FASS Staff Profile



Brief Introduction



 Department of East Asian Studies, Ph.D, Princeton University

                   Major field: Twentieth-century Chinese Literature

                   Minor fields: Modern Chinese Urban and Cultural History; Film theory and Chinese Cinema

 Department of Chinese, M.A. , Contemporary Chinese Literature, Peking University

 Department of Chinese, B.A.,  Chinese Literature, Peking University

Fellowships and Awards  

2022 Spring Term, Humanities and Social Science Faculty Research Fellowship, Office of Deputy President for Research & Technology,National University of Singapore.

2020 ( May-July) (postponed)  Visiting Scholar Fellowship, International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University 

2018-2019 Princeton University Library Research Grant 

2017-2018 Harvard Yenching Institute Visiting Scholar Fellowship     

2008-2009 Faculty Excellent Teacher Award, National University of Singapore

2006-2007  PIIRS Dissertation Writing Grant, Princeton University

2001-2006  Full University Fellowship, Princeton University


Research Grants Received

1)  Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Tier 2

Topic: Chinese Popular Cultures in Post-War Singapore and Malaya (1945-1965) (PI), Amount: $693,966

Start Date: Feb 2022. Expected date of completion: Feb 2025.

2) The Wan Boo Sow Research Grant, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS

Topic: Chinese Popular Cultures in Post-War Singapore and Malaya (1945-1965)

Start Date: July 2020. Completion: January 2021.

3)The British Academy’s International Partnership and Mobility scheme

Topic: Cultures of the Chinese Cold War in British Southeast Asia, 1949-1963 (Co-applicant)

Start Date: December 2015.  Completion: November 2018.

4) HSS Seed Fund, FASS, NUS

Topic: Sinophone Childhoods and the Chinese Cold War in Asia (1940s – 1960s)

Start Date: March 2016. Completion: March 2018. 

5) Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Tier 1   

Topic: Cultural Dynamics of the Cold War between China and Southeast Asia: Cinema, Radio and Theater (1950s-1970s)

Start Date: Oct 2012. Completion: Sept 2015.

6) Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Tier 1

Topic: International Conference "Producing the Child in Modern Chinese Literature"  (2008-2011).

7) FASS, NUS, Start-up Fund

Topic: Original Subject: Producing the Child in Modern China (2007-2010)


Teaching Areas

1. GEK1007 Chinese Heritage: History and Literature : Women and Literature in Late Imperial China

2. CH2244 Chinese Women: History and Literature

3. CH2245 Modern China: Literature, Culture and History

4. CH3226 Modern Chinese Literature 中国现代文学

5.CH4225 Selected Topics: Chinese Literature III 中国文学专题㈢ (想象上海的方法:都市文化与现代中国文学)

6.CH 4226 The City in Modern Chinese Literature

7. GEH 1023  Exploring Chinese Cinema: Shanghai-Hong Kong-Singapore (in English)


Current Research

1. Transnational Cultural Networks and Asian Internationalism: China and Cultural Mobility in Cold War Southeast Asia (1940s-1960s) (work-in-progress)

2. The Child and Chinese Modernity: Culture, Nation and Technologies of Childhood in Modern China (Complete English book manuscript)

3. Sinophone Childhoods and the Chinese Cold War in Asia (work-in-progress)

4. Youth and Media Cultures in Contemporary China


Research Interests

1.Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature and Film (二十世纪中国文学及电影)
2.Cultural History of Youth and Children in Twentieth-century China (现代中国儿童文化史)
3.Modern Chinese Urban Cultural History(现代中国都市文化史)
4. The Cold War and Chinese Cinema (冷战与中国电影)



  • Monographs

    《儿童与战争:国族、教育和大众文化 Chinese Children and War: Nation, Education and Mass Culture》( 北京大学出版社 Peking University Press,2015年9月)

    The Child and Chinese Modernity: Culture, Nation and Technologies of Childhood in Modern China (Book manuscript )

    Edited Volumes

    Chineseness and the Cold War: Contested Cultures and Diaspora in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Jeremy E. Taylor and Lanjun Xu eds. Routledge, 2021. 

    《建构南洋儿童:战后新马华语儿童刊物及文化研究Remapping the Nanyang Childhood: A Study of the Chinese Children Publications in Post-War Malaya 》(与李丽丹合编)(新加坡:八方文化创作室, 2016)

    《儿童的发现---现代中国文学及文化中的儿童问题 Discovery of Children: The Problem of Children in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture》(与 Andrew F. Jones 合编)(北京大学出版社,2011年4月)

    Articles in Edited Volumes

    “Contested Chineseness and the Musical Third Sister Liu in Singapore and Hong Kong: Folk Songs, Landscape and Cold War Politics in Asia," in The Cold War and Asian Cinemas. Poshek Fu and Man Fung Yip, eds. Routledge, 2020.

    “The Child and Chinese Modernity: The Legend of Sanmao,” in A New Literary History of Modern China,  David Der-wei Wang ed. Massachusetts, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017.

    <照相技术与民国时期“儿童相”的谱系学研究Technology of Photography and the Genealogy of Child Photography in Republican China>,吴盛青主编,《旅行的图像与文本:现代华语语境中的图文互动》(上海:复旦大学出版社)。

    “Translation and Internationalism,”  Alexander C. Cook, ed.,  Mao's Little Red Book: A Global History (Cambridge University Press, April 2014), pp76-95.

    <序言:现代中国文学及文化中的儿童发现>,《儿童的发现---现代中国文学及文化中的儿童问题》(与 Andrew F. Jones 合编)(北京大学出版社,2011年4月)

    <"风景的发现"与“疾病的隐喻”:冰心的《寄小读者》(1923-1926)与二十年代中国文学中的抒情现代性〉,《儿童的发现---现代中国文学及文化中的儿童问题》(与 Andrew F. Jones 合编)(北京大学出版社,2011年4月)

    Articles in Refereed Journals

    Chinese Opera Films, the Southern Film Company, and the Cold War in Asia," MCLC (Modern Chinese Literature and Culture,USA), vol. 29, no.1 (Spring 2017), pp. 239-281.

    "The Invention of “Little Readers”: Christian Cosmopolitanism, Landscape, and Bing Xin’s Writings in the 1920s." NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in ChinaBrill, accepted with revision.   

    “Little Teachers: Children’s Drama, Traveling, and Ruptured Childhoods in 1930s and 1940s China,” Twentieth-Century China, 41. 2, May 2016: 180-200.

    “The Lure of Sadness: The Fever of Liangzhu and Yue Opera in the 1950s China,” Asian Theatre Journal  (University of Hawaii Press), vol. 33, no. 1 (Spring 2016): 104-127.

    <唱自己的歌:声音的跨界旅行和青春的文化互动---浅谈台湾现代民歌运动与新谣的关系Sing Our Own Song: The Youthful Cultural Interactions between Singapore Ballads and Taiwan Modern Folk Song Movement>, 《东华汉学Dong Hwa Journal of Chinese Studies》(台湾 Taiwan),  Vol. 21, 2015:  201-230.

    (书评论文) <儿童与中国现代性>,《中国文哲所研究集刊》2013年第四十二期(台湾中央研究院中国文哲研究所),页231-248。

    “Constructing Girlhood: Female Adolescence, Depression and the Making of a Female Tradition in Modern Chinese Literature,” Frontiers of Literary Study in China, Volume 5, Number 3 / September 2011: 321-349.


    Articles in Non-Refereed Journals


    <重读红色经典: 浅析由电视剧<钢铁是怎么样炼成的>引起的文化现象>, 《红岩》, 2001年第1期。页128-132。 后被收入 《文人实话实说》,重庆出版社,2002。

    <历史: 情感的宿命和心灵的景观---读须兰的小说>, 《小说评论》, 2000年第6期。页58-61。


    (翻译) <彭慕兰:《大分流:欧洲、中国和现代世界经济的形成》(葛以嘉)>, 《中国学术》第五辑, 2001年1月。 页310-313。

    <梅·约瑟夫:《漂流的身份:公民权的实践》(戴沙迪)>, 《中国学术》第五辑, 2001年1月。页313-315。

    Conference Papers

    "Contested Chineseness and the Musical Third Sister Liu in Singapore and Hong Kong: Folk Songs, Landscape and Cold War Politics in Asia" will be presented at ICAS 12 at Leiden, July 16-19, 2019. 

    “Leftist Print Culture and New Notions of ‘Chineseness’: Hu Yuzhi, Shanghai Book Co., and Overseas Chinese Youth in Cold War Southeast Asia,” presented at the AAS meeting in Washington DC March, 2018.

    "From Young Pioneers to Little Red Soldiers: Internationalism and the Making of Mao’s Children,"  presented at the AAS annual meeting in Toronto, Canada, March 16-19, 2017.

    "The Fever of "Space Race" in Sinophone Children's Journals and the Cold War in Asia,"  presented at the ACCL Conference in Shanghai, June 18-20, 2015.

    Chinese Opera Films, the Southern Film Company, and the Cold War in Asia," presented at the AAS annual meeting in Chicago, USA, March 26-39, 2015.

    "Translation, Beijing Foreign Languages Press and the PRC’s Cultural Diplomacy in the Cold War Asia", 宣读于「冷战时期中港台文学与文化翻译」国际学术研讨会,香港岭南大学, 2015年3月6-7日。

    "Restructuring 'Asian Film': Maoist Revolutionary Worldviews, Film Festivals and the Cold War in Asia,"  presented at the AAS annual meeting in Philadelphia, USA, March 27-30, 2014.

    "儿童与中国现代性: 重读张乐平的三毛漫画 (1930s-1960s)," 上海复旦大学中华文明国际研究中心 举办的国际学术会议"旅行的图像与文本:现代华语语境中的图文互动," 2013年12月14-15日。

    “Chinese Opera Films, the Southern Film Company, and the Cold War," International Conference on "Global Sinophonia," Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.

    "走南洋:中国歌舞剧艺社的跨国旅行及表演政治(1946-1948)," 国立台湾大学中文系,2012。

    “Translation and Internationalism,” presented at the workshop Mao's Little Red Book: A Global History organized by Center for Chinese Studies and Institute of East Asian Studies at UC, Berkeley, USA, 2011.

    "In the Name of the Child: Interiority, Landscape, and Sickness in Bing Xin's Letters to Little Readers (1923-1926)," presented at AAS (The Association for Asian Studies) annual meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2010.


    "Sentimentalism, Geopolitics and Cosmopolitanism: The Liang-Zhu Fever and Yue Opera in the 1950s China, " presented at the workshop The Cultures of Emergency: Cultural Production in Times of Turmoil. National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2009.

    "Being Homeless: The Child, Realism and the Nation in the 1930s and 1940s Chinese Films," presented at AAS (The Association for Asian Studies) annual meeting, Chicago, USA, 2009.

    "In the Name of the Child: Bing Xin's Letters to Little Readers and the Structure of Feeling in the 1920s China," presented at International Conference: Producing the Child in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 19 - 21 Dec 2008, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2008.

    "Original Subjects: Discoveries of Orphans in Early Chinese Films and the Rise of Realism, Child Welfare and Colonial Modernity ," presented at The XVIIth Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, Lund University, Sweden, 2008.

    “Monster Boys as Extraordinary Figures: Romanticized Violence and Morbid Heroism in Contemporary Chinese Youth Cinema,” presented at AAS (The Association for Asian Studies) annual meeting, Atlanta, USA, 2008.

    “Liang-Zhu Fever and the Politics of Sentimentalism in the 1950s China,”
    presented at AAS (The Association for Asian Studies) annual meeting, San Francisco, USA,2006.

    “Revolution and Narrative Politics in the 1940s: Huang Guliu’s Orphan Story on Hong Kong of the Forties,” presented at ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) annual meeting, Princeton, USA,2006.

    “Tian Zhuangzhuang’s Remaking of Spring in a Small Town: Doomed to Failure?” presented at the conference National, Transnational, and International: Chinese Cinema and Asian Cinema in the Context of Globalization -- The Centennial Celebration of Chinese Cinema and the 2005 Annual Conference of ACSS, Beijing and Shanghai,China, 2006.




    Save the Children: Problem Childhoods and Narrative Politics in Twentieth-century Chinese Literature and Film (Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University, 2007), 277pp.




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