FASS Staff Profile




2004         Ph.D.          Harvard University

1997         MA              National University of Singapore

1995         BA (Hons)   National University of Singapore

Work Experiences:

2019-            Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS

2009-2018    Associate Professor    Department of Chinese Studies, NUS

2004-2009    Assistant Professor    Department of Chinese Studies, NUS

1999-2004    Senior Tutor               Department of Chinese Studies, NUS

1997-1999    Teaching Assistant     Department of Chinese Studies, NUS

1995              Journalist                   Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore Press Holdings



2018-2019    Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

2016-2017    NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award

2016-2017    Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

2015-2016    Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

2011-2012    Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

2006-2007    Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

1999-2004    Overseas Graduate Scholarship, National University of Singapore

1995-1997    Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore


Administrative Appointments:

Jan 2022-                          Head, Department of Chinese Studies

July 2019-Dec 2021          Deputy Head, Department of Chinese Studies

July 2019-Oct 2021         Deputy Chair, Faculty Promotion & Tenure Committee II, FASS.

July 2019-Dec 2020          Director, Wan Boo Sow Research Centre for Chinese Studies, Department of Chinese Studies

Jan-June 2019                   Member, Faculty Promotion and & Committee, FASS.

Jan-July 2017                     Vice Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. International Relations and Special Duties.

July 2011-Dec 2016            Assistant Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Assisting Vice Dean of International Relations and Special Duties.

Jan 2010-June 2010           Deputy Head, Department of Chinese Studies

2009-2010                          Member, Faculty Curriculum Review Committee, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

2008-2009                          Assistant Head, Department of Chinese Studies

Courses Taught:

1) Chinese Tradition (in English)

2) History of Civil Examination in Later and Late Imperial China 科舉史

3) Daoxue Neo-Confucianism 宋明理學

4)Women in Chinese History, 中國女性史

5) Intellectual History of Modern China 中國近現代思想

6) Introduction to Chinese Studies 漢學導論

7) Chinese Local History 中國地方史

8) Chinese Media in Singapore: Theory and Practice新加坡的華文媒體:理論與實踐

9) Commerce and Culture in China's Past (in English)

10) Everyday Lives of Chinese Singaporeans (in English)

1) Sociocultural History of Shaanxi Province 陝西社會文化史

2) Military History of Song China (960-1279) 宋代軍事史

3) Archaism in Ming China (1368-1644) 明代復古思潮

4) Sociocultural History of Minnan (southern Fujian) 閩南社會文化

5) Transnational Lineage Ideas and Practices of the Hokkien Communities 福建社群的跨國宗族理念與實踐.

1) Intellectual History of Later and Late Imperial China 中國思想史:宋至清

2) Military History of Later Imperial China 宋元明軍事史

3) Local History 地方史

4) Transnationl Networks of the Hokkien Communities福建社群的跨國網絡


  • Li Mengyang, the North-South Divide, and Literati Learning in Ming China, (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2016), 354pp.
  • (與許齊雄合著)《新加坡南洋孔教會百年史》,(新加坡:南洋孔教會,2014),235頁。
  • Men of Letters within the Passes: Guanzhong Literati in Chinese History, 907-1911, (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2008), 325pp.


  • 〈明末清初秦地文人在揚州的結社活動〉,收录于張藝曦、何淑宜、王昌偉、許齊雄编:《結社的藝術:16-18世紀東亞世界的文人社集》,(臺北:聯經,2020).
  • "Confucian Thoughts", in John Lagerwey and Pierre Marsone eds., Modern Chinese Religion I: Song-Liao-Jin-Yuan (960-1368AD), (Leiden: Brill, 2015), 2 volumes, pp. 1378-1432.
  • 〈曾鞏的心性論及其迴響〉,收录于復旦大學文史研究院编:《中國思想文化史研究的新視野》,(北京:中華書局,2015),页10-23.
  • 〈梁啟超的中西文化觀及其在中國近代思想史上的位置〉,收录于單周堯编:《東西方文化》,(上海:上海古籍出版社,2011),页316-326.
  • (与许齐雄合著)〈清代福建水师与闽南地区的玄天上帝信仰〉,收录于吴松弟、连晓鸣、洪振宁编:《走入历史的深处:中国东南地域文化国际学术研讨会论文集》,(上海:上海人民出版社,2011),页498-507.
  • 〈从遗迹到文献:宋明时期的陕西方志〉,收录于陈平原、王德威、陈学超编:《西安:都市想象与文化记忆》,(北京:北京大学出版社,2009),页74-88。此文亦收录于陈学超主编:《国际汉学集刊》第二辑,(北京:中国社会科学出版社,2008),页34-49。
  • 〈关学编与明清陕西士大夫的集体记忆〉,何国忠主编:《文化记忆与华人社会》,(吉隆坡:马来亚大学中国研究所,2008),页167-178。


  • (與張藝曦、何淑宜、許齊雄合編)《結社的藝術:16-18世紀東亞世界的文人社集),(臺北:聯經,2014),576頁。
  • (與陳榮照合編)《儒家與宗教研討會論文集),(新加坡:新加坡儒學會,2014),393頁。


  • [美]包弼德著、[新]王昌偉譯《歷史上的理學》,(杭州:浙江大學出版社,2010),320頁。(Translated from Peter K. Bol, Neo-Confucianism in History, [Cambridge MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2008]).


  • “晚明重情文化下入教士大夫的納妾與懺悔:以王徵《崇一堂日記隨筆》為例”, 《明代研究》,40(2023),頁1-28.
  • "Cocreating a Frontier Region in the Northern Song: The State and Local Strongmen in Hewai", Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies, 51(2022), pp. 15-38.
  • “兩宋之際理學家的帝王觀:以羅從彥《遵堯錄》為例”, 《現代儒學》,9(2021),頁81-97.
  • (with Khee Heong KOH) "Becoming a Confucian in Contemporary Singapore: The Case of Nanyang Confucian Association" Religions, Special issue on "Empirical Studies of Contemporary Confucian Practice in Asia and Beyond" (Guest Editor: Anna Sun),12.10(2021), 854, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12100854
  • "Thinking in Terms of Categories: Hu Yin's Discourse on the Chinese-Barbarian Dichotomy" 《中國史學》(A multi-lingua journal published in Tokyo by 日本中國史學會), 30(2020), pp. 1-26.
  • "The Limits of “Civilianization”: The New Policies and Shaanxi’s Territorial Administration in the Late Northern Song" T'oung Pao, 106(2020), pp. 171-210.
  •  "The Hewai Region and the Founding of the Northern Song (960-1126)" Chinese Humanities (人文學衡), 1(2019), pp. 211-234.
  • “李夢陽與書院文化”, 《湖南大學學報(社會科學版)》,3(2019),頁14-20.
  • ‘李夢陽的文學觀念中的地域差異”,《政大中文學報》, 29(2018), 頁29-50。
  • ‘明中葉知識體系建構的多元取向:從李夢陽〈刻《戰國策》序〉談起”,《中正漢學研究》, 1(2018), 頁171-189。
  • “‘不復古文,安復古道?:黃省曾對陽明學與古文詞運動的融會與改造”,《清華學報》, 47:4(2017), 頁651-687。
  • 《王心敬續《關學編》與康乾之際關中理學傳統的建構:兼論清代學術的區域化進程》,《思想史5:明清思想史專號》,2016年6月,頁1-38.
  • (with Khee Heong KOH) "Gods and/or Ancestors: Practicing Lineage in Contemporary Singapore" Journal of Chinese Overseas, 10(2014), pp. 3-32.
  • "Different Views on the Political Geography of the Empire in the 11th Century: Debates over Military Affairs between Wang Anshi and Sima Guang" , Journal of Sinological Studies (漢學研究學刊), 3(2012), pp. 214-234.
  • "From Intellectual Cognition to Moral Subjectivity: The Song Essayist Zeng Gong and His Legacy in Ming China." Asian Culture, 35(2011), pp. 69-92.
  • “從族譜看明代陝西宗族組織與士人階層締結聯盟的方式”,《東方文化》, 1-2(2010), 頁161-173.
  • (with Peter Ditmanson and Koh Khee Heong) "Translocal Dynamics in Late Imperial China: An Introductory Essay", Ming-Qing Studies, 2010, pp. 17-28.
  • “明初南北之爭的癥結”,《明清史集刊》, 9(2007), 頁27-48.
  • "The Principles are Many: Wang Tingxiang and Intellectual Transition in Mid-Ming China", Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 66:2(2006), pp. 461-493.
  • “‘求同’與‘存異’:張載與王廷相氣論之比較”,《漢學研究》, 23:2(2005), 頁133-159。
  • "Zhang Zai's Legacy and the Construction of Guanxue in Ming China", Ming Studies, 51-52(2005), pp. 58-93.
  • "We are One Family: Guanxue Vision in the Northern Song", Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies, 35(2005), pp. 29-57.
  • "'Which West are You Talking about?': Critical Reivew: A Unique Mode of Conservatism in Modern China", Humanitas, 17:1&2(2004), pp. 69-82.
  • “李二曲調和朱子與陸王的方法”,《孔子研究》,6(2000),頁87-97.
  • “姜白石《疏影》詞意臆説”,《中國韻文學刊》,2(1999),頁43-48。
  • “陳乾初《大學辨》對朱子的駁難”,《鵝湖月刊》,6(1999),頁8-14。
  • "On Wu Mi's Conservatism", Humanitas, 12:1(1999), pp. 42-55.


  • (與許齊雄合著)〈評包弼德《歷史上的理學》- 兼論北美學界近五十年的宋明理學研究〉,《新史學》21.2 (6.2010): 221-40。



  • 《明中後期文章典範的重構:從李夢陽的〈刻戰國策序〉談起》,宣讀於臺灣中正大學中文系與中央研究院中國文哲研究所合辦《2017近世意象與文化轉型》國際學術研討會,2017年4月27-28日, 台灣嘉義。
  • "Li Mengyang and Literati Networs and Culture in Late Imperial China". Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asan Studies, Toronto, Canada, March 15-20, 2017.
  • 主題演講 “新加坡福建社群的宗族想像與建構”,宣讀於馬來亞大學中文系、馬來亞大學孔子學院主辦,馬來亞大學馬來西亞華人研究中心、馬來亞大學中文系畢業生協會、北京外國語大學、武漢大學文學院等聯辦《中華文化傳播與接受》國際學術研討會,2016年10月8-9日,吉隆坡。
  • "Coping with the New Policies on the Ground: Local Administration and Experiences in the Military Region of Shaanxi in the Late Northern Song" paper presented at the International Conference on Middle Period China, 800-1400. Harvard University, Cambridge MA. USA, June 05-07, 2014.
  • "何謂關學:王心敬續《關學編》與康乾之際關中理學傳統的建構,宣讀于新加坡國立大學中文系與台灣中央研究院近代史研究所主辦《清代理學》國際學術研討會,2012年10月29-30日,新加坡。
  • "Literary Archaism and the Problems of North and South in Mid-Ming Court Politics: The Case of Li Mengyang" paper presented at the XIXth Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies. University of Paris, Paris, September 05-08, 2012.
  • "Congucian Thoughts" paper presented at the International Conference on Modern Chinese Religion: Value Systems in Transformation, Part I, Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 25-28, 2012.
  • "Li Mengyang's (1473-1529) Political Archaism and Perceptions of State-Society Relations in Ming China" paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2011.

  • (與許齊雄合著)“清代福建水師與閩南地區玄天上帝信仰”,宣讀于浙江省社會科學聯合會、復旦大學長三角研究院、哈佛大學東亞系等主辦《中國東南地區文化》國際學術研討會,2009年11月6-8日,溫州。
  • "Different Views on the Political Geography of the Empire in the 11th-Century: Debates over Military Affairs between Wang Anshi and Sima Guang", paper presented at the International Conference on‘Ideas: Networks: Places: Rethinking Chinese History of the Middle Period', Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA, July 7-8, 2009.
  • "Regional Administration, Military Organizations and the New Policies in Northern Song Shaanxi", paper presented at the International Conference on‘Translocal and Transregional Dynamics in Chinese History, 960-1911', The National University of Singapore, Singapore, May 12-14, 2008.
  • "The Zhe (She) Military Family in the Northern Song", paper presented at the Workshop on‘Prosopography of Middle Period China: Using the Database', University of Warwick, The United Kingdom, December 13-16, 2007.
  • “五四時期梁啟超的中西文化觀”,宣讀于香港大學中文學院主辦《東西方研究》國際學術研討會,2007年10月5-7日,香港。
  • “明代陝西的族譜書寫”,宣讀于臺灣明史研究會、東吳大學、暨南大學聯辦《全球化下明史研究之新視野》國際學術研討會,2007年10月27-30日,臺北。
  • “從‘遺跡’到‘文獻’:宋明時期的陝西方志”,宣讀于哈佛大學、哥倫比亞大學、陝西師範大學、西安市委聯辦《西安:歷史記憶與城市文化》國際學術研討會,2006年11月2-3日,西安。
  • "Building a New Chinese State from the Northwest: The Proposal of Liu Guangfen (1843-1903), paper presented at the Biennial Conference of Historical Society for Twentieth Century China ("Chinese Nation, Chinese State: 1850-2000"), The National University of Singapore, June 26-28, 2006.
  • “《關學編》與晚明陝西思想界的集體記憶”,宣讀於新加坡國立大學中文系與馬來亞大學中國研究中心主辦《文化記憶與華人社會》國際學術研討會,2006年4月2日,吉隆坡。
  • “The ‘Evidential Research’ Movement and its Northwestern Critics:
    Guanxue and the Regionalization of Scholarship in Qing China, paper presented at the International Conference on The Qing Episteme: Culture, Thought, and Society, The National University of Singapore, 4 Jan 2006.
  • “The ‘Problematic’ South in Ming Politics, 1368-1464”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Chicago, USA, 2005.

  • “Kinship and Elite Dominance in North and Northwest China in the Song-Yuan Period: A Comparison”, paper presented at the New England Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Cambridge MA, USA, 2003
  • “Which West are You Talking About?: 'Critical Review' as a Unique Mode of Conservatism in Modern China”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. San Francisco, USA, 2001.


  • Men of Letters within the Passes: Guanzhong Literati from the Tenth to the Eighteenth Centuries, (Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 2004), 381pp.


  • 《偽斯文書》,(新加坡:青年書局,2007)。

1) Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Tier 1

Topic: Before Zhu Xi: Geopolitical Crisis and the Unfolding of Daoxue Neo-Confucianism in Song China, 1107-1163. Start date: March 2018.


2) Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Tier 2

Topic: North China as Part of the Inner Asian System, 10th-15th Centuries (with Koh Khee Heong, Wang Jinping and Sng Tuan Hwee). Start date: June 2018.


3) Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Tier 1

Topic: The Xuanwu Cult and Military and Religious Cultures in Late Imperial China (with Koh Khee Heong). Start date: Oct 2009. Completed.


4) Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Tier 1 AND Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grant, Taiwan Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation

Topic: International Workshop on Qing Daoxue Neo-Confucianism (with Koh Khee Heong). Completed.


5) Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund, Tier 1

Topic: North and South: Regional Disparaties and Learning of the Way in Qing China (with Koh Khee Heong). Completed.



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