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     Google Scholar: citations 7,500 and H-index 38, ranked No. 2 in Chinese linguistics.

     China National Knowledge Infrastructure: citations 17,000 and H-index 59, ranked No 1 in Chinese linguistics (only original research concerned)

     Shi Yuzhi (Ph.D., Stanford University, 1999) is an Associate Professor of Chinese language and linguistics in the Department of Chinese Studies at National University of Singapore. Also, he has been appointed as the Institute Professor (the “Xiaoxiang” scholar) in the Foreign Language College of Hunan Normal University; and an adjunct professor in the English Department of Dongnan (East-southern) University, of Chongqing University, and of Guangdong Foreign Language & Foreign Trade University; a visiting professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Huazhong University of Science and technology and of Huazhong Normal University. Dr. Shi was a professor of the 2001 Summer Institute of the American Linguistic Society, where he taught a course called “linguistic typology and Chinese dialects”. In the last decade, he has been invited to give academic talks by more than 40 universities in China Mainland, Hong Kong, USA, and Canada.
     Thus far, Dr. Shi has published 28 books in Cambridge University Press, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Peking University Press, Student Book Com. Ltd. (Taiwan), Peking Language & Culture University Press, Shanghai Foreign Language Press, and Jiangxi Education Press. His book on Modern Chinese grammar (co-authored) has been accepted for publication in University of California Press. He has published more than 170 papers in more than 47 professional journals. His research areas include Classical Chinese, Modern Chinese, Chinese dialects, minority languages in China, and English. His theoretical interests are in cognitive linguistics, linguistic typology, and grammaticalization theory.
     Dr. Shi taught at National University of Singapore, Stanford University, University of California, San Diego, and Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology. His courses at undergraduate and graduate levels include Chinese phonology, Modern Chinese Grammar, Classical Chinese, rhetoric and lexicology, formal logic, cognitive linguistics, linguistic typology, functionalism linguistics, etc.

a chinese introduction to dr shi yuzhi.pdf | the cv of shi yuzhi 2020.pdf |

Undergraduate courses

1. Chinese grammar

2. Classical Chinese

3. Grammars and lexicon of Chinese dialects

Graduate courses

1. Cognitive Linguistics and Chinese Language

2. Topics in Historical Chinese Linguistics

3. Language and cultures

4. Comparative grammars between English and Chinese

  • Cognitive linguistics
  • Linguistic typology
  • Historical linguistics
  • Grammaticalization
  • Comparison between English and Chinese
  • Chinese grammar
  • Chinese dialects 
  • Classical Chinese 
  • Language and culture
  • Thinking logic of Chinese people


    1. Forthcoming. The Evolution of Chinese Grammar. Estimated 800 pages. Cambridge University Press.
    2. 2020. The Morpho-syntactic History of the Chinese Language. German: The Springer. 
    3. 2002, The Establishment of Modern Chinese Grammar. pp.  262. Amsterdam & Philadelphia:  John Benjamins Publishing Company.
    4. 2017. In Korean. The Logic of Chinese People. 283 pages. Seoul: The Imprima Korean Publisher.
    5. 2016. In braille. Confucius and His Disciples. Beijing: China Braille Press.
    6. 2020. A Cognitive Approach to Commonalities and Differences between Chinese and English (《汉英对比认知研究》). Coauthored with Zhong Shuneng. Beijing: The High Education Press (高等教育出版社).

    7. 2017. Chinese Grammar (《漢語語法》, the fifth edition). pp. 575. Beijing: The Commercial Press (商務印書館).

    8. 2008. Cognitive Ability and Linguistic Theory (《認知能力與語言學理論》). pp. 234. Shanghai: The Scholar Press (學林出版社).

    9. 2006. The Conceptual Foundation of Grammar (《語法的概念基礎》). pp. 400. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (上海外語教育出版社).

    10. 2000. Cognitive and Semantic Foundations of Grammar (《語法的認知語義基礎》). 216 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    11. 2018. A Comprehensive Grammar of Contemporary Chinese (《現代漢語語法長編》). 1,143 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    12. 2016. The Evolution of Chinese Grammar (《漢語語法演化史》).  985 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    13. 2011. The Grammaticalization Theory: With Special Reference to Chinese Language (《語法化理論:基於漢語發展的歷史》). 365 pages. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (上海外語教育出版社).

    14. 2006. The Motivations and Mechanism for Grammaticalization (《語法化的動因與機制》). 380 pages. Beijing: Peking University Press (北京大學出版社).

    15. 2004. A Typological Approach to Chinese Language (《漢語研究的類型學視野》). 380 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    16. 2003. The Establishment of Modern Chinese Grammar (《現代漢語語法系統的建立》).  373 pages. Beijing:  Peking Language and Culture University Press (北京語言文化大學出版社).

    17. 2001. The Structures and Motivations of Chinese Grammar (《語法的形式與理據》).  243 pages. Nanchang:  Jiangxi Educational Press (江西教育出版社).

    18. 2001. The Historical Morph-syntax of Chinese (《漢語語法化的歷程》). Co-authored with Charles N. Li. 414 pages. Beijing:  Peking University Press (北京大學出版社).

    19. 2001. Symmetries and Asymmetries between Affirmation and Negation in Chinese (second edition, 《肯定與否定的對稱與不對稱》). 376 pages.  Peking Language and Culture University Press (北京語言文化大學出版社).

    20. 1992. Symmetries and Asymmetries between Affirmation and Negation in Chinese (《肯定和否定的對稱與不對稱》). Monographs on Modern Linguistics, Vol 14, ed. by Tang Ting-chi, 382 pages. Taiwan:  Student Book Co., Ltd (台灣學生書局).

    21. 2018. The Creativity of Stanford University (《斯坦福大學的創新力》).  280 pages. Beijing: The National Science Press (科學出版社).

    22. 2017. Confucius and His Disciples (《孔子和他的弟子們》,the sixth print). 256 pages. Beijing: The Commercial Press (商務印書館).

    23. 2015. The Logic of Chinese People (《中國人的邏輯》). 272 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    24. 2015. The Truth of Jing Ke’s Assassinating King Qin (《荊軻刺秦王的歷史真相》). 312 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    25.  2014. The Chinese Language: A Software for the Thinking of Chinese People (《漢語春秋:中國人的思維軟件》). 402 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    26. 2014. Why China Cannot Produce Steve Jobs (《為什麼中國出不了喬布斯》, the second edition).  295 pages. Beijing: Peking University Press (北京大學出版社).

    27. 2014. The Education Gap between China and the World (《中國教育與世界的距離》). 267 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    28. 2013. Inside and Outside the Chinese Dream (《縱橫中國夢》). 289 pages. Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Press (江西教育出版社).

    29. 2013. Why China Cannot Produce World-class Masters: An Exploration of Qian Xuesen’s Question (《為什麼中國出不了大師:探討錢學森之問》). 241 pages. Beijing: The National Science Press (科學出版社).        




    • 2020. “Phonological Derivation from Proximal to Distal Demonstratives in Chinese”. Linguistics, to appear.
    • 2020. “Rule and Construction: the Transitivity of Resultatives in English”. Cognitive Semantics, 6: 107-130.
    • 2020. “Bidirectional Transfer of the Ditransitive Construction in Chinese”. Cognitive Linguistic Studies 2: 416-439.
    • 2020. “The Constraints of Grammatical System on Construction: The Motivations for the Different Comparison Constructions in Chinese and English (語法系統對構式選擇的制約:英漢比較結構差異的原因), Co-authored with Liu Fen. Journal of Foreign Languages(《外國語》), 43(2): 2-8.
    • 2020. (數量語義特征對語法形式的制約). Foreign Language Research (《外語研究》) , 1: 13-18.
    • 2019. “The Hybrid Construction of VO and CR in Chinese(漢語兼具動賓和動補雙重性的混合構式)”. Co-authored with Cheng Jie. Journal of Foreign Languages(《外國語》), 42(5): 13-22.
    • 2018. “The Foundations of the Self-confidence of Chinese People on Their Language (漢語自信的理據)”. Foreign Languages in China (《中國外語》), 15 (1): 15-23.
    • 2011. “Grammatical Constructions and Extensional Functions: A Comparative study of interrogative pronouns of English and Chinese (語法結構與功能衍生:形成英漢疑問代詞衍生用法異同的原因)”. Co-authored with Yanling Tang. Foreign Language Teaching and Research (《外語教學與研究》), 43 (4): 501-511.
    • 2008. “Motivations of grammatical regularities (語法規律的理據)”. Foreign Language Teaching and Research (《外語教學與研究》), 40 (6): 409-417.
    • 2003. “NP as argument”. Co-authored with Yen-Hui Audrey Li. In: Functional Structures, Form and Interpretation, ed. by Yen-hui Audrey Li and Andrew Simpson, p. 3-27. London: Routledge.
    • 2002. “Parallelism, Irregularity and Structural Compensation in Classic of Poetry: A Statistical and Structural Analysis”. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 37(3): 85-112.
    • 2000. “The Effect of Grammatical Changes on Poetic Forms: A Study on the Padding Words in Yuan Verse”.  Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 35(1): 61-84.
    • 1989. Negative Polarity Items in Modern Chinese. Language Research, Vol. 2, pp 12-21. 
    • 1990. The Reason of Frequency Difference between V-de-C and V-bu-C. Language Research, Vol. 2, pp 68-74. 

    • 1990. The Use of Color Words in Modern Chinese. Chinese Studies, Vol. 3, pp 18-22.

    • 1991. Affirmative adjectives in Contemporary Chinese.  Zhongguo Yuwen, Vol. 3, pp 167-174. 

    • 1991. On the Negative Polarity Item Chaer. Chinese Teaching and Studies, Vol. 3, pp 58-63.

    • 1992. Affirmative Verbs in Modern Chinese. Language Research, Vol. 2, pp 41-50.

    • 1992. The Qualification and Affirmativity of Verbs in Chinese. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, New Series, Vol. 22.3, pp 255-278. 

    • 1992. On the Category of Aspectual Markers in Modern Chinese. Social Sciences in China, Vol. 6, pp 183-201. 

    • 1992.   The Special Use of the Quantifier “one” in Negation. Chinese Learning. Vol. 9, pp 21-22. 

    • 1992. Differences and Similarities between Synonyms and Antonyms. Chinese Studies, Vol. 1, pp 28-34.

    • 1993. With Huang Guoying. Marked Adjectives and Unmarked Adjectives in Chinese. Zhongguo Yuwen, Vol. 6, pp 401-409. 

    • 1993. The Differentiation of Redundant Negation “Chadianer”. Chinese Studies, Vol. 4, pp 12-16.

    • 1994. Aspect in Modern Chinese. Social Sciences in China, 3.156-173. 

    • 1994. Quantification and affirmation of predicate words, The 90’s Thoughts on Grammar, ed. by Shao Jing-min and Liu Da-wei, pp29-42. Beijing: Beijing Language Institute Press.

    • 1994. Semantic Features of the Negative Polarity Items in English. Foreign Language Teaching and Studies, Vol. 1, pp 16-19.

    • 1995. On the Macro-syllable Structures in Chinese. Zhongguo Yuwen, Vol. 3, pp 230-240. 

    • 1995. With Hu Ping. The Grammatical Meaning of Question Marker NE. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Vol. 30:2, pp 71-83. 

    • 1995. The Effects of One-dimensionality of Time upon the Evolution of Prepositions. Zhongguo Yuwen, Vol. 1, pp 1-10. 

    • 1995. A Review: ‘Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things’. Contemporary Linguistics, Vol. 2, pp 17-22.

    • 1996. The Constraints of Question Constructions on Markedness & Unmarkedness of Adjectives]. Chinese Studies, Vol. 5, pp 10-15.

    • 1996. On the Syntactic Reduplication of Chinese. Language Research, Vol. 2, pp 1-12.

    • 1996. Proportion of Extensional Dimensions: the Primary Cognitive Basis for Shape-based Classifiers in Chinese.  Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Vol. 31:2, pp 37-59. 

    • 1997. The two types of word orders of anaphoric demonstrative pronouns and their functions in Contemporary Chinese. Chinese Studies, Vol. 6, pp 3-6.

    • 1997. On the Properties of the Wh-elements in Chinese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp 131-145.

    • 1997. With Tomo. The Usage of Interrogative Pronouns in Question Constructions. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Vol 32:2, pp 75-82. 

    • 1997. With Charles Li. The Development of the Verb-copying Constructions in Chinese. Contemporary Linguistics, Vol 3, pp 32-38. 

    • 1997. With Charles Li. On the Mechanism for the emergence of the Aspect Markers in Chinese. Zhongguo Yuwen, Vol. 2, pp 82-96. 

    • 1998. With Charles Li.   The Elimination of the Position of the Second Predicate in Classical Chinese and Its Effect on the Grammaticalization of Classifiers. Language Research, Vol. 1, pp 40-54.  

    • 1998. With Charles Li. On the Historical Replacements among the Three Particles: zhi, zhe, and de. Social Sciences in China, Vol. 6., pp 165-180.

    • 1998. With Charles Li. The Motivation for the Development of Comparison Structure in Chinese. Chinese Teaching in the World, Vol. 3, pp 16-28.

    • 1998. With Charles Li. The Diachronic Relationship between Demonstrative Pronouns and Constructional Particles. Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association, Vol. 2, pp 53-70.

    • 1999. The effect of Discourse on Semantic and Syntactic Changes of Lexical Items: a Case Study. Chinese Studies, Vol. 3. 7-10.

    • 1999. With Charles Li. The Development of the Resultative Construction and its Effects on Syntactic Changes of Chinese. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, Vol 2, pp 83-100. 

    • 2000. The Boundedness of Chinese Predicates and its Historical Motivations. The proceedings of the International Conference of Chinese Grammar, pp. 294-307. Jinan: Shandong Education Press.

    • 2000. With Charles Li. The Effects of the Syntactic Changes around the Fifteenth Century on the Formation of the Negative System of Modern Chinese.   Language Reseach, Vol. 1.  

    • 2000. With Audrey Y.-H. Li. The Influence of the Classifier System on the Development of the Plural Marker -MEN. Contemporary Linguistics, Vol. 1.

    • 2000. The Motivations for the Emergence of Chinese Verb Reduplication.  Chinese Linguistics, Vol. 1.

    • 2000. The Motivations for the Emergence of the Verb Reduplication of Chinese in the Fifteenth Century, Chinese Linguistics Vol. 1: 35-38.  

    • 2000. The Marked and Unmarked Constructions in Modern Chinese. Yufa Yanjiu he Tansuo, Vol. 10: 19-30.

    • 2000. The Unified Function of the Constructional Particle DE in Modern Chinese. Chinese Teaching in the World, 1. 16-27.

    • 2000. A Typological Approach to the Resultative Construction of Modern Chinese. Contemporary Research in Modern Chinese (Japan), Vol. 1: 62-69.

    • 2000. How to See “Exceptions” to Grammatical Rules? Hanyu Xuexi, Vol. 6: 29-30.

    • 2000. On the Unified Grammatical Functions of the Morpho-syntactic Particle DE. Chinese Teaching in the World, Vol. 1.

    • 2000. The Effect of Grammatical Changes on Poetic Forms: A Study on the Padding Words in Yuan Verses. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Vol. 32:2.

    • 2001. The Motivations and Mechanisms of the Word Order Changes of Pronominal Items in Archaic Chinese. Zhongguo Yuwen, Vol. 5: 254-265.

    • 2001. The Local Context for the Fusion of Verb and Resultative in the History of Chinese. Contemporary Research in Modern Chinese, Vol. 3: 45-56.

    • 2001. The Distinction between Finite and Non-finite Verbs in Modern Chinese. Chinese Teaching in the World, Vol. 2: 23-27.

    • 2001. Subject and Topic in Chinese. Language Research, Vol. 2: 82-91.

    • 2001. On the Interaction of Syntactic Structure and Lexical Markers: the Effect of the Expression of Definiteness on Chinese Syntax. Contemporary Linguistics, Vol. 3, pp 170-181.

    • 2001. The Cognitive Foundations of the Shape-based Classifiers in Chinese.  Linguistics Teaching and Studies, Vol. 1, 34-41.

    • 2001.   The Marked and Unmarked Constructions in Chinese],  Research and Explorations of Chinese Grammar, Vol. 10: 19-30. Beijing: The Commercial Press.

    • 2002. Frequency, Idiomization, and Grammaticalization. Contemporary Research in Modern Chinese, Vol. 4.

    • 2002. The Disyllabification Tendency and the Formation of Resultative Construction in the History of Chinese. Language Research, No. 1: 1-14.

    • 2002. The Establishment of the Classifier System and the Grammaticalization of the Morphosyntactic Particle de in Chinese. Language Sciences. Vol. 1: 1-15.

    • 2002. The Effect of the Sentential Structural Changes on the Grammaticalization of the Suffixes of Adjectives and Adverbs. Yuyanxue luncong (Peking University), Vol. 22, pp. 170-190.

    • 2002. The Principle of Information-organizing in Modern Chinese. Yufa Yanjiu he Tansuo, Vol. 11. pp. 135-150.

    • 2002. The Effect of the Word Order of a Language on its Grammatical System. Journal of Foreign Languages, No. 1: 17-27.

    • 2002. The Interaction between Structural Meanings and Lexical Markers. Contemporary Linguistics, No. 1: 25-37.   

    • 2002. The Diachronic and Synchronic Relationship among Classifiers, Demonstrative Pronouns and Constructional Particles. Fangyan (Dialects). No.2. pp. 117-126.

    • 2002. Parallelism, Irregularity and Structural Compensation in Shi Jing: A Statistical and Structural Analysis. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Vol. 3.

    • 2003. The Effect of the Quantity Property of Adjectives on Their Syntactic Behaviors. Chinese Teaching in the World, 2: 13-26.

    • 2003. The relationship between the Two Grammatical Categories in Chinese: Number and Definiteness. Language Research, Vol. 23: 40-50.

    • 2003. The Regularity and Exception of Grammar. Linguistics Science, Vol. 3.2.

    • 2003. The Reduplication of Nouns and Classifiers in Chinese. Journal of Chinese Language History Vol. 3.

    • 2003. NP as argument (co-authered with Yen-hui Audrey Li). Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation, ed. by Yen Hui Audrey Li and Andrew Simpson, pp.3-27. London: RoutledgeCurzon Publishing Company.

    • 2003. On the Interaction of Syntactic Structure and Lexical Markers: the Effect of the Expression of Definiteness on Chinese Syntax.  Monograph of Chinese Grammar, ed. Shao Jingmin. Zhejiang: Zhejiang Education Press.

    • 2004. The Conceptualization Motivation for the Different Functions of Double-object Constructions between English and Chinese. Foreign Language Teaching and Research. Vol. 36.2: 83-89.

    • 2004. The Cognitive Foundation of the Grammaticalization of the Natural Number “One” into a Definite Marker. Minority Languages of China. Vol. 24.2: 10-19.

    • 2004. The Possession Verb of Chinese and the Expression of Perfect Aspect. Language Research, Vol. 24.2: 34-42.

    • 2004. The Strong and Weak Points of Cognitive Linguistics. Journal of Foreign Languages, Vol. 25. 21-33.

    • 2004. The Relationship between Syntax and Word Formation. Journal of Chinese Language, No. 1.

    • 2004. Conceptualization of Verbs and their Syntax in Chinese (co-authored). Contemporary Research in Modern Chinese, Vol. 7, No. 1.

    • 2004. The Effect of Social Average Value on Grammar. Linguistic Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 6.

    • 2004. The Object Marker “ge” in Modern Chinese (co-authored). Studies in Chinese Language, No. 4.

    • 2004. Terminology, Evidence, Methodology, and Theories in Chinese Historical Linguistics. Language Research, No. 4.

    • 2004. The Cognitive Relation between Question and Exclamation. Studies in Foreign Languages, No. 6.

    • 2004. The Conceptual Foundations for Differences of Passive Constructions of Chinese and English. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 6.

    • 2005. Against Chomsky’s Hypothesis: Universal Grammar. Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages, Vol. 28, No. 1.

    • 2005. Copula, Focus, Emphasis, and Comparison in Chinese. Language Research, No. 4.

    • 2005. The Changes of Phonology and Poem Genres in Middle Chinese. Academic Research, Vol. 20, No. 2.

    • 2005. The Philosophical Foundations of Chomsky Linguistics and its Deficiency. Journal of Foreign Language, No. 3.

    • 2005. The Cognitive Foundations of the Grammaticalization of Passive Markers. Minority Languages of China, Vol. 25, No. 3.

    • 2005. The Asymmetry of the Grammatical Markers of Object Size. Linguistic Sciences, No. 3.

    •  2005. The Commonality and Difference of the Coordinate Constructions of Chinese and English. Foreign Language Research, No. 3.

    •  2005. Topic, subject and Object in Chinese and English (co-authored). Journal of Sichuan Foreign Language College, No. 4.

    • 2005. The Different Conceptualizations and Unmarkedness of Adjectives in English and Chinese (co-authored). Studies in Foreign Languages, No. 4.

    • 2005. The Grammaticalization of the Passive Marker “rang” in Contemporary Chinese. Yuyanxue Luncong, Vol. 31, No.2.

    • 2005. The Conceptual Foundations for Differences of Passive Constructions of Chinese and English. Interfaces of Sub-systems of Language. Shanghai: Fudan University Press.

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