FASS Staff Profile

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR 新加坡国立大学文学暨社会科学院副教授

(65) 6516 6004
(65) 6779 4167


Ø         Ph.D., National University of Singapore 

Ø         M.A., National University of Singapore

Ø         M Ed., Ohio University, Athens 

Ø         Graduate Dip (HRM), Singapore Institute of Management

Ø         B.A.(Hons), National University of Singapore

Ø         B.A., National University of Singapore 



Ø         2013- 2015,2018: Deputy Head, Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore,新加坡国立大学文学暨社会科学院中文系副主任

Ø         2019-2021:Adjunct Professor by the College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University,汕头大学文学院潮州文化研究中心、宗教文化中心客座教授

1994- Present: Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, (Senior Tutor/ Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/ PhD Supervisor) 历任新加坡国立大学文学暨社会科学院中文系资深导师、助理教授、副教授、博士生导师

Ø         1999- 2005: SIM Open University, (Lecturer) 新跃大学讲师

Ø         1993-1994: Singapore Institute of Management (Management Training Consultant) 新加坡管理学院讲师

Ø         1990-1994: National Productivity Board, Singapore (Associate Trainer) 新加坡国家生产力局兼任讲师



  • 新跃社科大学人文与行为科学院中文系课程校外评委,2020。 External Assessor for Chinese Department,School of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences, Singapore University of Social Science , June 2020. 
  • 汕头大学“大学学术研究基金项目(潮汕文化研究)”评审人,2019。Reviewer for “ University Academic Project, 2019 (Chaoshan Culture Research )” , Shantou University, China.

  • 潮汕历史文化研究中心“潮学奖”评审委员,2019. Appointed as Member of Review Panel for the “Chaoxue Studies Award (2019)”. by Chaoshan History and Research Center, China. 
  • 《朝学研究》编委会委员,“华侨华人”栏目主持人 Editorial Committee Member and  Convener of Overseas Chinese Section for the Journal Chaozhuo Culture Research
  • 台湾《中国中古史研究》海外编审 External Reviewer for the Journal of Medieval China Study (Taiwan)
  • 中国武则天研究会理事 Council member, the Chinese Wu Zetian Research Society
  • 国际潮学研究学会学术委员  Member of Academic Board, International Society of Chaozhou Studies
  • 中国潮汕历史文化研究中心特约研究员兼学术顾问 Research Fellow (Overseas) and Academic Advisor, Centre for Chaoshan History and Culture Studies in Shantou City, PRC
  • 中国汕头华侨历史学会名誉会长兼学术委员会委员 Honorary President and Member of Academic Board, Overseas Chinese History Studies Society of Shantou City, China
  • 陈嘉庚基金会先贤馆学术委员 Member of Academic Advisory Boards, The Chinese Philanthropists Memorial Hall, Tan Kah Kee Foundation
  • 晚晴园——孙中山南洋纪念馆智囊团成员 Member, Resource Panel, Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall, Singapore
  • 《槟榔屿潮州人史纲》研究咨询顾问, 2007-2010  Consultant for Research Project on “History of the Teochew community in Penang", 2007-2010
  • 《南洋学报》主编, 2005-2012  Chief Editor, Journal of the South Seas Society, 2005-2012
  • 新加坡劳动力发展局商务汉语评估专家小组组员, 2014-2016  Singapore Workforce Development Agency Advisor for Chinese Workplace Literacy Programme Review Expert Panel, 2014-2016
  • 新加坡教育部双语双文化课程论文评审人 Sinapore Ministry of Education Bicultural Studies Programme Essay Reviewer
  • 新加坡国立大学出版社专著编审(2018年)NUS Press Manuscript External Reviewer (2018)



  • 新加坡潮州八邑会馆董事兼文教委员会主席2001-2009, Sinapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan Director and  Chairman of Culture and Education Committee,2001-2009
  • 新加坡潮州八邑会馆文教委员会顾问 2010-2012, Sinapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan Advisor to Culture and Education Committee 2010-2012
  • 新加坡澄海会馆文教顾问 Advisor (Culture & Education), Chen Hai Clan Association (Theng Hai Huay Kuan)
  • 醉花林俱乐部文教委员会顾问 Advisor to Culture and Education Committee, Chui Huay Lim Club
  • 新加坡潮州陇西公会教育奖助学金顾问 Advisor to Scholarships and Bursaries, Singapore Teochew Lee Clan Association



Ø        2019- 汕头大学人文学院宗教文化中心访问学人 2019-2020 Visiting Fellow, The Center for Religious Culture Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University, 2019-2020

Ø        2016 - 韩山师范学院访问学者 2016 - Visiting Fellow, Hanshan Normal University

Ø        2016 - 国立屏东大学访问学者 2016 - Visiting Fellow, National Pingtung University

Ø        2012 - 国立屏东教育大学访问学者 2012 - Visiting Fellow, National Pingtung University of Education

Ø        2012 - 厦门大学访问学者 2012 - Visiting Fellow, Xiamen University

Ø        2012 - 漳州师范大学访问学者 2012 - Visiting Fellow, Zhangzhou Normal University

Ø        2012 - 汕头大学访问学者 2012 - Visiting Fellow, Shantou University

Ø        2009 - 北京师范大学访问学者 2009 - Visiting Scholar, Beijing Normal University

Ø        2009 - 美国俄亥俄大学访问学者 2009 - Visiting Scholar, Dr. Shao You-Bao Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center, Ohio University, USA

Ø        2009 - 英国曼彻斯特大学访问学者 2009 - Visiting Fellow, University of Manchester, UK

Ø        2007 - “厦门大学引智计划”访问学者 2007 - Xiamen University Fellowship

Ø        2007 - 马来西亚槟城“国际潮人文化论坛”主讲嘉宾 2007 - Guest Speaker, International Forum on Teochew Culture, Penang, Malaysia

Ø        2006 - 澳门科技大学访问学者  2006 - Research Fellow, Macao University of Science and Technology

Ø        2005 - 受邀在香港科技大学华南研究中心发表学术报告  2005 - Invited by the South China Research Center at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology to deliver a public lecture

Ø        2005 - 广州中山大学访问学者  2005 - Visiting Scholar, Centre for Historical Anthropology, Sun Yat-San University

Ø        2004 - 新加坡国立大学教学人员研究基金。研究课题:“新加坡潮人善堂研究”  2004 - Awarded NUS FASS Academic Research Grant to conduct a research project on “Charity Enterprises and Cultural Dissemination: A Study of Chaozhou Charity Halls in Singapore”

Ø        2003 - 受邀在潮州韩山师范大学潮汕文化研究中心发表学术演讲  2003 - Invited by the Center for Chaoshan Culture at Hanshan Normal College, Chaozhou city to deliver a guest lecture

Ø        2003,2004 - 汕头大学访问学者  2003, 2004 - Visiting Scholar, Shantou University, PRC

Ø        2003 - 新加坡国立大学文学院教学人员研究资助基金。研究课题:“潮州善堂研究”  2003 - Awarded NUS FASS Research Support Scheme to conduct a research project on “A Study of Teochew ‘Shantang’ (Charity Halls)

Ø        2003 - 新加坡国立大学文学院教学人员研究资助基金。研究课题:“当代海外潮人社会文化”  2003 - Awarded NUS FASS Research Support Scheme to conduct a research project on the history and culture of contemporary overseas Teochew Community

Ø        2002 - 应邀至北京中国社科院历史所访问 2002 - Visit to the Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Ø         2000/2001- 北京师范大学访问学者(获中国教育部颁发中华文化研究基金)。研究课题:唐代文人的赋税思想 2000/2001- Awarded the Chinese Culture Research Fellowship by the China Scholarship Council of the Ministry of Education, PRC to conduct a collaborative research Project on “The Taxation Thought of Tang’s Literary Man” at Beijing Normal University



  • 2022 《蓝十春秋:新加坡潮人善堂考》一书获中国潮汕历史与文化研究基金颁授“潮学奖”一等奖。 The History and Transformation of the Blue Cross: On Chaozhou Charitable Institutions in Singaporewon the international “Chaoxue Awards” (1st Class), which is awarded every 3 year by the Chaoshan History and Culture Research Foundation, China.
  • 2017 国庆勋章(长期服务), 2017 National Day Awards (Long Service Medal)
  • 2016  《石叻澄邑先哲传略》一书获中国潮汕历史与文化研究基金颁授“潮学奖”二等奖。2016 Historical Personalities of Chenghai Clan in Early Singapore, won the international “Chaoxue Awards” (2nd Class), which is awarded every 3 year by the Chaoshan History and Culture Research Foundation, China
  • 2015 新加坡国立大学文学与社会科学学院杰出教学奖, 2015 Singapore National University Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards(FASS) 2015
  • 2015 〈19-20世纪期间新加坡各帮民信局的营运与同业组织〉,陈荆淮主编《海邦剩馥:侨批档案研究》(广州:暨南大学出版社,2016),页 16-27。荣获潮汕历史文化中心颁发“侨批文化特别奖”  2015 "Operational models of the Overseas Chinese remittance houses and guilds in the 19th-20th century Singapore". In Chen Jinghuai ed., The Research on Qiaopi, Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2016, pp. 16-27 won the "Special Prize of Qiaopi Culture" awarded by the Center for Chaoshan History and Culture, Shantou, China.
  • 2004 主编《海外潮人的移民经验》一书获中国潮汕历史与文化研究基金颁授“潮学奖”一等奖 2004 The Immigration Experience of Overseas Teochew (ed) won the international “Chaoxue Awards” (1st Class), which is awarded every 3 year by the Chaoshan History and Culture Research Foundation, China


Level 1000 Modules

  • 汉学导论 Introduction to Chinese Studies 
  • Chinese Heritage: History and Literature 中华民族遗产:历史与文学  

Level 2000 Modules

  • Chinese Tradition 中国传统导论                                                                                            
  • 中国通史 General History of China 
  • 中国商务 Discovering The Chinese Business Enviroment 

Level 3000 Modules                                                                                                                               

  • 中国历史专题:中国社会经济史 Selected Topics in Chinese History II 

Level 4000 Modules, HONOURS DEGREE COURSES (荣誉学位课程)                                                           

  •  海外华人专题 Selected Topics on the Overseas Chinese

INDEPENDENT STUDIES (under-graduate and post-graduate) 本科生与研究生独立研习


Level 5000 Modules

  • 唐帝国的历史与文明——政治、制度与文化 History and Civilizations of the Tang Empire
  • 中国传统社会与商业文明 Business Culture in Traditional China
  • 中国古代经济思想与商业观 Economic & Management Thought in Pre-Modern China 

Level 6000 Modules

  • 中国历史专题:唐代历史与社会Topics in Chinese History


Postdoctoral Fellowship Research Supervision(指导博士后研究)

1.水海刚《南洋闽侨社团与福建政府关系研究,1928-1949》,Shui Haigang, A Study of the relationship of Fujianese’s Voluntary Association in Southeast Asia and Local Government of Fujian Province during 1930s-1940s

2.翁频《从公案簿看巴达维亚华人孤贫养济院美惜甘》,A Study on the Chinese Weeskamer of Batavia: Focusing the Gong An Bu.

Ph.D. Supervision(指导博士论文)

§ As Supervisor:

1. 张仕隽《发轫、调适与复兴:新马潮人社团之跨国网络建构》Zhang Shijun, Establishment, Adaptation and Rejuvenation: Building Transnational Networks for Teochew Clan Associations in Singapore and Malaysia

2. 吴静玲《稻米与国家建构:中泰关系中的泰国华人米业(1930s-1940s)》Rice and Nation-State Building: Thai-Chinese Rice Industry against the Background of Sino-Thai Relations (1930s-1940s)

3. 杨妍《中医在新加坡(1867-2014):政府与民间组织之作用与互动》 Yang Yan, Chinese Medicine in Singapore (1867-2014): The Interactions between the Government and Non-governmental Organizations

4. 李秀萍《族群、社会、信仰:三山国王崇拜从粤东到新马的传播》 Lee Siew Peng,Migration, Society and Religion: Propagation of Sanshan Guowang belief from Eastern Guangdong to Singapore and Malaysia

5. 任娜《跨越国界的社群:当代海外晋江人跨国网络之研究 》 Ren Na, A Transnational Community: A Study of Intra-Asian Networks of the Overseas Jinjiangnese in the Contemporary Time

6. 张慧梅《家园想象、地域认同与民族国家的建构:以新马潮人社群(1945-1965)为中心》 Zhang Huimei,Imagining Homeland, Localizing Identity, and Constructing the Nation-state: The Teochew Community in Singapore and Malaysia, 1945- 1965

7. 鲁虎《新马的中国观之研究 (1949-1965)》 Lu Hu, A Study of Changing Perceptions of China in Singapore and Malaysia, 1949-1965

§ As Supervisor For CSC Programme(中国国家留学基金委建设高水平大学公派研究生项目联合指导教授):

1. 郭崇江,厦门大学人文学院历史系,《空间·网络·结构:近代闽南区域社会经济变迁研究(1843-1949)》 Guo Chong Jiang, Department of History, College of Humanities, Xiamen University, Space. Network. Structure: the Social-Economic Changes in Southern Fujian in Modern China

2. 李永,北京师范大学历史学院,《武则天对长安的经营—以西京留守为中心》 Li Yong, School of History, Beijing Normal University, The Management of Chang'an By Empress Wu Zetian- Forcus on Xijing Liu Shou

3. 汤锋旺,厦门大学人文学院历史系,《南洋华侨与中国现代高等教育——私立厦门大学研究(1921-1937)》 Tang Fengwang, Department of History, College of Humanities, Xiamen University, Nanyang Chinese and Modern China Higher Education: Study on Amoy University from 1921-1937.

4. 张仕隽,华南师范大学政治与行政学院,《当代社会治理功能研究——新加坡工商联合总会研究》 Zhang Shijuan,School of Political Science and Administration, South China Normal University, The Study of the Function of Social Governance: A Case Study of Singapore Business Federation.

§ As Dissertation Committee Member:

1. 黄淑玲《族群认同的弱化与复兴:新加坡与台湾两地客家社团之比较》 Ooi Su Ling,Weakening and Revitalizing of Ethnic Identity: A Comparative Study of the Hakka Communities in Singapore and Taiwan

2. 李小燕《官方行局侨汇研究(1928-1949)—侨汇兴衰论析》 Li Xiaoyan ,A Study of Overseas Chinese Remittance through National Banks and Post Offices (1928-1949) —The Rise and Fall of Overseas Chinese Remittance

3. 余淑娟《地方戏曲的传播和组织:以新加坡的潮州戏和外江戏为例》 Yee Sok Kiang, The Dissemination and Organization of Regional Chinese OperaA Case Study of Teochew Opera and Waijiang Opera of Singapore

4. 梁勇《论明代的《家礼》推广与研究》 Liang Yong, The study of Family Rites in the Ming Dynasty

5. 吴龙云《平章会馆与中华总商会及槟城华人社会:廿世纪初期的帮群、领袖及其互动》 Goh Leng Hoon, Penang Chinese Town Hall, Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Early 20-century Penang Chinese Societies: Bang, Leadership and Interaction

6. 沈仪婷《时代与人物:黄树芬的政治与教育思想》 Sin Yee Theng, Politics and Education: The Times and Thoughts of Huang Shu-fen (1898-1979)

7. 丁涵 Ding Han, A Study of the Transformation of Poetic Travelogue from Han Through to Tang Dynasties

8. 赖郁如《文化、方言群与国家:新加坡华人的亲族实践》 Lai Yu-Ju, Culture, Dialect Groups and the State: Kinship Practices of Chinese Singaporeans

9. 徐郁萦《起信、征验、书写——清代修净居士的宗教体验》 Hsu Yu-Yin, Conversion, Verification and Writing: the Religious Experience of the Pure Land Buddists during the Qing Dynasty

10. 邓宇 《从侨务运作到运作侨务:民国时期中国驻新加坡总领事研究(1912-1941)》Deng Yu Performing Overseas Chinese Affairs: A Study on the Chinese Consul-Generals’ in Singapore During the Republican Era (1912-1941)

M.A. Supervision (指导硕士论文)

1. 李秀萍《新加坡潮人社团组织及其教育事业》Lee Siew Peng,The Teochew Clan Associations in Singapore andTheir Contributions in Education

2. 郑迪能《唐肃宗评议》Tey Tek Len,An Assessment of Emperor Tang Suzong

3. 李运盛《柳宗元诗文中的财政思想》Lee Eng Sen,A Critical Analysis of Liu Zongyuan’s Financial Thought as Reflected in His Literary Works

4. 杨灵芝《新加坡潮人的宗教信仰》Yeo Ling Kee, The Religious Beliefs of the Teochew Community in Singapore

5. 洪澜《唐宋之际妇女社会地位之变迁》Hong Lan ,The Changes in Social Status of Woman in Tang and Song Dynasty

6. 伍美芬《新加坡福建人社群之研究(1945-1965),NG May Fun, The Hokkien Community in Singapore (1945-1965): A Socio-Cultural Study

7. 连美珊《韩愈经济思想研究》Lian Bee San, The economic thought of Han Yu

8. 邹婧《潮籍作家蓉子与新中两国互动》Zou Jing, The Role of Rongzi in the Interaction between Singapore and China

9. 杨妍《危与机:论新加坡早期华人银行之生存发展 1903-1945》Yang Yan,Crises and Changes: The Development of Overseas Chinese Banks in Singapore During 1903-1945

10. 吕双《在国家与帮权之间:社会政治空间下怡和轩俱乐部的功能转型》 Lv Shuang, Between The State and The Power of "Pang": The Ee Hoe Hean Club Within the Social Political Space

11. 吴静玲《新加坡在“汕—香—暹—叻”贸易圈中的地位探析》 Wu Jingling, The Role of Singapore in the Trade Cycle of "Shantou-HongKong-Siam-Singapore"

12. 叶皓凌《危机之变:新加坡华文书业及其贸易网络研究(1910s-1960s)》Changes between Crisies:A Research on Singapore Chinese Book Industry and Its Trade Network(1910s-1960s)

  • 新加坡华人社团研究  Chinese Clan Associations in Singapore

  • 新加坡潮人善堂研究  Charity Enterprises and Cultural Dissemination: A Study of Chaozhou Charity Halls in Singapore

  • 游走于革命与拓殖间:新加坡先驱林义顺研究  A Biography of Lim Nee Soon

  • 新加坡古迹研究 Studies on Monuments in Singapore

  • 新马华人人物研究 Chinese Personalities in Singapore and Malaysia

Studies in Medieval China 中国中古史研究:                                                                                            

§         History of the Tang Dynasty 唐史

§         Taxation and Economic Development of Tang period 唐代赋税与经济史

§         Chinese Traditional Thought on Economics and Management 中国古代经济与管理思想

§         The Study of Wu Zetian   武则天研究

Studies in Chinese Overseas/Ethnic Chinese 海外华人研究:

§      History and Culture of Overseas Teochew Communities 海外潮人历史与文化


§      The Study of Teochew Shantang” (Charity Halls)  潮州善堂研究


  • 《蓝十春秋:新加坡潮人善堂考》(北京,社会科学文献出版社,2021),358页。The History and Transformation of the Blue Cross: On Chaozhou Charitable Institutions in Singapore, 358页。The History and Transformation of the Blue Cross: On Chaozhou Charitable Institutions in Singapore, Beijing, Social Science Academic Press ,Dec 2021, 358 pp.
  • 《一脉相承:石叻澄邑先贤传略》(修订版),广州:暨南大学出版社,2019,188页。Historical Personalities of Chenghai Clan in Early Singapore,Revised editition, Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2019, 188 pp.
  • 《石叻澄邑先哲传略》(新加坡:澄海会馆,2015),183页。Historical Personalities of Chenghai Clan in Early Singapore, Singapore: Chenghai Clan Association, 2015, 183 pp.
  • 《汾阳郭氏名士录:新加坡篇》(新加坡:新加坡汾阳郭氏公会,2015),101页。Eminent Persons of the Guo Clan in Singapore, Singapore: Singapore Fenyang Guo Association, 2015, 101 pp.
  • 《汾水长流》(新加坡:新加坡汾阳郭氏公会,2015),141页。River Fen Flows On, Singapore: Singapore Fenyang Guo Association, 2015, 141 pp.
  • 《流金岁月》,醉花林俱乐部166周年暨新会所开幕双庆特辑(新加坡:醉花林俱乐部,2011)173页。
    The Gilded Years. Singapore: Chui Huay Lim Club, 2011, 173 pp.
  • 《乘风破浪-新加坡澄海会馆40周年纪念》(新加坡:澄海会馆,2005),196页。Braving the Wind and the Waves - The Spirit of the Hongtou Boats and the Chenghai Clansmen. Singapore: Chenhai Clan Association, 2005, 196 pp.
  • 《杨炎及其两税法研究》(北京:中国社会科学出版社,2002),454页。
    A Study of Yang Yan and His Two Tax System. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2002, 454 pp.


  • 《新加坡潮人社团出版物辑录》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、新加坡潮州八邑会馆,2015),309页。An Annotated Bibliography of Singapore Teochew Clan Publications. Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies National University of Singapore, Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan , 2015, 309 pp.
  • 《南洋研究:回顾、现状与展望》(新加坡:南洋学会,2012),237页。
    The Retrospection, Present and Perspective of Southeast Asian Studies. Singapore: South Seas Society, 2012, 237 pp.
  • 《东南亚潮人研究中文资料辑录》(新加坡:新加坡国立大学中文系、新加坡国立大学中文图书馆,2012),208页。
    Research Materials on the Teochew Community in Southeast Asia in the Special Collection of the NUS Chinese Library: An Annotated Bibliography. Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies National University of Singapore, Chinese Library National University of Singapore , 2012, 208 pp.
  • 《东南亚与中国——连接、疏远、定位》(新加坡:新加坡亚洲研究学会,2009),282页。
    Southeast Asia and China: Connecting, Distancing and Positioning. Singapore: Singapore Society of Asian Studies, 2009, 282 pp.
  • 《海外潮人的移民经验》(新加坡:八方文化企业公司,2003),568页。
    The Migration Experience of Overseas Teochew. Singapore: Global Publishing Company, 2003, 568 pp.


  • •《南洋学报》第66期(新加坡:南洋学会,2012)。
    Journal of the South Seas Society. Vol.66. (Singapore), 2012.
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  • 〈新加坡潮州文化研究概况〉,《汕头大学学报》增刊2003年,页153-158。"On the studies of Chaoshan culture in Singapore". In Journal of Shantou University, 19 (Supplementary issue on Chaozhou culture), 2003, pp.153-158.
  • 〈开创“南洋画风”的新加坡潮籍先驱画家- 陈文希〉,北京《中国书画》2003 年第8期,页72-73。 "Creating the 'Nanyang painting style' Chen Wen Hsi: The Teochew pioneer painter in Singapore". In Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, No. 8, 2003, pp.72-73.
  • 〈从<均节赋税恤百姓六条>评陆贽反对两税法之立论>〉,台北《中国中古史研究》2002年创刊号,页195-227。"An evaluation of Lu Zhi's criticisms of the two tax system as reflected in his 'six part memorial on tax reform'". In Medieval China Study, No.1, 2002, pp. 195-227.
  • 〈两税非为党争产物:从代、德二朝财政改革对推行两税法的意义谈起〉,《中国经济史研究》2001年第4期,页71-78。 "Two Tax System was not a product of factional strife: An alternative interpretation". In Researches in Chinese Economic History, No. 4, 2001, pp.71-78.
  • 〈在危机中开创生机:评武周时期的逃户措施及其意义〉,开封《史学月刊》2001年第2期,页35-39,97。"Creating opportunities in the midst of crises: An assessment on Empress Wu Zetian's measures against the problem of vagrancy". in Journal of Historical Science, No.2, 2001, pp. 35-39.
  • 〈唐建中初年财政改革与党争关系新探〉,《中国社会经济史研究》1999年第2期,页13-20。 "An investigation of the relation between the two tax system reform and factional strife". In The Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, No.2, 1999, pp.13-20.
  • 〈武则天的“改制”及其评价〉,《历史教学》1998年第3期,页9-13。"Wu Zetian's 'system transformation' and the evaluation concerned".In History Teaching, No.3, Series 412, 1998, pp. 9-13.
  • 〈新加坡唐史研究概况〉,《中国唐史学会会刊》15期 (西安:中国唐史学会,1996) ,页71-79。 "The studies of Tang dynasty history in Singapore". In Journal of China's Tang Dynasty History Society, No.15, 1996, pp.71-79.


  • 〈序二〉,《林伦伦教授六秩传薪集》(北京:中国社会科学出版社,2017),页1-3。"Foreword II". In A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Lin Lunlun on His Sixtieth Birthday. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2017. (In Chinese), pp. 1-3.
  • 〈序二〉,《百年澄中(1915-2015)》(广州:暨南大学出版社,2015),页1-2。"Foreword II". In The 100th Anniversary of Chenghai High School (1915-2015). Guangzhou: Jinan University Publisher 2015. (In Chinese), pp. 1-2.
  • 〈从《货殖列传》看古人“货殖”之术〉,《源》2014年第5期,页22-23 。
  • 〈“柜坊”与“飞钱”——金融业的缘起〉,《源》2014年第4期,页26-27。
  • 〈序〉,《闽南信仰与地方文化》(高雄:春晖出版社,2013),页4-5。"Foreword". In The Southern Fujian Belief and Local Culture. KaoHsiung: Chun Hui Publisher 2013. (In Chinese), pp. 4-5.
  • 〈新加坡潮人社团的纷争与磨合〉《联合早报》言论版,2013年9月27日。
  • 〈潮人俱乐部百年新魅力——新加坡潮人俱乐部醉花林史略〉,《广东潮讯》2011年第4期,总第68期,页31-35。
  • 〈序〉,《槟榔屿潮州人史纲》(槟城:潮州会馆,2010),页vi-viii。"Foreword". In The Teochews in Penang: A Concise History, Vi-Viii. Penang: Penang Teochew Association, 2010. (In Chinese). pp. vi-viii.
  • 〈序〉,洪雅琳著《人生学思录》(新加坡:八方文化创作室,2009),页xi-xiii。"
  • 〈新时代新使命:新加坡潮州八邑会馆文教委员会推动海外潮人研究,提升文教活动层次〉,《广东潮讯》2009年第2期,总第58期,页44-45。
  • 〈扶乩仪式与善堂文化〉,《柳缘》二辑 (新加坡:大巴窑修德善堂,2007) 。
    "An observation of the coscinomancy ritual (fuji) of Teochew charity hall". In The Collection of "Ji" Text- Liuyuan (2), Singapore: The Singapore Tao Payoh Seu Teck Sean Tong, 2007.


  • • 《海外华人捐资兴学的功劳碑——李宏新《汕头华侨捐资兴学记述:1949-2018》书评与思考》,载《潮商· 潮学》,第6卷,2020年,104-105页。A review on "The Contribution of the overseas Chinese toward education in Shantou" by Li Hongxin”.In Chaoshan Businessman· Chaoshan Culture Research , Vol 6, 2020, pp. 104-105.                                        

    This review was also widely published in various Chinese newspaper agencies and official Media,  such as Shantou Daily (《汕头日报》), Nanfang Daily (《南方日报》), Yangcheng Evening News (《羊城晚报》), Today Commercial News (《加拿大商报》), Shantoy  TV (汕头电视台), Xinhua News Agency (《新华社》), Xinhua Net (新华网)、Southern Net (南方网), Learning Power Platform(学习强国平台), etc.

    • 曾玲《新加坡华人宗乡文化研究》,载《华人研究国际学报》,第11卷第2期,2019年12月,127-129页。A Review on  “A Study of Singapore Chinese Clan Culture“ by  Zeng Ling. In The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies, Vol 11.2. Dec 2019, pp.127-129.

    • Book Review On A History of the Hok Tek Chi Loke Yah Teng Association, 1824-2004 by ZENG LING in Singapore Chinese Heritage Studies, Hok Tek Chi Loke Yah Teng Series, Vols 1-4. In Chinese and Singapore: Chinese Heritage Centre. 2005., Journal of Chinese Overseas, 3,1(May 2007), pp. 159-161.


  • 〈保存历史之必要——从《狮城散记》《马来散记》新编注本谈〉,《联合早报》,2019年6月24日。Comments on the books Singapore Sketches and Malayan Sketches(Newly Edited and Annotated), 24 Jun 2019.
  • 〈“华社未来新方向”座谈会〉,《怡和世纪》2011年6月,页5-6。
    "Towards a new horizon: challenges and future roles of the Chinese association clans". In Koh Hock Kiat (ed),Yihe Shiji,, 2011.6, pp.5-6.
  • Spirit-writing: Surviving Modernity. NUS Research Gallery, March, 2008.
    http://www.nus.edu.sg/corporate/research/gallery/ reserach131.html
  • 马晓晖〈李志贤博士访谈录〉,《汕头大学学报》2003年第19期,页153-158。 "Interview with Dr. Lee Chee Hiang". In Journal of Shantou University, No. 19, 2003, pp.153-158.


    • 《杨炎及其两税法研究》,新加坡国立大学博士论文,1998。355页。

    A Study of Yang Yan and His Two‑Tax System. PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 1998. 
    355 pp. 

    •  《武则天研究》,新加坡国立大学硕士论文,1993。339页。

    A Study of Wu Zetian. MA thesis, National University of Singapore, 1993. 339 pp.

    •    A Study of Faculty Morale, MEd Thesis,Ohio University,USA, 1992. 69 pp.




    •  "Chen Wen Hsi, pp. 111-113, Lien Ying Chow, pp. 583-585, Lim Nee Soon, pp. 649-651, Liu Yin Soon, pp. 690-692", Leo Suryadinata ed., Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese Descent: A Biographical Dictionary Volume I, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing, 2012.
    • 〈林义顺〉,何启良主编《马来西亚华人人物志》(马来西亚八打灵:拉曼大学中华研究中心,2014),页878-881。



  • Gave a talk on "Religious organisation or Charity? The attributes and developmental direction of Singapore's Teochew shangtang" at a seminar organised in conjunction with the exhibition on"The Philanthropy & Cultural Heritage of the Singapapore's  Teochew shantang"  jointly organised by Yeo Khee Lim Teochew Culture Research Centre and the Blue Cross Institution, 6 Nov 2022.  主讲“宗教组织抑或慈善团体?新加坡潮州善堂的属性与发展方向”, 杨启霖潮州文化研究中心与中华善堂蓝十总会联办 “百年公益与文化:新加坡潮州善堂慈善事业和文化展览” ,2022年11月6日。
  • Presented a public lecture on “Some Investigations of Teochew Shantang (Hall of good deeds)”, jointly organized by the Chaozhou Culture Research Center and the Religious Culture Center, Shantou University on 18 May 2022. 主讲“新加坡潮州善堂考”,汕头大学潮州文化研究中心、宗教文化研究中心联办线上公开讲座,2022年5月18日。
  • Guest Speaker at the 2022 Bicultural Programme Symposium, organized by the Ministry of Education in March 2022.  新加坡教育部双文化课程研讨会主讲嘉宾,2022年。


  • Guest Speaker,2020 Bicultural Programme Symposium, organized by the Ministry of Education,March 2020.  新加坡教育部双文化课程研讨会主讲嘉宾,2020年。


  • Presented a Public Lecture on “Getting to know Lim Nee Soon” at The Singapore Cultural Center on 5 October 2019. The public lecture was jointly organised by Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan and Yeo Khee Lim Teochew Culture Research Centre. 主讲"认识林义顺”,新加坡文化中心,2019年10月5日,由潮州八邑会馆、杨启霖潮州文化研究中心联办。
  • Delivered a Public Lecture on “Fact of the past and facts of the history: A discussion on the authenticity of Tang Dynasty’s historical texts through records of political events of the early Tang period”at Shantou University, China , 4 Nov 2019. 主讲“真实的历史与历史的真实:从唐初政治事件的记载看唐代史料的真伪问题” ,汕头大学,2019年11月4日,2019-2020学年度汕头大学文学院文化研究中心访问学人系列演讲。
  • Give a talk on “The decline of Lim Nee Soon’s family from the eve of WW II and the change in the power-structure within the Singapore Teochew community” at the History Department and Center for Minnan Culture Studies at Minnan Normal University, 6 Nov 2019, also at Center for Chaoshan Cultue Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University, China》, 8 Nov 2019. 主讲“二战前后林义顺家族的式微与新加坡潮社权力格局的变化”,闽南师范大学历史系与闽南文化研究中心,2019年11月6日,以及汕头大学潮汕文化研究所,2019年11月8日。


  • The International Conference on “The Overseas Chinese and the Development of Hometown (Shantou City)”, Shantou, China, 8 April 2018.《“华侨华人与侨乡社会发展”学术讨论会》,中国汕头。
  • The Culture of Chaozhou Charity Hall (shantang) in Singapore: Review, Reflection, Challenge, Singapore, 12 May 2018. 《新加坡潮人善堂文化:回顾、反思、挑战》,新加坡潮州总会与中华善堂蓝十救济总会联办潮人讲堂,新加坡。


  • Gongde Merits: Salvation Rituals of the Chaozhou Charity Hall (shantang) in Singapore, Talk at Asian Civilizations Museum, Singapore, 22 April 2017. 《做功德:新加坡潮人善堂的救赎仪式》,亚洲文明博物馆,新加坡。

  • The 12th International Conference on Chaozhou Studies, Pontianak, Indonesia, 26-29 April 2017. 《第十二届国际潮学研讨会》,印尼坤甸。

  • Annual Conference on Teochew Studies 2017, Teochew Historial and Cultural Studies Center, Shantou, 14 May 2017. 《2017潮学年会》,汕头市潮汕历史文化研究中心。

  • The International Conference on “The Religious, Culture and Beliefs of Overseas Chinese”, Bangkok, Thailand, 24 Nov 2017.《第二届华人宗教国际学术研讨会:华侨宗教与信仰文化》,国立法政大学东亚研究所 ,泰国曼谷。


  • Book launch ceremony of Tan Teng Phee (ed.) Records of Tong Meng Hui in Singapore, Singapore, 9 Jan 2016. 《陈丁辉星洲同盟会录新书发布会》,新加坡。
  • 2016 Bicultural Programme Symposium, Singapore, 15 March 2016. 2016双文化活动论坛,新加坡。
  • Gongde & Salvation: An observation of dead rituals of the Teochew in Singapore, Talk at National Cheng Kung University and National Pingtung University, Taiwan, 27 March 2016. 《功德与救赎:潮人善堂殡葬仪式的观察》,国立成功大学和国立屏东大学讲座,台湾。
  • International Conference on "Coping with transnational crisis: Chinese economic and social lives in East Asian Ports-Cities, 1850-1950", Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 7-8 Jun 2016. 《跨国危机的对应:1850-1950东亚港口-城市华人的社会经济生活会议》,香港中文大学。


  • Second Phase Workshop of The Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Teochew Studies Program, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-10 Jan 2015. 《雪隆潮州人研究计划》第二阶段研究进度及成果审查工作坊,马来西亚吉隆坡。
  • Book Recommendation Talk on Entering Ngee Ann Kongsi written by Tan Kim Hong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 Jan 2015. 《陈剑虹先生新书走进义安公司新书推荐礼》,马来西亚吉隆坡。
  • International Conference on Teochew: from Motherland to Oversea, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 Jun 2015. 《潮州:从故乡到异乡国际学术交流研讨会》,泰国曼谷。
  • International Conference on Maritime Silk Road and Chaozhou, Hakka Merchants, Chaozhou, China, 1-3 Dec 2015. 《2015广东社会科学学术年会“海丝之路与潮商、客商”专场》,中国潮州。
  • Round table Conference on Overseas and Hometown: Teochew and Hokkien Ethnic Groups' Religious Beliefs, Xiamen, China, 11-14 Dec 2015. 《海外与侨乡:潮汕、闽南族群宗教信仰》,中国厦门。


  • Talk on Discussion related to The Documentary about Singapore Tycoon, Lim Nee Soon, Singapore, Chui Huay Lim Club. 8 Mar 2014.《从星洲头家:林义顺纪录片谈起》,新加坡醉花林。
  • The International Symposium on "Chinese Qiaopi & UNESCO Memory of the World Programme", Shantou, China. 31 Oct- 1 Nov 2014. 《世界记忆遗产—侨批档案研讨会》,中国汕头。


  • The International Symposium on "Qiao Archives: Memory of the World Programme", Beijing, China. 19-20 April 2013. 《中国侨批、世界记忆工程国际研讨会》,中国北京。
  • The 10th International Conference on Chaozhou Studies, Wuhan, China. 28-31 May 2013. 《第十届国际潮学研讨会》,中国武汉。
  • The Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Teochew Studies Program, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22 June 2013. 《雪隆潮州人研究计划》,马来西亚吉隆坡。
  • Talk on "Inscription of Shengxian Taizi by Wu Zetian", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-23 June 2013. 《武则天及其升仙太子碑》,马来西亚吉隆坡。
  • 2013 International Conference on Studies of Mazu: The Global Perspective of Mazu Beliefs, Taichung, Taiwan, 28-29 Sept, 2013.《2013台中妈祖国际观光文化节——妈祖国际学术研讨会》,台湾台中。
  • Seminar on Chaoshan Culture, Shantou, China. 6-8 Nov 2013. 《潮汕文化专题演讲》,中国汕头。
  • Glocal Chaoshan, Shantou, China. 22-23 Nov 2013. 《跨学科多元解读全球本土的潮汕文化研讨会》,中国汕头。


  • Remittance to China: Dreams and Struggles of Early Migrants, Singapore, 15 Sept 2012.《家书抵万金——新加坡侨批文化展座谈会》,新加坡。
  • The 2012 South Taiwan Forum on Mazu Belief, Pingtung, Taiwan, 9-13 Nov 2012. 《2012南台湾两岸妈祖论坛》,台湾屏东。
  • The International Conference on The Overseas Chinese Remittance and World Memories, Fuzhou, China. 11-12 Dec 2012.《中国侨批、世界记忆国际学术研讨会》,中国福州。


  • International Conference on the 1911 Revolution: Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the Revolutinaries and the Next Centennial, Singapore, 3-5 Nov 2011.《辛亥革命:孙中山、革命志士与新世纪展望国际学术研讨会》,新加坡。


  • International Conference on Sun Yat-Sen, Nanyang and the 1911 Chinese Revolution, Singapore, 25-26 Oct 2010.《孙中山、南洋与辛亥革命国际学术研讨会》,新加坡。


  • The 4th International Conference of Institutes & Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies, Guangzhou, China. 9-11 May 2009.《第四届海外华人研究与文献收藏机构国际会议》,中国广州。
  • 2009 International Conference on Han Yu and Chaozhou, China. 21-23 Sept 2009.《2009中国潮州韩愈国际学术研讨会》,中国潮州。
  • 2009 International Marine Culture Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 15-16 Oct 2009.《2009海洋文化国际学术研讨会》,台湾高雄。
  • The 8th International Conference on Chaozhou Studies, Guangzhou, China. 6-8 Nov 2009.《第八届国际潮学研讨会》,中国广州。


  • The 7th International Conference on Chaozhou Studies, Chaozhou, China. 16-19 Feb 2008.《第七届国际潮学研讨会》,中国潮州。
  • The 2008 International Forum on Teochew Merchant and Business Culture , Beijing, China. 29-31 Oct 2008.《2008国际潮商论坛》,中国北京。
  • The Ee Hoe Hean and the Pioneers of Singapore and Malaya, Singapore. 9 Nov 2008.《新马先贤与怡和轩研讨会》,新加坡。


  • International conference on Wu Zhetian Studies, 2007. Luoyang, China. May 2007. 《2007年国际武则天学术研讨会》,中国洛阳。
  • International Forum on Chaozhou Culture. Penang, Malaysia. 15 Aug 2007.《国际潮人文化论坛》,马来西亚槟城北海。


  • International Conference on Maritime Culture. National Kaohsiung Marine University, Taiwan. 19-20 Oct 2006. 《国际海洋文化研讨会》,台湾高雄。


  • Seminar at Department of History/Centre for Historical Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University Guanzhou City, China. 26 Dec 2005. 中山大学学术演讲,中国广州。
  • The 6th International Conference on Chaozhou Studies, Macau, China. 29 Nov - 2 Dec 2005.《第六届国际潮学研讨会》,澳门。
  • International Conference on Folk Culture and Chinese Society.1 Oct 2005. 《民间文化与华人社会》国际研讨会,新加坡。
  • Public Lecture at South China Research Center, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. 21 Sept 2005. 香港科技大学华南研究中心学术演讲,香港。
  • The 3rd International Conference of Institutes & Libraries for Overseas Studies Maritime Asia and the Chinese Overseas 1405-2005, Singapore.18-20 Aug 2005.《海洋亚洲与海外华人(1405-2005)》第三届海外华人研究与文献收藏机构国际会议,新加坡。


  • International Conference on Teochew Studies, Southern College, Johor, Malaysia. 7 Nov 2004. 《国际潮学会议》,马来西亚柔佛。
  • Seminar on Chinese in Guangdong and Overseas, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commence and Industry, Singapore. 15 Aug 2004. 《同乡与侨乡:广东华人、华侨学术研讨会》,新加坡中华总商会。
  • International Conference on Social Changes in the Tang and Song Period, Kunming, China. 25-28 Jul 2004.《唐宋社会变迁国际研讨会》,中国昆明。


  • Public Lecture at Hanshan College, Chaozhou, China. 30 Dec 2003. 韩山师范学院学术演讲,中国潮州。
  • The 5th International Conference on Chaozhou Studies, Jieyang, China. 8-13 Nov 2003. 《第五届国际潮学研讨会》,中国揭阳。
  • The 6th International Conference on Tang's Culture, Taipei, Taiwan. 7-8 Nov 2003. 《第六届唐代文化国际研讨会》,台湾。


  • International Conference on Overseas Teochew Culture and Society, Singapore. 27-29 Nov 2002. 《海外潮人的移民经验》国际研讨会,新加坡。


  • International Conference on the Culture of Chinese Clan (Teochew), Beijing, China.18-21 Oct 2001. 《潮人社团文化国际研讨会》,中国北京。
  • International Conference on the History of Sui and Tang Dynasty, Qingdao, China. 1-5 Aug 2001.《国际隋唐史学术研究会》,中国青岛。
  • International Conference on the History of Ming?Qing Period, Hong Kong University. 27-29 Apr 2001. 《明清史国际研讨会》,香港。

2000 and before

  • International Conference on Social and Historical Changes in Medieval China, Nankai University, Tianjin City, China. 10- 14 Aug 2000.《中古社会变迁国际学术研讨会》,中国天津。
  • Forum on Inter?Ethnic Understanding for Community Leaders. Singapore, 4 Mar 2000.
  • International Conference on Wu Zetian, Xianyang, China.17-20 Oct 1999. 《1999年国际武则天学术研讨会》,中国咸阳。
  • The 98' International Symposium on Tang Culture of Famen Temple, Xi'an, China. 19-23 Nov 1998.《’98法门寺唐文化国际会议》,中国西安。
  • International Conference on Wu Zetian (624-705 AD), Taiyuan, China. 20-24 Sep 1997.《1997年国际武则天学术研讨会》,中国太原。
  • International Academic Symposium on the History of Tang Dynasty, Wuhan University, China. 12-17 Sep 1995. 《中国唐史学会年会暨国际唐史学术研讨会》,中国武汉。

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