FASS Staff Profile



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Brief Introduction


  • Ph.D. in Chinese Literature, May 1994, University of Washington,Seattle,USA
  • MA in Comparative Literature 1988, University of Washington,Seattle,USA
  • BA in English Literature 1984, Tung-hai University, Taichung, Taiwan


  • "Versatility within Tradition: A Study of the Literary Works of Bao Zhao (414?- 466)."
    Advisor: Professor David R. Knechtges

Teaching Positions Held

  • 2003-the present Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
  • 1996-2002 Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
  • 1994-96 Visiting Assistant Professor of Chinese, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 1987-1994 Teaching Associate of Chinese, University of Washington-Seattle

MA Theses Supervised

  • Pang Nian Yin.  "A Study of Zhang Ailing's Short Stories: Legends."  NUS, 1996-7.
  • Zhao Fang.  "A Study of Liang Shiqiu's Yashe xiaopin."  NUS, 1997-8.
  •  Tan Poh Ee. “A Study of Strange Writings in the Southern Dynasties—You Ming Lu (Records of the Hidden and Visible Worlds” NUS, 1998-1999.
  •  Chong Shiow Huey. "A Study of Bing Xin’s Children’s Literature." NUS, 1999- 2000.
  •  Teoh, Ai Keong."A Study of the Chu Manuscript ‘Taiyi shengshui.’"NUS, 1999-2000.
  •  Wang, Yi-chih. "A Study of the Cult of the Queen Mother of the West." NUS, 2000-2001.
  •  Liu Yanping.  "Modern Literature: A Study of Yu Hua’s Avant-gard Novels." NUS , 2004-2005.


Teaching Areas

  • CH1101E Introduction to Chinese Studies
  • CH3221 Selected Readings in Chinese Verse
  • CH4224 Studies in Chinese Verse
  • CH6101 Research Methodology and Materials

Current Research

1. Mount Tai: Cultural Geography and Religious Tradition.
2. The Taoist Ceremony of Spirit Marriage in Contemporary Singapore.

Research Interests

  1. Han (206 B.C.-A.D.220) and Six Dynasties (A.D.220-587) Literature 
  2. Zhiguai (Recording the Strange) and Chuanqi (Transmitting the Unusual) Fiction
  3. Rhapsody (Fu or Rhymeprose) of all periods
  4. Popular Religions and Daoism



  • Sima Xiangru 司馬相如  (A Study of Sima Xiangru and his Rhapsody). With Gong Kechang 與龔克昌先生合著. Shenyang: Chunfeng wenyi chubanshe, 1999.

  • Bao Zhao shiwen yanjiu 鮑照詩文研究 (A Study of Bao Zhao’s Poetry and Essays).  Beijing: Zhonghua Press, 2006.


  •  “論魏晉六朝俳諧滑稽之賦及賦體文的內容與型式” (On the Subject Matter and Forms of the Humorous Rhapsodies and Rhaposdic Essays in the Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties, in Disanjie guoji cifu xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 第三屆國際辭賦學術研討會論文集 (Anthology of the Third International Fu Conference). Taipei: Chengchi University, 1996, 621-655.

  • Twenty-five entries in the Encyclopedia of Rhapsodies 辭賦大辭典 (Nanjing: Jiangsu guji chubanshe 江蘇古籍出版社, 1996): “庾信” (p. 100-101), “九歌---中國古代的巫術研究 ” (p. 403-4), “漢庭---詩人司馬相如” (p. 418); “揚雄賦研究---兩漢賦論” (p. 419-20), “英譯庾信哀江南賦” (p. 426), “荀子賦研究” (p. 453), “賈誼賦研究” (p. 454-5), “嵇康及其琴賦” (p. 469), “楚辭---南方之歌” (p. 511), “楚歌狂人屈原與中國政治的神話” (p. 512-3), “卜疑” (p. 519-20), “小園賦” (p. 529), “竹杖賦” (p. 553-4), “燈賦” (p. 555-6).
  •   南朝文人對鮑照五言詩的評價” (The Criticism of Southern Dynasties Literati on Bao Zhao’s Five-Syllable Poetry), in Disanjie Wei Jin Nanbeichao wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 第三屆魏晉南北朝文學國際學術研討會論文集.   Ed. Department of Chinese Literature, Tunghai University, TaiwanTaipei: Wenshizhe chubanshe, 1998. 305-27.

  • Eight Entries in The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998. “Ch’I” 七 (pp. 9-12); “Ho Hsün” 何遜(pp. 45-48); “Lien-chu” 連珠 (pp. 89-92); “Liu Chün” 劉峻 (pp. 97-99); “Lu Yün” 陸雲 (pp. 109-112); “Sun Ch’o” 孫綽 (149-151); “Wang Jung” 王融 (pp. 178-181); “Wan-ko” 挽歌 (pp. 172-175).
  • “Patrons’ Influence on Bao Zhao’s (414?-466) Poetry,” Studies in Early Medieval Chinese Literature and Cultural History in Honor of Donald Holzman and Richard Mather. T’ang Studies Society, 2001.
  •  “Patrons’ Influence on Bao Zhao’s Poetry.” In Studies in Early Medieval Chinese Literature and Cultural History, edited by Paul W. Kroll and David R. Knechtges. Boulder: The T’ang Studies Society, University of Colorado, 2003. 303-329.
  •  “二謝之間的橋梁:論鮑照的山水詩”(A Bridge between two Xies: Bao Zhao’s Landscape Poetry). In Su, Jui Lung and Gong Hang, eds. 《二十一世紀漢魏六朝文學新視角—康達維教授花甲紀念論文集》 New Views of Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties Literature in the Twenty-first Century (Taipei: Wenjin, 2003), 236-70.
  • “Overseas Rhapsody: the Fu in the Keikokushū of the Hei’an Period ” (《海外辭賦日本平安朝〈經國集〉的賦篇》)  in “Cifu yanjiu lunwen ji”《辭賦研究論文集》----第五屆國際辭賦研討會, eds, Li Jizhong 林繼中 and Gong Kechang 龔克昌 Beijing: Zhongguo wenshi chubanshe 中國文史出版社,  200311179—199.


  • Translation. Studies on Han Fu (Translations of Gong Kechang’s Han fu yanjiu, with Stuart Aque, Mark Asselin, and Carrie Reed), Ed. David R. Knechtges (New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1997). 300pp.


  • "An Analysis of Xie Lingyun's 'Rhapsody on a Journey", paper delivered to the First International fu Conference in Ji'nan, October 1990; published in Wen shi zhe 文史哲 5 (1990): 48-52.
  • “An Annotated English Translation of Bao Zhao’s ‘Letter to My Younger Sister upon Ascending the Bank of Thunder  Lake’ 登大雷岸與妹書,” Renditions 41 and 42 (1994):18-24.

  •   魏晉六朝賦戲劇對話形式的轉變” (The Transformation of the Dramatic Dialogue in Wei, Jin, and Six Dynasties fu), Wen Shi Zhe文史哲, 3 (1995): 89-93.

  • 論儒家思想與漢代辭賦” (On Confucian Thought and Han Rhapsody). Wen shi zhe 文史哲 5 (2000): 47-52.

  •  “論劉宋諸王對鮑照樂府創作的影響——以七言體與絕句體為主的探討” (Liu Song Princes’ Influence on Bao Zhao’s Yuefu Poetry: the Seven-syllable Style and Cut-off Verse). Chinese Stuides (漢學研究) 20.2 (2002): 141-63.
  • 論東漢學者的反讖緯” (On the Eastern Han Scholars’ Criticisms of the Apocryphal Texts), The Learning of Xian-Qin and Han Dynasty (Xian Qin Liang Han xueshu)  先秦兩漢學術(臺灣輔仁大學), 2 (September, 2004): 75-92


  • "Review of How Master Mou Removes Our Doubts: A Reader-Response Study and
    Translation of the Mou-tzu li-ho lun
    , by John P. Keenan," Journal of Chinese Philosophy 22.4 (1995), pp. 511-
  • "Review of The Treatises of Later Han: Their Author, Sources, Contents and Places in Chinese Historiography, By B. J. Mansvelt Beck," Journal of the American Oriental Society 116.3 (1996): 578-580.
  • "Review of Taoist Body, By Kristofer Schipper", Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23 (1996): 525-530
  • "Review of Laughing at the Tao: Debates among Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval China, by Livia Kohn," Monumenta Serica 45 (1997): 474-77.
  •  “Reivew of Ways with Words; Writing about Reading Texts from Early China, edited by Pauline Yu, Peter Bol, Stephen Owen, and Willard Peterson. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2000.” China Review International. vol. 10, no. 1 (2003): 293-7.

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