pp. 677-711, DOI 10.1111/j.1467-6451.2009.00400.x

    This paper won a Young Economists’ Essay Award from the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, in 2007.

  • Salvo, A. and D. F. Spulber (2006). “Cemex: International Market Maker in Cement.” Journal of Strategic Management Education, 3, pp. 1-24


  • Fesselmeyer, E., H. Liu, and A. Salvo (2020). “Declining Discount Rates in Singapore’s Market for Privately Developed Apartments”
  • Salvo, A. (2020). “Local Pollution as a Determinant of Residential Electricity Demand”
  • He, J., H. Liu, and A. Salvo (2019). “Severe Air Pollution and Labor Productivity: Evidence from Industrial Towns in China”
  • Eizenberg, A. and A. Salvo (2015). “The Rise of Fringe Competitors In the Wake of an Emerging Middle Class: An Empirical Analysis”
  • Salvo, A.* and F. M. Geiger (2014). “Reduction in Local Ozone Levels in Urban São Paulo Due to a Shift from Ethanol to Gasoline Use”
  • Salvo, A. and C. Huse (2011). “Is Arbitrage Tying the Price of Ethanol to that of Gasoline? Evidence from the Uptake of Flexible-Fuel Technology”
  • Salvo, A. (2010). “Inferring Market Power under the Threat of Entry: The Case of the Brazilian Cement Industry”
  • Salvo, A. (2009). “Cut-throat Fringe Competition in an Emerging Country Market: Tax Evasion or the Absence of Market Power?”


  • Deltas, G., A. Salvo, and H. Vasconcelos (2012). “Social-Welfare-Enhancing Collusion and Trade.” In: Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation, edited by Joseph E. Harrington, Yannis Katsoulacos, and Pierre Regibeau, pp. 140-160. Elgar Publishing
  • Huse, C. and A. Salvo (2006). “Estimation and Identification of Demand and Supply.” In: Quantitative Methods Applied to Antitrust and Regulation, edited by Eduardo P. S. Fiuza and Ronaldo Seroa da Motta (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, IPEA), pp. 23-151. Brasília: SDE (Ministry of Justice) [In Portuguese]


  • Salvo, A. (2008). “A Cautionary Note on the Applicability of the Bresnahan-Lau Framework.” Revista de Direito da Concorrência, 18 (special edition on cartels), pp. 11-59 [In Portuguese, prepared for the Administrative Council for Economic Defense—CADE, Brazilian Ministry of Justice]

University/Departmental Service

2021-: Deputy Head (Research), NUS Economics

2021-, 2014-2016: Research Committee (Chair since 2021), NUS Economics

2022-: Member of the University Sustainability and Climate Action Council, NUS

2022-: Research Affiliate, NUS Sustainable and Green Finance Institute (SGFIN)

2020-: Associate Director, Global Asia Institute

2020-2022: Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Representative on Program Committee, MSc Environmental Management

2019-2020: Senior Search Committee, NUS Economics

2018-2020, 2015-2016: Junior Search Committee, NUS Economics

2014-2020: Singapore Centre for Applied and Policy Economics (SCAPE), NUS Economics

2014-2020: Environment Research Cluster Steering Committee, NUS

2014-2018: Examination Matters Committee, Level 3000/Applied Economics Coordinator, NUS Economics

2014-2016: Research Committee, NUS Economics

2008-2009, 2011-2012: Co-organizer of the Strategy seminar, Northwestern Kellogg

External Affiliations

2023-: Co-Editor, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (JAERE)

2021-: Editorial Council member, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM)

2018-2020: External affiliated faculty member, Cornell Institute for China Economic Research, Cornell University

The Business Times, 9/16/2023, joint with Leonard Lee: How open data and gamification can make Singapore’s urban travel greener. Providing data on the carbon footprint of transport choices can help change commuter behaviour.

Straits Times, 4/22/2022, Ask NUS Economists, joint with Sumit Agarwal: How would a person’s carbon scorecard work? One way to assess the impact of your carbon choices is by tracking digital spending.

The Business Times, 3/1/2022, joint with Sumit Agarwal: Carbon scorecard: informing consumers so that they learn to do their bit. Introducing this will help people make environmentally-friendly choices.

Straits Times, 11/12/2021, Ask NUS Economists, joint with Soo Hong Chew and Haoming Liu: What has a rise in day trading and online betting to do with Covid-19? Research points to adversity-hope hypothesis - at times of adversity, demand for ‘hope products’ rises.

The Business Times, 9/14/2021, joint with Helena Varkkey and Michelle Miller, Are we willing to pay for ecosystem services provided by others?

TODAY, 1/22/2019, When both the rich and poor feel the heat from climate change.

Straits Times, 7/8/2015, Ask: NUS Economists, joint with Jiaxiu He: Making healthy transport policies: Can transport policy reduce pollution and improve health outcomes?

Straits Times, 4/8/2015, Ask: NUS Economists, joint with Eric Fesselmeyer and Haoming Liu: Using property prices to guide climate change policies.

Straits Times, 6/5/2014, Ask: NUS Economists, joint with Dennis Tan: Multilateral approach to abating regional haze still apt.

Lianhe Zaobao, 8/25/2023, by Chua Wei Qian: 水供成本压力加剧 我国须为水供准确定价

Lianhe Zaobao, 6/25/2023, by Chua Wei Qian: 说法识法:当碳定价法延伸到日常生活

The Business Times, 3/29/2023, by Wong Pei Ting: Asean’s place in a ‘dramatically altered’ world.

NUS News, 3/28/2023, Carbon scorecards for individuals, ESG and supply chain resilience take spotlight at Wee Cho Yaw Business Forum

TODAY, 8/18/2022, by Navene Elangovan: What will persuade S’poreans to adopt electric vehicles? Study launched to identify most effective ‘nudges’

Straits Times, 8/18/2022, by Aqil Hamzah: OCBC-NUS study to look into what would make Singaporeans buy electric vehicles

The Business Times, 8/18/2022, by Wong Pei Ting: OCBC expects fledgling electric vehicle loan business to more than triple by year-end. Bank teams up with NUS to study ways to nudge consumers towards EV adoption

Channel NewsAsia, News (recorded interview), 8/18/2022: Adoption of electric vehicles: NUS, OCBC Bank launch study to explore how to nudge drivers towards EVs

The Business Times, 9/8/2021, by Nisha Ramchandani: Freehold’s premium may provide clue on valuing infrastructure spend

NUS Business School on YouTube, 10/22/2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7M8AFvBEoE

International Business Times, 10/20/2020, by A. Chan: How Air Pollution Can Increase Food Deliveries, Plastic Waste

Channel NewsAsia, First Look Asia (live breakfast news), 1/10/2019: Severe air pollution affects worker productivity

Straits Times, 1/3/2019, by J. Seow: Prolonged exposure to air pollution lowers worker productivity: NUS study

TODAY, 1/3/2019, by Wong Pei Ting: Feeling less productive? Blame it on the air: NUS study

Market Business News, 1/3/2019, by V. Cruz: Severe air pollution undermines worker productivity, study finds

Straits Times (print Home section, page B2), 12/21/2018, by F. Choo: Poorer families use more water to keep cool: Study

Business Insider Singapore, 12/21/2018, by S. Lim: When Singapore heats up, poorer households use more water, richer ones turn up the air-con: Study

Berita Harian (page 14), 12/21/2018: Golongan berpendapatan rendah guna banyak air semasa cuaca panas: Kajian

Tamil Murasu (page 3), 12/21/2018: Poorer families use more water to keep cool: Study

Lianhe Zaobao (page 7), 12/21/2018, by Yang Yang: 研究:天气热时  低收入者多用水降温高收入家庭耗电更

TODAY, 12/20/2018, by Wong Pei Ting: Beat the heat: More affluent households turn on air-con, lower-income ones use water

Straits Times (online), 12/20/2018, by F. Choo: Poorer households use more water to beat heat while richer ones turn up air-con, study finds

Capital 95.8FM, 12/20/2018: 调查: 炎热天气下 收入较高家庭耗电量增加

O Estado de S.Paulo, 4/27/2018, by H. Escobar and P. Felix: Abertura de Rodoanel não alivia trânsito, mas melhora condições de saúde em São Paulo

Revista Valor Econômico, 4/27/2018, by D. Chiaretti: Com menos veículos a diesel na rua, internações caem 10% em São Paulo

Jornal da Ciência (Agência Fapesp), 8/1/2017, by K. Toledo: Estudo mostra que o uso de etanol nos veículos reduz a poluição por nanopartículas

TV Globo, Jornal Nacional (Brazil’s main 8pm news), 7/28/2017: Usar etanol em vez de gasolina reduz emissão de nanopartículas, diz estudo

Istoé, 7/18/2017: Estudo expõe risco da troca do etanol em São Paulo

Jornal da USP, 7/17/2017: Uso de etanol em veículos reduz a emissão de nanopartículas em São Paulo

Estadão, Blog Ambiente-se, 7/17/2017: Troca de etanol por gasolina piora poluição do ar em São Paulo

Época, Blog do Planeta, 7/17/2017: Quando o preço da gasolina cai, a poluição do ar sobe

Northwestern University Strategic Plan Progress Report 2015, Other Accomplishments of Note, p.4: Effects of Behavior at the Pump (only Kellogg research to feature in the Report)

Chemical & Engineering News (American Chemical Society), May 2014, Vol. 92, Issue 18, p.26: Ethanol Fuels Ozone Increase

Los Angeles Times, 5/1/2014, by N. Banerjee: Switch from Gasoline to Ethanol Linked to Higher Ozone Levels

Folha de S.Paulo, 4/29/2014, by R. Garcia: Álcool bate gasolina na emissão de poluente ozônio em SP, indica estudo

Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas (SINC), 4/29/2014, by S. Bailén: El uso de etanol en lugar de gasolina aumenta la contaminación por ozono en São Paulo

Spiegel Online, 4/29/2014: Smog in Brasilien: Biotreibstoff steigert Ozonbelastung in São Paulo

Nature, News, 4/28/2014, by M. Peplow: Ethanol fuels ozone pollution: Shifts in use between petrol and ethanol in São Paulo’s cars creates unique atmospheric chemistry experiment, reproduced in Scientific American, 4/30/2014

Fast Company, 10/15/2012: Major Companies Start To Think Local Abroad

Morningstar, 8/27/2012: Buying Behaviors of Emerging Middle Classes

Wall Street Journal (Ideas Market blog), 7/25/2012: At the End of the Day

Financial Times, 7/13/2012: Something for the Weekend

HBR Blog, 7/11/2012: The Curious Case of the Emerging Middle Class

HBR’s Morning Advantage, 7/5/2012: How to Win over Developing-World Shoppers

Science, April 2012, Vol. 336, No. 6079, pp. 292-293: Biofuels and City Air: A Marginal Effect

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