FASS Staff Profile



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Brief Introduction


Ph.D. in East Asian Studies .
Department of East Asian Studies, University of British Columbia

Master of Philosophy
Department of Chinese, University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Arts with First Honours (Major in Music)
Department of Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Work Experience



Associate Professor

Department of Chinese Studies, the National University of Singapore


Assistant Professor
Department of Chinese Studies, the National University of Singapore

Tutor of Chinese civilization course (classical literature, particularly poetry)
Chinese Civilisation Centre, City University of Hong Kong

Instructor of Chinese (classical and modern Chinese Poetry, Mandarin and Cantonese)
East Asian Studies Program, New York University

Teaching Assistant of Chinese language and literature
Department of East Asian Studies, University of British Columbia

Assistant Principal of Violin
Hong Kong Sinfonietta

Substitute Music Teacher
Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School, Hong Kong

Teaching Areas

  1. History of Chinese literature
  2. Tang-Song ci lyric
  3. Qing dynasty ci studies
  4. Shi poetry criticism and creative writing.
  5. Classical Chinese prose
  6. Classical poetry in overseas Chinese communities

Current Research

  1. Chinese Classical-style poetry writing in Singapore
  2. Chinese Classical-style poetry writing in the United States
  3. Ci poetry writings and studies in Qing dynasty and Republican China

Research Interests

1. classical-style poetry in modern, contemporary China and overseas Chinese communities.

2. classical Chinese literature

3. Ci and shi aesthetics and criticism.

4. Poetry chanting






    Book Manuscripts:

    1. Cultural Transplantation: The Writing of Classical Chinese Poetry in Colonial Singapore (18871945), Leiden: Brill, 2024.  

    2.《滄海遺音:民國時期清遺民詞研究》(Remaining Sounds of the Vast Ocean: A Study of Qing Loyalist Ci Lyric in the Republican Era), Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2012.

    3. Editer and annotator,《勤勉堂詩鈔:清朝駐新加坡首任領事官左秉隆詩全篇》(Poetry Collection from the Hall of Sedulousness: Complete Poems by Zuo Binglong, First Consul of Singapore from Qing Dynasty), Taipei: China Times Publishing Co., 2021.

    4. Editer and annotator, 《慧園詩存》(Poetry Collection from Wisdom Park by Hu Langman), Singapore: General Society for Chinese Classical Poetry (International), 2021.

    5. Editor and annotator, 《二十世紀十大家詞選》(Selected Works of Ten Major Ci Writers of the Twentieth Century) (co-authored with Siu Hong Wong), Taipei: Student Books, 2009.

    6. Editor and annotator,《清十大家詞選》(Selected Works of Ten Major Qing Ci Writers) (co-authored with Siu Hong Wong),Taipei: Dao Xiang, 2003.

    7. Editer-in-chief, 《獅城心影錄:中大人在新加坡》 (CUHK Alumni in Singapore), Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, 2013.


    English articles:

    1. “Founding Fathers: Qing Consul-Poets Zuo Binglong and Huang Zunxian in Singapore.” Ming Qing Studies, (2022): 9‒52.

    2. “Local Sensibility and Nostalgia: The Tanshe Poetry Society in Colonial Singapore.” Journal of Chinese Overseas (JCO), 18 (2022): 118‒152.

    3. “Poetic Connection between Nanyang and Lingnan: Using Colonial Singapore and Classical-Style Poetry as Examples.” Journal of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 74 (January 2022): 107‒140.

    4. “Poetic Record of Local Customs: Bamboo Branch Verses of Singapore (1888‒1941).” Journal of Chinese Overseas (JCO), 15 (2019): 5‒32.

    5. “Diversity in Ci Society: Oushe in Republican China.” Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 12.3 (2018): 351‒387.

    6. “Allusive Memories: Qing Loyalist Chen Zengshou's Allegorical Ci.” In From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th Early 20th Century China (從傳統到現代的中國詩學), edited by Lin Tsung-Cheng and Zhang Bowei, pp. 409‒450. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2017.

    7. “Gold Mountain Dreams: Classical-Style Poetry from San Francisco Chinatown.” In Hsiang Lectures on Chinese Poetry, edited by Grace S. Fong, Montreal: Centre for East Asian Research, McGill University, 2015, vol. 7, pp. 65‒105.

    8. “Tung Pok Chin: A Paper Son Poet in New York.” Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 2015, 9 (4): 635‒665.

    9. “Cultural Identity and Vocal Expression: The Southern School Tradition of Poetry Chanting.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles and Reviews (CLEAR), 32 (2010): 23‒52.

    10. “The Revival of Classical-Style Poetry Writing: A Field Study of Poetry Societies in Guangzhou.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles and Reviews (CLEAR), vol. 29 (2007): 105‒128.

    11. “A Reconsideration of Liu Yong and His Vulgar Lyrics.” Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies, 33 (2003): 1‒47.

    12. “Elevation and Expurgation: Elite Strategies in Enhancing the Reputation of Ci.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles and Reviews (CLEAR), 24 (2002): 1‒41.

    13. “Interpretations of Han Yu’s ‘Poem of Two Birds’.” British Columbia Asian Review, 11 (1997/98): 1‒21. (Web-based address: http://www.arts.ubca.ca/bcar)


    Chinese articles:

    1. 〈文化身份與聲音表達:廣州分春館的南派詩詞吟誦傳統〉(Cultural Identity and Vocal Expression: The Southern School Tradition of Poetry Chanting) (translated from English). 《長江學術》(Yangtze River Academic), 3 (2021): 38‒56.

    2. 〈朝向一個南洋詩學:研究新加坡華文舊體詩之我見〉(Toward a Nanyang Poetics: Some Thoughts about the Study of Chinese Classical-Style Poetry in Singapore), in 從《全臺詩》到全臺詩國際學術研討會論文集 (Collected Essays: from Complete Taiwan Poetry to Complete Taiwan Poetry International Conference), edited by Huang Mei-E 黃美娥, Tainan: The National Museum of Taiwan Literature, 2021, pp. 731‒748.

    3. 〈采風南洋: 邱菽園竹枝詞研究〉(Records of Nanyang Customs: A Study of Khoo Seok Wan’s Bamboo Branch Verses), 《華人文化研究》(Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies), 7.2 (2019): 95‒106.

    4. 〈隱微記憶:清遺民陳曾壽的喻托詞〉(Allusive Memories: Qing Loyalist Chen Zengshou’s Allegorical Ci Lyrics), in《今古一相接:中國文學的記憶與競技》(Connecting Past and Present: Cultural Memories and Contestations in Chinese Literature), edited by Yang Yu-cheng 楊玉成 and Liu Yuan-Ju 劉宛如, Taipei: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, 2019, pp. 147‒180.

    5. 〈創痛記憶:新馬兩地有關日佔時期的舊體詩〉(Traumatic Memories: Classical-Style Poetry about Japanese Occupation in Singapore and Malaysia),《華人研究國際學報》(The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies),11.2 (2019): 27‒44.

    6. 〈以詩弘法:大乘佛教與新加坡華文舊體詩〉(Salvation through Rhymes: Mahayana Buddhism and Classical Chinese Poetry in Early Singapore),《馬來西亞漢學刊》(Journal of Malaysia Sinology), 2 (2018): 33‒42; also in 漢傳佛教與亞洲城市生活 (Chinese Buddhism and Asian City Life), edited by Liu Yifeng 劉懿鳳 and Xu Yuantai 許源泰, Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe, 2021, pp. 335‒371.

    7. 〈成雙成對:新加坡蓮山雙林寺楹聯藝術概說〉(Literary Texts in Pairs: A Study of the Poetic Couplets in Shuang Lin Monastery), in《蓮山雙林:新加坡蓮山雙林禪寺一百二十周年文集》(Lianshan Shuanglin: Collected Essays of the 120 Anniversary of Singapore's Shuanglin Monastery, 18982018), edited by Du Nanfa 杜南發, Singapore: Jiaodian chuban youxian gongsi, 2018, Vol. 2, pp. 351‒375; 。

    8. 〈薪火相傳:南洋大學師生的舊體詩唱酬〉(Transmission of Fengya: Corresponding Poetry by Teachers and Students from Nanyang University),《中國現代文學》(Journal of Modern Chinese Literature),31 (2017): 105‒134.

    9. 〈血海:描述新加坡日佔時期的舊體詩集〉(Sea of Blood: A Classical Chinese Poetry Collection about Japanese Occupation in Singapore),《清華學報》(Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies),47.3 (2017): 547‒589.

    10. 〈刼灰與蘭花:新加坡日據時期的兩部舊體詩集〉(Kalpa Ashes and Orchid Flowers: Two Classical Chinese Poetry Collections in Singapore’s Japanese Occupation Period), 《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 63 (2016): 237‒265.

    11. 〈使節、詩人、遷客:論左秉隆及其《勤勉堂詩鈔》〉(Embassy, Poet and Sojourner: A Study of Zuo Binglong's Qinmiantang Shichao), in 《1894‒1920年代:歷史鉅變中的香港》(18941920s: Hong Kong in Great Transformation), edited by Xiao Guojian 蕭國健 and You Zi’an 游子安, pp. 140‒160. Hong Kong: Zhuhai College, 2016; also in 《南洋學報》 (Journal of South Seas Society), 74 (2020): 35‒56.

    12. 〈流寓與本土意識:新加坡華文舊體詩中的南洋色彩〉(Sojourner’s Sentiments and Localization: The Nanyang Flavors in Singapore’s Classical Chinese Poetry), 《東方文化》(Journal of Oriental Studies), 48.1 (2015): 73‒108.

    13. 〈古典新潮:談傳統詩詞的現代寫作〉(Classical New Wave: Writing Traditional-Style Poetry in Modern Time), 《熱帶》 (The Tropical), 7 (2014): 64‒68.

    14. 〈鄉邦傳統與遺民情結:民初白雪詞社及其唱和〉(Local Tradition and Loyalist Sentiment: White Snow Ci Society and Its Corresponding Lyrics in Early Republican China), 《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of Chinese Studies), 60 (2015): 261‒297.

    15. 〈群體身份與記憶的建構:清遺民詞社須社的唱酬〉(Constructing Group Identity and Memories: The Qing Loyalist Ci Society Xushe and Its Corresponding Poems),《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of Chinese Studies), 52 (2011): 205‒245; also in《抒情傳統與維新時代: 辛亥前後的文人、文學、文化》(Lyric Tradition and Reformist Era: Literati, Literature, and Culture before and after Xinhai), edited by Wu Shengqing 吳盛青 and Ko Chia-Cian 高嘉謙, Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 2012, pp. 375‒401.

    16. 〈骸骨之迷戀:論新文學家創作舊體詩之緣由〉(Fetishizing the Past: Writing Classical Poetry in the Early Republican Period),《東方文化》 (Journal of Oriental Studies), 43.1/2 (2010): 197‒233.

    17. 〈清遺民的志業:論《滄海遺音集》的成書過程與編彚目的〉(Legacy of the Qing Loyalist: the Publication of Canghai yiyinji and its Compilation Purpose), 《漢學研究》(Journal of Sinological Studies), 28.4 (2010): 171‒199.

    18. 〈論陳洵及其海綃詞〉(On Chen Xun and his Haixiao Ci), 詞學 (Ci Studies), 20 (2008): 200‒216.

    19. 〈傳統與地域的探索:論羅忼烈的詞〉(Tradition and Locality: On Law Hong-lit’s Ci Lyrics). 香港舊體文學論集(Essays on Traditional Literature in Hong Kong), edited by Wong Kuan-io 黃坤堯. Hong Kong: Xianggang zhongguo yuwen xuehui, 2008, pp. 105‒118.

    20. 〈選堂形上詞之我見〉(A Study of Jao Tsung-i’s Metaphysical Ci Lyrics), in《華學》(Chinese Studies), edited by Jao Tsung-I 饒宗頤, Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2008, vol. 9/10 (5), pp. 1811‒1823.

    21. 〈滿清遺老陳曾壽及其詞〉(The Qing Loyalist Chen Zengshou and His Ci Lyrics), in 《文化記憶与華人社會》(Cultural Memory and Chinese Society), edited by Hou Kok Chung 何國忠, Kuala Lumpur: Chinese Institute, University of Malaya, 2008, pp. 23‒41.

    22. 〈論葉恭綽的詞〉(On Ye Gongzhuo’s Ci-poems), 《文學論衡》(Journal of Chinese Literary Studies), 6 (2005): 14‒24.

    23. 〈當代廣州詩社考察與研究〉(Classical Poetry Clubs in Contemporary Guangzhou: A Field Study), 《九州學林》(Chinese Culture Quarterly), 7 (2005): 316‒346.

    24. 〈流行美學與唐宋民間俚詞〉(Popular Aesthetics and Tang-Song Popular Ci Lyrics), 《文與哲》(Literature and Philosophy), 4 (2004): 157‒203.


    Creative Writing:

    1. Various classical-style poems in Xinzhou yayuan 新洲雅苑, January 2016‒present.

    2. 胡浪漫其人其詩再發現 (Rediscover Hu Langman and His Poetry). Lianhe zaobao 聯合早報, June 5, 2020, collected in《文字現象2020》(Literary Phenomena 2020: A Collection of Lianhe Zaobao Literary Writings), edited by Yu Yun 余雲, Singapore: Lianhe Zaobao, 2021, pp. 288‒296..

    3. 邱菽園的戲劇人生:如果拍一部關於邱菽園的電影 (The Dramatic Life of Khoo Seok Wan: A Movie Imagined). Lianhe zaobao 聯合早報, May 30, 2019. Collected in《2019文字現象五週年紀念版》 (Literary Phenomena 2019: A Collection of Lianhe Zaobao Literary Writings), edited by Yow Cheun Hoe 游俊豪, Singapore: Lianhe Zaobao, 2020, pp. 122‒132.

    4. 從荔枝到榴槤---略談詠物詩 (From Lychee to Durian: Poetry on Objects). Gaofeng 高峰. 1/2 (2011): 60‒62.

    5. 十年 (Ten Years), a classical-style regulated verse set to mixed choir by the American composer George Lam, premier performance by Hong Kong Voices on June 2, 2007 at Concert Call, HK Academy for Performing Arts; Second performance by Hong Kong Young People’s Chorus on August 11, 2007, at the same venue.

    6. 變奏 (Variations On), words translated and adopted for a chamber work by George Lam, performed by Hong Kong Sinfonietta on October 26, 2007 at HK City Hall Concert Hall.

    7. Various classical-style poems in Universal Poetry 寰球吟壇, New York, USA, 2009‒2015.

    8. Various classical-style poems in the “Universal Poetry Column”  (寰球吟壇), Singtao Daily News 星島日報 (New York), New York, USA, 2001‒2009.

    9. Various classical-style poems in Shici bao 詩詞報, Guangzhou, China, 1994‒2003.

    10. Various classical-style poems in Dangdai shici 當代詩詞, Guangzhou, China: Guangdong zhonghua shici xuehui, vol.1, 1999, vol.1, 2000 & vol. 1, 2001.

    11. Twenty-four classical-style poems in the Qunsheng ji 群聲集. Guangzhou: Liyuan Poetry Club, 1995.


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