FASS Staff Profile


AS8, #05-42
(65) 6516 3911
(65) 6779 4167

Education - 我的战战兢兢
2006 Ph.D., Columbia University
2004 M.Phil., Columbia University
2002 M.A., National University of Singapore
1999 B.A.(Hons., First Class), National University of Singapore

我的放浪年华:1991-1992,淡马锡初级学院 - 传薪阁


我的孟母三迁Jurong Town Pri (殁) - Ang Mo Kio Pri (校歌已改) - 育民小学(物是人非)

Awards - 我的小时了了
2001 - 2006, Overseas Graduate Scholarship, National University of Singapore
2005, Weatherhead Ph.D. Training Grant, Columbia University WEAI
1999, Tan Kah Kee Gold Medal
1998, Tong Kit Hing Memorial Medal
1997 - 1998, Special Book Prize in Chinese Language
1996 - 1997, Special Book Prize in Chinese Studies
1996 - 1998, Dean's List 



Introduction to Chinese Studies 漢學導論

General History of China 中國通史

Chinese Tradition

Chinese Cultural History 中國文化史

Confucian Thought 儒家思想專題 (宋明理學)

Chinese Local History 中國地方史



Ming-Qing Intellectual History 明清思想史

Local History of Ming North China 明代北方地域研究

Chinese Kinship Organizations 宗族組織研究

State-Society Relation in Late Imperial China 帝國晚期的國家與社會關系研究

Neo-Confucianism 宋明理學


  • (与王昌伟合著)《新加坡南洋孔教會百年史》,新加坡:南洋孔教會,2014。
  • A Northern Alternative: Xue Xuan (1389-1464) and the Hedong School. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2011.



  • 〈“清溪李氏家世學派”和李氏家學的建構〉,《東方文化》50.1(2018):51-71。
  • 〈吳與弼的宗族觀念〉,《明代研究》27(2016):123-157。
  • "Claiming Authority in Lineage Leadership - A Fujian Case Study". Ming Qing Studies, (2014): 63-82.
  • 〈孔教是一种什么宗教? 实得力孔教会的自我认识〉(Is the Kongjiao a Religion? The Self-Identity of the Straits Confucian Association),《南洋学报》Journal of the South Seas Society 68(2014):119-134。
  • (With Ong Chang Woei), “Gods and/or Ancestors: Practicing Lineage in Contemporary Singapore,” Journal of Chinese Overseas 10 (2014): 3-32.
  • “The Hedong School: Regional and Translocal Intellectual Network,” Ming Qing Studies (2010): 117-56.
  • (With Peter Ditmanson, and Ong Chang Woei), “Translocal Dynamics in Late Imperial China: An Introductory Essay,” Ming Qing Studies (2010): 17 – 28.
  • 〈國家政治目的和理學家教育理想在官學和科舉的結合——以薛瑄思想為例〉(The Convergence of State’s Political Objectives and Neo-Confucian’s Educational Vision in Government Schools and the Civil Examinations - A Case Study of Xue Xuan),《漢學研究》Chinese Studies 27.1 (2009.3): 87-112。
  •  “Enshrining the first Ming Confucian.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 67.2 (Dec., 2007): 327-74.
  • "Jinhua's Leading Neo-Confucian in a Period of Transition - Understanding Zhang Mao 章懋." Ming Qing yanjiu (2007): 1-29. 
  • 〈定義我朝真儒:薛瑄從祀孔廟始末與明代思想史的几个侧面〉(The definition of our dynasty’s True Confucian: The process of enshrining Xue Xuan in the Temple to Confucius and some aspects of Ming intellectual history),《香港中文大學中國文化研究所學報》The Journal of Chinese Studies 47(2007): 93-114。 

  • 〈薛瑄的“道統觀”和“復性論”〉(Xue Xuan's Views on "Transmission of the Way" and "Restoring Nature"), 《明清史集刊》Bulletin of Ming-Qing Studies 9 (2007): 49-61。
  • 〈为昭代真儒辩护:明朝人讨论薛瑄从祀问题的一个重要侧面〉(Defending the True Confucian of our august dynasty: an important aspect in the discussion of Xue Xuen’s enshrinement by Ming Confucians),《晋阳学刊》Jinyang xuekan,(2007.4): 32-34。

  • (与李焯然等)〈傳統的開展與再生:溝口雄三的中國近代社會觀評析〉(The rebirth and transformation of tradition: An appraisal of Y.Mizoguchi's views on modern Chinese history and society),《明清史集刊》Bulletin of Ming-Qing Studies,7 (2004): 261-82。


  • (与王昌伟合编)《初涉闽南——地方史视野下的闽南历史与文化》,新加坡:城市书房,2018。


  • 〈明代思想史研究的新視野〉[New Perspective in the Study of Ming Intellectual History],in復旦大學文史研究院編《中國思想文化史研究的新視野》(北京:中華書局,2015),頁24-35。
  • 〈理學家的思想與家族實踐:李光地與安溪湖头李氏家族〉,吕妙芬主編《近世中國的儒學與書籍:家庭、宗教、物質的網絡》(臺北:中央研究院,2013),頁131-164。
  • (與王昌偉合著),〈清代福建水師與閩南地區的玄天上帝信仰〉,吳松弟等編,《走入歷史的深處 -- 中國東南地域文化國際學術研討會論文集》(上海:上海人民出版社,2011),頁498-507。
  • 〈事大至誠 - 從十六世紀末“昭雪國疑”和“壬辰請援”看朝鮮李朝政治核心對中國的想像和期許〉(Serve the Mighty with Upmost Sincerity – Understanding the Choson Yi Dynasty's Imagination and Expectation of China during the late Sixteenth Century through Studying “Clarifying the Nation’s Origin” and “Request for Aid during the Imjin War”),復旦大學文史研究院編《從周邊看中國》Cong zhoubian kan Zhongguo (北京:中華書局,2009),頁337-45。
  • 〈從宗譜世系圖與行序探討宗族實力 – 以洪洞蘇堡劉氏為例〉(Studying the Strength of a Lineage through the Generation Charts and Indicators in a Genealogy – A Case Study of the Subao Lius from Hongtong),《譜牒學論叢》Studies on Genealogy 第三輯(太原:三晉出版社,2008),pp. 141-52。
  • 〈論山西洪洞蘇堡劉氏從清初到民國時期的六次修譜〉(Reediting the Liu Genealogy of Shanxi Hongtong Subao six times from the early Qing to the Republican period), 《谱牒学论丛》Studies on Genealogy 第二輯 (太原:山西古籍出版社,2007),pp. 122-34。
  • 〈探索思想史的新方法,讀<晚明思想中的‘行’: 呂坤和其他士大夫的重新定向>〉(In Search of New Methodology for Intellectual History: Reading Action in Late Ming Thought), 李弘祺編《中國教育史英文著作評介》Introduction and Review of English Works on Chinese Educational History (臺北Taibei: 臺大出版中心National University of Taiwan Press, 2005), pp. 337-58。
  • 〈清代教育和大眾識字 - 二十年後讀Evelyn S. Rawski之著作〉(Qing Education and Popular Literacy: Reading Evelyn S. Rawski’s Work after Two Decades), 李弘祺編《中國教育史英文著作評介》Introduction and Review of English Works on Chinese Educational History (臺北Taibei: 臺大出版中心National University of Taiwan Press, 2005), pp. 297-317。
  •  (与陳寶良合著) 〈國大中文系師生二十年來的史學研究〉(Historical Researches by Professors and Students of the Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, for the Past Two Decades),王潤華主編《新馬漢學研究》 Sinology of Singapore and Malaysia (新加坡 Singapore: 新加坡國立大學中文系 Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, 2002), pp. 115-39.


  • (與王昌偉合著)〈評包弼德《歷史上的理學》- 兼論北美學界近五十年的宋明理學研究〉,《新史學》21.2 (6.2010): 221-40。


  • A Review on Yonghua Liu, "Confucian Rituals and Chinese Villagers: Ritual Change and Social Transformation in a Southeastern Chinese Community, 1368–1949". Asian Studies Review 39.3 (2015): 521-2.
  • A review on John Dardess, Ming China 1368-1644: A Concise History of a Resilient Empire, China Review International 19.1 (2013): 61-64.
  • A review on Hugh R. Clark, Portrait of a community: society, culture, and the structures of kinship in the Mulan River Valley (Fujian) from the late Tang through the Song,《漢學研究》26.1 (2008.3): 281-7.
  • 〈談卜正民“享樂的困惑—明代的商業與文化”〉(Book Review) Timothy Brook’s The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China, 李焯然主編《漢學縱橫》Excursions in Sinology (香港 Hong Kong: 商務印書館 Commercial Press, 2002), pp. 300-11.


  • “理學研究與地方史:以李光地與安溪湖頭李氏家族史為例”,新加坡國立大學中文系主辦《清代理學國際研討會》,2012年10月29-30日。
  • “重探李光地研究的視野”,北京大學高等人文學院主辦《明清之際的思想世界》國際學術研討會,2011年11月27-28日,北京。
  • “禮以義起 -- 以薛瑄(1389-1464)研究為例討論思想史研究的發展”,新加坡國立大學中文系、復旦大學文史研究院主辦《中國思想文化史研究的新視野》國際學術研討會,2010年12月6-7日,浙江富陽。
  • (與王昌偉合著)“清代福建水師與閩南地區玄天上帝信仰”,浙江省社會科學聯合會、復旦大學長三角研究院、哈佛大學東亞系等主辦《中國東南地區文化》國際學術研討會,2009年11月6-8日,溫州。
  • “Different Players in Water Control – A Case Study of Hongtong, Shanxi.” Paper presented at Sixth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 6), Aug., 2009, Daejeon, Korea.
  • “The Hedong School: Two Models of Translocal Intellectual Network.” Paper presented at the international conference on “Translocal and Transregional Dynamics in Chinese History, 960-1911,” NUS, Singapore, 2008.5.12-14.
  • 〈事大至诚 -- 从十六世纪末“昭雪国疑”和“壬辰请援”看朝鲜李朝政治核心对中国的想象和期许〉(Serve the Mighty with Upmost Sincerity – Understanding the Choson Yi Dynasty's Imagination and Expectation of China during the late Sixteenth Century through Studying “Clarifying the Nation’s Origin” and “Request for Aid during the Imjin War”),《“从周边看中国”国际学术研讨会》(International Conference on Viewing China from Bordering Countries),复旦大学 (Shanghai: Fudan University),2007.12.17-19。

  • "Anger Management: The Case of Xue Xuan (1389-1464)." Paper presented at Fifth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 5), Malaysia - KL, 2007.8.2-5.
  • "A Review of Western Scholarship in the Field of Ming Intellectual History since 1970." Paper presented at “International Symposium on Ming-Qing Studies: Examinations of Current Progress and Reflections on Methodology,” organized by the Centre for Research in Chinese Studies and the Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, 27/7/2000 - 29/7/2000.
  • “An Idealist, A Recluse, a Deserter? The Life of Zhang Mao.” Paper presented at Third International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 3), Singapore, 2003.8.19-22.


  • East of the River and Beyond: A Study of Xue Xuan (薛瑄,1389-1464) and the Hedong School. Ph.D. Dissertation, Columbia University, 2006.
  • 《近五十年北美地區明代思想史研究之回顧》 A Review of North American Scholarship in the Field of Ming Intellectual History for the last Five Decades. 新加坡國立大學中文系碩士學位論文, M.A. Thesis, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS, 2002.




“The Northern Variant in the Study of Ming Neo-Confucianism” 明代理學研究中的北方元素. International Lectures on Humanities 人文國際講壇 81. Xiamen University 廈門大學, China, May 9, 2011.

“The Issue of North-South China under the Perspective of Chinese Local History” 中國地方史視野下的南北問題. Zhangzhou Normal College 漳州師院, China, December 10, 2009.


公開演講:"寬容與合法: 中國文化中的男色"。新加坡國立大學中文系主辦《中國風采》系列,亞洲文明博物館,2008年7月5日。

Discussant. "Ming China, the Imjin Waeran and the Dynamics of Peace and War in East Asia 1550-1600." Columbia University, April 2 2004. (Korean Regional Seminar)

Discussant. "Intellectual History in Ming China and Chosôn Korea." Columbia University, Feb. 7 2004. (Graduate Student Conference on East Asia)

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