FASS Staff Profile


+65 6516 8223

Brief Introduction

Before returning to Singapore (where I was born and schooled) and joining NUS in July 2017, I lived in Australia for 30 years where I last held the positions of Professor in Cultural Studies and Director of the Research Unit in Public Cultures at the University of Melbourne.

I have published 7 scholarly books and more than 80 refereed journal articles and book chapters, including Promoting Sustainable Living (2015, with J.Karakiewicz & A.Paladino), Sinophone Cinemas (2014, with O.Khoo), Transnational Australian Cinema (2013, with O. Khoo and B. Smaill), Queer Singapore (2012, with J. Pow), Ann Hui’s Song of the Exile (2010), AsiaPacifiQueer (2008, with F. Martin, P. Jackson and M. McLelland) and Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia (2003, with C. Berry and F. Martin). My most recent essays appear in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (2017), Urban Studies (2017) and International Journal of Cultural Policy (2015).  I am an Editorial Board Member of Sexualities, Feminist Media Studies, International Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Cultural Studies Review and Hong Kong Studies.

I have received more than AUD$6m in international competitive research grants from Australia, Hong Kong and Canada. As part of my engaged research practice, I have also established more than 16 industry partnerships across the government and NGO sectors of migrant youth, multicultural arts and cultural development. Between 2010-2012, I was a Ministerial Appointment to Australia’s Victorian State Government’s Multicultural Arts Policy Advisory Committee. From 2010 to 2012, I have also led research teams in conducting longitudinal evaluation of arts and culture programs with five national, state and local government agencies in Australia.

I have received three national and university-wide teaching excellence awards. I have developed and coordinated subjects and masterclasses on Hong Kong cinema, Asian media, digital diasporas, cultural intelligence, cultural policy and cultural evaluation. I currently serve as an External Academic Advisor to the Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University (Hong Kong). I am also an Honorary Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne.

Teaching Areas

Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Critical Theory


Graduate Supervision

I am available for supervision.

I have supervised to completion more than 21 PhD theses as Principal Supervisor.

  • 2017. PhD. Josh Pocius.  From (Epidemic) Time to (Endemic) Time: The Spatiotemporality of HIV/AIDS Screen Fiction in the ‘Post-AIDS’ era.
  • 2017. PhD. Venka Purushotaman. A Cultural History of Singapore Arts Festival 1997-2007.
  • 2016. PhD. John Wei. Queer Screen Cultures in Chinese Societies: Stretched Kinship, Sinophone Mobilities, and Social Classes.
  • 2016. MA. Keren Yi. Coming Out Online: New Media and Homonormativity (co-supervisor).
  • 2016. PhD. Janaina Figueria. Connecting Pornography: An Analysis of Paid Adult Live Cams (co-supervisor).
  • 2015. MA. Leah Caluzzi (MA). The L Life: The L Word and Narrating Biographies.
  • 2014. PhD. Amanda Trevisanut. The Cultural History of SBS Independent.
  • 2014. MA. Sophie Chandra. Racial Biopolitics and New Immigration in Singapore (co supervisor).
  • 2013. PhD. Stuart Richards. Popcorn and Politics: The Queer Film Festival’s Relationship with Homonormativity and Social Empowerment.
  • 2012. PhD. Rosemary Overell. Brutal Belonging: Grindcore Music in Australia and Japan.
  • 2012. PhD. Yuen Beng Lee. Malaysian Indies Cinema (Co-supervision).
  • 2011. PhD. Yu Xing Zhou. Towards a Grassroots Filmmaking Era: Chinese DV Filmmaking since the late 1990s. (Co-supervision).
  • 2011. PhD. Maya Kriem. Islamist Modernity in Morocco: New Media, New Spaces of Contestation and Dialogue.
  • 2011. PhD. Rachael Kendrick. The stomach is a grave: epidemic obesity and the metabolic body.
  • 2010. PhD. Bobby Benedicto. Bright lights, gay globality: mobility, class, and gay life in twenty-first century Manila (Co-supervision).
  • 2010. PhD. Ramon Lobato. Subcinema: mapping informal film distribution.
  • 2009. PhD. Larissa Hjorth. The Art of Being Mobile—Gendered Mobile Media in the Asia Pacific. Published as Mobile media in the Asia Pacific  gender and the art of being mobile (Routledge, 2008).
  • 2009. MA. Alexa Tsoulis-Reay. Convergence, concern & the "real" girl: teenage girls' everyday media cultures.
  • 2008. PhD. Sun Jung. From Winter Sontata to Oldboy: The Globalization of Masculinity in South Korean Popular Culture and Its Transcultural Consumption in Japan, Singapore and the West.
  • 2008. PhD. Kristen Tytler. Insuring Intimacy: Refiguring the Subject of Risk.
  • 2007. PhD. Haiqing Yu. Chinese Media Spectacles in the New Millennium: Counternarratives of Chinese Modernity.
  • 2006. PhD. Alvin Koh. Global Bodies: Transnational Chinese Masculinity, Asian Scopic Modernities, and Contemporary Film.
  • 2005. MA. Queenie Chan. Multiculturalism as cultural policy and hybridity as creative practice in the Australian cinema: the works of Clara Law, Christopher Doyle and Tony Ayres.
  • 2004. PhD. Lachlan MacDowall. Bisexual Terrorism.
  • 2003. PhD. Peter Pugsley. Exporting The Nation: Australian Literature in the People’s Republic of China (co-supervision)
  • 2003. PhD. Olivia Khoo. The Chinese Exotic: Con-temporary Visibilities of Diasporic Chinese Femininity (Olivia Khoo).
  • 2002. MA. Penny Addison. Homogenisation and Resistance in Global Media Texts: Mainstream Australian versus Minority Muslim Internet Newspaper Representations of Muslim Identity in 1999.
  • 2001. PhD. Naseem Aumeerally. Tiger in Paradise: Postcolonial Multicultural Mauritius.

Current Research

I am working on five research projects currently-funded by the Australian Research Council, the Hong Kong Research Council, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada:

  •  “The Making of a Transpacific Film City: A Study of Minor Transnational Flows Across Vancouver, Hong Kong, and Singapore.”  Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant (Ref: 896148) (2017-2021). With Applicant Professor Helen H. Leung (Simon Fraser University).
  •  “Art precincts and cultural participation in networked public space.” Australian Research Council Discover Project (DP170102796) (2017-2020). With Chief Investigators Professor Nikos Papastergiadis (U of Melb), Professor Scott McQuire (U of Melb), Professor Paul Carter (RMIT), Professor Janine Marchessault (U of Toronto) and Professor Lily Kong (SMU).
  •  “Toward an Ethnic Cultural Citizenship: A Cultural Indicator and Mapping Study of Popular Arts Participation among South and South East Asian Youth in Hong Kong” Hong Kong Research Grant Council GRF 12660516 (2017-2019). With Principal Investigator Professor John Erni (Hong Kong Baptist Uni).
  • “Transforming Cultural Identity: East Asian Media Flows in Australia.” (2016-2018) Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP160100304) With Chief Investigators: Associate Professor Fran Martin (U of Melbourne), Associate Professor Olivia Khoo (Monash U), Professor Koichi Iwabuchi (Monash U).
  • “The Status of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Young People.” Australian Research Council Linkage Project (LP150100291).  (2016-2018). With Chief Investigators Professor Johanna Wyn (U of Melbourne); Associate Professor Gavan McCarty (U of Melbourne), and Industry Partners: Industry Partners: Centre for Multicultural Youth (Melbourne), Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship (Australian State Government of Victoria), Department of Education and Early Childhood (Australian State Government of Victoria), Access Community Services Limited (Queensland), Multicultural Youth Affairs Network of NSW (Sydney), Migrant Resource Center (Southern Tasmania), Youth Coalition of the ACT (Canberra), Multicultural Youth South Australia (Adelaide), Youth Affairs Council of WA Inc. (Perth).

Research Interests

My research covers the fields of Sinophone media cultures; cultural policy and development, and; queer Asian studies.



  • Yue, A. (2015). Promoting Sustainable Living: Sustainability as an Object of Desire (London: Routledge) (with J. Karakiewicz & A. Paladino).

    Yue, A. (2013). Transnational Australian Cinema: Ethics in the Asian Diasporas (Lanham: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield imprint) (with O. Khoo & B. Smaill).

    Yue, A. (2010) Ann Hui’s Song of the Exile (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press).


  • Yue, A (2017). “Public Spaces in the context of the networked citizen and multicultural societies.” In Martina Boese and Vince Marotta (eds) Critical Reflections on Migration, ‘Race’ and Multiculturalism (London: Routledge), 209-218. (with N. Papastergiadis, S. Mcquire, P. Carter).

    Yue, A. (2016). “Mobile Methods and Large Screens.” In N. Papastergiadis (ed) Ambient Screens (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press), 131-208 (with N. Papastergiadis, A. Barikin, X. Gu, S. McQuire)

    Yue, A. (2016). “Introduction: Screen Culture and Public Spaces.” In N.Papastergiadis (ed) Ambient Screens (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press), 3-28. (with N. Papastergiadis, A. Barikin, S. McQuire).

    Yue, A. (2016). “Queer Migration: Going South From China to Australia,” in G. Brown and K. Browne (eds) The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities (London: Routledge), 213-220.

    Yue, A. (2016). “Arts and Cultural Precincts in the Age of Participation.” In H. Koon Wee & Jeremy Chia (eds). Singapore Dreaming: Managing Utopia (Singapore: Asian Urban Labs), 52-63 (with N. Papastergiadis, P. Carter and S. McQuire).

    Yue, A. (2016). “The Sinophone Cinema of Wong Kar-wai,” in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Wong Kar-wai, ed. Martha P. Nochimson (London: Blackwell), 232-249.

    Yue, A. (2016). “Queer Asian Youthscapes in Asia: Embodied Modernities and Trans-Embodiments.” In J. Coffrey, H. Cahill and S. Budgeon (eds). Learning Bodies: The Body in Youth and Childhood Studies (New York: Springer), 23-38.

    Yue, A. (2016). “New Media in Singapore’s Creative Economy: The Regulation of Illiberal Pragmatism.” In L. Hjorth and O. Khoo (eds). Routledge Handbook of New Media in Asia. New York: Routledge, 308-321.

    Yue, A. (2015). “New Approaches to Cultural Measurement: On Cultural Value, Cultural Participation and Cultural Diversity,” in Making Culture Count: The Politics of Cultural Measurement, eds. L. MacDowall, M. Bardham and E. Blomkamp (London: Palgrave), 264-281 (with R. Khan).

    Yue, A. (2015). “Regulating Queer Domesticity in the Neoliberal Diaspora.” In E. Cheung, E. Yau and G. Marchetti (eds) Blackwell Companion to Hong Kong Cinema, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell), 284-302.

    Yue, A. (2014). “Public Screens and Participatory Public Space.” In L. Hjorth, N. King and M. Kataoka (eds) Art in the Asia-Pacific: Intimate Publics. (NY: Routledge),161-172 (with N. Papastergiadis, S. McQuire, A. Barikin).

    Yue, A. (2014). “Sexualities/Queer Identities.” In C. Carter, L. Steiner and L. McLaughlin (eds) The Routledge Companion to Media and Gender. (London: Routledge), 81-91.

    Yue, A. (2014). “Framing Sinophone Cinemas: A Critical Introduction.” In A. Yue and O. Khoo (eds) Sinophone Cinemas (London: Palgrave), 3-12 (with O. Khoo)

    Yue, A. (2014). “Contemporary Sinophone Cinema: Australia-China Co-Productions.” In A. Yue and O. Khoo (eds) Sinophone Cinemas (London: Palgrave), 185-202.

    Yue, A. (2013). “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Migration.” In I. Ness (ed) Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, (Oxford: Wiley Blackwell). DOI: 10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm344

    Yue, A. (2013). “New Media: Large Screens in China.” In C. Rojas and E. Chow (eds) Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas. (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 359-376.

    Yue, A. (2012). “‘We’re the gay company, as gay as it gets’: The Social Enterprise of Fridae.” In A. Yue and J. Zubillaga-Pow (eds) Queer Singapore: Illiberal Citizenship and Mediated Cultures. (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press), 197-212.

    Yue, A. (2012). “Queer Singapore: A Critical Introduction.” In A. Yue and J. Zubillaga-Pow (eds) Queer Singapore. (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press), 1-25.

    Yue, A. (2012). “From Gatekeepers to Gateways: Pragmatism, Sexuality and Cultural Policy in Creative Singapore.” In M. Morris and M. Hjort  (eds) Instituting Cultural Studies: Creativity and Academic Activism, (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press), 191-212.

    Yue, A. (2012). “Female Individualization and Illiberal Pragmatics: Blogging and New Life Politics in Singapore.” In Y. Kim (ed) Women and Media in Asia. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), 237-254.

    Yue, A. (2012). “Culture.” In C. Pearson (ed) 20/20: Visions for a Sustainable Society (Melbourne: Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute), 57-63 (with R. Khan)

    Yue, A. (2011). “Doing Cultural Citizenship in the Global Media Hub: Illiberal Pragmatics and Lesbian Consumption Practices in Singapore.” In R. Hedge (ed) Circuits of Visibility:  Gender and Transnational Media Cultures (New York: New York University Press), 250-267.

    Yue, A. (2011). “Urban Screens and Transcultural Consumption Between South Korea and Australia.” In D.Y. Jin (ed) Global Media Convergence and Cultural Transformation: Emerging Social Patterns and Characteristics (IGI Global: Philadelphia), 15-36 (with S. Jung) Translated and republished in Communication & Society 21 (2012): 51-78

    Yue, A. 2009. “Urban Screens and Spatial Regeneration: Evaluation Strategies for Cultural Participation.” In S. McQuire, M. Martin & S. Nederer (eds) Urban Screens Reader, (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Institute of Network Cultures), 261-278.

    Yue, A. (2009). “Film-Induced Domestic Tourism in Singapore: The Case of Krrish.” In Shalini Singh (ed) Domestic Tourism in Asia: Diversity and Divergence (London: Earthscan), 267-282.

    Yue, A. (2009). “Transnational Asian Australian Cinema: Ethics and Risk in The Last Chip.” In R. Murawska and C. Simpson (eds) Diasporas of Australian Cinema (London: Intellect), 41-50.

    Yue, A. (2009). “Asian Sex Workers in Australia: Somatechnologies of Trafficking and Queer Mobilities.” In N. Sullivan and S. Murray (eds) Somatechnics: Queering the Technologies of Bodies (London: Ashgate), 65-86.

    Yue, A. (2008). “King Victoria: Asian Drag Kings, Multicultural Sexuality and Postcolonial Female Masculinity in Australia.” In P. Jackson, M. McLelland, F. Martin and A. Yue (eds) AsiaPacifiQueer: Rethinking Gender and Sexuality in the Asia-Pacific (Illinois: University of Illinois Press), 251-270.

    Yue, A. (2008). “China’s Super Girl: Mobile Youth Cultures and New Sexualities.”  In B. Smaill and U. Rodrigues (eds) Youth Media in the Asia Pacific Region (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Press), 117-134 (with H. Yu)

    Yue, A. (2008). “Kung Fu Fighting: Doing Action and Negotiating Masculinity.” In K. Schlunke and N. Anderson (eds) Cultural Theory in Everyday Life (Melbourne: Oxford University Press), 144-152.

    Yue, Audrey (2005). “Asia: Filmmaking,” “Singapore” and “Singapore: Filmmaking,” in Contemporary Queer Culture, ed. David Gestner. (London: Routledge), 176, 354.

    Yue, A (2005). “Migration-as-Transition: Hong Kong Cinema and The Ethics of Love in Wong Kar-wai’s 2046.” In B. Lorente, N. Piper, H.H. Shen and B. Yeoh (eds) Asian Migrations: Sojourning, Displacement, Homecoming and Other Travels, (Singapore: National University of Singapore Press), 156-178.

    Yue, A. (2003). “The Wind Blows On: Forever Leslie…King of Pop, Queen of Hearts.”  In Clare Stewart and Philippa Hawker (eds) Actor: Leslie Cheung (Melbourne: ACMI), 39-55.

    Yue, A. (2003). “Shopping.” In F. Martin (ed) Interpreting Everyday Cultures. (London: Arnold), 124-139.

    Yue, A. (2003). “Eating.” In F. Martin (ed) Interpreting Everyday Cultures. (London: Arnold), 159-172.

    Yue, A. (2003). “Getting Around.” In F. Martin (ed) Interpreting Everyday Cultures. (London: Arnold), 188-191.

    Yue, A. (2003 [2009/2012]). “In The Mood For Love: Intersections of Hong Kong Modernity.” In C. Berry Chinese Films in Focus: 25 New Takes, ed. Chris Berry (London: British Film Institute), 128-136. [2nd Edition, 2009; 3rd edition 2012]

    Yue, A. (2003). “Paging ‘New Asia’: Sambal is a Feedback Loop, Coconut is a Code, Rice is a System.” In C. Berry, F. Martin and A. Yue (eds) Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia, (Durham: Duke University Press), 245-266.

    Yue, A. (2000 [2009]). “Asian-Australian Cinema, Asian-Australian Modernity.” In J. Lo, H. Gilbert and T. Khoo (eds) Diaspora: Negotiating Asian-Australia (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press), 190-199. Republished in Journal of Australian Studies 65: 190-199; and Australian Cultural History 19 (2000): 190-199. Reprinted in Creative Nation: Australian Cinema and Cultural Studies Reader, eds. Amit Sarwal and Reema Sarwal (New Delhi: SSS Publications), 217-232.

    Yue, A. (2000 [2012]). “Preposterous Horror: On Rouge, A Chinese Ghost Story and Nostalgia.” In K. Gelder (ed) The Horror Reader (New York: Routledge), 364-373. [Reprinted in C. Berry (2012) (ed), Chinese Cinema (New York: Routledge)].

    Yue, A.  (2000). “Chinese Cosmopolitanism and Media Use.” In S. Cunningham and J. Sinclair (eds) Floating Lives: The Media and Asian Diasporas (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press), 35-90 (with J. Sinclair, G. Hawkins, J. Fox and P. Kee)

    Yue, A. (2000). “Diasporic Identities: Chinese Communities and their Media Use in Australia,” Consuming Audiences? Promotion and Reception in Media Research, eds. Ingunn Hagen and Janet Wasko (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press), 40-65 (with J. Sinclair, P. Kee and J. Fox)

    Yue, A. (1999).“interface: reflections of an ethnic toygirl.” In P. Jackson and G. Sullivan (eds) Multicultural Queer: Australian Narratives (New York: Haworth Press), 113-134.


  • Yue, A. (ed) (2014). Sinophone Cinemas (Basingstoke: Palgrave) (with O. Khoo).

    Yue, A, (ed) (2012).  Queer Singapore: Illiberal Citizenship and Mediated Cultures (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press) (with J. Zubillaga-Pow).

    Yue, A (ed) (2008). AsiaPacifiQueer:Rethinking Gender and Sexuality in the Asia-Pacific (Illinois: University of Illinois Press). (with F. Martin, M. McLelland and P. Jackson).

    Yue, A. (ed) (2003) Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia (Durham: Duke University Press) (33%) (with C. Berry and F. Martin)


  • Yue, A.  (2014). New Asian Australian Communities, New Racisms, special issue of Journal of Intercultural Studies 35: 3.

    Yue, A. (2012). From Diasporic Cinemas to Sinophone Cinemas, special issue of Journal of Chinese Cinemas 6:1 (with O. Khoo)

    Yue, A. (2009). Chinese Cinema as New Media, special issue of Journal of Chinese Cinemas 3:1: 5-13 (with H.H. Leung).

    Yue, A. (2008). Transnational Asian Australian Cinema, special issues of Studies in Australasian Cinema 2:2-3. (with O. Khoo and B. Smaill)


  • Yue, A. (2017). “Trans-Singapore: Queer Asia as Method,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 18 (1): 10-24

    Yue, A. (2017). “Notes Towards the Queer Asian City: Singapore and Hong Kong.” Urban Studies 54(3): 747-764. (50%) (with H. H. Leung)

    Yue, A. (2015), “Australia’s “Asian Century”: Time, Space and Public Culture,” The Asia-Pacific Journal 13: 6: 1 (np), japanfocus.org/site/make_pdf/4268 (with F. Martin, C. Healy, K. Iwabuchi, O. Khoo, C. Maree, K. Yi).

    Yue, A. (2015). “Making and re-making multicultural arts: policy, cultural difference, and the discourse of decline,” International Journal of Cultural Policy 21:2: 219-234  (with R. Khan and D. Wyatt).

    Yue, A. (2014). “Accounting for Multiculturalism: The Utility of Cultural Indicators and the Politics of Diversity and Participation.” Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation 1:1: 1-28, http://www.conjunctions-tjcp.com/article/view/18600 (with R. Khan)

    Yue, A. (2014). “Large Screens in Shanghai,” Situations Journal: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context, special issue on Locating Desires: Screens and Urban Cultures in Asia, 7 (2): 31-55. (with X. Gu) https://yonsei.academia.edu/SituationsCulturalStudiesintheAsianContextYonseiUniversity

    Yue, A. (2014). “Large Screens as Creative Clusters,” City Culture and Society 5 (3): 157-174 (with S. McQuire and N. Papastergiadis)

    Yue, A. (2014) “Queer Asian Cinema and Media Studies: From Hybridity to Critical Regionality,” Cinema Journal 53: 2, 145-151.

    Yue, A. (2014). “Translating Gesture in a Transnational Public Sphere.” Journal of Intercultural Studies 35:4: 349-365 (with A. Barikin, N. Papastergiadis, S. McQuire and R. Gibson)

    Yue, A. (2014) “Queer Asian Australian Migration Stories: Intimate Archives Big and Small,” Sinister Wisdom: A Multicultural Lesbian Literary and Art Journal 94: 114-117.

    Yue, A. (2014) “New Racisms, New Communities: A Critical Introduction,” Journal of Intercultural Studies 35:3: 223-231  (with D. Wyatt)

    Yue, A. (2014) “Screen Cultures and Public Spaces,” Dissect 1:1:66-83 (with  N. Papastergiadis, A. Barikin and S. McQuire)

    Yue, A. (2013). “Mega Screens for Mega Cities,” Theory, Culture and Society 30:7/8: 244 - 260 (with N. Papastergiadis, S. McQuire, X. Gu, A. Barikin, R. Gibson, S. Jung, C. Cmielewski, S. Y. Roh and M. Jones)

    Yue, A. (2013). “Creative Australia and the Dispersal of Multiculturalism,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management 10:1: 25-34 (with R. Khan, D. Wyatt and N. Papastergiadis).

    Yue, A. (2012). “Queer Asian Mobility and Homonational Modernity: Marriage Equality, Indian Students in Australia and Malaysian Transgender Refugees in the Media,” Global Media and Communication 8:3: 269-287.

    Yue, A. (2012). “From diasporic cinemas to Sinophone cinemas: An introduction,” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 6:1: 9-13. (with O. Khoo)

    Yue, A. (2012). “Mobile Intimacies in the Queer Sinophone Films of Cui Zi’en,” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 6: 1: 95-108.

    Yue, A. (2012). “Notes on the Sinophone Mediascape in Australia,” Chinese Journal of Communication 5:1: 24-31.

    Yue, A. (2011). “The Chinese-Language Press in Australia: A Preliminary Scoping Study,” Media International Australia  138: 137-148 (with W. Sun, J. Sinclair and J. Gao)

    Yue, A. (2011). “Diasporic Chinese Media in Australia: A Post-2008 Overview,” Continuum 25:4: 511-523 (with W. Sun, J. Sinclair and J. Gao).

    Yue, A. (2011). “Critical Regionalities in Inter-Asia and the Queer Diaspora,” Feminist Media Studies 11:1: 131-138.

    Yue, A. (2011). “Developing a Local Cultural Indicator Framework in Australia: A Case Study of the City of Whittlesea,” Culture and Local Governance 3: 1-2: 133-149 (with R. Khan and S. Brook).

    Yue, A. (2010). “’Westie’ films and doing transnational action,” Amerasia Journal 36: 2: 33-48.

    Yue, A. (2009). “Chinese Cinema as New Media,” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 3:1: 5-13 (50%) (with H.H. Leung).

    Yue, A. (2008). “Transnational Asian Australian Cinema, Part 1,” Studies in Australasian Cinema 2:2: 97-102 (33%).  (with O. Khoo and B. Smaill)

    Yue, A. (2008). “Transnational Asian Australian Cinema, Part 2,” Studies in Australasian Cinema 2:3: 173-175 (33%). (with O. Khoo and B. Smaill)

    Yue, A. (2008). “Queer Asian Australian Migration: Creative Film Co-production and Diasporic Intimacy in The Home Song Stories,” Studies in Australasian Cinema 2:3: 229-243.

    Yue, A. (2008). “Gay Asian Sexual Health in Australia: Governing HIV/AIDS, Racializing Biopolitics and Performing Conformity,” Sexualities 11:1: 245-262.

    Yue, A. (2008).  “Same-Sex Migration in Australia: From Interdependency to Intimacy,” GLQ 14: 2-3: 239-262.

    Yue, A. (2007). “Creative Queer Singapore: The Illiberal Pragmatics of Cultural Production,” Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review 3:3: 149-105.

    Yue, A. (2007). “Hawking in the Creative City: Rice Rhapsody, Sexuality and the Cultural Politics of New Asia in Singapore,” Feminist Media Studies 7: 4: 365-380. 

    Yue, A. (2007). “Hong Kong Noir and The City-in-Transition,” Datutop: Journal of Architectural Theory 29: 94-105.

    Yue, A. (2006). “The Regional Culture of New Asia: Cultural Governance and Creative Industries in Singapore,” International Journal of Cultural Policy 12:1: 17-33.

    Yue, A. (2005). “Sex Work (Part One): Sexuality studies at the University of Melbourne,” Traffic 6: 104-131 (with B. Farmer, A. Jagose, F. Martin, S. Jeffreys, G. Willet and S. Angelides)

    Yue, A. (2000). “What’s So Queer About Happy Together? aka Queer (N)Asian: Interface,  Mobility, Belonging,”  Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Journal  1:2: 251-264.

    Yue, A. (2000). “Going South,” New Formations 40: 49-63 (50%) (with Gay Hawkins).

    Yue, A. (2000). “Multicultural Broadcasting and Diasporic Video as Public Sphericules,” American Behavioral Scientist 43:9: 1533-1547 (with S. Cunningham, G. Hawkins, T. Nguyen and J. Sinclair)

    Yue, A. (2000). “Transition Culture in Clara Law’s Autumn Moon: Refiguring The Migrant and The Foreigner,” Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context. http://wwwsshe.murdoch.edu.au/intersections. Issue 4. (September). Reprinted in Between Home and World: A Reader in Hong Kong Cinema, eds. Esther M.K. Cheung and Yiu-wai Chu (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press), 224-247.

    Yue, A. (1996). “Colour Me Queer! Some Notes Towards The Nesbian,” Meanjin 55:1: 87-99.

    Yue, A. (1994). “Australian Television/ Chinese Audiences: A Postcolonial Dialectic,” Asian Journal of Communication 6:1: 18-48 (with T. Wilson)



  • Refereed Conference Proceedings

    Yue, A. (2007). “Using blogging for higher order learning in large cohort university teaching: A case study.” Refereed Conference Proceedings. ASCILITE: ICT—Providing Choices for Learners and Learning. 2-5 December. Singapore. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/singapore07/procs/ (with B. Farmer and C. Brooks) Winner of Best Conference Paper Award ASCILITE 2008. Republished in Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 24:2: 123-136.


  • Research Reports

    Yue, A. (2017). Refuge 2016: Evaluation report on Investigating Urban Resilience in the Arts. Report commissioned and prepared for Arts House, City of Melbourne. The University of Melbourne: Melbourne. ISBN: 978 0 7340 5343 5 (with D. Trimboli and T. Di Biase).

    Yue, A. (2016). Investigating Well Being at the Melbourne Recital Centre. Report commissioned and prepared for the Melbourne Recital Centre. The University of Melbourne: Melbourne. ISBN: 978 0 7340 5271 1 (with J. Evans, K. Skewes-McFerran and T. White).

    Yue, A. (2015). Multiculturalism and Governance: Evaluating Arts Policies and Engaging Cultural Citizenship. Year 4 Report. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne (with N. Papastergiadis and R. Khan).

    Yue, A. (2014). Multiculturalism and Governance: Evaluating Arts Policies and Engaging Cultural Citizenship. Year 3 Report. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne (with N. Papastergiadis, R. Khan and D. Wyatt)

    Yue, A. (2013). Multiculturalism and Governance: Evaluating Arts Policies and Engaging Cultural Citizenship. Year 2 Report. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne  (with N. Papastergiadis, R. Khan, G. Hage and D. Wyatt)

    Yue, A. (2012). Multiculturalism and Governance: Evaluating Arts Policies and Engaging Cultural Citizenship. Year 1 Report. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne (with N. Papastergiadis, R. Khan, G. Hage and H. Ramaswarmy).

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