FASS Staff Profile


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Brief Introduction


Ph.D. (History), 1995, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA   美国印地安娜大学(历史学)博士

*· M.A. (History), 1986, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA   美国印地安娜大学(历史学)硕士

* B.A. (History), 1983, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 国立台湾大学(历史学)文学士


* Head, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore 新加坡国立大学 中文系(中国研究)系主任 (July 2007 - June 2011)

* Acting Head, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore 新加坡国立大学 中文系代主任 (Aug 2004 - Dec 2004)

* Deputy Head, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore 新加坡国立大学 中文系副主任 (July 2003- July 2004; Jan 2005 to June 2006)

* Assistant Head, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore 新加坡国立大学 中文系助理主任 (July 1998- June 2001)


* Visiting Professor, Department of History, Peking University (March 2014) 北京大学历史系访问教授 (2014年3月)

* Visiting Professor, Institute of National Studies, Xiamen University, China 厦门大学国学研究院客座教授 (2008 - 2012)

* Vsiting Professor, College of Hakka Studies, National Central University, Taiwan (Oct 2010)

* Visiting Professor, Centre for Historical Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University, China (2006)

* Visiting Research Fellow, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (May-June 2013). 國立交通大學客座研究員 (2013年5-6月)

* Academic Advisor, Research Center for Social History of the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (since Oct. 2013) 中国社会科学院近代史研究所社会研究中心学术顾问 (2013年10月始)

* Research Fellow, Research Center for Social History of the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2005-2013) 中国社会科学院近代史研究所社会史研究中心特邀研究员 (2005年8月- 2013年9月)

* Advisor, Overseas Hakka Research Center, College of Hakka Studies, National Central University (since 2020)  國立中央大學客家學院海外客家研究中心咨詢委員 (2020- )

* Academic Advisor, China Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science (Hakka Studies Committee) (since 2013) 中国人类学民族学研究会客家学专业委员会学术顾问 (2013年10月始)

* Professor, Graduate Institute of Hakka Studies, Jiaying University, China (since 2006) 嘉应学院客家研究院客座教授 (2006年1月始)

* Research Fellow, Research Center for Cultural Studies in South Seas Region of Hainan Province 海南省南海区域文化研究基地特约研究员(2011年1月始)


* Member of the Editorial Board, Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 《薹灣東亞文明研究學刊》編委會委員 (2021-  )

* Member of the Editorial Board, International Forum on Shanghai History 《上海史国际论丛》编委会委员 (2014- )

* Member of the Advisory Board, Journal of Modern Life Writing Studies (Shanghai)《现代传记研究》集刊学术委员会委员 (2013 - present)

* Member of the Advisory Board, Global Hakka Studies (Taiwan)《全球客家研究》編輯顧問 (2013- present)

* Member (Overseas) of Editorial Board, Bulletin of Historical Research of National Taiwan Normal University 《台湾师大历史学报》海外编辑委员 (2012 - present)

* Editorial Advisor,   Sunology Research (Taipei) 台北《孙学研究》编辑顾问(2012 - present)

* Editor-in-Chief, Book Series on Southeast Asian Chinese Studies 《东南亚华人研究丛书》总主编 ( 2007- present )

* Editor-in-Chief, Book Series on Studies in Hakka Culture 《客家文化研究丛书》总主编 ( 2012 - present )

* Member of Advisory Board, Malaysian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 《马来西亚人文与社会科学学报》顾问委员会委员 (2012- )

* Editor-in-chief, Journal of the South Seas Society 《南洋学报》主编 ( 2012 - 2015)

* External Examiner, Institute of Chinese studies, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia (2017-2020, 2020-2023)

* Member, Resource Panel, Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall, Singapore 晚晴园——孙中山南洋纪念馆智囊团成员 ( 2011 - present)

* Founding Member of Board of Directors, Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL) 新加坡华文教研中心董事局首届成员  (March 2009 - Feb 2012)

* Executive Editor, Asian Culture 《亚洲文化》执行编辑 (1998 - 2003)

* Editorial Assistant, American Historical Review, American Historical Association, USA 美国历史学会旗舰刊物《美国历史评论》编辑助理 (1991- 1994)

* Head, Divisions of International Conference and of Planning, Pacific Cultural Foundation, Taiwan  太平洋文化基金会国际会议组及企划组组长 ( 1987 - 1990 )


National University of Singapore, Department of Chinese Studies (Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor), 1995 - present  新加坡国立大学文学暨社会科学院 中文系(中国研究系)讲师 / 助理教授 / 副教授 / 博导   , 1995年至今

* National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, (Visiting Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of History) 台湾暨南国际大学历史学研究所 (2000年)

* Purdue University, USA, (Visiting Instructor, Department of History) 美国普渡大学历史系, 1994-1995

* Tamsui Oxford College (Aletheia University), Taiwan, (Adjunct Lecturer), 1987-1990


* Visiting Scholar, Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院近代史研究所访问学者(2014)

* Visiting Scholar, Asian American Studies, University of California, Berkeley 美国加州(伯克莱)大学访问学者 (2002)

* Visiting Scholar, Center of Humanities and Social Studies, National Tsing-Hua University. 清華大學人文社會研究中心訪問學者 (Dec. 2010)

* Visiting Professor, Graduate Institute of Hakka Culture, National Kao-hsiung Normal University 高雄師範大學客家文化研究所訪問教授 (2008)

* Visiting Professor, Centre for Historical Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学历史人类学研究中心访问教授 (2006)

*  International Visiting Scholar, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing-hua University, Taiwan 清華大學人文社會學院國際訪問學者 (2006)

* Visiting Scholar, Department of History, Xiamen University 厦门大学历史系访问学者 (2006)

* Visiting Scholar, Department of History, Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学历史系访问学者 (2006)

* Visiting Scholar, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 中央研究院近代史研究所访问学者 (2003)

* Visiting Scholar, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 中央研究院亞太區域研究中心訪問學者 (2003)

* Visiting Scholar, Graduate Institute of History, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan 暨南國際大學歷史所訪問學者 (1998)

* Visiting Fellow, Institute of Oriental Culture, Tokyo University 东京大学东方文化研究所访问学者 (1996)

Teaching Areas

COURSES TAUGHT1995-2012(教授课程):


* Level 1000 modules   

    - Prominent Chinese in Colonial Singapore 

    - Freshman Seminar: Chinatowns--History and Myth 新生專題研討:唐人街—历史与神话

   - General History of China 中国通史                                                           

* Level 2000/3000modules:

     - Socio-Political History of Modern China 近代中国社会政治史

     - Overseas Chinese Society 海外华人社会

     - Chinese in Southeast Asia 东南亚华人

     - Selected Topics in Chinese History (II) 中国历史专题(二)

* Level 4000 modules 

     -  Personalities in Modern Chinese History 近代中国历史人物

      - Selected Topics on the Overseas Chinese 海外华人专题

      - Selected Topics in Chinese History: Southeast Asian Chinese and the Transformation of Modern China 中国历史专题:南洋华人与近代中国变局


* Level 5000 module

      - Topics on History of Modern China 中国近代史专题研究

      -  Prominent Nanyang Chinese in Modern China 近代中国的杰出南洋华人

* Level 6000 modules 

      - Studies in Sino-Southeast Asian Interactions 中国—东南亚:社会与文化互动之研究

      - Seminar in SE Asian Chinese Studies: The Chinese in British Malaya and Singapore  东南亚华人专题研讨:英属马来亚和新加坡华人

      - Seminar in SE Asian Chinese Studies: Hakka communities in Singapore and Malaysia 东南亚华人专题研讨:新马客家族群与社会

Graduate Supervision

Theses Supervision (论文指导)

Ph.D. Supervision(指导博士论文), as Thesis Advisor (博士生导师)

1.   Jin Yilin (金以林), 国民党的权力重组:1931年宁粤对峙研究 (Power Re-distribution in the KMT: A Study of the Power Struggle between Nanjing and Guangzhou Governments in 1931– The Power Struggle between Nanjing and Guangzhou Governments in 1931) [2004年博士,目前担任中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员兼副所长; Ph.D. 2004, current position: Research Fellow & Deputy Director, Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China] (co-supervision with A/P Lee Cheuk Yin)

2.   Goh Leng Hoon (吴龙云), 槟城的平章会馆与中华总商会:角色、领袖与帮权势力,1900-1920 (Pingchang Huiguan and Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Penang: Their Roles, Leadership and Bang Politics, 1900-1920)[2007年博士,目前任教於國立台灣師範大學國際與社會科學學院; Ph.D., 2007, current position: Associate Professor, College of International Studies and Social Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University]

3.   Li Xiaoyan (李小燕), 中国官方行局侨汇研究,1928-1949 (A study of overseas Chinese remittance through national banks and post offices, 1928-1949)  [2011年博士; Ph.D. 2011]

4.   Xue Liqing (薛莉清), 晚清民初南洋华人文化建构:一种文化空间的发现  (The Cultural Construction of Nanyang Chinese Community in Late Qing and Early Republican China: Discovery of A Cultural Space) [2012年博士,目前担任南京工业大学海外教育学院副教授; Ph.D., 2012; current position: Associate Professor, Overseas Education College, Nanjing Tech University, China]

5.  Kormphanat Tungkeunkunt (陈玉珊), The Urban Culture of Chinese Society in Bangkok: Cinemas, Broadcast and Literature, 1950s-1970s [2012年博士,目前任教于泰国国立法政大学历史系;Ph.D., 2012; current position: Faculty member of the History Department, Thammasat University, Thailand].

6. Sin Yee Theng (沈仪婷), 谱写虎标传奇:胡文虎及其创业文化史  (A Study of Aw Boon Haw and His Entrepreneurship: A Perspective of Culture History) [2013年博士; Ph.D., 2013; current position: Lecturer, Huachong Institution]

7.   Shi Yan (施彦), 林可胜与民国现代医学的发展,1924-1949(Robert K.S. Lim and the Development of Modern Medicine in Republican China, 1924-1949)[2014年博士; Ph.D., 2014]

8. Li Hengjun (李恒俊), 《疾病知识、医疗文化与卫生现代性——近代中国肺结核病的社会与文化史,1850-1940》(Tuberculosis in Modern China: A Social and Cultural History, 1850s-1940s )[2014年博士;Ph.D., 2014; current position: Faculty member of Nanjing University of Science, Division of of Modern History].

9. Tan Chee Seng (陈是呈), The Political Networks and Thought of the Young Wu Tiecheng (吴铁城), 1909-1925. [ Ph.D., 2017; current position: Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia; 现职:马来西亚理科大学历史系高级讲师 ]

10. Lai, Yu-ju (賴郁如),祖先、祖神与国家:新加坡闽客华人姓氏网络研究 (Ancestors, Ancestral Deities and the State: A Study of Clan Networks of Hokkien and Hakka Chinese in Singapore)[2016 博士, Ph.D. 2016]

11. Ma Ming (马鸣),马克思主义文艺理论在中国的早期译介,1928-1930——以“科学的艺术论丛书”为中心  (Scientific Art View Series” and the Translation of Marxist Literary Theory in China, 1928-1930). [2014年博士;目前任教于浙江工业大学外国语学院;Ph.D., 2014, current position: Faculty member of the College of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Technology University, China] (Co-supervision with Dr. Adrian Tien and Dr Jin Jin). 

12. Fan Rui (范瑞),中国现代医事形成中的地方性——以上海为个案,1927-1937 (Locality in the Making of Chinese Modern Medicine: A Case Study of Shanghai, 1927-1937). [2017年博士, Ph.D. 2017. Current Position: Faculty member of Nanjing Medical University]. (Co-supervision with A/P Ong Chang Woei).

13. Lee Chih Horng (李气虹), 从“中国人”到“台湾人”:1995年至2008年台湾人政治认同的转变(From “Chinese” to “Taiwanese”: Changing Political Identity in Taiwan, 1995-2008).[2017年博士, Ph.D. 2017].  (Co-supervision with Prof. Zheng Yongnian).

14.  Ooi Su Ling (黄淑玲), 歧异的发展道路:新加坡与台湾两地客家社团发展之比较, 1945-2017 (The Divergent Road to Development: The Comparison of Hakka Association between Singapore and Taiwan, 1945-2017). [2019年博士, Ph.D. 2019]

15. Phoon Yuen Ming (潘婉明), 革命、生活、女战士——从性別角度看马来亚共产党史 (Revolution, Lives and Women Warriors: Malayan  Communist History from Gender Perspective).  [2019年博士, Ph.D. 2019]

16. Lew Siew Boon (廖筱纹), 甘蜜贸易、华人社群与与新柔佛的崛起(1784-1917)(Gambier Trade, Chinese Community and the Making of Modern Johor, 1784-1917), [2021年博士, 现职:马来西亚新纪元大学学院助理教授;  Ph.D. 2021, current position: Assistant Professor, New Era University College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia] 

17. Deng Yu(邓宇), 从侨务运作到运作侨务: 民国时期中国驻新加坡总领事研究(1912-1941)(Per)Forming Overseas Chinese Affairs: A Study on the Chinese Consul-Generals’ in Singapore during the Republican Era, 1912-1941. On-going.


Ph.D. Supervision(指导博士论文), as a member of the thesis committee (博论指导委员会委员)

18.   Li Shufei (李叔飞), 语文政治、国族建构与新加坡华人社会权力重构:以南洋大学教学媒介语问题为研究主线 (The Politics of Language, Nation-Building and the Restructure of the Power of Singapore Chinese Society: Based on the Studies ofthe Medium of Instruction of Nanyang University) [2015年博士;目前任教于深圳大学;Ph.D. 2015, current positon: Faculty member at Shenzhen University, China].

19. Zhou Si (周思),中国八十年代儿童与“新启蒙”文化研究 (Children and the“New Enlightenment”Culture in 1980s China). [2019年博士;Ph.D. 2019]

20. Wu Qi (武琦),德教会及其跨国网络自 20 世纪 90 年代以来的建构与发展 ——以“潮汕—香港—泰国—新马”为中心 (Dejiaohui and the Construction and Development of Its Transnational Network among Chao-Shan Region, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia) [2019年博士;Ph.D. 2019]

21. Shen Yeh-Ying (沈晔滢), 断裂与再现:一贯道在印尼的发展(Disruption and Continuity: Yiguan Dao’s Development in Indonesia)[2019年博士;Ph.D. 2019]

22. Chin Hsuen Wei (陳雪薇), 建构“马来亚”想象 :新加坡华人的阅读经验与知识传递,1945-1965(Constructing the Imagination of "Malaya": Reading Experience and Knowledge Transfer of Chinese in Singapore,1945-1965). [2020年博士;Ph.D.2020]  

23. Zeng Qilin (曾麒霖),困厄中的自我修辞:新中国时期的丰子恺研究 (Expressions in Dilemma: Studies on Feng Zikai in the P.R.C., 1949-1975). [2020年博士;Ph.D. 2020]

24. Zhang Shijun (张仕隽),发轫于新马:当代潮人社团之跨国网络研究 (Originating in Malaya:  A Study on Transnational Networks of the Contemporary Teochew Associations). [2023年博士;Ph.D. 2023].

25. Ana Catarina De Sousa Goncalves De Almeida Leite, Filming Macau: Discourses and Networks, 1950s-2010s. [2023年博士;Ph.D. 2023]

 M.A. Supervision (指导硕士论文), as Thesis Advisor (硕导)

1.   Chin Hsuen Wei(陈雪薇), Wu Lien-teh (1879-1960): The Life and Thought of a Social Reformer in Malaya (炫丽中一响清凡匿流: 伍连德的一生及其思想)[MA, 1999]

2.   Lee Leong Sze (利亮时), The Transformation of Chinese Education in Malaysia, 1945-1970 (马来西亚华文教育的嬗变,1945-1970)[MA, 1999]

3.   Yuan Huidong (袁惠东), A Study of the Leadership of Tan Kah Kee in the Fund-raising Movement of the Jinan Incident, 1928-1929 (论陈嘉庚对“济南惨案”筹赈运动的领导,1928-1929)[MA, 2000]

4.   Seng Wee Pheng (成玮平), The Kuomintang-Communist Struggle in Post-War Singapore Chinese Society, 1945-1949(战后国共斗争与新加坡华人社会,1945-1949)[MA, 2001]

5.   Chin Vei Nyuk (陈伟玉), The Nanyang Headquarters of the Revolutionary Alliance and the 1911 Revolution (同盟会南洋支部领袖与辛亥革命)[MA, 2001]

6.   Low Geok Ling (刘玉玲), A Study of Educationalist Liew Yuen Sien and Singapore Chinese Girls’ Education (教育家刘韵仙与新加坡女子教育研究)[MA, 2002]

7.   Goh Shiao Yuen, Sharon (吴晓云), A Study of Chinese Response to Japan’s 21 Demands of 1915 in Singapore and Malaya(1915年二十一条在新马的反响)[MA, 2004]

8.   Ong Siew Ling (翁秀霖), A Comparative Study of the 1908 Anti-Japanese Boycott in China and Singapore-Malaya(一九零八年抵制日货运动:中国与新马的比较研究)

9.   Kee Miew Che (纪妙芝), The Chinese Association of Johor Bahru and Chinese Education (新山中华公会与华文教育)

10.  Hu Tian Tian (胡田田), Fu Wumen and Chinese Press in Singapore, 1929-1941 (傅无闷与新加坡华文报业)[MA, 2004]

11.  Sin Yee Theng (沈仪婷), The 1920 Crisis of Chinese Education in British Malaya: a Study of the Responses of Yu Peigao and Zhong Lechen(新马华教使者余佩皋和钟乐臣与1920年学校注册法令之研究)[MA, 2004]

12. Ye Shujing (叶舒静), Singapore Hakka Women: A Study of Migration Life and Cultural Identiti (新加坡客家女性:移民生活与文化认同研究)[MA, 2008]

13. Lim Yu Ching (林佑璟), The anti-communist movements and the impact on the Thai-Chinese community during the cold war, 1950-1955 (冷战时期泰国的反共政策及其对华社的影响, 1950-1955年) [MA, 2009]

14.Chong Ren Jie Henry (庄仁杰), A comparative study of Chinese national product movements: China and British Malaya, 1912-1941 (中国国货运动 : 中国和英属马来亚的比较硏究, 1912-1941). [MA, 2009]

15. Tong Wenxu (佟文旭), Singapore Chinese Community and Its Relationship with the Chinese and English Schools, 1900-1941 (新加坡华社与华校和英校的关系,1900-1941). [MA, 2017]

16. Deng Yu (邓宇), 十九世纪末二十世纪初马来亚华人锡矿家跨域经营之研究 (A Study of Cross-Regional Activities of Malayan Chinese Tin Miners During the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries). [MA, 2019]

17. Peng Chengxin (彭诚鑫), 近代中国的侨生政策、侨校与华侨学生会:跨域视野下的新认识,1840-1937 (Overseas Chinese Students’ policy, school and Unions in Modern China: New Understanding From a trans-boundary Perspective ,1840-1937). [MA, 2019].

18. Sheng Hui Ling (盛惠龄), 商业投资?实业救国?南洋中华实业有限公司在中国的考察和投资抉择  Business Investment or National Salvation? A Study of the Nanyang Chinese Industrial Company’s Field Study and Decision of Investment in China. [MA, 2021]

19. Chan Xiao Ching (陈晓晴),on-going【topic to be decided】

Current Research

1.  Southeast Asian Chinese Intellectuals and Modern China  南洋知识分子与近代中国

2.  Cross-regional studies on the overseas Chinese 跨域研究海外华人

3.  Urban Culture and Society in Modern China 近代中国城市文化与社会

4.  Wu Lien-Teh studies 伍连德研究

Research Interests


Studies in Modern China 近代中国研究:

          Influential overseas Chinese in modern Chinese history  影响中国近代史的海外华人 

·         Popular protests and boycott movements in modern China  近代中国的民众抗争与抵制运动

·         Political, social and cultural transformation in late Qing China  清末政治、社会和文化的转变

Studies in Chinese Overseas/Ethnic Chinese 海外华人研究:

·         Cross-regional studies on the overseas Chinese  跨域研究海外华人

          The Chinese in British Malaya and Singapore  英属马来亚和新加坡华人

·         Hakka Leaders and Communities in Southeast Asia 东南亚客家领袖与社会





  • 9. 黃賢強《伍連德新論——南洋知識分子與近現代中國醫衛》。臺大哈佛燕京學術叢書14(臺北:臺大出版中心,2023年3月)。452頁。ISBN:9789863507109

    WONG Sin Kiong, Wu Lien-Teh Revisited: The Nanyang Intelligentsia and Modern Medicine in China. National Taiwan University & Harvard-Yenching Institute Academic Book Series No.14. (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2023). 452 pages. ISBN:9789863507109   https://www.harvard-yenching.org/research/wu-lien-teh-revisited/ 

    Book reviews (1): Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS) 96, no. 2 (2023): 128-130. https://doi.org/10.1353/ras.2023.a916919 ; (2): China and Asia: A Journal in Historical Studies (Brill), vol. 3 (2023): 257-260. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bSJaxZtTKXCFgziNwfhR1xTxxqJP3Dd7/view?usp=drive_link

  • 8. 黄贤强《跨域研究中国侨领与东南亚华人社会》(杭州:浙江大学出版社,2023年)。354页。

    WONG Sin Kiong, Cross-boundary Studies on Overseas Chinese Leaders and Southeast Asian Chinese Society. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, July 2023. 354 pages. ISBN: 9787308214919

  • 7. 黄贤强《革命运动、跨域人物、社会图像:东南亚华人研究与视野 》(厦门:厦门大学出版社,2022年9月)312页。WONG Sin Kiong, Revolution, Personalities, and Society: Perspectives on the Chinese in Southeast Asia (Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, September 2022), 312 pp. ISBN:756158668X, 9787561586686 https://nanyang.xmu.edu.cn/info/1112/20660.htm  

    书评 (Book review):《华人研究国际学报》(The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies), vol 15, no. 1 (June 2023): 139-142.

  • 6. 黄贤强、廖筱纹、邓宇等著《中国与东南亚研究:跨域田野考察与论述》。新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、茶阳(大埔)会馆客家文化研究室、茶阳(大埔)基金会、八方文化创作室,2018年9月),306 pp. [Wong Sin Kiong, et al., China and Southeast Asia: Cross-Regional Field Work and Essays. Singapore: NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Char Yong Association, Global Publishing,  2018]   
  • 4new ed.  黃賢強《跨域史學:近代中國與南洋華人研究的新視野》。臺北市:龍視界,2015年3月。320頁。【原版:厦门大学出版社,2008年】

    [Wong Sin Kiong, Trans-regional and Cross-disciplinary History: New Perspectives on Modern China and Nanyang Chinese Studies. Taiwan edition, 2015] .

  • 5. 黄贤强著,高俊译《1905年抵制美货运动:中国城市抗争的研究》(上海:上海辞书出版社,2010)。
  • 4. 黄贤强《跨域史学:近代中国与南洋华人研究的新视野》。厦门:厦门大学出版社,2008年10月。290页。

    [Wong Sin Kiong, Transboundary History: New Perspectives on Modern China and Nanyang Chinese Studies. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2008]  书评可参阅/For book reviews, see: 《中国史研究》(韩国),第65辑(2010年4月);《历史人类学学刊》(中国),第8卷第1期(2010年4月);《华人研究国际学报》(新加坡),第2卷第1期(2010年6月)等。

  • 3. Sin-Kiong Wong. Singapore Chinese Society in Transition: Business, Politics and Socio-Economic Change, 1945-1965

    [新加坡华人社会之嬗变:商业、政治和社会经济转变,1945-1965] (co-authored with H. Liu). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2004. 299 pp.

  • 2. Wong, Sin Kiong. China's Anti-American Boycott Movement in 1905: A Study in Urban Protest. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2002. 216 pp.
  • 1. 黄贤强《海外华人的抗争:对美抵制运动史实与史料》。新加坡:新加坡亚洲研究学会,2001。286 页。

    [Wong Sin Kiong, The Anti-American Protest in Chinese Communities Overseas: History and Documents. Singapore: Singapore Society of Asian Studies, 2001. 286 pp.]


  • 17. 黄贤强主编《会馆、社群与网络:客家文化学术论集》。新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、茶阳(大埔)会馆客家文化研究室、茶阳(大埔)基金会、八方文化创作室,2018年9月),306 pp. [Wong Sin Kiong, ed., Locality Association, Community and Networks: Collected Essays on Hakka Culture.  Singapore: NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Char Yong Association, Global Publishing, 2018]   
  • 16. 黄贤强编著《跨域研究客家文化》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、茶阳(大埔)会馆、八方文化创作室,2015年8月), vii, 298pp.  Wong Sin Kiong, edited and authored, Trans-regional and cross-disciplinary studies on Hakka Culture (Singapore: NUS Chinese Studies, Char Yang Association, Global Publishing, 2015).
  • 15. 黄贤强、陈丁辉、潘宣辉主编《辛亥革命、孙中山和革命志士:历史、记忆与反思》(新加坡:晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆、新加坡国立大学中文系,2012年),286页.

    WONG Sin Kiong, TAN Teng Phee, Shuan PHUA, eds., 1911 Revolution, Sun Yatsen and Revolutionaries: History, Memory and Reflection (Singapore: Sun Yatsen Nanyang Memorial Hall and NUS Department of Chinese Studies, 2012). 286pp.

  • 14. 黄贤强、陈丁辉、潘宣辉主编《辛亥革命、孙中山和革命志士:理想、实践与新世纪展望》(新加坡:晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆、新加坡国立大学中文系,2012年),302页。

    WONG Sin Kiong, TAN Teng Phee, Shuan PHUA, eds., 1911 Revolution, Sun Yatsen and Revolutionaries: Ideal,  Practice and  Prospect for the New Century (Singapore: Sun Yatsen Nanyang Memorial Hall and NUS Department of Chinese Studies, 2012), 302pp.

  • 13. Wong Sin Kiong, ed., Confucianism, Chinese History and Culture(Singapore: World Scientific, 2012), 253pp.

  • 12. 黄贤强主编《走进客家社会:田野考察、文化研究》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、茶阳(大埔)会馆、八方文化创作室,2012年3月)214pp。

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed., Exploring Hakka Society: Fieldwork, Cultural Studies (Singapore: NUS Chinese Studies, Char Yang Association, Global Publishing, 2012) .

  • 11. 黄贤强主编《汉学名家论集——吴德耀文化讲座演讲录》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、八方文化创作室,2011)。

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed. Masterpieces of prominent scholars in Chinese Studies: A Collection of the Wu Teh Yao Memorial Lectures (Singapore:  NUS Chinese Studies and Global Publishing, 2011) .

  • 10. 黄贤强主编《族群、历史、文化:跨域研究东南亚与东亚》(新加坡国立大学中文系、八方创作室,2011年)上、下两册,687页。

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed. Ethnicity, History and Culture: Trans-regional and Cross-disciplinary Studies on Southeast Asia and East Asia-- In Honor of Wang Gungwu on His 81st Birthday. 2 volumes. (Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies of the National University of Singapore & Global Publishing Co., 2011)

  • 9. 黄贤强、柯思仁合编《跨领域对话与碰撞》(新加坡:青年书局,2009年4月)。345页。

    Wong Sin Kiong and Quah Sy Ren, eds. Cross-disciplinary Dialogue and Collision: Collected Essays of Chinese Studies Graduate Students of NUS and NTU. (Singapore: Youth Books, 2009).

  • 8. 黄贤强主编《新加坡客家文化与社群》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、客属总会、茶阳[大埔]会馆,2008年9月),260页。

     Wong Sin Kiong, ed. Hakka Culture and Communities in Singapore (Singapore: Dept of Chinese Studies of NUS, Nanyang Khek Association, Chayang [Dabu] Association, 2008), 260 pp.

  • 7.  黄贤强主编《新加坡客家》(桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2007),387页。

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed., Singapore Hakka (Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2007), 387pp.  [Table of Contents and Foreword are available in pdf file] 

  • 6.  黄贤强编《吉隆坡与槟城华人社会——历史书写与记忆》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系,2006),194页。

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed. Chinese Societies of Kuala Lumpur and Penang: Historical Writings and Memories. Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, 2006. 194 pp.

  • 5. 黄贤强编著《文明抗争:近代中国与海外华人论集》。香港:香港教育图书公司,2005。304页。

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed. Civilized Protests: Essays on Modern China and the Chinese Diaspora. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing, 2005. 304 pp. [for book review, see: The International Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 6, Issue 2, July 2009, pp. 275-278]

  • 4. 陈剑虹、黄贤强编著《槟榔屿华人研究》(槟城、新加坡:韩江学远华人文化馆、新加坡国立大学中文系联合出版,2005),344页。

    Tan Kim Hong & Wong Sin Kiong, eds., Studies on the Chinese in Penang (Singapore & Penang: Department of Chinese Studies of the National University of Singapore & Chinese Heritage Centre of Han Chiang College, 2005), 344 pp.

  • 3. 黄贤强编《槟城华人社会与文化》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系,2005)

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed. Chinese Society and Culture of Penang (Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, 2005). 244 pp.

  • 2. 黄贤强编《新马华人社会与文化》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系,2004),234页。

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed. Chinese Society and Culture in Singapore and Malaya. Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, 2004. 234 pp.

  • 1. 黄贤强编《孙中山思想与当代世界研讨会论文集》。台北:太平洋文化基金会,1990。291页。

    Wong Sin Kiong, ed. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Thought of Sun Yat-sen and the Modern World. Taipei: Pacific Cultural Foundation, 1990. 291 pp.


  • 43. Wong Sin Kiong, “The Manchurian Plague and the International Plague Conference: Revisiting Wu Lien-Teh,” in Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology 4.2 (2020): 35-72. 
  • 42. 黄贤强、孙雅惠<新加坡的五四纪念:以1949年至2009年的新闻报章为分析史料>,《马来西亚华人研究学刊》,第23期(2020):17-32.   Wong Sin Kiong & Sun Ya Hui, “May Fourth Commemoration in Singapore: An Analysis of News Reports from 1949 to 2009,”  Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies, vol. 23 (2020): 17-32.
  • 41. 黄贤强,<东南亚—台湾—闽粤:两大家族的跨地域婚姻与政商网络> ,《华人研究国际学报》 第11卷 第2期(2019年12月),页59–80。WONG Sin Kiong, “Southeast Asia, Taiwan and South China: A Transregional Marriage of Two Families and their Political and Business Networks” , The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies, vol.11, no.2, pp. 59-80.
  • 40.  黄贤强, <清末中国驻马来亚领事官梁碧如家族的跨域研究> ,《八桂侨刊》,2019年(3月)第1期(总125期),页66-74. WONG Sin Kiong,  "A Chinese Consul in Malaya during the Late Qing Period: A Cross-regional study of Liang Biru and his family," Overseas Chinese Journal of Bagui, vol.1 (2019), pp. 66-74
  • 39. 黄贤强,<发现海外华人知识分子——《寰球中国学生报》中的东南亚华人列传>,《现代传记研究》第9辑秋季号(2017年11月),页93-109。WONG Sin Kiong, “Discovering overseas Chinese intellectuals: Biographies of the Nanyang Chinese in a Journal in modern China”.  Journal of Modern Life Writing Studies, vol. 9 (Nov 2017) ,pp.93-109.
  • 38. 黄贤强,< 新马客家导论>,《全球客家研究》,第9期(2017年11月),页67-76.  Wong Sin Kiong, “Introduction to Studies on Hakka in Singapore and Malaysia” in Global Hakka Studies,     vol.9 (Nov. 2017), pp.67-76.
  • 37. 黄贤强白月,〈从张榕轩侍郎荣哀录》看张煜南的跨域人际网络〉,《华侨华人文献学刊》第一辑(2015年9月):55-69.  Wong Sin Kiong and Bai Yue, "Discussion on Zhang Yunan's Cross-regional Social Network through Souvenir in Memory of the late Zhang Rongxuan," Journal of World Confederation of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas  Studies (Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing. China): vol.1, pp. 50-59.
  • 36. 黄贤强,〈潔養堂的重現和變遷:田野考察紀要〉,《全球客家研究》第4期(2015年5月):143-158.  Wong Sin Kiong, "The Discovery and Transformation of a Hakka House: A Fieldwork Report", Global Hakka Studies, vol. 4 (2015): 143-158.
  • 35. Wong Sin Kiong, et. al., “Producing and reconstructing knowledge on China in Singapore: perspectives from the academics and mass media”, Asian Ethnicity, vol. 16, no.1 (Jan 2015): 8-27.
  • 34. 黄贤强〈时空、史料与史观 — 伍连德传的比较研究〉,《现代传记研究》, 第2辑(2014年),页69-83。

    Wong Sin Kiong, “Time and Space, Historical Materials and Interpretations: A Comparative Study of Life Writings on Wu Liande,” Journal of Modern Life Writing Studies, vol. 2 (2014), pp. 69-83.

  • 33. 黄贤强〈革命志士陳武烈在南洋和中國的跨域活動〉,《孙学研究》,第16期(2014年),页125-146。

    Wong Sin Kiong, "Revolutionary Tan Boo Liat and his cross-regional activities in Southeast Asia and China”,Sunology Research, no.16 (2014), pp.125-146.

  • 32. 陈雪薇,黄贤强〈清末民初的政治官员及知识群体——以伍连德的记忆与自传书写为中心的考察〉,《民国研究》(南京),总第25辑(2014年5月),页24-50。

    CHIN Hsuen Wei and WONG Sin Kiong, “Political officials and intellectuals in late Qing and Early Republican: Views from Wu Liande’s autobiography,” Studies on Republican China, vol. 25 (2014), pp. 24-50.

  • 31. 黄贤强〈中国政治在南洋:从厦大校长林文庆在新加坡遭枪击事件谈起〉,《南洋学报》,第67期(2013年12月), 页3-23。

    WONG Sin Kiong, "China's Politics in Nanyang: Reflections from the Lim Boon Keng's Gunshot Incident in Singapore", Journal of South Seas Society, vo.67 (Dec. 2013), pp. 3-23.

  • 30. 黃賢強、賴郁如〈新加坡客家:研究機構和近年研究綜述〉,《全球客家研究》,創刊號 (2013年11月),頁185-214。

     Wong Sin Kiong and Lai Yu-Ju, "Singapore Hakka: Research Institutions and Publications in Recent Years", Global Hakka Studies, vol.1 (Nov. 2013), pp.185-214.

  • 29. 黄贤强〈国家、族群与客家绅商:以新马两地新式学校的创建为中心〉,《客家研究》(台湾),第3卷第1期(2009年6月;2010年1月实际出版),页1-33。Wong S.K, “State, Ethnicity, and Hakka Leaders: with emphasis on the establishment of “new schools” in Singapore and Malaya”, Journal of Hakka Studies, 3, no. 1 (2009): 1-33. (actual publication date is January 2010)
  • 28. 刘轶、黄贤强〈槟城领事谢湘与该地华人社会及其免职风波〉,《华侨华人历史研究》, 2009年第3期(2009年9月),页45-54。
  • 27. 黄贤强〈南洋革命团体及其互动模式:以槟城为例〉,《南方学院学报》第3期,2007年11月。

    Wong Sin Kiong, “Nanyang Revolutionary Organizations and Their Patterns of Interaction: A Case Study of Penang”, The Journal of Southern College, vol. 3 (2007).

  • 25. 黄贤强〈イギリス人と清末の改革及び革命--1900年「日本刺客事件」の再検討〉,《孙文研究》(日本神户),第39辑(2006年3月),页45-58。

    “British Perspective on the Chinese Reform and Revolution: Revisited the Incident of the ‘Japanese Assassins’ of 1900”, Journal of Sun Yat-sen Studies (Kobe, Japan), vol. 39 (March 2006), pp. 45-58. [in Japanese]

  • 24. 黄贤强〈槟城华人妇女问题——以《槟城新报》之女子教育论述为中心〉(Chinese Women in Penang: Comments on Women's Education in Penang Sin Pao),《马来西亚华人研究学刊》,第7期(2004),页43-65。


  • 23. 黄贤强〈清末槟城副领事戴欣然与南洋华人方言群社会〉,《华侨华人历史研究》,2004年第3期 ,页51-58.


  • 22. 黄贤强〈海外華人與近代中國:1905年抗美運動研究的新視角〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》 第44期(2004年6月),页31-62.

    Wong Sin Kiong, “Overseas Chinese and Modern China: New Perspectives on the 1905 Anti-American Movement”, Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, vol. 44 (June 2004), pp. 31-62.

  • 21. 黄贤强〈1950年代新加坡华校的学潮〉,台北《亚太研究通讯》,第18期(2002.12),页28-41。


  • 20. Wong, SK. "Die for the Boycott and Nation: Martyrdom and the 1905 Anti-American Movement in China", Modern Asian Studies (Cambridge Univ. Press), vol. 35, part 3 (Jul. 2001): 565-588.


  • 19. Wong, SK. "Mobilizing a Social Movement in China: Propaganda of the 1905 Boycott Campaign", Chinese Studies [汉学研究] (Taipei), vol. 19, no.1 (June 2001): 375-408.


  • 18. 黄贤强<澳洲华人与1905年抗美运动> [The Australian Chinese and the 1905 anti-American movement],北京《华侨华人历史研究》,第3期(2000),页 54-64。


  • 17. Wong, SK. "The Making of a Chinese Boycott: The Origins of the 1905 Anti-American Movement", American Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 6, no. 2(1999), pp. 123-148.


  • 16. Wong, SK. "Huiguan 21" to Look into Past, Present and Future of  Chinese Clan Associations in Singapore", Asian Culture Quarterly (Taipei), vol. 27, no.1 (Spring, 1999), pp.35-46.


  • 15. Wong, SK. "The 1905 Anti-American Boycott in China: A Study of Different Perspectives", Asian Culture Quarterly (Taipei), vol. 27, no. 2 (Summer, 1999), pp. 7-18.


  • 14. 黄贤强〈客籍领事梁碧如:槟城的外交官、教育家和慈善家〉[Hakka consul Liang Biru: Diplomat, educator and philanthropist in Penang],中央研究院《东南亚区域研究通讯》,第7期(1999年4月),页16-30。


  • 13. 黄贤强 〈十九世纪槟城华人社会领导阶层的第三股势力》[The third force in the 19th century Chinese leadership in Penang],新加坡《亚洲文化》,第23期(1999),页95-102。


  • 12. Wong, SK. "The Chinese Boycott: A Social Movement in Singapore and Malaya in the Early Twentieth Century", Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto), vol. 36, no.2 (Sept. 1998), pp. 230-253.


  • 黄贤强〈动物化文图与近代中国的反教排外运动〉[Animal epithets and antiforeignism in modern China],新加坡国立大学《东亚论文》,第10期(1998年),24页。


  • 11. Wong, SK. "Women for Trade: Chinese Prostitution in Late Nineteenth-Century Penang", Journal of the South Seas Society (Singapore), vol. 53 (Dec. 1998), pp. 171-184.


  • 10. 黄贤强〈动物化文图与清末反教排外运动〉[Animal imagery and antiforeignism in late Qing China],台湾新竹《清华学报》,新28卷第4期 (1998年12月),页461 - 485。


  • 9 黄贤强〈梁碧如:二十世纪初期槟城华人社会的领袖〉[Liang Biru: a community leader in Chinese society of Penang in the early 20th century],吉隆坡《马来西亚华人研究学刊》, 第2期 (1998年12月),页1 - 17。


  • 8. 黄贤强<客籍领事与槟城华人社会>,新加坡《亚洲文化》,第21期(1997),页181-191。


  • 7. 黄贤强 <1905年抵制美货运动与新马华人社会> [The 1905 anti-American boycott and the Chinese society in Singapore and Malaya],吉隆坡《马来西亚华人研究学刊》,第1期 (1997),页17-32。


  • 6. Wong, SK (with Wasserstrom, J.). "Taunting the Turtles and Damning the Dogs: Animal Epithets and Political Conflict in Modern China"  in Jeffrey Wasserstrom and Sue Tuohy, eds., Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series on Language and Politics in Modern China.  No. 9 (Bloomington: East Asian Studies Center, Indiana University, Summer 1996),  pp. 23-59.


  • 5. 黄贤强<艾丽丝中国见闻录> [Alice Roosevelt and her visit to China],  台北《历史月刊 》, 第100 期(1996),页 128-132.


  • 4. 黄贤强〈孙中山与1905年抵制美货运动的关系〉 [Sun Yatsen and the anti-American boycott of 1905] 《中山大学学报论丛》,第5期(1995年), 页94-103。


  • 3. 黄贤强<华侨冯夏威与1905年抵制美货运动> [Overseas Chinese Feng Hsia-wei and the anti-American boycott of 1905],  台北《海外华人研究》, 第3期 (1995),页195-210.


  • 2. Wong, SK. "The Tatsu Maru Incident and the Anti-Japanese Boycott of 1908: A Study of Conflicting Interpretations," Chinese Culture (Taipei), vol. 34, no.3 (1993), pp. 77-92.


  • 1. Wong, SK. "Chinese Ministers' Diplomacy and Chinese Immigration in the United States, 1875-1906," Chinese Culture (Taipei), vol. 30, no.3 (1989), pp. 51-61.



  • 43. 黃賢強《國家、族群與客家紳商:以新馬兩地新式學校的創建為中心》,收录于張翰璧、蕭新煌主編《臺灣的海外客家研究》(台北:巨流圖書, 2021),页 199-218. Wong Sin Kiong, “State, Ethnicity, and Hakka Entrepreneurs: with emphasis on the founding of modern schools in Singapore and Malaysia” in Zhang H.B. and Hsiao HH, eds., Overseas Hakka Studies in Taiwan (Taipei: Ju Liu Books, 2021), pp.199-218.
  • 42. Wenxu TONG and Sin Kiong WONG,  “Chinese Community and Leaders’ Sponsorship for Singapore Schools: Case Studies of the Chinese High School and Raffles Institution,” in C.H. You & J. Qu, eds., The Cultural Legacies of Chinese Schools in Singapore and Malaysia (UK & US: Routledge, 2021), pp. 61-79.
  • 41. 黄贤强,<未竟之實業救國——黃強將軍在南洋和臺灣的考察> ,收录於《近代台湾与东南亚》(台北:国立台湾图书馆,2019年2月),第259-272页。WONG Sin Kiong, “An Incomplete Plan of Saving China through Agricultural Industry: General Huang Qiang and His Study Trips to Nanyang and Taiwan,” in Modern Taiwan and Southeast Asia (Taipei: National Library of Taiwan, 2019 ), pp. 259-272.
  • 40. 邹胜男、黄贤强,<书写莲山双林寺:多重意义的空间——以游记文本为中心的论述> ,收录于《双林禅寺120周年文集》(新加坡:双林寺,2018年12月),第210-221页。Zou Shengnan and Wong Sin Kiong, “Travel writings on Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery: multiple meanings of space” in Collective Essays of the 120 Anniversary of Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery (Singapore: Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery, 2018), pp.210-221.
  • 39. 黃賢強,<生榮和死哀:論東南亞客家富商的跨域人際網絡和類型>,收錄於张维安主编《在地、南向與全球客家》(新竹:国立交通大学出版社,2017年11月),页275-295。(WONG Sin Kiong, "Cross-regional network of Chinese tycoons in Southeast Asia",in Chang WA, ed., Hakka Studies in Taiwan, Southeast Asia and the World, 2017).
  • 38. 黄賢強,<孫文と世界觀を有する南洋知識人との交流と連動>(日译:冈野翔太),发表于日本孙文研究会编《孫文とアジア太平洋——ネイションを越えて》(东京:汲古书院,2017年11月),页198-215。Wong Sin Kiong, “Intellectual Interactions between Sun Yatsen and Asian Intelligentsia”. In Y. Ogata (Ed.), Sun Yat-sen and the Asia-Pacific: Crossing over Nations. Tokyo: Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin, 2017).
  • 37. 黄贤强,<从“帮群共治”到“帮群隐治”:同济医院领导层的跨方言群结构和演变> 收录于《同济医院150周年文集》(新加坡:同济医院,2017年9月) [WONG Sin Kiong, "From Bang Cooperation to Bang Undercover Operation: The Cross-Dialect  Group Structure and Transformation of Leadership of the Thong Chai Medical Institution”. In Essays on 150-Year of the Thong Chai Medical Institution, pp. 134-143].
  • 36. 赖郁如、黄贤强〈新加坡島國的客家會館:類型、特點與歷史發展〉,江柏伟、王秋桂主编《历史岛屿的未来:金門歷史、文化與生態國際學術研討會论文集》(金门:金门国家公园管理处,2015年12月),页211-224。“Hakka Associations of Singapore: Category, Character and Historical development”, in The Future of a Historical Island: The Proceedings of the Conference on Kinmen’s History, Culture, Ecology (Kinmen: National Park of Kinmen, 2015), pp. 211-224.
  • 35. 黄贤强,<近代中国与世界:一个知识分子的跨域研究〉,《第三届近代中国与世界国际学术研讨会论文集》,第三卷:文化•思想(北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2015 年8月),页1632-1644。   “Modern China and the World: A trans-regional and cross disciplinary study of an Intellectual” , in Proceedings of the Conference on the 3rd Modern China and the World,  Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2015, vol.3, pp. 1632-1644.    
  • 34. 黄贤强,〈孙中山与同德书报社〉,《新加坡同德书报社一0五周年纪念特刊》(新加坡:同德书报书,2015年8月),页15-21。“Sun Yatsen and Tongde Reading Club” in The 105th Anniversary of the Tongde Reading Club of Singapore, pp. 15-21.


  • 33. 黄贤强,〈跨域研究客家文化的方法论与实践〉 ,黄贤强编著《跨域研究客家文化》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、茶阳(大埔)会馆、八方文化创作室,2015年8月), pp. 1-10.  Wong Sin Kiong, “Methodology and Practice in Trans-regional and cross-disciplinary studies on Hakka Culture”, in Wong S.K. ed.,  Trans-regional and cross-disciplinary studies on Hakka Culture (Singapore: NUS Chinese Studies, Char Yang Association, Global Publishing, 2015), pp. 1-10.
  • 32. 施彦、黄贤强〈林可胜与抗日战争初期民国政府的医疗准备〉,中国社会科学院近代史研究所政治研究室、杭州师大浙江省民国浙江史研究中心编《中国社会科学论坛文集•政治精英与近代中国》(北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2013年9月),页538-550。


  • 31. 黃賢強〈棉蘭華人族群社會與領導階層〉,林開忠編《東南亞客家研究》(南投:國立暨南國際大學東南亞研究中心,2013),頁100-124。

    WONG Sin Kiong, "The Chinese community and leadership in Medan, Dutch Indies," in Lim KT, ed., Culture and Life of Ethnic Hakka in Southeast Asia (Nantou: Taiwan: Center for Southeast Asian Studies of National Chi Nan University, 2013), pp.82-102.

  • 30. 黃賢強、賴郁如〈廟宇策略與新加坡閩客族群的發展:以天福宮和望海大伯公廟為例〉,張維安編《東南亞客家及其周邊》(中壢市:中央大學出版中心;臺北市:源流出版社,2013),頁1-22。WONG Sin Kiong and LAI Yu-Ju, "Temples strategy and the developments of the Hokkien and Hakka communities in Singapore: Case studies of Tianfu Gong and Wanhai Dabogong Miao," in Chang WA, ed. The Hakka in Southeast Asia and Its Periphery  (Taiwan: National Central University Press & Yuanliu Publishing Co., 2013), pp.1-22.
  • 29. 黃賢強〈客家人與檳榔嶼的華教和孔教〉,黃麗生編《東亞客家文化圈中的儒學與教育》(臺北市:國立臺灣大學出版中心,2012年11月),頁167-188.

    WONG Sin Kiong, "The Hakka and Chinese education and Confucianism in Penang," in Huang LS, ed., Confucianism and Education in East Asian Hakka Cultural Sphere (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2012), pp.167-188.

  • 28. 黄贤强〈孙中山与辛亥革命——南洋革命运动的历史脉络(1900-1925)〉,黄贤强、陈丁辉、潘宣辉主编《辛亥革命、孙中山和革命志士:历史、记忆与反思》(新加坡:晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆、新加坡国立大学中文系,2012年),页39-55。Wong Sin Kiong, “Sun Yatsen and the 1911 Revolution: Historical Development of the Revolutionary Movements in Southeast Asia, 1900-1925. In Wong S.K., Tan T.P., Shuan Phua, eds., 1911 Revolution, Sun Yatsen and Revolutionaries: History, Memory and Reflection (Singapore: Sun Yatsen Nanyang Memorial Hall and NUS Department of Chinese Studies, 2012), pp. 39-55.
  • 27. 黄贤强〈新加坡永定会馆:从会议记录和会刊看会馆的演变〉,萧新煌编《东南亚客家的变貌:新加坡与马来西亚》(台北:中研院人社中心亚太区域研究专题中心,2011),页 33-64。WONG Sin Kiong, “Eng Teng Association of Singapore: Examining its development through the minutes and souvenir magazines”, in HH Michael Hsiao, ed., Changing Faces of Hakka in Southeast Asia: Singapore and Malaysia (Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica, 2011), pp.33-64.
  • 26. 黄贤强〈族群、历史、田野:一个客家集团的跨域研究〉,黄贤强编《族群、历史与文化:跨域研究东南亚和东亚——庆祝王赓武教授八秩晋一华诞专集》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、八方文化创作室,2011),页55-69 。WONG Sin Kiong, “Ethnicity, History, and Fieldwork: Trans-regional and cross-disciplinary studies on a Group of Hakka Leaders” in Wong Sin Kiong, ed., Ethnicity, History and Culture: Trans-regional and cross-disciplinary studies on Southeast Asia and East Asia; In honor of Wang Gungwu on his 81st birthday, Volume 1 (Singapore: Dept of Chinese Studies of NUS and Global Publishing Ltd, 2011), pp. 55-69.
  • 25. 黄贤强〈国家、族群与客家绅商:以新马两地新式学校的创建为中心〉,庄英章、简美玲主编《客家的形成与变迁(下)》(新竹:国立交通大学出版社,2010年),页973-1000。

  • 24. 黄贤强〈河源客家与南洋世界:龙川黄强的马来游记和南洋印象〉,吴善平主编《客家河源与天下客家》 (哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社, 2010年10月),页485-489。

    WONG Sin Kiong,“Heyuan Hakka and Nanyang World: Travel account of Huang Qiang and his impression on Nanyang”, in Wu Shanping, ed., Hakka Heyuan and Global Hakka (Harbin: Heilongjiang People’s Press, 2010)

  • 23. 黄贤强、施彦〈五四纪念在新加坡——以华文报章的报道和华社记忆为中心〉,牛大勇、欧阳哲生编《五四的历史与历史中的五四——北京大学纪念五四运动90周年国际学术研讨会论文集》(北京:北京大学出版社,2010),页619-640。

    “May Fourth Commemoration in Singapore: Memoirs from the Chinese presses and Chinese community,” In History of the May Fourth and the May Fourth in History (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2010), pp. 619-640. (co-author with Shi Yan)

  • 22. 黄贤强〈移民、检疫、殖民社会:英国殖民政府、中国总领事与新加坡华人〉,夏诚华编《新世纪的海外华人变貌》(台湾新竹市:玄奘大学海外华人研究中心,2009年5月),页327-344。

    "Migration, Quarantine, Colonial Society: British Government , Chinese Consul-General and the Chinese in Singapore”, in Transformation of the Chinese Overseas in the New Century ( Hsin Chu, Taiwan: Overseas Chinese Study Center, University of Hsuan Chuan, 2009)

  • 21. 黄贤强〈大时代与小移民:一个客籍家庭的两串故事〉,江明修、丘昌泰主编 《客家族群与文化再现》(台北:智胜文化,2009年5月),页77-92。WONG Sin Kiong, “Times and Migration: Two Stories of a Hakka Family”, in Hakka Ethnicity and Cultural Representation (Taipei:  Chi-Sheng Culture, 2009), pp.77-92.


  • 20. 黄贤强〈历史书写与文化记忆——以张弼士为例〉,郑培凯、陈国球编《史迹、文献、历史:中外文化与历史记忆》(桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2008年10月),页98-113。

    Wong Sin Kiong, “Historical Writing and Cultural Memory: A Case Study of Zhang Bishi” in Zheng PK and Chen GQ, eds., Historical Heritage, Documents and History: East-West Cultures and Historical Memory. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2008. Pp. 98-113.

  • 19. 黄贤强〈张煜南与槟榔屿华人文化和社会图像的建构〉,丘昌泰、萧新煌编 《客家族群与在地社会—台湾与全球的经验》(台北:中大出版中心、智胜文化事业,2007),页347-368。

    Sin-Kiong Wong, "Zhang Yu-nan and the Construction of Cultural and Social Images of Penang Chinese Society", in Chiou CT and Michael Hsiao, eds., Hakka Community and Local Society (Taipei: National Central University Publishing Center and Chi-sheng Cultural Enterprise, 2007) , pp. 347-368.

  • 18. 黄贤强〈南洋归来知识分子与晚清国家与社会—以辜鸿铭、李登辉和伍连德为例〉 ,中国社科院近代史研究所政治史研究室等编《晚清国家与社会》 (北京:社会科学文献出版社,2007),页617-630。

    Wong Sin Kiong, “Nanyang Intellectuals and the State Society of Late Qing China,” in State and Society in Late Qing. (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2007), pp. 617-630.

  • 17. 黄贤强〈客家领袖与槟城的社会文化〉,周雪香主编《多学科视野中的客家文化》(福州:福建人民出版社,2007),页216-231。


  • 16. 黄贤强〈1905年的广州社会文化: 从抵制美货运动的几个侧面观察〉,李长莉、左玉河主编《近代中国的城市与乡村》(北京:社会科学文献出版社,2006年7月),页17-30。

    Wong Sin Kiong, "Guangzhou 1905: The Society and Culture of a City in China" in Z.L. Li and Y.H.Zuo, eds. City and the Country in Modern China (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2006), pp. 17-30.

  • 15. 黄贤强、黄循耀〈宽柔中学董事会的成立和经营管理〉,郑良树编《宽柔论集》(马来西亚新山:南方学院,2006),页17-54。


  • 14. 李志贤、黄贤强〈宽柔中学毕业生的留学动向〉,夏诚华编《新世纪移民的变迁》(台湾新竹市:玄奘大学海外华人研究中心,2006),页209-226。


  • 13. 黄贤强〈马来西亚华人近代史的分期刍议〉,何国忠编《百年回眸:马华社会与政治》(吉隆坡:华社研究中心,2005),页47-62。


  • 12. 黄贤强〈二十五年来新加坡的华人研究概况〉,文平强主编《乘风破浪济沧海 : 华社研究中心二十周年(1985-2005) 纪念特刊》 (吉隆坡 : 华社研究中心, 2005),页81-87。


  • 11. 黄贤强〈孙中山精神在新加坡的传承〉,林家有、李明主编《看清世界与正视中国--孙中山与世界国际学术研讨会论文选集》(天津市 : 天津古籍出版社, 2005),页297-319。


  • 10. 黄贤强〈活躍於馬來亞與中國的醫學博士— 論伍連德的族國認同〉,张启雄编《時代變局與海外華人的族國認同》 (台北:海外华人研究学会,2005年3月), 页351-367。


  • 9. 黄贤强〈从排外图画看东西方文化:中国反洋教运动与美国排华运动的比较〉。单周尧、李焯然、王润华主编《东西方文化承传与创新》[East-West Studies: Tradition, Transformation and Innovation](新加坡:Uni Press、八方文化创作室,2004)。页185-197。


  • 8. 黄贤强〈叶亚来:从平凡移民到不平凡领袖〉 ,见何启良主编《匡政与流变—马来西亚华人历史与人物:政治篇》 (吉隆坡:华社研究中心,2003, 简体字版),页1-28; 另有繁体字版(台北:中央研究院东南亚区域研究计划,2001),页1-24。


  • 7. 黄贤强〈客籍领事与槟城华人社会〉[Hakka consuls and Chinese community in Penang in the late 19th century],郑赤琰编《客家与东南亚》(香港:三联书店,2002),页213-227。


  • 6. 黄贤强〈近二十年来新马的华人研究〉[Studies on the ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia in the past two decades],李元瑾编《新马华人:传统与现代的对话》(新加坡:南大中华语言文化中心,2002), 页467-505.


  • 5. Wong Sin Kiong & Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, “Animal Imagery and Political Conflict in Modern China”, in Excursions in Sinology [汉学纵横], eds. Lee Cheuk Yin, etc. (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2002), pp. 233-275.


  • 4. 黄贤强〈新加坡华人与1950年代的劳工运动:一个工潮的不同历史叙述〉,张存武、汤熙勇编《海外华族研究论集》(台北:华侨协会总会,2002),第三卷,页 471-484。


  • 3. 黄贤强〈战后新加坡的社会变迁与学生运动〉,载魏维贤、张永安主编《面向21世纪的东南亚国际学术研讨会论文集》 (北京:经济日报出版社,2001), 页215-232。


  • 2. 黄贤强〈客籍领事梁碧如与槟城华人社会的帮权政治〉,见徐正光编《第四届国际客家学研讨会论文集:历史与社会经济》(台北:中央研究院民族学研究所,2000),页401-426。


  • 1. 黄贤强〈十九世纪末期槟城的娼妓与华人社会〉,见陈荣照编《新马华族文史论丛》(新加坡:新社出版,1999),页197-225。


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